Elementalist: Advanced Class


Built upon the Sourcerer’s seeking of ever more obscure elements with which to manipulate through their Eldritch Source, the Elementalist is the culmination of years spent seeking and refining their Eldritch Source. Now, twisting the Source to ever more specific uses, more niche sources of power, and more refined applications, the Sourcerer now finds themselves able to use the more common Sources in surprising new ways.

Where once Flame was simply an unwieldy destructive force, it can now be applied to specific points on the opponents body, stripping armor plate by plate, or causing the foe to drop a scalding blade. Ice now forces the opposition to be wary of their steps, lest they fall to their knees. Likewise, the storms above provide interesting new applications, as do the stones and their caustic cousins.


Class Progression Table

Class Level


Spell Known

Spell Preparations

Spell Slots

Class Bonuses






Source Flexibility






Elemental Wellspring






Elemental Flow






Elemental Expressions






Fury of the Source

Base Incant

 “I call upon the Weave Arcane, its boundless power, my domain,

With Echoes bound through wielded Source, I conjure bursts of Arcane force,

By my hand, my will sublime, I cleave the winding streams of Time,

With strength unleashed, unfettered soul, Fate is mine now to control…”


The Elementalist is an Arcane caster and Spell slots granted by this class are Arcane Spell Slots.

Elementalist Innate Powers

Source Flexibility [Innate]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The first lesson that an Elementalist learns is how to quickly choose between their options. They may freely switch between attuned sources without focus or effort, but only as long as those sources are for the fundamental elements (Acid, Flame, Lightning, and Ice).

Whenever the Elementalist casts a Spell with an Accent, if it matches the Accent of the source they are using they may expend a Spike to add one to the damage of that Spell.

Elemental Wellspring [Innate]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

When casting a Spell with the Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning Accents, the Elementalist can slowly accumulate power - siphoning off small errant charges of energy from each of the Spells they cast during combat. While normally an admixture of these elements would cancel each other out, the elementalist is able, through consistent casting of the same or related elements, to build up Spells of devastating effect.

Whenever the Elementalist casts a Spell with one of these four accents, they should make note of the tier of Spell they cast: Novice Spells count as one, Adept as two, and Greater as three. That amount of charges is added to the Elemental Well. These charges can be used in any of the following ways:

When casting Elementalist Spells, there are several marked with [Wellspring] that will contribute to this growing well of elemental power. Each Spell adds to this Elemental Well differently, and it is up to the caster to appropriately keep track of their Well.

Finally, the Well may not contain more charges than the Elementalist’s character level at any one time. Charges gained beyond this value are lost.

Elemental Flow [Innate]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The elements continue to flow more freely for the Elementalist. Select a fundamental element [Acid, Flame, Lightning, or Ice]. Add +1 Damage to all Spell-Ball delivered attacks with that Accent.

Elemental Expressions [Innate]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Wellspring pool of the Elementalist becomes more flexible, letting the elementalist charge Spell-Balls with additional effects for two points of Wellspring each.

Fury of the Source [Innate]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

A practiced Elementalist can take magic that has already been cast upon their person, and bend it to their ends. By voluntarily ending a beneficial Grant or Imbue effect already affecting the caster, the Elementalist can charge an additional Spell-Ball of a Spell that uses one of the fundamental element accents. This immediately empties the Elementalist’s Wellspring pool, and may only be used if the Wellspring Pool has 5 or more points.

Elementalist Class Skills

Elemental Source - 3 CP [Class]

Requirements: Elementalist Level 1

Incantation: RP, Short Rest to Create

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Permanent

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Elementalist has mastered the arts of Source manipulation such that they may have an additional Eldritch Source bound.

After finishing a Short Rest linked to an object, the Elementalist may designate a new item to become their Source in addition to their first. You must choose one of the following accents: Acid, Lighting, Flame or Ice.

Elemental Endurance - 3 CP (3) [Class]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Resist, Special

The Elementalist focuses upon one of their sources, inuring themselves to the powers of an element.

Air - The character is unaffected by high winds, including natural tornadoes and the like. The character is unaffected by natural lightning strikes and can see normally through clouds and the dust caused by weather. The character may Counter a Lightning accent once per Event.  Additionally the character becomes Resistant to falling damage from most distances (unless it is “final”).

Fire - The character takes no damage from mundane fire or heat, and can breathe and normally in smoky environments. The character may Counter a Flame accent once per Event.

Earth - The character can pass through some rock and stone (the player can move through earth/stone walls where it is possible, as if Slowed).  The character may Counter an Acid accent once per Event.

Water - The character can walk normally on icy surfaces and can breathe normally underwater. The character will suffer no ill effects from being in deep water and can see normally underwater. The character may Counter an Ice accent once per Event.

Trigger Versatility - 1 CP [Class] (8)

Requirement: Elementalist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The elementalist can see some shade of the elements in places that one might not expect to look. For the purposes of powers that look for specific accents, the Elementalist can use different Eldritch accents to trigger those powers. This includes the Elementalists Wellspring pool.

This skill may be purchased multiple times, each time allowing the Elementalist to choose from the substitution list below.

Eldritch Accent

Triggered Accent

















Elemental Symbology - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Source

The Elementalist finds power through the elements themselves, and not just the sources common to Sourcerers. If the Elementalist has a significant source of an appropriate element available - a torch for flame, a waterskin for ice, and so on - they may substitute that for the appropriate Eldritch source. Note that this does require an object that could be held in hand - the air surrounding the Elementalist does not suffice for a Lightning Source, for example.

Extended Capacity: Elementalist Novice - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Elementalist Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Elementalist gains the Extended Capacity: Elementalist Novice skill.  This is treated exactly as Extended Capacity: Novice, however may only be used for Elementalist Novice Spells and does not count for the normal limit of Extended Capacity: Novice of 3.

Elementalist Cantrips

Incantation: “I call…

Cryotherapy [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... upon the Rime to cleanse your ails in a freezing bath.”

Call: “Cure [Condition] and Short Drain by Ice”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous, Short

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Ice                                        Effect: Cure, Drain

The practice of a freezing cold bath to rinse away what ails a person is taken to an extreme by the elementalist, blasting away troubles at the expense of leaving the cured individual a shivering, drained mess. If the target accepts the cure, they also accept the drain - the drain could also be targeted and cured by this Spell, but would result in the target being further drained (and likely grumpy at the repeated ice bath).

Ebb and Tide [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... forth the flowing tides of power.”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                         Effect: Special

The Elementalist is able to twist the weave to their needs when pressed. By spending 1 point from Wellspring, the caster is able to activate the optional powers of other Spells. On their next Spell cast, the caster’s Spell acts as though the caster expended a Spike.

Flare [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... the flame to turn your trinkets into burning embers.”

Call: “Disarm [item] by Flame”, “[Name or Description] 1 Flame”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet), Verbal                Refresh: Quick 100

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Disarm, Damage

This cantrip causes an item held by the target to flare with scorching heat, causing them to drop it. The caster may target any held item with this Spell, encouraging the target to drop the item.

If the target does not drop the held item for any reason, the caster may channel further heat into the item to damage the target by calling “[Name or Description] 1 Flame” once per casting of the Cantrip.

Galvanize [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... the lightning to reinvigorate the dying.”

Call: “Stabilize by Lightning”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: Lightning                                Effect: Stabilize

The target of this Spell is struck with a substantial shock of lighting, forcing the spirit to remain until disturbed. This causes a creature who has dropped to zero Life Points to become stabilized thus stopping their death-count.

Note: In all ways except for the death-count, the creature is treated as if Dying. A stabilized creature may choose to Heal one Life Point after completing her next Short Rest (which she can do while stabilized). If they take damage, their death-count re-commences.

Imbue Weapon [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... the elements to bathe this weapon in [Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning].”

Call: “Short Grant [Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning].”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Acid, Flame, Ice, or Lightning                Effect: Grant Accent

While the Elementalist themselves might not be a profound swordsman, they know the value of mundane weapons and can grant those weapons elemental energy to better assist in a fight. The Elementalist grants themselves the ability to swing for a selected elemental accent until their next short rest.  The Elementalist may only have a single Grant from this at a time, if they gain another Short Grant <Accent> from this Cantrip it replaces the previous one.

Neutralize [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... chemical concoctions to protect your humors.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs Poison and Acid”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Until Used

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protection

The chemicals of the earth can be harnessed to counteract other, more dangerous substances - neutralizing the worst of the effects before they can take hold. This Spell gives the caster a single Protect vs Poison and Acid.

Elementalist Novice Spells

Incantation: I call upon the Weave Arcane, its boundless power, my domain…

Blacksmith’s Touch [Novice]

Incantation: "... to beckon the forge’s flames to my service.”

Call: “Shatter [Item] by Flame” “Mend 5 Armor and Piercing 1 by Flame”

Target: Held Item, Individual, Armor                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Shatter, Mend

When this Spell is cast, the Elementalist creates a charge to either Harm or Mend.

If Harm is selected, a Shatter effect is created. The Elementalist may Shatter an item they are holding, reducing it to slag. In some circumstances with a marshal present, the shatter effect may be used on other unattended objects that the Elementalist can interact with.

If Mend is selected, it creates a powerful mending effect, with the unfortunate side effect of heating the armor enough to harm the individual wearing it (if worn).

If this Spell is cast using an Adept Spell-slot, two charges are created. If this Spell is cast using a Greater Spell-slot, four charges are created.  If the Elementalist has selected Flame as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using a Flame Source, charge one additional charge over the amounts above.

Elemental Lance [Novice]

Incantation: "... to launch a lance of [Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning].”

Call: “Wounding 3 by [Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Acid, Flame, Ice, or Lightning                Effect: Wounding

When this Spell is cast, Elemental Lance charges a Spell-Ball with Wounding 3 by [Elemental Accent]. If this Spell is cast with an Adept Spell slot, three Spell-Balls are charged.  If the Elementalist has selected Lightning as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using a Lightning Source, and the Spell-Ball or Balls created by this would cause the Elementalist to gain barrier for any reason, increase the barrier gained by 2.

Frozen Armor [Novice]

Incantation: "... to conjure plates of frost.”

Call: “Grant 3 Barrier by Ice” ““Grant 5 Barrier by Ice”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Ice                                        Effect: Grant Barrier

The Elementalist can freeze ambient water vapor into sheets of deflective ice around themselves or another target. The call for this is “Grant 3 Barrier by Ice.”

If the Elementalist has selected Ice as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using an Ice Source, this Grants Five Barrier instead.

Puff of Pain [Novice]

Incantation: "... to waft painful acid in the air.”

Call: “Short Imbue Acid Puff to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Acid                                        Effect: Imbue Acid Puff

Aerosolized acid can be used to encourage foes to stay back. Once cast, the Elementalist gains the Acid Puff ability until their next Short Rest.  If the Elementalist has selected Acid as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using an Acid Source, this has a duration of Long Rest instead of Short Rest.

Acid Puff

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] 1 by Acid"

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Acid                                         Effect: None

Each time the caster lands a Cantrip or Spell with a Packet delivery and the Acid Accent on a conscious foe and the target doesn’t Prevent it, the caster may call “[Name or Description] 1 by Acid" against that same target a single time.  This call should be made relatively soon (within a Slow 60 approximately) after landing the Packet and cannot be “stacked” together with other Packets that hit.

Elementalist Adept Spells


 “I call upon the Weave Arcane, its boundless power, my domain,

With Echoes bound through wielded Source, I conjure bursts of Arcane force…”

Aurora Veil [Adept] [Wellspring]

Incantation: "... to evoke the glittering auroras to dance around my form.”

Call: “Short Grant X Barrier”, “[Name or Description], X Lightning”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None, Verbal                                Refresh: Spell

Accent: None, Lightning                                Effect: Grant Barrier, Damage

The caster surrounds themselves in an electrically charged aurora that deflects harm and might hurt those that touch the caster. Upon casting this Spell, the caster immediately gains barrier equal to their Wellspring total.

While the caster has barrier from this Spell, whenever the caster is hit by a melee attack, they may expend points from Wellspring to immediately call “[Name or Description], [X] Lightning,” where X is the expended points.

Arcing Plasma [Adept] [Wellspring]

Incantation: "... to evoke the energetic elements to dance the battlefield.”

Call: None, “Wounding [X] by [Flame or Lightning]”

Target: Self, Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: None, Packet (Spell-Ball)                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame, Lightning                        Effect: Imbue; Damage

An Elementalist who studies the aspects of Flame and Lightning finds that they share a common bond - both elements are full of a fundamental elemental excitement, brimming with motion and vigor.

After casting at least one Spell each of Flame and Lightning Accent, they may discharge their Elemental Wellspring pool to charge a Spell Ball with twice the total points expended from the Wellspring pool, instead of the normal per- point conversion.

Caustic Shards [Adept] [Wellspring]

Incantation: "... to evoke frozen acid to visit enduring pain upon those my elements touch.”

Call: “[Name or Description] 1 [Ice / Acid]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell, Focus Quick 30

Accent: Ice, Acid                                Effect: Damage

An Elementalist who studies the forces of Ice and Acid learns that these elements are perhaps the most enduring elements - and that endurance can be wielded to drive bitter shards into any who have been impacted by their power.

Whenever the Elementalist hits a target with a Spell that uses either the Acid or Ice accent, the Elementalist may plant their right foot; they may then Focus for a Quick 30 and call “[Name or Description] 1 [Ice / Acid]” against the target they just hit. This damage cannot be modified in any way. Each time the Elementalist calls this damage, they may add one to their Wellspring pool.

They may continue to Focus and call these Verbal attacks against that target until the Elementalist casts another Spell, becomes Helpless, moves their right foot, or completes a Short Rest.

Elemental Bolts [Adept]

Incantation: "...to evoke bolts of [Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning].”

Call: “Wounding 4 by [Acid / Flame / Ice / Lightning]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Acid, Flame, Ice, or Lightning                Effect: Wounding

When this Spell is cast, it will charge three Spell-Balls at the same time with elemental power. The Spell-Balls must be thrown separately. Each of the Spell-Balls need not be charged with the same element.

Pyroclasm [Adept] [Wellspring]

Incantation: "... to evoke a boiling cloud of ash to descend upon the field.”

Call: “Short Imbue Cloud of Pyroclasm,” Explanation

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame, Acid                                Effect: Imbue

Calling upon volcanic elemental forces, the Elementalist surrounds themselves or another with a Cloud of Pyroclasm until their next Short Rest. The Cloud of Pyroclasm has charges equal to the Elementalist’s Wellspring pool at time of casting. Upon imbuing this Power, the Elementalist should explain to the target what it does, if necessary.

Cloud of Pyroclasm

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Quick Disable [Limb] by [Flame / Acid]"

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: None

Accent: Flame or Acid                                 Effect: Disable

When the person imbued with Cloud of Pyroclasm is struck, they may expend a charge to retaliate once. When struck with a weapon attack, they may retaliate with a Disable, targeting the limb or limbs holding the weapon that struck them.

Scything Sands [Adept] [Wellspring]

Incantation: "... to evoke charged grit, carried in wind, to batter this place.”

Call: “Short Imbue the Scouring”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Lightning, Acid                                Effect: Imbue

The Elementalist creates a dust devil around themselves, that as they cast elementally aligned Spells gathers in force. The Elementalist imbues themselves with the Scouring, which can be used to expend Wellspring charges for different effects:

The Scouring

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Slow by [Acid / Lightning]”, “Short Repel by [Acid / Lightning]”, “Short Bind by [Acid / Lightning]”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous, Quick

Delivery: Packet                                 Refresh: Instantaneous

Accent: Acid or Lightning                         Effect: Repel, Slow, Bind

While the Elementalist is gathering Wellspring charges, they may use this power to expend those charges. The Elementalist can generate the following effects, at the listed cost of Wellspring charges:

  • 1 Charge: Short Slow by [Acid / Lightning]
  • 2 Charges: Short Repel by [Acid / Lightning]
  • 3 Charges: Short Bind by [Acid / Lightning]

Elementalist Greater Spells


 “I call upon the Weave Arcane, its boundless power, my domain,

With Echoes bound through wielded Source, I conjure bursts of Arcane force,

By my hand, my will sublime, I cleave the winding streams of Time…”

Bitterwasp’s Torment [Greater]

Incantation: "... to torment you with Bitterwasp’s caress.”

Call: “Drain by Acid”, “[Name or Description], Piercing 1 by Acid”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball), Verbal                Refresh: Spell, Focus Quick 30

Accent: Acid                                        Effect: Drain, Piercing

The Elementalist can embody the power of Bitterwasp, creating everburning acid that disables and eventually melts their victims. When the Elementalist first casts this power, they charge a Spell Ball with “Drain by Acid.”   If the Elementalist has selected Acid as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using an Acid Source, the caster may spend a spike and this Spell instead charges two Spell Balls.

If the initial Call of “Drain by Acid” isn’t Prevented, the Elementalist may plant their right foot; they may then Focus for a Quick 30 to call “[Name or Description], Piercing 1 by Acid” against the target or targets inflicted with the drain effect. They may continue to Focus and call these Verbal attacks against that target until the Elementalist casts another Spell, becomes helpless, moves their right foot, or completes a Short Rest.

Cinderwraith’s Arrow [Greater]

Incantation: "...to call forth an arrow of Cinderwraith’s rage.”

Call: “Wounding 15 by Flame”, “[Name or Description] Piercing 5 by Flame”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball), Verbal                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Wounding, Piercing

Cinderwraith’s Arrow calls upon a fraction of the power of the primal elemental themself, creating a mighty bolt of flame calling “Wounding 15 by Flame”.  If the Elementalist has selected Flame as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using a Flame Source, and the attack is Prevented, the caster may expend a Spike and call “[Name or Description] Piercing 5 by Flame” against the original target.

Dominate Element [Greater]

Incantation: "... to subjugate this entity of [Element].”

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern by Will: Do you have immunity or selective immunity to [Element]?”, “[Name or Description] Short Dominate by Will.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Discern, Dominate

The Elementalist’s command of the elements can allow them to find a creature imbued with sufficient amounts of that element, and then crush their will to their own ends.

When the Elementalist casts this Spell, they pick a target and use the call: “[Name or Description] Discern by Will: Do you have Immunity or Selective Immunity to [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning]?” If the target answers in the affirmative, the Elementalist may then target that foe with “[Name or Description], Short Dominate by Will.”

Note: If the target does not have immunity or selective immunity, the Spell is expended but may be refreshed at the next Short Rest.

Entropic Wheel [Greater] [Wellspring]

Incantation: "... to evoke the Entropic Wheel: fire and ice as one and the same.”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special, see text

Elementalists who study the duality between Flame and Ice frequently come to a startling conclusion: Flame and Ice are representations of the same element, merely in “Presence” or “Absence.” By embracing this duality, the Elementalist can gather strength for one element using the other.

For the duration of this Spell, whenever the Elementalist casts a Flame or Ice accented Spell (not cantrip) they turn the Entropic Wheel to “Flame” or “Ice.” Whenever the Wheel changes, it adds an additional charge to the Elementalist’s Wellspring.  If the Elementalist has selected Flame or Ice as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using a Flame or Ice Source, this Spell has a duration of “Long Rest” instead of “Short Rest”.

In addition, the Elementalist may end this Spell early to refresh a Novice or Adept Spell Slot.

Flare of Elements [Greater]

Incantation: "... upon the planes of the Tempest, above and below, grant me power to destroy my foes.”

Call: “Wounding [Number] by [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning]                Effect: Wounding, Double

The Elementalist gains a pool of elemental damage charges equal to the Elementalist’s Arcane caster-level. They may charge Spell Balls from this pool with up to the Elementalist’s class level in damage, and select any foundational element to use “Wounding [Number] by [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning].”

 At any time, the Elementalist may expend a Spike to alter their next Spell Ball charged from this pool to “Double [Damage] by [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning].

This Spell ends whenever the caster completes a Long Rest, dies, or consumes all charges.

For Example: Jimothy, a 10th level Sourcerer, 4th level Elementalist would have 14 total points of Damage to deal before the Spell ends and could use this Power to inflict up to 4 points of damage at a time. They may expend a Spike while they have this pool, and create a Spell Ball for “Double 4 by [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning].”

Note: If this Spell is gained by a non-Elementalist, the maximum amount of damage dealt is still determined by the number of Elementalist class-levels, i.e. zero.

Galvanicaus’ Gaze [Greater]

Incantation: "... to call Galvanicaus’ wrath down from the heavens.”

Call: “[Name or Description] 10 Lightning”

Target: Individual(s)                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Lightning                                Effect: Damage

The wrath of Galvanicaus takes the form of a swift and sure bolt of lightning, leaping from the caster to their victim. If the Elementalist has selected Lightning as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using a Lightning Source, they may expend a spike to charge an additional Spell-Ball with Wounding 10 by Lightning.

Seed of Instability [Greater]

Incantation: "...to plant an unstable seed; let this sacrifice bring ruin to my foes.”

Call: “Grant Detonate”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                         Effect: Grant Detonate

 The Elementalist is infused with a dubious blessing: an unstable mote of elemental flame is imbued into their form, which their consciousness can safely hold in check. Upon falling unconscious from damage or being killed by a death effect, the mote is unleashed to wreak havoc upon the surroundings. The Elementalist selects the three nearest targets to the best of their estimation, without regard to alliance, and targets them with the Detonate power described below.


Call: “[Name or Description] Piercing 7 by Flame”

Target: Three Nearest Individuals                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: None

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Piercing

The target of this effect takes Piercing 7 by Flame, as the unstable seed is unleashed from your falling form.

Rimehold’s Grasp [Greater]

Incantation: "... to visit Rimehold’s icy judgment upon my victims. ”

Call: "Short Imbue Glacial Grinding to Self”, “Root by Ice”

Target: Self                                         Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Spell

Accent: Ice                                         Effect: Imbue Glacial Grinding, Root

Once cast, the Elementalist gains the Glacial Grinding ability until their next Short Rest. Additionally, if the Elementalist has selected Ice as the element affected by Elemental Flow or is using an Ice Source the Elementalist may spend a Spike and charge three Spell Balls with Root by Ice.

Glacial Grinding

Incantation: None

Call: “By My Voice to [Slowed, Rooted, or Repelled], 6 Ice"

Target: Individuals                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: None

Accent: Ice                                         Effect: Damage

While the caster is imbued with the power of Rimehold, they may twist control effects to channel Icy damage into the victims.  The caster may choose, Slowed, Rooted, Repelled, or any combination of these, but must choose at least one.