Learning Commons

R. Samuel McLaughlin Resource Centre

The Resource Centre functions as a research library, a place for recreational reading, and a classroom where students learn and develop their research skills. Library staff work closely with the IT Department to support the laptop program.


Students have access to the internet and a number of online databases, including EBSCOHost, Opposing Viewpoints and the Canadian Periodical Index. The scholarly database, Questia, is available for senior students. The collection of 20,000 volumes is carefully selected to support research assignments and reading interests. All students have access to the school Portal where they can find a complete list of all databases, suggestions for recreational reading and Libguides created to support research assignments.

Students can use their student number to download e-books and audio books to put on their own electronic devices 24/7 through our partnership with Overdrive Digital Media. Kobo e-readers can also be borrowed from the library.

Most material can be borrowed for three weeks. While no fines are charged for late material, students are expected to return material by the due date or arrange for an extended loan. Students will be charged for lost material.