First Aid Policy

Title of Policy           First Aid Policy

Applies to                 Whole School

Endorsed by                 Head Master

Responsibility         Bursar

Date reviewed         September 2023

Next review                 September 2024

                                                                        First Aid Policy

Policy statement

The School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all its pupils, employees, and visitors. Although accidents will occur, the School is dedicated to minimizing the effects that such incidents might produce by providing a qualified base of first aid officers on site at all times when children are present.



First aid is defined as the provision of treatment for the purposes of preserving life and minimizing the consequences of injury or illness until medical help can be obtained. It includes treatment of minor injuries or conditions that do not require the services of a doctor or nurse.


The School has four categories of first aid trained staff:


 a.         Nursing staff/paramedic: Nursing staff are available at the School’s medical centre (St Andrew’s Lodge) during the day and on an on-call rota basis overnight, therefore providing 24 hour cover. They can be contacted by telephoning 01749 834260 or their private telephone number which is shared on the SAL rota. In cases when a nursing staff member is not available then staff will  be  made aware and directed to contact 111 or 999 in an emergency.


b.               Basic First Aiders: the School is committed to encouraging all staff to be qualified in emergency first aid through attendance at a basic one day training course recognised by the HSE.  Paediatric First aiders (Somerset approved 2 day - 12 hour training) is required at the Early Years Foundation Stage.


c.           First Aid Officers: a number of staff have attended and successfully completed an approved 3-day First Aid at Work and a 2 day refresher course to renew their certificate before the three year period ends. They are able to administer First Aid when required and to take charge of the care of an injured/ill individual.


d.                Sports First Aid: the School uses St John Ambulance (employs a community support responder) to provide medical support at home rugby matches during the Michaelmas and Advent Terms.


Additionally a number of staff have completed a Rescue Test for swimming Teachers and Coaches.


The School will procure, organise and pay for all first aid courses (limited to the Basic, First Aid at Work Certificate and First Aid at Work Certificate Refresher courses) and ensure that the content of the courses meets the standards and regulations of the HSE. For the Early Years Foundation Stage, the 2 day (12 hour) course is required for staff.


The HR Department is responsible for maintaining records of all First Aid at Work trained first aid officers and designated first aid officers; the Deputy Head (Pastoral) is responsible for ensuring that information of first aid arrangements including the location of trained personnel, first aid equipment, and facilities is disseminated throughout the School.  

The first aid training and qualification expires after three years.  A current list of all first-aid trained staff, including their level of training, can be obtained from the HR Department or from the First Aid Training Record.


First Aid Boxes

Green boxes bearing a white cross containing essential dressings and equipment for dealing with illness/injury are provided at the following locations around the School.


Relevant Heads of Department should report any usage to medical staff at St Andrew’s Lodge who will arrange for restocking.

Giving First Aid

If someone is injured on the sports field or around site, becomes unwell or needs help following an accident then the nearest first aider should be contacted and asked to attend.  The first aider will assess the situation, ask for consent to provide help, request assistance from other first aiders such as the school’s medical staff at St Andrew’s Lodge, if necessary, and stay with the casualty until they are recovered or make arrangements for further medical assistance if they deem this necessary.

A casualty must not be moved to the medical centre unless they can walk there easily.  People who are very unwell or badly injured are best assessed at the site of the incident where medical staff can decide on their best treatment and further management.

When giving first aid to under 18s which involves physical contact, the first aider should first explain what they need to do and then ask the child's permission to go ahead before starting.  

In the rare case that no first aiders are available and St Andrew’s Lodge cannot be contacted, the casualty should be assisted in getting to the nearest hospital/A&E department by the closest appropriate adult.

Medical Support

When a first aider thinks that a casualty needs urgent medical treatment, the first aider will arrange for the casualty to be taken to the nearest hospital/A&E department. An ambulance should be called whenever there has been significant injury to the head, neck or back; significant injuries to limbs, or where the person is unable to walk. Any other injuries or illnesses which are significant or where the nurse/first aider is concerned that they may be significant. When in doubt, the welfare of the person is paramount, so contact with the emergency services is advised.

In the event that a defibrillator is required, a device can be found outside Main Reception.

When appropriate, or if asked to by the casualty, a next of kin will be contacted. Emergency contacts for pupils are available to staff on the School database (iSams).  

Head Injuries

Head injuries must be treated in line with the School’s concussion policy.

Transport to Hospital or Home

Where the injury requires urgent medical attention an ambulance will be called and the pupil’s parent or guardian will be notified. If hospital treatment is required, then the pupil’s parent/guardian/houseparent will be called for them to take over responsibility. If the parent/guardian/houseparent is unable to escort to hospital, a school approved chaperone will transport.

If the situation isn’t an emergency but the casualty does need to go to hospital, alternative transport will be arranged as outlined above. Either the first aider or another appropriate adult will accompany the casualty.  Only staff cars/school vehicles insured to cover such transportation will be used.

Spillages of Body Fluids

These must be dealt with by a qualified first aider.  Spillages of blood, vomit, urine and excrement should be cleaned up promptly. The area should immediately be cleared and cordoned off and the first aider should use the Biohazard Spillage Kit, provided by the School Domestic Services Department to clean up.

The first aider should wear protective gloves and the waste be cleared into the bag provided in the spillage kit.  This bag should then be taken to St Andrews Lodge to be disposed of  correctly.  

Reporting and Recording

All first aid administered should be recorded and reported.  All injury accidents or near misses, however minor, to staff, students or visitors, must be recorded using the Google Accident/Near Miss Report Form under the WCS drop down menu.

Illnesses requiring medical attention should be reported to St Andrew’s Lodge (Medical Centre) who will record the information on the School’s medical database

Parents/guardians of Junior School pupils will be notified of any first aid applied in the form of a letter given to the teacher whose responsibility is to then give it to the parent/guardian.  Parents/guardians of senior students will be notified by telephone or email.  

Where emergency treatment is not required a ‘Head Bump’ letter will be sent home to the parent/guardian.  After having been assessed and deemed fit to return to school, a member of staff will receive the following form which then needs to be given to an adult who is taking over the care of that child on collection to inform them of any necessary action that needs to be followed, such as not being fit for games or activities.

Serious Accidents

All work related deaths and, in certain circumstances, accidents which cause serious injury, or certain dangerous occurrences, not necessarily resulting in injury, fall within the scope of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013. All potential RIDDOR-reportable incidents should be reported to the Corporate Governance Manager or Assistant, or in their absence to the Bursar, through the completion of the Google Accident Report Form, where a decision whether to submit a RIDDOR report will be made.  

In the event of a fatality a member of staff must notify the Head Master and Bursar or in their absence the Corporate Governance Manager immediately. The Head Master is the person responsible for notifying the relevant Enforcing Authority in the event of a fatality. In the first instance this should be by telephone to the RIDDOR Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 9923.

It is essential that all accidents that cause serious injury or dangerous occurrences even if they do not involve personal injury are investigated. In the first instance it is the Health and Safety/Fire Safety Zone leader responsibility, in liaison with the Corporate Governance Manager to initiate the investigation as soon as possible after the event has occurred.  

Medical Conditions

Arrangements for pupils with medical conditions are highlighted on the school’s database to make staff aware.  Detailed care plans can be obtained from St Andrew’s Lodge if necessary.

School Trips

Staff members taking pupils off site will carry a first aid kit with them. It is their responsibility to ensure this happens.   First Aid boxes can be obtained from St Andrews Lodge or from the Director of Sport (teams). Important medical information is automatically imported from the School’s medical database onto the trips and visits system (Evolve).