Applying Ethology”  

The Animal Welfare Slack Workspace hosts Applying Ethology webinars twice per month.
The aims of these webinars are:
1) Give early career scientists in the fields of animal welfare and animal behaviour an opportunity to present their research;
2) Cultivate an ongoing community of researchers who share ideas;
3) Provide a free platform for people to engage in scientific discussions.


Integrate the webinar schedule with your Google calendar here!

Date & time (zone)





March 30th

8:00 pm CEST

Christian Nawroth

Christian Nawroth

Human-directed behaviour in farm animals

April 14th

8:00 pm CEST

Jenny Stracke

Rachel Park

Scratch the surface: Histopathological analysis of footpad dermatitis in turkeys

April 20th

8:00 pm CEST

Katrina Rosenberger

Jen-Yun Chou

Combining quantitative measures from stress tests with qualitative descriptors to assess stress in goats

April 27th

8:00 pm CEST

Christina Rufener

Christian Nawroth

Finding hens in a haystack - individual mobility patterns in laying hens

May 4th

8:00 pm CEST

Ben Farrar

Christian Nawroth

Reliability, Credibility and Open Science

May 11th

8:00 pm CEST

Anjuli Barber

Christian Nawroth

Perception and processing of human emotions in dogs - Past and future directions of emotion research in animals

May 25th

8:00 pm CEST

Ellen Williams

Jen-Yun Chou

Understanding zoo elephant social relationships

June 8th

8:00 pm CEST

Sara Hintze

Jen-Yun Chou

Doing nothing and what it looks like... Inactivity in fattening cattle

June 22th

8:00 pm CEST

Jakob Winter

Rachel Park

Piling and smothering in laying hens: phenomenon and mechanisms

July 6th

8:00 pm CEST

Lisa Gunter

Rachel Park

Investigating the effects of housing & social interaction for dogs in the animal shelter

July 20th

8:00 pm CEST

Anna Olsson

Jen-Yun Chou

Understanding neonatal mortality in laboratory mice

August 17th

8:00 pm CEST

Valentine Obiasogu

Christian Nawroth

Welfare and ethical issues on offloading of cattle in Akinyele Market, Ibadan

September 7th

8:00 pm CEST

Jen-Yun Chou

Laura Whalin

Investigating links between post-mortem carcass inspection outcomes and tail biting injuries in pigs: a potential welfare surveillance tool?

September 21st

8:00 pm CEST

Beth Ventura

Laura Whalin

Effective communication about animal welfare

October 5th

8:00 pm CEST

Sarah-Elizabeth Byosiere

Laura Whalin

Staying paws-itive: Improving the lives of New York City shelter dogs

October 19th

8:00 pm CEST

Bernhard Voelkl

Christian Nawroth

Reproducibility in the light of biological variation

November 2nd

8:00 pm CET

Vitor Ferreira

Christian Nawroth

Why did the chicken cross the range? Personality and cognition of free-range chickens

November 16th

8:00 pm CET

Katarína Bučková

Laura Whalin

Effect of early social environment on dairy calf development

December 7th

8:00 pm CET

Oluwaseun Serah Iyasere

Laura Whalin

Mothering in Nigerian indigenous hens


January 11th

8:00 pm CET

James W. Crosby

Laura Whalin

Fatal Dog Attacks: Classifying Behavioral Commonalities by Bite Wounds and Evidence.

January 18th

8:00 pm CET

Avelyne S. Villain

Laura Whalin

Humans, objects or conspecifics, piglets tell us what they prefer

February 8th

8:00 pm CET

Benjamin Lecorps

Laura Whalin

What does it mean to be an optimistic or pessimistic calf?

February 22nd

8:00 pm CET

Rebecca Nordquist

Christian Nawroth

Chicken rearing conditions: effects on cognition and neurobiology

March 8th

8:00 pm CET

Christina Umstaetter

Christian Nawroth

«I spy with my little eye» … How digitalization can change our view of farm animals.

March 22nd

8:00 pm CET

Andrea Polanco

Laura Whalin

What can abnormal behaviour teach us about captive animals’ quality of life?

April 12th

8:00 pm CEST

Janire Castellano Bueno

Laura Whalin

Acute effect of fluid control on the welfare of laboratory rhesus macaques

April 19th

8:00 pm CEST

Monica Battini

Christian Nawroth

Assessing positive welfare in farmed ruminants

May 17th

8:00 pm CEST

Alina Schaffer

Christian Nawroth

Gaze following in ungulates: domesticated and non-domesticated species follow the gaze of both humans and conspecifics in an experimental context

June 14th

8:00 pm CEST

Tara Gaab

Jen-Yun Chou

My Journey Toward Making Sense of Animal Welfare in the Dairy Industry

July 5th

8:00 pm CEST

Susana Monsó & Sara Hintze

Christian Nawroth

For their own good?: The unseen harms of disenhancing farmed animals

September 6th

8:00 pm CEST

Judith Benz-Schwarzburg & Birte Wrage

Christian Nawroth

Animals as caregivers and the scope of unseen harms

September 20th

8:00 pm CEST

Marco Gamba & Olivier Friard

Christian Nawroth

Behavioural Analysis with BORIS

October 4th

8:00 pm CEST

Maria Chen

Laura Whalin

"Cattle welfare is basically human welfare": Workers’ perceptions of animal welfare on two dairies in China

October 18th

8:00 pm CEST

Vincent Bombail

Laura Whalin

Addressing individual differences among rats in their response to playful handling : A game changer (?)

November 8th

8:00 pm CET

Laura C Salazar

Jen-Yun Chou

What if hunger-related oral behaviours observed in gestating sows are caused by other factors?

November 15th

8:00 pm CET

Tom Rowland

Christian Nawroth

A network approach to animal behaviour and welfare

December 6th

8:00 pm CET

Anne-Marieke Smid

Jen-Yun Chou

Outdoor access for dairy cows – cow preferences and producer perspectives


January 10th

8:00 pm CET

Andrea Sommese

Christian Nawroth

Talk to tilt: an exploratory analysis of head-tilting in dogs

January 24th

8:00 pm CET

Rupert Palme

Jen-Yun Chou

Assessment of adrenocortical activity as a welfare indicator in domestic animals

February 7th

8:00 pm CET

Lisa Yon

Laura Whalin

Using Behaviour to Assess Elephant Welfare

February 21th

8:00 pm CET

Christoph Voelter

Christian Nawroth

Eye tracking and pupillometry in canine cognition research

March 7th

8:00 pm CET

Désirée Brucks

Christian Nawroth

Social information use from humans and conspecifics to solve a spatial detour task: Differences between llamas and alpacas

March 21th

8:00 pm CET

Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo

Christian Nawroth

Peer Community In Animal Science: a free publication model for transparent and open science based on peer reviews

April 4th

8:00 pm CEST

Gloeta Massie

Laura Whalin

Bodies in boxes: factors influencing the welfare of rescued wildlife and the people who care for them

May 16th

8:00 pm CEST

Katherine Koralesky

Laura Whalin

Using institutional ethnography to understand the social organization of animal sheltering and protection

May 30th

8:00 pm CEST

Paula Perez Fraga

Christian Nawroth

Comparing interspecific socio-communicative abilities of the family pig and the family dog

June 13th

8:00 pm CEST

Saeed Shafiei Sabet

Laura Whalin

Responsiveness to an acoustic stimulus in the ornamental red cherry shrimp

September 19th

8:00 pm CET

Adrian Smith

Christian Nawroth

The pathway to better animal research

October 3rd

8:00 pm CEST

Meghan Barrett

Laura Whalin

Insects as livestock: Challenges at the frontier of agricultural animal welfare

October 17th

8:00 pm CEST

Heather Browning

Laura Whalin

Animal sentience

November 7th

8:00 pm CET

Julia Lomb

Laura Whalin

Using positive reinforcement training with dairy cattle

November 21th

8:00 pm CET

Irene Camerlink

Laura Whalin

Getting your manuscript published

December 5th

8:00 pm CET

Katarína Bučková & Ágnes Moravcsíková

Laura Whalin

Indication of social buffering in disbudded calves


February 20th

8:00 pm CET

Helen Gray

Laura Whalin

What can open research offer animal welfare science?

March 6th

8:00 pm CET

Linda Greening

Laura Whalin

A novel measurement of sleep behaviour: sleep quantity vs sleep quality

March 20th

8:00 pm CET

Sara Hintze

Laura Whalin

Asking the right questions: the potential and challenges of behavioural tests in animal welfare research

April 3rd

8:00 pm CEST

Jan Langbein

Laura Whalin

Farm animal cognition and its application for animal housing and management

May 8th

8:00 pm CEST

Oceane Schmitt

Jen-Yun Chou

From saving piglets to cuddling them: how to combine fundamental and applied ethological research to improve animal welfare?

June 5th

8:00 pm CEST

Holly Vickery

Laura Whalin

Meeting the needs of farmers and animals; a mixed methodology approach to understanding and improving the artificial rearing of goat kids

September 18th

8:00 pm CEST

Andrés Enrique González Alvarado

Laura Whalin

Effect of environmental enrichment on behavior and reproductive success in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

October 2nd

8:00 pm CEST

Jes Lynning Harfeld

Laura Whalin

The history of animal welfare and its connection to ethics

November 6th

7:00 pm CET

Connor McDonough

Jen-Yun Chou

Training 1: Management vs Leadership

November 20th

8:00 pm CET

Clara Mancini

Laura Whalin

Animal-Computer Interaction: Implications and Benefits of Animal-Centred Research and Design

December 4th

7:00 pm CET

Connor McDonough

Christian Nawroth

Training 2: Leading from the Front


January 22nd

8:00 pm CET

Ivana Schork

Laura Whalin

Automatic tools to evaluate sleep as a measure of welfare - dog as a model species

February 5th

7:00 pm CET

Connor McDonough

Laura Whalin

Training 3: Feedback - Giving and Receiving (rescheduled)

March 4th

7:00 pm CET

Connor McDonough

Laura Whalin

Training 4: Leading from the Back - Coaching

April 8th

7:00 pm CET

Connor McDonough

Laura Whalin

Training 5: Having a Difficult Conversation

May 6th

7:00 pm CEST

Connor McDonough

Laura Whalin

Training 6: Resilience

May 20th

8:00 pm CEST

Karolina Steinerova

Christian Nawroth

Play behaviour as a tool to enhance quality of life of farmed pigs and its effect of physiological and psychological measures

June 3rd

8:00 pm CEST

Christian Rutz

Christian Nawroth

Using the STRANGE framework to study, and improve, animal welfare

June 17th

8:00 pm CEST

Serge Alindekon

Laura Whalin

Tag 'n' Track: Automating Annotation for Easy Validation of Animal Tracking Technologies

September 2nd

8:00 pm CEST

Stijn Brouwers

Laura Whalin

Lying cubicle design and dairy cow rising and lying down behaviours

September 16th

8:00 pm CEST

Océane Schmitt 

Laura Whalin

Training with a researcher: Writing applications which retain attention

November 4th

8:00 pm CET

Madalina Mincu

Laura Whalin

Effects of behavioural reactivity on production, reproduction, health and welfare in large ruminants


January 13th

8:00 pm CET

Muhammad Wasim Iqbal

Laura Whalin

Factors affecting grazing and rumination behaviours of dairy cows in pasture-based systems

February 3rd

8:00 pm CET

Katie Klassen


Impact of farrowing crate enrichment strategies on the welfare, behavior, and performance of sows, suckling piglets, and post-weaning piglets

March 3rd

8:00 pm CET



April 7th

8:00 pm CET



May 5th

8:00 pm CET



If speakers agree, we will publish recording in the #webinar channel and on our Youtube channel. You can also find slides from previous talks in this OSF repository here.

Are you interested in presenting a talk (live or pre-recorded)? Apply to become a speaker here!

You want to join the Slack workspace? Email one of our moderators (Jen, Laura, Sebastien or Christian) so they can sign you up.

Already logged into the Slack workspace but forgot the link? Here it is!

Step-by-step instructions

For presenters

The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions in the chat window. The moderator will coordinate the Q&A at the end of your talk. Presentations should last between 20-30 min maximum. We will aim to also offer an opportunity for video recordings. It’s up to the presenters whether they want the talk to be recorded and share a link to the pdf of their slides after the webinar. These slides will be shared via an OSF folder (see link above). The recordings will be made accessible on the Slack Workspace and the Youtube channel (see above).

For audience members:

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