Engaging and Educating Your Community  

Read this Guide in Spanish here: Lee esta Guía en Español aquí

Why is it important to engage and educate your community?

How to engage and educate your community?

Do research on opportunities

Make a decision

Get out there!


It is helpful to see this simple structure in action. This is an example based on a voting rights campaign working to pass a state bill on early voting. The content of your pitch will vary depending on the issue and specific policy you are working on. Example:

After you’ve held an event or spoken to a local group, report back to People Power and the ACLU by filling out this form!

Please note: As a People Power activist, you don’t represent the ACLU as an organization. You represent your own causes as a concerned constituent and community stakeholder. This is critical to our strength as a movement: As you work on your Freedom Cities campaign, Let People Vote campaign, and other causes, your voices will be stronger as representatives of your community. If anyone is looking for a comment about a formal ACLU position, you can refer them to info@peoplepower.org and we can contact the appropriate ACLU representative.