Theory of Mind


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Keywords in search: mind, brain, and education;  brain;  self to other;  theory of mind;  theory of mind neural correlates;  self and other neural correlates;  neural processing;  mental processing;  seeing thinking;  perceiving the other;  how brains understanding each other;  perception of intention;  experience;  visualizing the other;  social cognition;  emotion and social contagion;  environment to theory of mind;  theory of mind test;  exogenous attention;  uniquely human?;  children;  adults;  attention networks;  understanding the other;  predicting other’s actions;  social and self-perception

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Arioli, M., & Canessa, N. (2019). Neural processing of social interaction: Coordinate‐based meta‐analytic evidence from human neuroimaging studies. Human Brain Mapping, 40(13), 3712-3737.

Ball, C. L., Smetana, J. G., & Sturge‐Apple, M. L. (2017). Following my head and my heart: Integrating preschoolers' empathy, theory of mind, and moral judgments. Child Development, 88(2), 597-611. 

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