File:Orchard of Homerton

Orchard Park Committee.

Minutes for June 6, 2016 at 7:30 in New Britain Borough Admin Office

Next Meeting at Orchard Park June 15 at 5:00pm

Attending:  Jo Schuler, Tess LaMontagne, Derek MacMillan, Andrea Antell

Absent: Tom Price

Visitors: Sam Bryant, Kim Moyer, Lynn Worsfold

We are in need of TWO members.  Contact the office (; 215-348-4586) if you are interested.

Committee Organization:

Agenda for meeting:

  1. Organization/Administration Items
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Action Items

Minutes for Tonight’s Meeting:

  1. Organization / Administration Items
  1. Appointment Advisory Board
  1. Derek and Jo reported on the request at the last AAC meeting that each Committee provides traits they wish to see in possible members.  After discussion, the Committee suggested:
  1. Borough Resident
  2. Read and Agree with the Mission Statement
  3. Ability to participate in meetings and special events
  1. Current Vacancies
  1. It was determined that the Committee has two vacancies which have been advertised, but no applications have been received.  Members will try to find people to apply.  Until that time, Sam agreed to serve as Interim Secretary.
  1. Strategic Plan
  1. Once Borough Council approves the Park Committee Ordinance, they can then approve the Strategic Plan at their June meeting.
  1. PECO Grant Closeout
  1. The Committee approved the closeout report prepared by Tess and Kim.  Sam will submit it to PECO.  A sign acknowledging PECO will go in the Orchard Park kiosk.
  1. New Grant- 2017 TreeVitalize
  1. Tess made a drawing and provided pictures to explain her plans to leverage the existing $2,500 allocated for screening trees to also purchase trees and shrubs for Orchard Park, at no additional cost to the Borough.  As the grant application is due in September, members did not need to make a decision tonight, but a specific plant list and planting location will need to be provided.
  1. Old Business
  1. Proposed Fencing for Worsfold Property
  1. Lynn met with Sam earlier that day to discuss the fence rails.  She has received a fence permit from Doylestown Township and soon will have Action Fence put fencing on the side of her property facing Keeley Ave and parallel to Keeley Ave at the back of her house.  She also noted the Township had informed her about plans to work with the former property owner to install bike trail along that section of Keeley Ave.
  1. Water line install to garden
  1. Sam noted that the Borough is still awaiting DEP review of the walkway and water line permits.  DEP is approaching the end of its 90 day review period, at which point the permit would be automatically approved.  Discussion with the DEP Local Gov Rep found that they requested more information in March, but the Borough nor DEP has any record of this.  The Borough Engineer will verify when the 90 day period has passed and will follow up with DEP for the permit.
  1. Garden Update
  1. Andrea noted all is mostly well at the garden, other than a critter that likes to eat peas.  Supplemental fencing will likely be installed.  Sam was asked about the status of having the rock/junk pile removed.  When he presented the quote from Gilbert, the Committee felt it was too high and members will solicit additional quotes.
  1. Bridge Update
  1. Addressed when discussing the water line.
  1. Information Center (Information Officer)
  1. Andrea Antell volunteered to be the information officer.  It was suggested she put the park rules, peco sign, beehive info, general information about the park and information about the community garden in the kiosk.
  1. New Business
  1. Removal of Dead Tree and Grass Cutting Infringement
  1. A dead apple tree fell onto the Worsfold property and Orchard Park property.  Andrea moved the portion on the Worsfold property, but it is still on Orchard Park.  Sam will have the Borough Roadmaster remove.  Lynn also noticed that the Borough contractor responsible for mowing cut a zig zag pattern into her lawn.  Sam said he would investigate and chastise the contractor.
  1. Bee Hives Maintenance
  1. Derek noted there are now six boxes of bees.  While the Borough has a Del Val professor tending them, Borough Council Member Jeff Gilmore is taking the professor’s beekeeping course this summer.  Once Jeff completes the course, he will register as the beekeeper for these hives.
  1. Revisions to Ordinance
  1. Sam noted the Ordinance Revisions had been approved for advertisement at the last Council meeting, and will be voted on for approval at the meeting next week.
  1. Budget for 3 Year Financial Plan
  1. Derek mentioned he had a meeting with Jeff Gilmore this week, as the Financial Advisory Committee is working on a Borough Strategic Plan, and needs estimated costs and needs from each Committee.  Tess volunteered to be the Committee Treasurer and to work on developing these figures.
  1. Action Items
  1. Silt Fence Removal
  1. Tess noted that the silt fence should be removed this week.
  1. Fall Tree Planting
  1. It was suggested that members of the Committee inspect the types of trees found in the Nature Preserve for possible choices at Orchard Park.  Due to the discussion required for fall planting and the TreeVitalize grant, it was suggested the Committee meet at Orchard Park.  It was agreed to meet at 5PM on Wednesday, June 15th.

Derek thanked Kim Moyer for her work with the Committee.  The meeting was then adjourned at 8:52PM.