Can Mindfulness Apps Help You

Become More Mindful?

Mindfulness is a way of calming the mind and tapping into your inner peace to experience the wonders of the now. But how does technology jibe with this age-old practice? Let’s face it, mindfulness is supposed to be an inner calling right? So, why turn to an exterior mechanism like an app to help remind you to, well, be mindful?

The answer is sensible when you really think about it. Look at it this way. Like much of the world’s population, you are probably on your smartphone, tablet, or PC a good part of the day, especially with the increase in remote work. According to, the time spent online by the average internet user is 4 hours and 25 minutes and even more if you work online. Therefore, it’s understandable that you’d want to - or you should - take breaks throughout the day to keep your thoughts and feelings in check in order to maintain a sense of balance.

If you don’t have the willpower to gather your thoughts and feelings and detach from the outside world, mindfulness apps or stress trackers might be helpful. The app suggests daily 10 minute practice sessions, and usually provides a pre-recorded audio that talks you through your mindfulness tutorial. Some apps include a chime feature that alerts you throughout the day to pause and check your awareness. Mindfulness apps help you to schedule your practice sessions and organize them. However, your progress and how well your sessions are influencing your life is of course, up to you.

There are more than 500 mindfulness apps available promising everything from relieving anxiety to regulating your REM sleep cycle. How do you select the best app for your enlightenment needs?

Final Thoughts

There’s no one-size-fits-all app because everyone’s needs are different. Regardless, one thing is for sure, mindfulness takes perseverance. The more you practice – the more mindful you will become.  
