Dealbroker: Advanced Class


A simple merchant who knows how to turn disadvantage to advantage. A politician skilled in debate and misdirection. A crime lord who knows exactly how much pressure to apply to get what they want without consequence. A vizier who knows how to twist the words of both monarch and subject to get them both working for the good of the kingdom. While any socialite can strike a deal, the Dealbroker can make impossible demands possible and maximize concessions to their benefit.

The powers presented here are intended to support players whether they are charismatic and insightful negotiators already, or if they’re not personally there yet but want their characters to be. Carefully consider at what points in your negotiation you should be using your Dealbroker powers. Do you need to force your opponent’s hand just to get them to open negotiations, or will you save that card until the end of negotiations to come out with the upper hand?


Some powers within Dealbroker only work properly during a negotiation, not during random tavern socializing. The incantation line for these powers reads “Negotiation” (note that you should not say “Negotiation”, it’s just a shorthand). Powers with this incantation require about a minute of negotiation roleplay to activate, and you must generally wait another minute before using a similar power unless otherwise noted. While it is sometimes obvious when a negotiation begins, for the purpose of this class, a negotiation begins when someone suggests it has. The wording need not be entirely clear to those not paying enough attention, but if you or someone else insinuates that negotiations, business, or other important matters are now being discussed, you may safely consider that negotiations have begun.

Examples include:

A number of Negotiation Powers require the character to be “out of combat." Being out of combat means the character believes there are no credible, active threats nearby. They feel that they could sit with their eyes closed for a few minutes without any unusual risk. A character would almost never be out of combat if allies are fighting nearby, or if an attacker is within verbal range and interested in harming them. As with so many things in Tempest, the decision is left to the portrayer, with a focus on the spirit of the rules, rather than a literal reading of them.


Class Progression Table



Utility Powers











Win-Win, Social Acumen






Give and Take






Reduced Fees












Piercing Discernment, Obscure Intent

Dealbroker Innate Powers

Win-Win [Innate]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 1

Incantation: Negotiation, “I stake my reputation on an amicable resolution”, “As do I”

Call: “By My Voice to parties in this negotiation, Expose Final: Anyone who is unhappy with the result of this negotiation.”, “Short Drain to Self by Will Final”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None, Will                                Effect: Refresh, Drain

A dealbroker with a reputation for one-sided strong-arming may find few parties willing to negotiate with them or accept them as a neutral moderator. A wise dealbroker tries to garner a reputation for fair play and deals that result in both parties feeling happy with the result, though this is not always possible.

At the beginning of a negotiation where you are acting as a negotiator or mediator, you may activate this power by saying “I stake my reputation on an amicable resolution.” If another dealbroker has already done this, you may respond “As do I” instead of saying the entire thing. At the conclusion of the negotiation, if it resolves in a manner other than combat or being tabled for later, you (or another Dealbroker) must then call at a conversational tone:

If any party responds negatively, all of your [Concession] powers are considered expended, and you must call “Short Drain to Self by Will Final”.

If no unhappy parties are exposed, all of your [Concession] powers automatically refresh.

In the event that combat breaks out, it does not necessarily ruin your negotiation attempt, but if the combat resolves by one side’s defeat or retreat, your negotiation result is automatically treated as “unhappy” without going through the Expose step. If you are able to bring both sides back to the table, the negotiation continues.

Social Acumen [Innate]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 1

For the purposes of any power or skill that determines a numeric value based on your Socialite class-level (for example, the Socialite powers Battlefield Commander or Hard to Read), add your Dealbroker class-levels to your Socialite class-level. This does not allow you to meet power or skill requirements you would otherwise not qualify for, but does allow you to purchase additional Right Hand powers that you otherwise qualify for.

Give and Take [Innate]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 2

A negotiation ebbs and flows as demands are made and the participants clash or come to agree. When their opponent allows an opening, a shrewd dealbroker knows how to direct that flow in their favor. However, it’s also possible to lure in an opponent by making an opening of your own.

During any negotiation, if either:

…you may immediately refresh a single power tagged [Concession] of your choice. You may only benefit from this refresh once per minute of negotiation RP. The condition must be something meaningful; asking for the other party to remember to stay hydrated or give a review of their seat cushions is insufficient, and you should not begin a meaningless negotiation for the purpose of refreshing powers. If you refresh a power that could also be triggered by the same concession, you may use it immediately and do not need an additional minute of negotiation RP to activate it.

Reduced Fees [Innate]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 3

Incantation: “Reduced Fees”

Call: Explanation (if necessary)

Target: Power                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

You have connections in many places, and they give you discounts on certain services. Whenever you use a power, skill, or a service at an NPC building that requires an expenditure of Wealth due to fees, the amount of Wealth required is halved (round up), with a maximum savings per use of 10 Wealth. Fee reduction benefits do not stack with other means of fee reduction — use the best source instead.

For Example: you can’t benefit from the clause of the Rogue power Back Alley Deals that halves its cost and Reduced Fees at the same time. This only applies to fees — if the power, skill, or building allows you to purchase something with Wealth, the cost is not affected. This power does not affect direct negotiation with other characters, even if they are NPCs.

Piercing Discernment [Innate]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 5

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat)

Call: Special

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Discern Final

You have an uncanny ability to obtain just the right piece of information at just the right time. While you are in a negotiation out of combat, you may add the Final modifier to any single Discern or Subtle Discern you use on someone participating in or observing the negotiation.

The Dealbroker may use this ability five times per Long Rest.

Obscure Intent [Innate]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 5

Incantation: Negotiation

Call: “No Effect”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Special

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Obfuscate, Immunity

You become Obfuscated versus Discerns with the Mind Accent for the first five questions leveled at you during a negotiation. After that you must expend a Spike to gain the condition again. Each time you expend a Spike in this manner, the cost to refresh the Obfuscation goes up by one.

For Example: Norbert, the well-known dealmaker, is in negotiation for a large sum of construction materials. Over the course of the negotiation, the other side uses several Discerns to suss out Norbert’s true intentions, which he naturally Obfuscates. However, once those defenses were exhausted, Norbert silently expends a spike to refresh them. The next time he runs out the Refresh will cost two Spikes. He best conclude the negotiations before the cost to refresh exceeds his Maximum Spikes.

As long as you are Obfuscated by this power, you may choose to have Immunity to a single Discern of your choice. You may use this Immunity to defend against a single Discern Final by calling “No Effect.”

This power lasts until the end of your current negotiation. It refreshes and activates immediately at the start of your next negotiation.

Dealbroker Class Skills

Portfolio - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 1, Income

You know how to make a small investment pay dividends in due time. At the start of each event, you gain 2 Wealth per Dealbroker class-level.

Fair Judgement - 1 CP [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 1, Win-Win

Incantation: Negotiation, “I stake my reputation on a fair judgment”, “As do I”

Call: “By My Voice to parties in this negotiation, Expose Final: Anyone who feels this result is unfair.”, “Short Drain to Self by Will Final”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None, Will                                Effect: Refresh, Drain

Judges, lawyers, and others who must make hard calls often find that an amicable result is not always possible; in a trial or other dispute resolution, one side or the other is generally going to leave unhappy. In such situations, the Dealbroker may use Fair Judgement instead of Win-Win.

Fair Judgement follows the same procedure and requirements as Win-Win, but with a different incantation and Expose call:

The resulting effects on the Dealbroker are the same as with Win-Win. This counts as a “happy” or “unhappy” use of Win-Win for the purposes of other powers that grant you benefits or consequences based on the outcome of Win-Win unless otherwise noted in those powers.

Limited Time Offer - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 2, Fence or Commodities Broker

Your connections allow you access to opportunities that may not be offered to others. The downside is that you rarely have the opportunity to fully appraise these offers before accepting.

While fencing goods with the Fence skill, you may ask the Staff member handling the transaction if they have any Limited Time Offers. If so, they will present the offer and the price (which may simply be “your entire Fence payment”). The nature of the offer may vary, but will often be one of:

Depending on the offer, the amount of goods being fenced, or other plot factors, you may receive more or very little detail about the nature of the offer before being asked to accept.

Hard-Won Concession - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 3, Graceful Concession not taken

Incantation: Negotiation

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

Shrewd opponents may notice that a Dealbroker benefits from the smooth flow of requests and concessions and may try to make things harder for you with unnecessary friction. You, however, revel in this sort of conflict and wearing down your opponent gives you great satisfaction. Once per Short Rest, when your opponent rebuffs a requested concession and further attempts to make it more reasonable to them at least three times and they eventually agree to it, you may refresh all [Concession] powers.

Graceful Concession - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 3, Hard-Won Concession not taken

Negotiation does not have to be about conflict, and your even temper allows minor disagreements to flow naturally like a stream around a rock. When you are asked to make a concession in a negotiation, you may ask for modifications to it up to twice and still benefit from Give and Take if you then accept the request, with or without your requested modifications.

Stone-Faced Bodyguards - 3 CP [Right Hand] [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 3, The Right Hand

Incantation: RP; short pep talk about not exposing your thoughts on your face

Call: “Short Grant [X] Counters vs Discern by Mind to Bodyguard”

Target: Individual Bodyguard(s)                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Counter

Negotiators sometimes employ trusted bodyguards, but a keen opponent can take advantage of that and read things in the facial expressions of a too-informed bodyguard. A Dealbroker must carefully train their bodyguards not to give anything away during negotiations, or if captured while performing duties elsewhere.

After explaining the importance of controlling facial expressions, you may call “Short Grant [X] Counters vs Discern by Mind to Bodyguard” on one or more of your bodyguards within touch range, where X is your Dealbroker class-level. Their call is “Counter, Stone-Faced Bodyguards.”

Hostile Negotiation - 5 CP [Class]

Requirement: Dealbroker Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate, Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh Spike

Whenever you would benefit from Give and Take, you may refresh a Spike instead of a [Concession] power. The number of spikes that can be refreshed in this way is limited to your Maximum Spikes total per Short Rest.

Additionally, you may use Dealbroker powers with an incantation of Negotiation that normally require you to be out of combat even during combat, so long as your target is actually engaging in your negotiation.

Dealbroker Utility Powers

Smuggler’s Crate [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: One Container                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

You may place a container somewhere, then hide it by placing red card with a white halo on it that reads:

Hidden by <your name>

Sight: You know this is here, but may not interact with it.

Sight Beyond Sight: You may interact normally with this object, but if you move it, also remove this card.

You are able to find and interact with a crate that you have hidden yourself even without Sight Beyond Sight, but must still remove the card if you move it. You should check that your original card is still present before interacting with it. A Smuggler’s Crate may have additional protections added using other items or powers such as locks, traps, or the Socialite’s Safebox power.

Commodities Broker [Utility]

Incant: None

Call: None

Target: Resources                                Duration: Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Your connections have granted you access to markets that are generally unavailable to others.

Once per Long Rest, The Dealbroker may exchange processed Basic or Uncommon Resources on the commodities market for a small fee. Basic or Uncommon resources represented by Powder, Essence, or Plate cards may be traded in this manner. You may trade up two full cards of Basic resources for two full cards of other Basic resources of your choice, a single card of Uncommon resources for another card of Uncommon resources, or you may swap two cards of Basic for one Uncommon (or vice-versa). You must pay a fee of 4 Wealth to process this transaction. For the purposes of this power, a full card has 11 uses, but partially-used cards adding up to 11 count as a single full card.

You may instead issue a request for a single Town Construction Resource of your choice in your trade request, as follows, at the expense of 20 Wealth in fees:

The Dealbroker should pass the resources and Wealth to Staff with a note detailing their return request. If you have the class skill Limited Time Offer, you may note your willingness to receive such an offer. Staff will make the trades and return to the Dealbroker at their convenience. The resources and coin will be refunded and the ability refreshed if Staff cannot make the trade for logistical or plot reasons.

Hidden Coinpurse [Utility]

Dealbrokers know how to keep their coin safe in the face of muggers or thieves trying to negotiate on false pretenses. You may designate one pouch (no more than 8” in any one dimension) as your Coinpurse. The Coinpurse can only contain Wealth, though you may keep it in multiple smaller containers within the Coinpurse for convenience. Once marked with a Halo Sigil, the contents of the purse are immune to searches and Powers and are excluded when answering Discern questions. The power does not need to be announced, and can be ignored by the Dealbroker.

Correspondence Courses [Utility]

Not everyone has the luxury of attending a proper finishing school, but your connections make it possible to pick up some of that knowledge. You gain a Lore skill and a Socialite Utility power of your choice.

Dealbroker Basic Powers

Swindle [Basic] [Concession]

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat)

Call: “[Name or Description] Short Charm by Will”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Charm

Sometimes, an obvious trick works best. During a negotiation out of combat, if the target requests a concession and you both immediately accept it and also throw in some meaningful bonus, and the target accepts your addition, you may then call “[Name or Description]: Short Charm by Will” on the negotiator who requested the concession.

Basic Read [Basic] [Concession]

Incantation: Negotiation

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern by Mind: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Subtle Discern

Most Dealbrokers have some ability to watch the faces of those around them and pick up subtle clues about the flow of the negotiation and a bit of what other parties are considering. During a negotiation you are participating in or observing, you may Subtle Discern one of the following questions from anyone participating in or observing the negotiation:

Missive [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Letter                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Once per event, you may use your authority to seal a letter or envelope against prying eyes. You must identify yourself on the exterior of the letter or envelope with a seal or signature that positively identifies you - you may use a pseudonym, but may not assume another’s identity or pseudonym for this purpose. Draw a Black Key sigil on the sealed letter or envelope, and write under it: “Can only be opened by <name or other identifier>. Immune to Shatter and Discern until opened.”

Climb the Ladder [Basic]

Incantation: Negotiation, “By ancient right, I demand to speak with your superior!”

Call: “[Name or Description]: Obey by Fear: Tell me who is above you in your organization.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Obey

A negotiator knows when they are speaking with someone useless to them, and the proper protocols for climbing the chain of command to speak with whoever they really need to speak with. During a negotiation, you chant “By ancient right, I demand to speak with your superior!”, and then call “[Name or Description]: Obey by Fear: Tell me who is above you in your organization!” against a chosen individual.

If the target complies but the superior they introduce you to is already present in the negotiation, this power refreshes immediately.

Dealbroker Advanced Powers

Detect Swindling [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Even a Dealbroker can be taken in by a convincing hustler from time to time, but a skilled broker may recognize the hustle before it is too late. When the Dealbroker is affected by a Charm, this power can be used to reduce the effective duration by spending a Spike at the time it is applied. Event-duration Charms are reduced to Long, Long to Short, Short to Quick 100, and Quick 100 to Quick 30. The Dealbroker should not announce that this power was used. As with any ability that alters an Effect received, it can be used even if the Dealbroker takes the effect as Final. This can also be used even if the Charm has the Subtle modifier.

Cold Read [Advanced] [Concession]

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat)

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern by Mind: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest, Long Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Subtle Discern

While it’s hard to pull off, with training you can glean more from someone’s barest introductions than they might otherwise imagine could be gleaned. During a negotiation you are participating in or observing out of combat, you may Subtle Discern one of the following questions from anyone participating in or observing the negotiation:

Additionally, with the correct probing, it’s possible for the Dealbroker to identify someone who isn’t a mere mark, but with this technique it isn’t possible to avoid revealing yourself as well. Once per Long Rest, you may use:

Etiquette Training [Advanced] [Concession]

Incantation: RP

Call: “[By My Voice/Name or Description]: Obey: You didn’t [see/hear] <That>”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice or Verbal                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obey

A proper negotiator knows the social etiquette of various cultures and can use this experience to quickly recognize and cover up minor faux pas, prevent an ally from spilling a secret, or create other distractions.

If you say something or perform some action that you regret someone else saw, within a few seconds you may quickly cover it up. Depending on the situation, you may use Voice or Verbal targeting to select one, multiple, or all people present and call “[By My Voice/Name or Description]: Obey: You didn’t [see/hear] <That>”, where <That> might literally be “that”, or a short description of the information you hope to prevent memory of.

You may also use this on behalf of someone else, but must exclaim or otherwise draw attention towards yourself before activating this.

This may only be used to cover for things that you believe to be accidental. For example, if you or an ally take out a big bottle of poison and dramatically poison the drink of the person you are speaking with while they watch you do it, this is a deliberate action and you must not use this power. However, if you attempt to sleight-of-hand some poison into a beverage and simply get caught, this is a legitimate time to use this power.

Intimidation Tactics [Advanced] [Concession]

Incantation: Negotiation

Call: “[Name or Description]: Obey by Fear, [command]”, “Counter, Intimidation Tactics”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Obey

Sometimes you need a little push to get a negotiation rolling, and sometimes you just need to get the last word. During a negotiation, include some threatening or frustrated roleplay of some kind, and call one of:

You can’t benefit from Give and Take from a concession earned in this way.

Alternatively, you may expend this power to Counter a Fear effect used on you during a negotiation by calling “Counter, Intimidation Tactics.”

Left Hand [Advanced] [Concession]

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat)

Call: “[Name or Description]: Taunt 10 by Mind”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Taunt

Cunning negotiators sometimes try to glean information from the less socially capable of a party, and you know how to defend against this. You may use your force of personality to bend attention towards yourself by calling “[Name or Description]: Taunt 10 by Mind.” If a negotiation might erupt into combat, this level of attention may be undesirable.

If the target does not call a defense against the Taunt, whenever the target attempts to speak to someone other than you or one of their own allies, you may call: “[Name or Description]: Short Obey by Mind: Do not speak to [Individual] unless they ask you a direct question.” This may be used at-will until the end of the negotiation, you take a Short Rest, or the target calls a defense against a use of this Obey.

Spread Rumor [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “It Has Been Told X”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Once per event, you may decide upon a rumor you wish to have been spreading among the populace to influence your dealings. When spreading the rumor at an event, you may use the power phrase “It Has Been Told” to indicate that the rumor is something that people may have heard about.

The rumor should be about something that has happened or has been revealed in the past month, rather than something counter to common knowledge, though it may relate to an older event or fact. For example, the rumor “It Has Been Told that Edos is a well known bastion of democracy and socialism” is not possible. “It Has Been Told that the last Queen of Edos has been seen campaigning for reelection in Solana” is possible, if extremely unlikely to be believed, while “It Has Been Told that Princess Corrin is still plotting to be crowned Queen of Edos” is both possible and plausible.

You may contact plot between games if you wish to evaluate your rumor, or potentially have it added to the Rumormonger rumor sheet. If you do so, this power is considered expended during the next event, and you may spread the rumor as discussed with plot.

Dealbroker Veteran Powers

Professional Services [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Special                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Special                                Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Once per Long Rest, you may go offstage and pay for one of the following services. Each service may be used at most once per Event.

Note: Staff may not be able to give you an immediate response, and you may receive it later or between games. If the individual is a PC that has neither an approved backstory or meaningful plot interactions to speak of, or a throwaway NPC not worth asking about, you will learn this information for free, and the power refreshes.

Entrapment [Veteran]

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat, no delay required)

Call: “[Name or Description]: Subtle Discern by Mind Final: Did you Obfuscate my previous [Discern/Expose]?”, “[Name or Description]: Dispel Obfuscated by Mind”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Discern, Dispel

While extracting the truth out of a skilled opponent can be nearly impossible, spotting attempts to obfuscate the truth may unsettle the target enough to disrupt their focus. During a negotiation out of combat, immediately after using a Discern or Expose on someone involved in the negotiation, you may immediately call against them:

        “[Name or Description]: Subtle Discern by Mind Final: Did you Obfuscate my previous [Discern/Expose]?”

If the answer is “Yes” or equivalent, you may then call:

        “[Name or Description]: Dispel Obfuscated by Mind”

The shrewd Dealbroker should note that a tricky opponent may have multiple powers that Obfuscate, and may activate one after their previous Obfuscated condition has been used up or Dispelled. Additionally, this will not remove an Inherent Obfuscated Condition.

Confidence Trick [Veteran]

Incantation: Negotiation (special)

Call: “[Name or Description]: Subtle Charm by Mind” or “[Name or Description]: Short Dominate by Mind”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event or Short

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Charm, Dominate

Not all schemes can be enacted quickly; sometimes you need to set the perfect conditions. To be able to activate this power, you must complete a negotiation with the following conditions:

If all of these conditions are cleared, at some point before the end of the following month (generally, until the end of the next event), after some brief roleplay where you remind them of your previous positive dealings, you may call on the target your choice of:

You lose this opportunity if, in the intervening time, the target expresses anger towards you or attempts to attack you, you attempt to attack the target, you forget that this event has occurred, or you are involved in another negotiation with the target where they express dissatisfaction (whether or not Win-Win was invoked).

Exit Strategy [Veteran]

Incantation: Negotiation, then create a distraction

Call: “By My Voice, Quick Obey by Will: Do not attack or pursue anyone who does nothing but leave.”, “[Name or Description]: Quick Root by Will”

Target: Other Individuals                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice, Verbal                                Refresh: Long Rest, Immediate

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Obey, Root

When things get rough during a negotiation, a veteran Dealbroker has already planned their exit strategy. First, arrange for a distraction to occur - this might involve signaling an ally to cause a ruckus, setting off a mechanical noisemaker, waiting for a distraction to occur naturally, or if all else fails, bluffing it (“Look! A distraction!”). Depending on how dangerous a situation is, a distraction that is actually effective may allow you to get your next Call off successfully, but the distraction only needs to be attempted to use this Power.

Once your opponents are (hopefully) distracted, you may Call “By My Voice, Quick Obey By Will: Do not attack or pursue anyone who does nothing but leave”. You may raise your voice, but do not shout it — this technique is effective for extracting a small party, not disrupting an entire field battle.

For the next Slow 180, as long as you do not attack anyone and do nothing else but leave (that is, you don’t attempt to steal an item, stop to read a scroll, or other non-leaving activities), you may call “[Name or Description]: Quick Root by Will” against anyone who attacks, pursues, or otherwise tries to hinder your escape. You may use this at-will during the Slow 180 count, but no more than once per opponent.

Detect Deception [Veteran]

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat)

Call: “By My Voice Subtle Expose to Anyone who attempted deception during this negotiation by Mind”

Target: Other Individuals                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                Effect: Expose

While less refined than other methods of divining the truth, broadening your senses to take in the subtle cues of multiple participants can be revealing, particularly when someone on the opposite end of the table isn’t as well versed at hiding their intentions as their designated negotiator. During a negotiation out of combat, you may say at a conversational volume: “By My Voice Subtle Expose to Anyone who attempted deception during this negotiation by Mind.”

Pinpoint Deception [Veteran] [Concession]

Incantation: Negotiation (out of combat)

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern by Mind: [Question]”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                Effect: Discern

Dealbrokers tend to have a highly-trained sense of attempts to deceive. During a negotiation out of combat, you may ask: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern by Mind: What have you lied about during this negotiation?”.

If you use it again during the same negotiation on the same target (for example, if you use Give and Take to Refresh it), the call changes to: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern by Mind: What is one thing you have lied about since I last asked?”

Even if Refreshed, you can only use this power on any given target once per Short Rest.

Veil of Hospitality [Veteran]

Incantation: “You may sit without worry at my table”

Call: “By My Voice [To those seated at this table OR individual names] Grant Insubstantial”, Explanation

Target: Individuals                        Duration: Special

Delivery: Voice                                Refresh: Long

Accent: None                                Effect: Grant Insubstantial

You may grant those under the care of your hospitality some measure of protection. Indicate up to 10 people seated at a table. You may include yourself, but there must be at least one other target selected. You may call “[Names or Descriptions]: Grant Insubstantial until you leave this table”. Then, call: “Explanation, if you took this effect, call Cure Insubstantial on yourself if you leave your seat or otherwise move more than 5 feet from this table”. If the number of people seated at the indicated table is 10 or fewer, you may shorten the voice targeting to “To those seated at this table” or similar.

While you are insubstantial due to this power, you may attach “to Insubstantial” to any of your Socialite or Dealbroker power calls, or any Discern or Expose call, when you target someone affected by this power.