Inquisitor: Advanced Class


The Inquisitor is no mere Cleric or street corner preacher. The Inquisitor serves as an agent of the deity they serve. Their relationship is much closer than that of most of the clergy. When the Inquisitor speaks, their deity listens, and often may even agree. The Inquisitor’s place in the world is a unique one. Their set of skills best places them in a position to streamline the justice process. They are the investigator, the judge and jury, and for added efficacy the executioner too. Intimidating and frighteningly efficient at what they do, some Inquisitors can even press the question after the subject has passed from this world to the next.


Class Progression Table

Class Level


Spell Known

Spell Preparations

Spell Slots

Class Bonuses






Pressing the Question,

Divine Conduit, Divine Supplication












Scourge of the Outsider






No Tell






Force Majeure, +1 Base Maximum Spikes

Base Incant

“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

With fervent plea and ardent zeal, I summon strength for woe and weal,

From realms beyond, my power's source, With prayer and faith I give it force,

As vessel for the will divine, I claim the power that is mine…”


The Inquisitor is a Divine caster and spell slots granted by this class are Divine Spell Slots.

Inquisitor Innate Powers

Divine Conduit [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Accent

The Inquisitor is a conduit for the Divine. They may substitute or add the Radiance Accent at-will to Divine Spells with Verbal delivery. At Inquisitor class-level 3 this expands to Divine Spells with Packet delivery. At Inquisitor class-level 5 this expands to attacks with Weapon delivery.

Pressing the Question [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 1

Incantation: RP: Interrogation, forceful or accusatory questions.

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern by Radiance: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Discern

This Power can only be used out of combat. The Inquisitor brings to bear the divine gaze of truth and justice through intense questioning and sharp words. When needed, they can apply the divine might of their faith to those questions. The Inquisitor may choose a single target while in the midst of an interrogation, and ask the following questions, any number of questions from this list may be asked during the interrogation with only a single “use” of this power:

They may use this Power a number of times equal to their Inquisitor class-level per event.  If this power is used on an individual the Inquisitor has Branded (see below) it does not count against their limit.

Divine Supplication [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 1, Plot Approval

The path of an Inquisitor is not for the weak willed or decision adverse. While most people give homage to their religion of choice, the Inquisitor must supplicate to a specific deity above all others.  If the Inquisitor follows a religion that venerates multiple gods such as the Ember Light, Guardians, Manifold Path, or Ringwitches and also does not have a Patron that is a Deity they may not use this Power.  As the Inquisitor devotes themselves to a deity, their connection with their deity deepens and the words of the Inquisitor gain the weight of their deity. The deity the Inquisitor supplicates to does not necessarily need to be venerated in the Religion they worship.

For example: If Fira is a follower of the Emberlight, they could supplicate to Yaziri specifically as the deity who grants them their powers as an Inquisitor. Thurgo is a Ring Witch, therefore they could not become an Inquisitor of the Worldsoul without abandoning their Religion because one of the tenets of their Religion is to venerate both Worldsoul and the Pharaoh equally. Marne, a follower of the Well, could become an Inquisitor Kemis so long as Kemis and Olfrin’s tenets don’t clash.

Brand [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 2

Incantation: About 15 seconds roleplay denouncing the target’s disregard for your tenets and beliefs. Example: “I hereby brand you as an Oath Breaker in the eyes of [god]! Sinners are allowed no Quarter! Kill them all and let them plead their case to the Keepers!”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Event

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Inquisitor calls out and makes known to all around them that they hereby condemn the individual an Oath Breaker, and outside the graces of their god. Normally, when a street corner preacher condemns someone, it is given little heed; however, when an Inquisitor does so, their god tends to listen and agree.

The Inquisitor may Brand one Individual per Long Rest.  The Inquisitor may “forgive” any Individual they have branded at will, otherwise the Brand will last until the end of the Event.  Mechanically a Brand has no effect by itself, but when combined with other Powers allows extra damage and Effects to them such as Scourge of the Outsider.

Scourge of the Outsider [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Base Damage

While the rank and file of the clerical orders are effective in mortal combat, they sometimes prove insufficient in the battle against the supernatural. Inquisitors, however, fight against these otherworldly invaders as a matter of course, and have developed techniques to ensure their fight against Abominations, Undead, and even the errant Undevoted mortal always sways in their favor.

When attacking an Abomination, Undead, Undevoted, or an individual Branded as an Oath Breaker, the Inquisitor may add the “to Abomination”, “to Undead”, or “to Undevoted” Qualifier. If they do so, the Inquisitor may add one additional Base Spike Damage to their melee attacks against the target.  At level 5, instead of Base Spike Damage this becomes a Base Damage increase. No Qualifier is required for those Branded as an Oath Breaker. As this additional damage is a base increase, and is not affected by the stacking rules.

No Tell [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obfuscate

A master of investigation knows all the tells and how to pick them out. Conversely, the Inquisitor is also a master of deception, knowing what not to do. The Inquisitor may Obfuscate any Discern targeting them once per Long Rest.   The Inquisitor may use this power times equal to their Inquisitor-level against Branded individuals instead of once per Long Rest.

Force Majeure [Innate]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 5


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

With fervent plea and ardent zeal, I summon strength for woe and weal,

From realms beyond, my power's source, With prayer and faith I give it force,

As vessel for the will divine, I claim the power that is mine to unbind the spirit before me.”

Call: “Destroy Contract with [Abomination, Undead, Undevoted] by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Special

Where the Inquisitor goes, the light of the Divine will always shine, even upon the most corrupt of souls, for the lost are in greatest need of aid. The Inquisitor is honor bound to seek out and destroy the corruption they uncover, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. When all other options are exhausted, the Inquisitor may forcefully destroy the link created by foul contracts with such creatures as Abominations, Undead, and Undevoted, but at the cost of their own life.

Out of combat, and after one minute of roleplay, the Inquisitor may touch a willing target and recite the incantation. Once complete, the Inquisitor immediately turns into a Spirit and must travel directly to the Spirit Well. This overrides any other Powers that might affect the Inquisitor’s Spirit, and they should Call “Immune” if effects are directed to them with the qualifier “to Spirit.”

Once the Inquisitor’s spirit has arrived at the Spirit Well, their actions will be judged accordingly.

Inquisitor Class Skills

Soft Touch - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The character’s class-levels in Inquisitor count for class-levels in Cleric with respect to their Healing Touch Pool.

A Spiritual Examination - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Inquisitor is often tasked with unraveling crimes of death and mortality, and as such is often in the position of interrogating as many reliable witnesses as possible. More experienced Inquisitors know that the spirits of the realms watch over all, often with unique perspectives.  The Inquisitor may use Pressing the Question on Spirits by adding the “to Spirit” Qualifier.   An example of a modified call would be “Discern by Radiance to Spirit: What is your full name?”  Additionally, the Inquisitor gains the Spirit Root power:

Spirit Root

        Incantation: “I call my faith, to Root you Spirit”

Call: “[Name or Description] Short Root to Spirit

Target: Spirit                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Root

              The Inquisitor is able to call “[Name or Description] Short Root to Spirit” once per Short Rest.

Extra Brands - 2 CP [Class] (3)

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

Normally the Inquisitor’s Brand Innate power may only be used once per Long Rest.  With each purchase of this Class Power it may be used one additional time per Long Rest.

Corruption Unmasked- 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 3

Incantation: “I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light, to unmask the corrupted.”

Call: “By My Voice to  [Abomination, Undead, or Undevoted], Expose by Radiance”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Expose

Where the sun shines, evil cannot prevail, for deception and trickery quails under the light of the just. The Inquisitor may call upon the scouring light of the sun to uncover deceitful creatures in a large area by calling “By My Voice to [Abomination, Undead, or Undevoted]  Expose by Radiance.”

Seek Audience - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 3

Incantation: "From the light of the divine, from the lessons of mystic lore, so do we seek an audience” repeated six times

Call: “Grant Insubstantial”, “Dispel Insubstantial”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Special

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Insubstantial, Dispel Insubstantial

This powerful rite lets the Inquisitor ask their god to answer a question. The Inquisitor and up to one other target per Inquisitor class-level of the character must find an out-of-combat location to perform this powerful rite. All targets will, at the end of the Incantation (which all must perform) fade away, becoming insubstantial and traveling directly to the Spirit Well, where they will seek the answers of their god. All targets will be gone for at least four hours (taking an NPC shift).  If not all the targets perform the Incantation, or if it is overly mangled, it is up to the Inquisitor’s player to declare the Power ineffective.

The power to call upon the Divine so directly is not one to be used lightly. The god or higher power may require tasks, homage, or sacrifices to be made in exchange. If the god or higher power targeted does not deign to answer the call of their supplicant, another being may answer instead, or there may be no answer at all.

At the end of their seeking, all who sought an audience will return, and each person may have the answer to a single question that they ask at the Spirit Well. These answers will be generally reliable, although they may be couched in riddle, poetry, or other obfuscation. At the end of their seeking, all targets will travel directly back, insubstantial, to where they cast the rite, and become corporeal again by calling “Dispel Insubstantial.”

Know Bindings - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern by Radiance: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Discern

Out of combat, the Inquisitor engages an individual in conversation. Throughout the conversation, the Inquisitor lays bare the other’s soul for examination. With the aid of their god, the Inquisitor is able to discern what contractual bindings weigh on the soul before them.

The Inquisitor may choose from the following list of Discerns in an effort to garner information about any such Contracts. The Inquisitor may ask a number of questions equal to twice their Inquisitor class-level. The Character under examination need not know they are bound in a Contract for this Spell to work.

Bane of the Outsider - 6 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Base Damage

When attacking an Abomination, Undead, Undevoted, or an individual Branded as an Oath Breaker, the Inquisitor may add the “to Abomination”, “to Undead”, or “to Undevoted” Qualifier. If they do so, the Inquisitor may add one additional Base Damage to their melee attacks against the target. No Qualifier is required for those Branded as an Oath Breaker. As this additional damage is a base damage increase, and is not affected by the stacking rules.   This power stacks directly with Scourge of the Outsider and other forms of Base Damage increase.

Peerless Inquiry - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Inquisitor Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Obey Final: Tell me if you have the ability to Obfuscate your answers to questions.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Instruction

The most experienced Inquisitors know that they face the possibility of trained and augmented criminals from time to time. While those who would lie to an Inquisitor are foolish, some are adept enough to slip by unnoticed, at least for a time.  After at least one minute of interrogative questioning using Pressing the Question,

the Inquisitor may ask a number of questions, and once a pattern of responses is had, may determine if the answers defy the will of the gods.

After one minute of roleplay interrogating a suspect, with at least one use of Pressing the Question, the Inquisitor may make a determination of the target’s ability to lie under the effect of a Discern.

Inquisitor Cantrips

Incantation: “I call my faith…”

Belief in the Whole [Cantrip]

Incantation: “... to mend this shield."

Call: "Mend 1 to Shield by Radiance"

Target: Shield                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Mend

Calling upon their faith, the Inquisitor may channel the light to begin to rebuild a damaged shield.  This cantrip restores 1 Shield Point to a damaged, but not destroyed, shield. This Cantrip does not Rebuild a shield.

Divine Judgment [Cantrip]

Incantation: “... to judge you.”

Call: “1 Radiance”, “2 Radiance” or “2 Radiance to [Abomination, Undead, or Undevoted]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet)                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: None

The Inquisitor channels their god’s retribution to punish those who live outside of their ordained path. The Inquisitor may charge a Spell-Packet and Call “1 Radiance.” If the target of the attack is Branded as an Oath Breaker by the Inquisitor, they may instead call “2 Radiance”.  The Inquisitor may also call “2 Radiance to [Abomination, Undead, or Undevoted].”

Divine the Aberrant [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... to know the enemies of nature.”

Call: Special

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Discern

This spell allows the character to determine if a targeted creature is one of the Living Dead. Alternatively, it may be used to determine the controller of an Undead or what kind of Undead a creature is, but only if the Inquisitor has already used this Power to ask the first question and gotten a positive response.

Infuse [Cantrip]


… divine and right, I wield and shape creation’s light.

With fervent plea and ardent zeal, I summon strength for woe and weal

To bring you in, to guide your way, so that our cause might win the day.”, Explanation

Call: “Short Grant [Accent] on unaccented attacks and Powers”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Accent

The Inquisitor may choose to summon the Divine aid of their Religion to grant access to their faith’s Accent. The Inquisitor anoints the target with the Alchemical Item Holy Oil while incanting the spell, sacrificing the Oil in the process. After, the target is able to utilize the accent of the caster’s Religion until the target completes a Short Rest. This Accent is able to be used, at-will, on any weapon attack, spell, or power that does not already have an Accent. After casting and anointing the target in Holy Oil, the Inquisitor should deposit it in the Ashbin at their earliest convenience.

For Example: Dravis, a believer in the Ember Light, casts Infuse upon his longtime companion Panth. After explaining the powers’ effects, Panth is able to call “1 Flame” instead of swinging his uncalled damage. In addition, many of Panth’s powers, being a fighter, are naturally unaccented, and so they are likewise affected. Panth uses his Brutal Blow against an Ice elemental, swinging for 5 Flame, to great effect, slaying the elemental instantly.

Inquisitor Novice Spells


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light…”

Daunting [Novice]

Incantation: “... to invoke fear in those too near.

Call: “Short Repel by Fear”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Repel

The Inquisitor is not one to cross lightly. For those who do, know to best keep their distance while the Inquisitor is on a warpath. The Inquisitor invokes their god and calls down Divine wrath and cloaks themself in it. The Inquisitor charges a number of Spell-Balls with  “Short Repel by Fear,” equal to their Inquisitor class-level.   If one of these spell balls is used on a Branded target the Inquisitor may immediately charge a replacement Spell-ball.

Salvation of the Heretic [Novice]

Incantation: “ bring salvation to the heretics.”

Call: “Wounding 2 by Radiance” “[Name or Description] 4 Radiance to [Abomination, Undead, or Undevoted]

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball), Verbal                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Wounding

A special privilege is reserved for those who actively speak in contradiction to that which is good. That which is good is all that god says is: the Tenets of the Inquisitor’s Religion. For those who speak such blasphemy, they are heretics. The Inquisitor may invoke the wrath of their god to charge a spell-ball to call “Wounding 2 by Radiance.”

If the first packet hits and the attack is not prevented, the Inquisitor may call “[Name or Description] 4 Radiance to [Abomination, Undead, or Undevoted]” to the target the packet struck.

Penitence [Novice]

Incantation: “ bring low our enemies.”

Call: “Short Disable Both Legs by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Disable

The Inquisitor calls down holy power, forcing their opponents to their knees. Both the target’s legs are disabled at once.

Trial [Novice]

Incantation: “ hear the plea of the accused.”

Call: “Quick Charm and Bind by Will,” or “Short Charm and Bind by Will” 

Target: Individual                                Duration: Quick, Short Rest

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Charm, Bind

When the Inquisitor wishes to have a word, they are generally able to press the severity of their divine mission on those who they wish to converse with. The Inquisitor calls upon their god’s indomitable will and subjugates those who they wish to speak, convincing them of the dire import of the situation. By casting this with an Adept Spell-slot, the Inquisitor can change the call to “Short Charm and Bind by Will.”

Inquisitor Adept Spells


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

With fervent plea and ardent zeal, I summon strength for woe and weal…”

Dispel Protection [Adept]

Incantation: “ rip away your protective shell.”

Call: “Dispel All [Protects/Summoned Armor]” or “Dispel All Protects and Summoned Armor”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Dispel

The Inquisitor reaches out and unweaves the magical protections their foes have in place. This Spell can be used to remove any Protections or Summoned Armor (such as Mage Armor) that the target has active.

If the Inquisitor uses a Spike in the casting, they may dispel both Protections and Summoned Armor.

Indomitable [Adept]

Incantation: “ bolster the faithful.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs [Will, Mind, or Fear] to Worshiper of [Religion/Deity]”

Target: Self, Individual                                 Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

The Inquisitor calls upon the temperance of their god and bolsters them and followers of their god. At the time of casting this spell, the Inquisitor may Grant Protection to themselves and any Individual the Inquisitor has confirmed follows the same Religion as the Inquisitor using their Detect Devotion Cantrip.  The Inquisitor may do this a number of times equal to their Inquisitor class-level so long as each person who receives the boon worships the same Religion or Deity.

The Inquisitor also gains the Indomitable power:


        Incantation: None

Call: "Counter, Indomitable"

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

When the Inquisitor is struck with a Charm, Dominate, or Obey Effect, they may call “Counter, Indomitable” once per Long Rest per casting of this Spell.

Note: Worshiping the same deity does not necessarily mean worshiping the same Religion.

Divine Judgment [Adept]

Incantation: “ enact judgment on the unworthy.”

Call: “Wounding 5 by Radiance”, “Double 5 by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Wounding, Double

The Inquisitor calls on their god to exact the sentencing on those who the Inquisitor judged worthy of such an honor. The Inquisitor calls down gouts of Radiant energy to overwhelm their foes. The Inquisitor may spend a Spike to charge a second spell-ball with the same call.

If the target of this judgment is an Abomination, Undead, Undevoted, or Branded by the Inquisitor as an Oath Breaker, they may call Double in place of Wounding.

Might [Adept]

Incantation: " grant you might.”

Call: “Long Grant strengthened and +1 Bonus Spike Damage”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Strength, Grant Plus Spike Damage

The Inquisitor calls upon their god to grant but a sliver of their Divine strength. The Inquisitor swells with the strength of the Divine and is able to perform feats of strength previously unimaginable. The Inquisitor gains the strengthened Condition, and +1 Bonus Spike Damage.

Perseverance [Adept]

Incantation: “ let faith preserve reality.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs [Force, Time, or Illusion] to Worshiper of [Religion/Deity]”

Target: Individual, Self                                 Duration: Event, Short

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect, Grant Power

The Inquisitor calls upon the temperance of their god and bolsters them and followers of their god. At the time of casting this spell, the Inquisitor may Grant Protection to themselves and any Individual the Inquisitor has confirmed follows the same Religion as the Inquisitor using their Detect Devotion Cantrip.  The Inquisitor may do this a number of times equal to their Inquisitor class-level so long as each person who receives the boon worships the same Religion or Deity.

The Inquisitor is also granted the Forced Reality Power below:

Forced Reality

        Incantation: None

Call: "Resist, Perseverance"

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Resist

The Inquisitor’s god emboldens their grip on reality. The Inquisitor may call “Resist, Perseverance” to a number of Root, Disarm, or Disable Effects equal to their Inquisitor’s class-level until their next Short Rest. The Inquisitor can only gain this Power a maximum of once per Short Rest.

Note: Worshiping the same deity does not necessarily mean worshiping the same Religion.

Stalwart [Adept]

Incantation: “ stay the hand of corruption.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs [Agony, Poison, or Disease] to Worshipper of [Religion/Deity]”

Target: Individual, Self                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect, Grant

The Inquisitor calls upon the temperance of their god and bolsters them and followers of their god. At the time of casting this spell, the Inquisitor may Grant Protection to themselves and any Individual the Inquisitor has confirmed follows the same Religion as the Inquisitor using their Detect Devotion Cantrip.  The Inquisitor may do this a number of times equal to their Inquisitor class-level so long as each person who receives the boon worships the same Religion or Deity.

The Inquisitor is also granted the No Claim Power below:

No Claim

Incantation: None

Call: "Short Grant Immunity to Maximum Life Point Reductions," “Short Grant Immunity to Maximum Spike Reductions”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Immunity

The Inquisitor’s god shields the Inquisitor from taking what belongs to the god and makes them Immune to having their Maximum Life Points and Maximum Spikes Reduced for a Short Rest.

Note: Immunity does not protect one from Sacrificing these statistics.

Note: Worshiping the same deity does not necessarily mean worshiping the same Religion.

Vow of Secrecy [Adept]

Incantation: “ bind you to keep my secrets.”

Call: “Grant Inherent obedient to Willing: Speak to no one of [brief description of event that just transpired.]

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

As well as the Inquisitor knows the value of truth, as rare as it may come, the Inquisitor also is keenly aware of the need to keep control of knowledge. Invoking their god, together the Divine and the Inquisitor convince a number of witnesses that perhaps it is best to forget this ever happened and keep it under their hat. The Inquisitor may affect a number of individuals up to their Inquisitor class-level.

Note: The Inquisitor must explain that this will only last till the end of the event.

Inquisitor Greater Spells


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

With fervent plea and ardent zeal, I summon strength for woe and weal,

From realms beyond, my power's source, With prayer and faith I give it force…”

Atonement [Greater]

Incantation: “... to grant Atonement to this one who has gone astray.”

Call: Explanation

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Sometimes, there are those who stray, breaking laws of gods and mortals alike, requiring both penance and forgiveness. The ability to cast this spell is a privilege, and is never to be used frivolously or lightly.

A character who had been given Atonement should feel the weight of guilt lifted from them. If the character has received Atonement, they can add that they confessed and atoned to any Power that forces the character to speak the truth, determines if the character has spoken the truth, or detects if a character has strayed from morality or dogma (even if the Power would not normally allow such a statement, such as a Power that requires only a yes or a no).

The Inquisitor knows that the handing out of Atonement is of grave consequence, and is essentially, vouching for the Atoned in the eyes of the Divine. Should the Atoned return to their previously erroneous behavior, it is possible the weight of penance could fall upon the Inquisitor as well.

Consecrate Shield [Greater]

Incantation: "... to Consecrate this shield.”

Call: “Short Grant Counter by Radiance”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Grant Counter

The Inquisitor calls out to their god to install a blessing upon their shield. Consecrate Shield makes the Inquisitor’s shield Counter Effects that strike it. When the caster’s shield is struck by an Effect, the Inquisitor may call “Counter, Sacred Shield” once.

Additionally, if the shield bears the divine sigil of the Inquisitor’s god, when casting the spell, the Inquisitor may expend Spikes to Counter additionally Effects that hit the shield one-for-one basis, but the shield may never Counter more Effects than the Inquisitor's class-Level of the Inquisitor class in a single casting.

Disrupt Heresy [Greater]

Incantation: "... to disrupt heresy.”

Call: See below

Target: Individual or Object                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball), Touch                Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

This powerful spell can be used in many ways to disrupt the heretical doings of those opposed to the Inquisitor and allows the Inquisitor to call one of the following:

By design, Disrupt Heresy may also have other uses.

Divine Protection [Greater]

Incantation: "... to shield my flock from words arcane.”

Call: “By my Voice Expose Followers of [Religion/Deity]”,  “Grant Protect vs Verbal and Voice”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

The Inquisitor invokes their god and creates a barrier around the touched target, giving that person a Protect which can be used either against a Verbal or Voice delivered Effect or attack. The Inquisitor may expose individuals that follow the same religion or deity as the Inquisitor.  The Inquisitor is granted the ability to grant this protection to an additional Exposed individual.

The Inquisitor may spend a Spike to target an additional individual (in addition to the Exposed individual).

Mantle of the Inquisition [Greater]

Incantation: “ cloak myself in the radiance of the divine.”

Call: “Long Grant 5 Summoned Armor to Self by Radiance”, “Grant Protect vs Weapons”, “Grant Protect vs Packets”, Grant Protect vs Charm and Obey”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest, Event

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Grant Summoned Armor, Grant Protect, Grant Plus Armor

The Inquisitor raises their voice to give homage to their god. Their god is well pleased and offers a boon of protection against the wicked and the false. The Inquisitor is granted 5 Summoned Armor Points. This is considered a new “suit” or armor and is not stackable with other sources of Summoned Armor. If the Inquisitor bears the Divine Sigil of their god on their person prominently, this spell also grants a single Protection from Weapons, a single Protection from Packets, and a single Protection from Charm and Obey Effects.

If instead of granting summoned armor the Inquisitor is wearing physical worn armor, this spell instead grants the Inquisitor +3 Maximum Armor.

Note: Remember a target can only have 3 protects on them at one time normally, if this spell would cause the target to have too many protects, the target may choose which protects they gain and which ones they lose.

Wrath of the Righteous [Greater]

Incantation: " call for divine wrath.”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Plus Base Spike Damage, Bonus Spike Damage

Until they complete a Long Rest, the Inquisitor gains a bonus to the spike damage they do with weapons. Damaging weapon attacks will add +2 Bonus Spike Damage.

If the Inquisitor adds the “to [Abomination/Undead/Undevoted]”qualifier or the target is Branded by the Inquisitor as an Oath Breaker, they may add +1 Base Spike Damage.

Note: The Inquisitor may only benefit from one instance of this spell at any given time.