Ringleader: Advanced Class


Across the Eyes, there will always be groups who seek to expand their influence. Teams band together under a belt flag, soldiers stand at attention for their superior officer, and crime syndicates take their orders, too. Regardless of morality, political affiliation or creed, it’s common for peoples with aligning purposes to seek leadership as it were and take orders from an elected or self-chosen leader.

The Ringleader has a way with words and leadership, and whether they’re laying into the lax of their group or supporting the fighter in front, their voice is often the loudest in a metaphorical sense and is often held in great reverence from the group if not fear.

How the Ringleader accomplishes their position of power vary wildly, but the story is always very similar. A Pit Lord of the Thieves Guild underground grows in rank and earns a place scouting out the new scores and the hits they direct earn their thieves more coin than they ever could imagine. A Big Boss of the criminal brotherhood orders a handful of close goons around in a bar-fight, and after, those goons decide it worked out well enough to stick by her side A group of religious fanatics break away from the main faith and start a new order under the guidance of an imperious cult leader. One leads, the rest follow.

The Ringleader, social butterfly they may be, uses fear and respect as the proverbial left and right shiv- sometimes, while wielding a left and right shiv. They are not always the quiet types sitting at the back of the tavern collecting dirt on the parties that wronged them, but they’re not always the obvious snake’s head. In fact, many Ringleaders serve auxiliary positions within organizations, serving as a strong voice of direction in the absence of true leadership. Those who listen to their words, follow - if a time comes that the previous leadership no longer holds the same respect as The Ringleader, then a couple faithful Henchmen at her side will ensure a ‘positive’ change of leadership– or at the very least, a rather discreet one.


Class Progression Table



Utility Powers











Induct Enforcer,

Know Thy Station






Crew of Merry Men






We Mean Business






Rattle ‘em Boys






Ominous Choir Music

Ringleader Innate Powers

Induct Enforcer [Innate]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 1

Incantation: RP: Induction Conversation / Ceremony

Call: “Grant Qualifier: Enforcer of [Ringleader’s Name]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Qualifier

The Ringleader’s rise to power starts with a look of respect from their peers. Each Ringleader’s dynamic with the group they lead may be different, but the end goal is the same: Gather a bunch of hungry wolves together, and throw them at a problem with the promise of food thereafter.

The Enforcer may extend a formal invitation, verbal or otherwise, after spending 5-10 minutes discussing the role with the Enforcer(s) in prospect. Prospects must accept of their own free will, automatically immune from any compulsions to join. This may be done as a private conversation  with an individual, or together as a group or team, at the Ringleader’s discretion.

If the prospect accepts, they gain the Qualifier: Enforcer of [Ringleader’s Name]. The character may only be the Enforcer to one Ringleader at a time. They may leave at any time by informing the Ringleader, or the Ringleader chooses to release them. If the Enforcer wishes to be an Enforcer to a different Ringleader, they must inform the first that they are leaving their employment. Doing so will remove their Qualifier  and allow them to change Ringleaders.

The Ringleader is able to induct a number of individuals as Enforcers equal to their class-level of Ringleader.

Because of their specific role in Leadership, Ringleaders may not be Enforcers of themselves or other Ringleaders.

Note: This Power may be used as soon as each character is In Character. This may be done between Soft Lay-on and Hard Lay-on.

Know Thy Station [Innate]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The Ringleader gains an Enforcer Station from the list below and may assign it to one of their Enforcers. Doing so will grant the Enforcer Power to the Enforcer and grant the Ringleader Power to the Ringleader.  The Ringleader Power requires them to be in proximity (roughly the same area, building or scene) to their Enforcer.  The Enforcer Power is always available as long as they remain the Ringleader's Enforcer.  To assign a Station to an Enforcer, the Ringleader must explain the benefits, flaws, and Powers of the Station to the Enforcer, and the Enforcer must agree of their own free will. Each Station is unique, and may only be taken  once, and each character may only have one Station.

Crew of Merry Men [Innate]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

For each Advanced Class uniquely represented among the Ringleader’s Enforcer who have a Station, the Ringleader gains the following bonuses:

The Ringleader may only gain the benefit of each choice once, regardless of how many Enforcers may have that Advanced Class.

We Mean Business [Innate]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 3

The Ringleader may select one additional Enforcer Station.

Rattle ‘em Boys [Innate]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 4

The Ringleader may select one additional Enforcer Station.

Ominous Choir Music [Innate]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 5

Incantation: Special

Call: “Cure [Condition] to Self”, “Short Grant Plus 5 Bonus Spike Damage”, “Short Grant Plus 1 Base Damage”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Immediate, Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Cure, Grant

Whenever the player of the Ringleader would witness a creature Weaken, Root, Sleep or Imprison one of your Enforcers, you may Cure that Condition from yourself. Note: This works even if the character would not be able to witness the Effect such as when t
he character is asleep.

Whenever you witness a creature Deathblow or otherwise Kill one of your Enforcers you gain “Short Grant Plus 5 Bonus Spike Damage” versus the creature that killed your Enforcer.

The Ringleader gains “Short Grant Plus 1 Base Damage” if an Enforcer is Dead or in Spirit form when this is activated.  This effect will never stack with itself.

Ringleader Enforcer Stations

The Beastmaster

Some Ringleaders fancy a menagerie of dangerous creatures, and enlist an Enforcer to manage, feed, and train them for combat.

Enforcer Power - Call of the Wild

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Short Dominate to [Animal / Beast] by Fear”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Dominate

The Beastmaster is aptly named, handling creatures with ease - they may, once per Long Rest, call “[Name or Description] Short Dominate to [Animal / Beast]” but only after dealing un-Prevented damage to the creature.

Ringleader Power - Talons of the Pack

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                          Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant

The Ringleader gains a single Short Natural weapon, or two, if they have the Two Weapons proficiency.

The Bully

The Bully is the big man with the big bands punching big bruises into the soft little guy who was counting cards at Boss’s table. They punch first, and get punched first, and don’t usually have much time for nonsense.

Enforcer Power - Tenderize

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant Vulnerability to Unaccented Attacks”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon (Melee)                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant

After landing 3 consecutive melee attacks that were not Prevented on their target, the Bully may expose the target’s weaknesses. In most cases, this opens up a whole new spectrum of pain, allowing creatures previously resistant to damage to be damaged: if only slightly. The call for this Power is “Short Grant Vulnerability to Unaccented Attacks.”

Ringleader Power - Gains Before Goons

Incantation: RP: Bellowing Shout

Call: “Short Grant Strength”

Target: Self                                          Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant Strength

If you want something done right, you’d better do it yourself. But sometimes, doing something right means dragging your Bully off the battlefield. The Ringleader becomes Strengthened for a Short Rest.

The Coven Siren

The Siren is a master of manipulation and charm, twisting the minds of those they lay their gaze upon.

Enforcer Power - Wrapped Around a Finger

Incantation: RP: At least one minute of conversation.

Call: “[Name or Description ] Short Charm by Mind”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Charm

The Coven Siren is the manipulator of the group, subverting their target’s will and directing it themselves. The Siren may, after a minute of conversation, call “[Name or Description ] Short Charm by Mind” against the target of their charms.

Ringleader Power - Submit to My Will

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Quick Dominate to Living by Will”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Quick 100

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Dominate

The Ringleader knows the ins and outs of peoples stories and hearts - where they are weakest. Handling these carefully is the masterful method by which they assert and maintain control.

The Ringleader may call “[Name or Description] Quick Dominate to Living by Will” against a target they can see. In addition, the Ringleader may also Refresh this power by expending a Spike, but only if they immediately use it against an Enforcer.

The Grifter

Selling lies, half-truths and outright wrong information is a lucrative business, especially to halfwit saps who have a heavy coin purse. Snake-oil salesmen, Indulgences, Wagon Brake Fluid… Grifter’s have been around as long as money has been. The Grifter makes you want to want what they got. And what they got is garbage, but somebody will probably still buy it.

Enforcer Power - Haggle Up

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                          Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Special

Whenever the Grifter turns in a Minion scavenging token to Staff, they may use this power to receive rewards from that token as if they had turned in a Captain token. The Grifter should announce that they are using the Haggle up Power when turning in their token to ensure Plot knows why a different token is being used.

A Grifter may use this power three times per long rest.

Ringleader Power - Skimp on the Expenses

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                          Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Special

Whenever the Ringleader crafts an item that has more than one resource cost, or oversees an Enforcer craft an item, they may reduce the cost of that craft by one common resource per Enforcer, to a minimum of one of each resource type.

While crafting, the Ringleader should announce to their Enforcer(s) that this power is being used.

The Plaguemonger

The Plaguemonger is well acquainted with the terrible diseases, noxious poisons, toxic venoms that inundated our world, and how to use them to best effect against foes not innocent and otherwise.

Enforcer Power - Foul Fruits

Incantation: None

Call: “Taint by Disease”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Permanent

Delivery: Weapon (Melee)                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Disease                                        Effect: Taint

The Plaguemonger bestows the gifts of their foul fruits and sickened energies to strike at the vitality of their foes. The Plaguemonger may call “Taint by Disease” once per Short Rest.

Ringleader Power - Nauseous Wave

Incantation: None

Call: “1 Disease”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Spell-Ball (Packet)                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Disease                                        Effect: Damage

The Ringleader keeps a satchel of noxious goo ready at their side, ready to deploy if necessary. This pouch must be specifically physrepped. The Ringleader may throw up to their ringleader class-levels of these packets every Short Rest.

The Spymaster

Knowing what everyone else is doing or going for is half the battle, and being one step ahead ensures that you have the advantage right out of the gate.

Enforcer Power - Subtlety is an Art

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant Subtle

Once per Long Rest, the Spymaster may add the keyword “Subtle” to a single Discern. When doing so, they must scowl at the target, eyeballing their face / form.

Ringleader Power - Forceful Inquiry

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern Final: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                  Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant Final

Once per Event, the Ringleader may add the keyword “Final” to a single Discern. This Discern cannot be Subtle.

The Surgeon

The Surgeon didn’t get their medical license revoked for nothing; Primarily because they probably never had one. Either way, the Surgeon’s a practical, medical professional, and can usually find a way to patch up somebody on the field.

Enforcer Power - Blanket Stitch

Incantation: RP: For at least 10 seconds, roleplay that you are stitching the wounds of the target shut.

Call: “Heal 1 to Dying by Agony, Weakness by Agony”

Target: Individual or Item                          Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Quick 100

Accent: None                                         Effect: Heal, Weakness

… Now, nobody ever said that they were good at it, and moreover, closing a wound is probably more important than cleaning or disinfecting it, right? The Surgeon’s able to just get the job done, and, hey, who knows, maybe they’ll find a better doctor next time and stop bugging you? You may help pick up somebody on the battlefield by quickly stitching their wounds shut. The process is painful and usually involves quite a bit of discomfort on the recipient’s part - after a quick 10 of stitching the wounds of the target, you may call “ Heal 1 to Dying by Agony, Weakness by Agony”.

If the Surgeon uses this power on one of their Ringleader’s Enforcers, the call is “Heal 2 to Dying” instead. You don’t know why it works that way, it just does.

Ringleader Power - Where It Hurts The Most


Call: “Piercing 1 by Agony”, “[Name or Description] Obey by Agony: Answer this Question, [Question]”

Target: Individual or Item                          Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Quick 100

Accent: None                                         Effect: Piercing, Obey

One of the best advantages of a Surgeon is their mastery of the living body. A Ringleader may use this knowledge to extract useful information out of those unwilling to speak otherwise.

The Ringleader may deal Piercing 1 by Agony to a Helpless but conscious character. If the character takes the damage or otherwise does not prevent it, the Ringleader may ask one of the following questions:

The Vizier

Arcane and Eldritch tools are the stock in trade for the malefactors of any fantastical criminal organization. Whether grim and foreboding tools or dark magic, the Vizier is the all-too-knowledgeable source of dark magic.

Enforcer Power - Villainous Laugh

Incantation: None

Call: “Refresh [Spell Slot(s)] to Self”

Target: Self                                         Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Refresh

The Vizier may refresh two Novice spell-slots or a single Adept spell-slot after making a suitably dramatic evil laugh.

Ringleader Power - Peer into the Stone

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Individual or Item                          Duration: Passive

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: None

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant Insight

The Ringleader is granted the Insight Perk. However, in order to use this ability, they must have a stone, crystal, magnifying glass, loupe, monocle or other similar prop as a gazing tool with which they must roleplay its use for at least ten seconds.

The Warlord

It’s not uncommon for Ringleaders to designate a right hand as their figurehead. These imposing, typically martially adept figures are the strong arm of the Ringleader’s will, but, most of the time, it simply looks like the Warlord is the boss. Some Ringleaders consider this a feature rather than flaw, as when the rival gangs start making moves on dismantling your posse, the Warlord is probably going to get first dibs on the shiv.

Enforcer Power - Lord Murder of Death Mountain

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant +1 Base Damage”

Target: Self                                          Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Grant

A surge of unnatural power courses through The Warlord’s veins – probably because they know their boss is watching and they’ve got an image to uphold.

By stating their name, station, title, ranks, kill count, or otherwise imposing their own power, the Warlord is able to hype themselves up for the coming conflict.

Until the next Short Rest, or five attacks have been made, The Warlord may increase their base damage by +1.  

Ringleader Power - Master Tactician

Incantation: None

Call: “Refresh 2 Spikes”

Target: Individuals                                  Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                         Effect: Refresh

By addressing specific battle plans and strategies, the Ringleader may refocus and bolster their Enforcers.

Each Long Rest, the Ringleader may refresh 2 Spikes to each of their Enforcers by taking a few moments to give them instruction, tactical advice, or otherwise hype them up for the combat. They may choose to activate this Power on any number of Enforcers at one time, but each enforcer may only receive the benefits of this power once each Long Rest.

Ringleader Class Skills

Right Hand Tenure - 5 CP [Class]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant +1 [Maximum Spike / Maximum Life Points]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

If a Ringleader has The Right Hand Class Skill from Socialite, and their Bodyguard becomes their Enforcer, the Ringleader may Grant that character either +1 Maximum Base Spike or +1 Maximum Base Life Point for as long as that character is their Enforcer, or the end of the Event, whichever occurs first.

Light Sleep - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Ringleader is always on somebody’s hit list. That’s just part of the job. Long nights with the ear to the door is the way the Ringleader stays at the top- especially around jealous underlings who want what they’ve got.

The Ringleader should declare a Sanctum where they will sleep - During the nighttime (7pm to 7am), any intruder into the Sanctum must stop and go out of play to check the location for the Ringleader, wake them if necessary, and then return to the location where they will attempt entry in-play.

The Ringleader is required to designate their Sanctum: This should be prominently marked on the outside of all entrances with a 6” square sign, with a white background and a Blue Exclamation Mark. On the reverse of the sign, the words “Light Sleep” should be prominently visible along with the Ringleaders’ Character Name, Player Name, and Sleeping Location.  This sign should also include an explanation to wake the Ringleader if entering the cabin. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure these signs are posted at all entrances to the Sanctum, and that they are easily visible and able to be read easily at night.

The Vault - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Ringleader Level 3, Apprentice or higher Tinkering

Incant: None

Call: None

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

After a few moments of working the Ringleader can trigger a container to become a Vault the next time it is closed. A Vault’s contents are generally unreachable unless certain Powers (Dispel Magic, Ritual Disjunction, etc) are used that will get past the safeguards.

The Safebox needs to be created at a Tinkering Station with an Item Info Card containing the following:

Ringleader Utility Powers

A Den of Scum and Villainy [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Small cottage houses and warm hearths aren’t really up to par for most Ringleaders - the bigger the building the badder the boss, and most Ringleaders make their home in a massive villa or armored fortress.

The Ringleader gains the Hearth, Protected Hearth, and Bolthole Perks, as well as the following benefit:

Whenever the Ringleader witnesses a creature remove charges from a Haven for which the Ringleader belongs or is currently inside, they may Call “[Name or Description], Piercing 2 by Fear” to that creature.

Barbed Tongue [Utility]

Incantation: RP for Quick 30, appropriate verbal insults, charm, or encouNoneragement.

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The silvery barbed tongue of the Ringleader is as much a weapon as any mage’s spell or warrior’s blade. When you take this power, choose one Accent: Agony, Fear, or Will. For any spells or powers that use that accent, the delivery of effects may be changed to Verbal, declaring the target “[Name or Description]”, followed by the appropriate effect given by the power. The Ringleader must roleplay for a Quick 30 in monologue, supporting or disparaging their target before being able to use the Verbal delivery described above. The Ringleader may use this power a number of times equal to their ringleader class-level per Long Rest.

Origin Story [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Ringleader may select one Utility power from either Socialite or Fighter.

Promote From Within [Utility]

Incantation: None

Requirement: Ringleader Level 2

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Ringleader may select one additional Enforcer Station.

The Gang’s All Here [Utility]

Incantation: None

Requirement: Promote From Within, Ringleader Level 5

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Ringleader may select one additional Enforcer Station.

Window Dressing [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: “It has been told I am wealthy.”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

It takes money to make money, and when you don’t have money, you make it look like you have money. The Ringleader has developed a knack for making their assets appear more valuable than they are. This, in turn, invites more investors into the Ringleader’s circles, and more investors means more money. The Ringleader receives an additional 2 Wealth for every rank of Profession, and an additional 1 Wealth for Manse and Income.

The Ringleader also gains the ability, once per Short Rest to claim “It Has Been Told I am Wealthy.” as per the Power Words.

Ringleader Basic Powers

A Way with Swords [Basic] (3)


The Ringleader may select a Basic Power from the Fighter Base class.

A Way with Words [Basic] (3)

The Ringleader may select a Basic Power from the Socialite class.

Bolster Ranks [Basic]

Incantation: RP: Demanding their enforcers take defensive action or protect them.

Call: “By My Voice to Enforcer of [Ringleader’s Name], Grant +3 Barrier.”

Target: Enforcer(s)                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Barrier

Barking words of command, the Ringleader demands the shields of cannon-fodder to stay up, and to keep them protected. After finishing a short string of orders to their Enforcers, the Ringleader may call “By My Voice to Enforcer of [Ringleader’s Name], Grant 3 Barrier.”

Get Back, You Savages! [Basic]

Incantation: RP: Quick statement for the creature to back off.

Call: "[Name or Description] Short Repel by Fear"

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short

Delivery: Wapon                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Taunt

The weak will eat the strong, wealthy, and overwhelmingly handsome if you let them. So, most Ringleader’s opt to keep those savages at bay. The Ringleader may make a Weapon attack with the call “Short Repel by Fear” a number of times each Short Rest equal to their Ringleader class-level.

Pitter Patter [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: “Instruction: Turn your crafting hourglass over"

Target: Individual                                Duration: Permanent

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Taunt

Patience is not really a Ringleader’s strong suit, but, sometimes, that’s okay. The Ringleader may instruct another to turn their hourglass over while crafting an item, shortening the time it takes to create an item. A Ringleader may use this Power a number of times each Short Rest equal to their Ringleader class-level.

Threaten [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: "[Name or Description] Taunt 2 by Fear"

Target: Individual                                Duration: Permanent

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Taunt

The Ringleader is a master of getting the right people’s attention, and dealing with potential threats to their mastery. The Ringleader can call out “[Name or Description] Taunt 2 by Fear,” against a foe, forcing them to deal with the Ringleader personally.

Unmatched Gaze [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Unmatched Gaze”, “[Name or Description] 1 Fear”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Counter

The Ringleader, when targeted by a non-Subtle Discern, may Counter the Discern by calling “Counter, Unmatched Gaze,” and may immediately call “[Name or Description] 1 Fear” against the source of the Discern. If they do, the Ringleader gains +1 Spike Bonus Damage versus the target until the Ringleader finishes a Short Rest.

The Ringleader may do this a number of times per Short Rest equal to their Ringleader class-level.

Ringleader Advanced Powers

Agonizing Glare [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Requirement: Unmatched Gaze

Call: “[Name or Description], 3 Agony”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: Agony                                        Effect: Damage

Whenever the Ringleader uses the Unmatched Gaze power, you may call [Name or Description] 3 Agony instead of its normal Call and gain 1 Barrier.

Back It Up With Steel [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Wounding 6”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Wounding

After the Ringleader lands a Verbal attack that is not a Discern, they may immediately strike that target with a melee weapon for “Wounding 6.” This must be the next Power they use after the Verbal Power, and this Call may not be altered. This bonus attack is lost if the Ringleader becomes Helpless, completes a Short Rest, or uses any other Power.

Band of Mercenaries [Advanced]

Incantation: Negotiate a price with a group of humanoids

Call: “By My Voice, Short Obey to those who I Paid: Protect Me”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obey

The Ringleader knows the people and, more importantly, that everyone has their price. The actual amount is up to role play between the Ringleader and the other person(s). The Ringleader hands over her coin purse and its heft can almost speak for itself, encouraging the would-be assailer to not harm them and instead fight for them. This power can only be used on humanoid targets. This ability affects all those who the Ringleader paid as part of the negotiations.

Spiteful Advance [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Wounding 1”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Wounding

While engaged in single combat with an opponent wielding a melee weapon, the Ringleader activates this power, targeting that creature. Until the target of Spiteful Advance is incapacitated or quits the field, the Ringleader may change one melee non-Spike, non-Powered basic attack per Flurry to “Wounding 1.” They may make this change at will as long as the other conditions are met.

The Fear of Me [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description], Discern by Mind: [Question]”, “Spirit, Subtle Discern by Mind: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Discern

Knowing a target’s weaknesses is fundamental to planning an attack. The more that is known, the better the outcome is likely to be. By engaging the mark beforehand, important information can be gleaned.

Out of Combat, The Ringleader may ask the following Discerns (once per Short):

In addition, on a Marshaled encounter, such as a mod, before the encounter begins you may ask the Marshal Spirit each of these (once per Long Rest):

Finally, whenever the Ringleader uses a Power with the Fear or Agony accent, they may call “Grant 1 Barrier to Self.”

You’re All Talk [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, You’re All Talk”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

The Ringleader may Expend a Spike to Counter a Verbal power targeted at them specifically. The Ringerleader may use this once per Short Rest.

Ringleader Veteran Power

Cottonmouth Favors [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call:  None

Target: None                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Special

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Ringleader has a very pronounced and important connection in the trans-Eye business syndicate known as The Cottonmouth Workers Union, and can leverage those favors to help get their resources in line. At the beginning of every event, the Ringleader may create a Cottonmouth Favor item tag, which must be signed by Plot. Additional Favors may be earned through the Rogue’s Den or from interacting with The Cottonmouth. These favors may be turned in by the Ringleader for one of the following effects.

I’m Behind So Many Goons [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant x Barrier”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Barrier

The Ringleader gains +2 Barrier for each Enforcer that is adjacent to them when they activate this power, up to a maximum of +10.

Whenever the Ringleader turns in 5 Minion Loot tokens, or a Captain Loot token they may instead choose to refresh this power instead of receiving loot for those tokens.

M’aiq’s Gift [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: Obfuscate

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive        

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obfuscate

The Ringleader knows the ins and outs of conversation. They know how to smile, when to smile, and when to strike fear into those who would oppose them. Either way, the most difficult thing about a Ringleader is never knowing truly what their angle is. One would just as soon support you as they would exploit you for profit, and there’s really no way to tell the difference in between.

The Ringleader is considered Inherently Obfuscated vs. Discerns that are neither Subtle nor Final.

No Bigger Boss Than I [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “By My Voice: Dominate to Enforcers of [Name] by Fear”

Target: Individuals (Enforcer)                        Duration: Permanent

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Dominate

Some creatures of the night like to twist the minds of the Ringleader’s Enforcers against them. Lucky for the Ringleader, those Creatures of the night don’t pay those Enforcer’s payroll, and they should know better than to cross them.

The Ringleader demand that their flock return to them, with the call “By My Voice: Dominate to Enforcers of [Ringleader’s Name]”

Nobody Kills My Enforcers But Me [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Piercing 5 Final”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Weapon (Melee)                        Refresh: Special

Accent: None                                        Effect: Piercing

A Ringleader’s Enforcers getting hurt or dying is par for the course in their line of work; they know what they signed up for, but, still, some Ringleaders take special offense to their property getting damaged.

The Ringleader begins an Event with this Power expended. Whenever an Enforcer you can see dies or you discover the body of one of your dead Enforcers, this Power immediately Refreshes.
This Power may be Refreshed this way a number of times each Short Rest equal to the Ringleader’s class-level.

The Ringleader can make a strike that is unblockable and uncounterable. The Effect and Number cannot be altered, though the Accent may.

Oh, You’re Approaching Me? [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Requirement: You must actively be engaged in combat with your target.

Call: “Taunt 10”, “[Name or Description] [Effect]”

Target: Individual, Self                                Duration: Permanent, Short Rest

Delivery: Melee Weapon, Verbal                Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Taunt, Grant

Whenever the Ringleader is targeted by an opponent who makes them their obvious target of attack, the Ringleader may take that challenge and use it to fuel their own animosity.

The Ringleader may Taunt a foe that is engaged with them in combat. The Call for this Effect is “Taunt 10.”

While the Target of the Taunt is engaged by the Ringleader, Each time the Ringleader lands an un-Prevented attack on the target, they may call one of the following Effects:

The Ringleader may call a number of these effects equal to thrice their Ringleader class-level.