Remote learning plans

Epiphany Term 2021

Remote learning plan for the Senior School

If this means that a subject now has a double lesson in one week, project type work will be set for pupils to complete.  As there is an INSET day on Monday 4 January (Week A), this will mean that the lesson that was timetabled for Saturday period 1 on 9 January will not take place.  Periods 2 and 3 on that day will take place on Wednesday and Thursday as outlined above.

We have made the decision to move Saturday lessons for the duration of remote learning to support parents, pupils and teachers.  As games and activities are not currently running, it makes sense for the pupils to actively engage with lessons during this time to help them keep structure to their days. It also enables teachers to make more productive use of the Monday-Friday school day while we can’t include teacher-led sport and activities, ensuring that pupils are fully supported with their learning.  As a school, we are also aware that many parents have children that attend the Junior School and the Senior School, and by aligning the timetables of both schools this will help parents to manage childcare and the expectations surrounding when pupils should be engaged with their school work.

Remote learning plan for the Junior School

We realise that you are juggling your own work as well as managing the care and supervision of your children’s learning and, therefore, we will teach as much live/video as possible using Google, following your child’s usual timetable whenever we are able to do so. This will also include the usual daily form time and reflection time with the Form Teacher.  Your children have successfully accessed work through Google Classroom in recent months. I am also conscious that your child will need some time off screen and therefore some lessons will be recorded and pre-recorded to give you greater flexibility. There will not be lessons in dance or games but PE, Music, Drama and Art will continue as normal.