To:  Moorhead Area School Families

From:  Brandon Lunak, Superintendent

RE:  COVID-19 School Closure Updated Information

We are 48 hours into our school closure and our Spud team is working diligently on details to provide a quality education to our students through distance education and to support our community with new services during this unprecedented time. I want to update and keep you apprised of the work that is going on at the district office and across each of the school locations.

Student Meals and Transportation

It is important that students have access to nutritious meals while schools are closed. Meal delivery or pick up will begin tomorrow. Click here to read about accessing meals for your student during school closure.

Emergency Worker Child Care

We will be providing an important service to our community by providing child care for district-enrolled students age 12 and under. Click here to learn more.

Distance Learning

Our instructional teams are working on details for an excellent distance learning program for all students. Although students will not be present in the school buildings, they will have access to appropriate educational materials and receive daily interaction with their licensed teacher. The program will go into effect on March 30. We will be sharing out detailed plans as they are finalized over the next two weeks. This week teachers are determining the critical curriculum left in quarter three. Quarter three has been extended a full week. Teachers will be in touch with students about missing work. Next, we will plan how to move into quarter four in a distance learning fashion, knowing we must be flexible as more information develops.

Pick up of Items at School

To ensure social distancing and avoid multiple trips to the school, our teams are working on a schedule for families to pick up instruments, chromebooks and other things that your student will need by March 30. Please do not come to school buildings until you have this schedule. The only exception to this is medications that your child may have at school. Please work with your school principal for pickup of medications. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these details and keep our students and staff safe.


We want to keep you informed and provide the information and resources you need. Please check our website’s COVID-19 page regularly. You will find helpful information like this parent resource in our FAQ document.

Thank you for your support as we face the challenges and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic raises in our community. We understand our responsibilities and are working to do our best to deliver on them. We are committed to ensure your child’s education does not suffer. I have confidence that we have the best team in place at Moorhead Area Public Schools to face and overcome this challenge together.


Brandon Lunak,
