Minutes for June Parks and Recreation Meeting                                         Date 07/12/17

  1. The meeting started at 7:30 pm. In attendance were Andrea, Jo, Tom, and Derek. Jeff and Janet were excused absences.
  2. Financials
  1. Update on 2017 Budget, Parks has spent $2,907.30 this year from our allocated $6,000 budget leaving a balance of $3,092.70 for the remainder of the year.
  1. Landscaping: Request to have the garden area mowed more frequently. Every 10 days was suggested.
  1. Update on Project for Ash tree removal quotes: The Committee reviewed four landscaping quotes and recommended that we accept the Bair’s Tree and Lawn Service quote. Bair’s was the most comprehensive quote. It included grinding the stumps once the trees were cut down. In addition the committee is requesting that the quote be broken up into halves so that half of the work can be done under this year’s budget, and half next year.
  1. Old Business
  1. Bird House and Apple tree removal has been completed.
  2. Garden Update: All plots are taken. A recommendation to encourage members to weed, and a work day is being planned.
  3. Ash Tree Removal: the upper part of the park closest to Lamp Post and Wagon Wheel will have the Ash trees removed first.
  4. Nesting Box Repairs: Tom is going to look into repairing the boxes in the Fall.
  5. Information Center has been updated, and it was proposed that we promote the Nature Preserve at Orchard Park, and in turn the Nature Preserve would promote Orchard Park in their information Center.
  6. Bee Sign is up and in place.   The  sign reads “Honey Bee’s at work stay clear.”
  1. New Business
  1. Replacement Trees: Tom is looking into appropriate Crab Apple tree to replace fallen Apple Tree.
  2. Pop Up Park Update request for pergola structure when the Pop Up Park is complete.
  1. Adjourn: Meeting  adjourned at 8:28pm