French: Oysters Three Ways

Recipe by Paul Young <>

(serves 4)



  1. Preheat oven for broiling
  2. Open the oysters (see video)
  3. Free the oysters from bottom shell
  4. Saute asparagus in 3 tablespoons olive oil, season with a little salt, add lemon juice; set aside
  5. For the green oysters: Combine the thyme, parsley, breadcrumbs, butter and 1 tablespoon olive oil in the blender to make a green mixture, adding a little salt; spoon green mixture on top of 4 oysters
  6. For the oyster gratin: mix the egg yolk with the sour cream and cheese, adding a little salt; spoon breadcrumb mixture on top of 4 oysters
  7. For the oysters with vinaigrette: pass the liquor from the opened oysters through a fine sieve into a bowl
  8. Add shallots, white wine, vinegar, olive oil, pepper, salt, sugar; mix well, then spoon vinaigrette on top of 4 oysters
  9. Place the green oysters and oyster gratin on a tray and broil for a few minutes
  10. To serve: Arrange asparagus on bottom of plate, then carefully transfer oysters on top of the asparagus; serve immediately

Optional: You can make a granite (shaved ice) with the vinaigrette dressing mixture and serve it as a side. Simply freeze the dressing for about 3 hours, but scrape it with a fork every hour or so until fully frozen