CIS 545: Big Data Analytics

Fall 2018

Homework 1: Data Wrangling

Due September 26, 2018 by 10pm

Big data analytics often requires (1) importing data from multiple sources, possibly extracting content from text; then (2) combining data from multiple sources, possibly from multiple different organizations, in heterogeneous formats.  For this assignment, our primary goals are to get you comfortable with importing, extracting, saving, and combining data -- largely using Pandas DataFrames as the basic abstraction.  You’ll read data from files, address issues with missing values, save the data in a database, combine the data, and generate visualizations.

This assignment is the first of four in the course that consists of a Basic component, to be done by everyone, and an Advanced component, to be done by students who wish to do 3 homeworks and a project.  Please see the separate steps for the Advanced component.

The Basic Goals of the Assignment

Most of you likely were on a plane over the summer, and chances are that at least one of your flights got delayed.  Did you ever wonder how well different airlines do?  We’ll answer those questions in this assignment!  (Caveat: with apologies to international travelers, most of the data is only available for US cities and routes!)

Terminology.  We’ll generally use field, column, and attribute interchangeably to mean a named column in a DataFrame.  We’ll also generally assume that table, DataFrame, and relation mean the same thing.

Notebooks.  In order to give you the best feedback, we are using a system called nbgrader, which provides a “skeleton” notebook into which you can add your code.  It will also be used to automatically grade your submissions.

We supply some test cases in the notebook to help you figure out if your code is following our expectations.  Note that there are many additional tests that we’ll be using to grade your homework, but that passing the validation tests will be a prerequisite to passing the rest!

The “Basic” Assignment

We’ll be bringing together data from with data from the US government Bureau of Transportation at  To start, go to Jupyter Notebook in your web browser (http://localhost:8888/tree with the big token as before).  Click on your work directory, then New|Terminal.  Run:

git clone

to get your initial data sets and skeleton notebooks.  

What to Work on

Homework 1 has two notebooks:

The Data You’ll be Using

The data files, whose contents are described in the provided notebook Dataset Descriptions, are:

Submitting Homework 1

Once both of your Jupyter notebooks are sanity-checked and pass all tests, go into your work/hw1 directory on Jupyter Notebook.  Run zip Homework*.ipynb.  

Next, go to the submission site, and if necessary click on the Google icon and log in using your Google@SEAS or GMail account.  At this point the system should know you are in the appropriate course.  Select CIS 545 Homework 1 and upload from your Jupyter/hw1 folder, typically found under /Users/{myid}.

The “Advanced” Assignment

You should make sure the basic assignment is complete before moving on to this part.  To start, go to Jupyter Notebook in your web browser (http://localhost:8888/tree with the big token as before).  Click on your work directory, then New|Terminal.  Run:

git clone

to get your initial data sets and skeleton notebooks.  Then cp hw1/HW1_DB hw1-advanced to copy the SQLite database.

What to Work on

In Jupyter’s tree browser, go into hw1-advanced.

Submitting Homework 1-Advanced

Once both of your Jupyter notebooks are sanity-checked and pass all tests, go into your work/hw1-advanced directory on Jupyter Notebook.  Run zip Homework*.ipynb.  

Next, go to the submission site, and if necessary click on the Google icon and log in using your Google@SEAS or GMail account.  At this point the system should know you are in the appropriate course.  Select CIS 545 Homework 1-Advanced and upload from your Jupyter/hw1-advanced folder, typically found under /Users/{myid}.