St. Michael’s C. of E. Nursery & Primary School   St. Catherine’s C. of E. VA Nursery & Primary School 

St. Mary’s C. of E. VA Primary School   Marldon C. of E. VA Primary School   Ipplepen Primary School 












The purpose of the policy is to ensure that there is clarity over those items which the United Schools Federation will provide free of charge and for those items where there may be a charge.


The policy has been formed by the LEA policy and the DfES guidance and compliments the school’s policy.



At St. Michael’s School the school day is defined as:

9-00 a.m. – 3-15 p.m.


At St. Catherine’s, St. Mary’s and Marldon Schools the school day is defined as:

9-00 a.m. – 3-30 p.m.


Ipplepen School’s day is defined as: 8-55 a.m. to 3-20 p.m.


The mid-day break does not form part of the school day.



The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will ensure that staff are familiar with and correctly apply the policy.  The governors will review the policy annually.


Policy Statement: 

During the school day all activities that are a necessary part of the National Curriculum, plus religious education, will be provided free of charge.  This includes any materials, equipment and transport to take pupils between the school and the activity.  It excludes charges made for teaching an individual pupil or groups of up to four pupils to play a musical instrument.  Unless the teaching is an essential part of either the National Curriculum or a public examination syllabus being followed by the pupil(s), we will make a charge.  (See below).


Voluntary contributions may be sought for activities during the school day which entail additional costs (for example, field trips).  In these circumstances no pupil will be prevented from participating because his/her parents cannot or will not make a contribution.  (If insufficient funds are available it may be necessary to curtail or cancel activities).




From time to time we may invite a non school based organisation such as a visiting drama group or storyteller to arrange an activity during the school day.  Such organisations may wish to charge parents who may, if they wish, ask the Executive Headteacher/Head of School to agree to their child being absent for that period.


Optional activities outside of the school day 

We will charge for optional, extra activities provided outside of the school day, for example football clubs, theatre visits.  Such activities are not part of the National Curriculum or religious education nor are they part of an examination syllabus.


Education partly during the school day 

If a non-residential activity happens partly inside the school day and partly outside of it, there will be no charge if most of the time to be spent on the activity falls within the school day.  Conversely, if the bigger proportion of time spent falls outside of the normal school day, charges will be made.  When such activities are arranged parents will be told how the charges were calculated.



Charges will be made for board and lodging, except for pupils whose parents are in receipt of eligible benefits where a reduction in cost will be provided where possible.  Other charges will be made to cover costs when the number of school sessions missed by the pupils totals half or more of the number of half-days taken up by the activity.  In such cases parents will be told how the charges were calculated.



Travel in the school mini-bus is free.


Nursery charges (St. Michael’s) 

If places are available the school will make charges for any additional nursery hours, over and above the free entitlement.  These will be as follows:-


Nursery charges (St. Catherine’s) 

If places are available the school will make charges for any additional nursery hours, over and above the free entitlement.  These will be as follows:-

3-00 – 3-30 p.m. (St. Catherine’s)


Early Birds (St. Catherine’s & Marldon) 








Saplings (Ipplepen pre-school) 


Calculating charges 

When charges are made for any activity, whether during or outside of the school day, they will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the total number of pupils participating.  There will be no levy on those who can pay to support those who cannot or will not.  Support for cases of hardship will come through voluntary contributions and fundraising.


Parents who would qualify for support are those who are in receipt of eligible benefits.


Music Tuition 

In cases of hardship the governors will consider in their absolute discretion the remission of fees (either in full or in part) for those pupils who they consider will benefit from such tuition.


Eligible benefits 

Income Support

Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or Child Tax Credit (providing that they do not also receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, assessed by The Inland Revenue, that does not exceed £16,190.

Guaranteed State Pension Credit


The governing body will review the policy annually. 

Reviewed 28th March 2019 – next review March 2020