Larcenist: Advanced Class


The Larcenist operates by one motto alone: “What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine.” Whether simple coin, valuable art, or more esoteric objects, what the Larcenist wants, little can stop them from acquiring.

Perhaps the best Larcenists are those who are little-known, notoriety comes often to the careless and unsuccessful, and so finding oneself a reputation can be a double edged sword.

However one finds themselves in the trade that only goes one way, the Larcenist is among the most well-equipped to deal with the slings and arrows of fate and watchful guards, slipping into vaults and safes without a sound, and exiting with wealth untold.


Class Progression Table



Utility Powers











The Knack,

Locks of Little Consequence






Innocent Until Proven Otherwise,

Hidden Pockets






Trap Dodge, Saving Grace






Glyphed Spirit






Better Lucky than Good

Larcenist Innate Powers

The Knack [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter, Refresh

The Larcenist is well aware that even the most skilled thief eventually fails, and coincidence and folly go hand in hand. For whatever reason, the fates have aligned and things just happen to work out for the Larcenist when they’re at their most pressed.

Each Long Rest, the Larcenist gains a pool of Luck equal to their Larcenist class-level. These Luck charges may be spent in a number of ways:

Locks of Little Consequence [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 1

Incant: RP: Quick 10 using tools on the lock.

Call: “It Can Be Seen: I have opened this lock.”
Target: One Lock                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Larcenist is a practiced hand at lockpicking, and spends idle time picking locks for fun and sport - for when the time comes, speed and efficacy are paramount.

In addition, this Power refreshes when the Larcenist successfully manually picks a lock with tools.

Innocent Until Proven Otherwise [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obfuscate

The Larcenist knows that words spoken without care are the shortest path to a gibbet’s rope, and so has carefully practiced the art of deflecting hard questions and probing interrogations. When the Larcenist is the lone target of a Discern by Mind, they may expend a Luck Charge to Obfuscate themselves in response.

Note: The Luck Charge can be expended after the Discern Call is made to preemptively gain Obfuscate for that Call.

Hidden Pockets [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 2

Incant: None

Call: None

Target: None                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

The Larcenist may designate one pouch (no more than 8” in any one dimension) as their Hidden Pocket. The Hidden Pocket can only contain Wealth, Hide, Harvest, Ore, Rare Minerals, Bloom, and Night Prizes. Once marked with a Halo Sigil, the contents of the pouch are immune to searches and Powers and are excluded when answering Discern questions. The power does not need to be announced, and can be ignored by the Larcenist.

Note: Should the Larcenist have a similar ability from elsewhere, such as the Socialite’s Smuggler’s Powdercase, this ability stacks with that one, allowing an additional pouch to be protected.

Trap Dodge [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 3

Incant: None

Call: “Counter, Luck”
Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Inevitably, the Larcenist will come upon a prize worth having where the owner will have set up static defenses. No matter - the Larcenist is well versed in classic traps of all shapes and sizes, and, more often than not, can simply avoid the consequences by knowing exactly where the blade, dart, cloud of poison gas or whatever will land, and not be there. Some particularly canny Larcenists will intentionally trip traps simply out of expediency - particularly when time is of the essence.

The Larcenist may now expend two Luck charges to “Counter, Luck” any Trap call, whether they tripped it, or someone else did.

Saving Grace [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 3

Incant: None

Call: “Stabilize”
Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Stabilize

The life of a Larcenist is one that knows violence is around every corner, and the thief that gets caught is lucky to simply end up in the stocks. More often than not, getting caught means a sword through the gut, and a long slow death in the gutter. While the Larcenist is not immune to such fates, more often than not, a twist of the body and some convincing acting is enough to keep would-be killers to leave the bleeding thief to die in the dirt.

The Larcenist may now expend two Luck Charges to Stabilize themselves while Dying.

Glyphed Spirit [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 4

Incant: None

Call: “Counter, Luck”, “Discern to Marshal Spirit: What does this Glyph mean?”
Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The more valuable the prize, the more dangerous the guard - and few are more dangerous than the uncaring stare of the magical Glyphs. These magical Traps that can reset themselves, often tripped with merely a whisper, and capable of killing everyone in the room, these silent wardens are among the most troublesome defenses an enterprising thief can come across. Fortunately, after much practice on more forgiving variants of these terrible runes, the Larcenist has deciphered the language of the Glyphs, and when prepared can avoid the most dangerous of effects.

When on a staged encounter (often called a “mod”) with an interior building, out of combat, where the Larcenist is able to speak to a Marshal Spirit, they may Discern a Glyph they can see to discover its properties.

In addition, the Larcenist may now expend two Luck Charges to counter the effects of a tripped Glyph.

Better Lucky than Good [Innate]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Stabilize, Refresh

Having lived to tell the tale many times over, the Larcenist know when to press their luck, and when to fold - however, there are just times when, even through harrowing adversity it’s better to press on, and the Larcenist’s knack for survival shines brightest when the chips are down.

Once per Event, the Larcenist may instantly refresh their Luck charges to full.  Additionally, The Knack may now spend 2 points of Luck to Counter Melee or Ranged Weapon attack or 4 points of Luck to Counter a Verbal or Voice attack.

Larcenist Class Skills

Like a Ghost - 5 CP  [Class]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 1, Waylay (Rogue Basic Power)

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The mark of a professional thief is the ability to enter and exit a job without ever raising an alarm - indeed the most notable thefts of all time still go uncredited to this day, even years later due to the high level of execution. Those who hone their craft night and day find that luck walks beside them in critical moments.

Once per Short Rest, when utilizing the Waylay Rogue Basic power against an unaware foe that is not Prevented, the Larcenist may refresh a Luck Charge.

Perfect Landing - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: “Perfect Landing”

Target: One fall                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

The character can Counter the damage and effects from one fall, reducing all of the damage and effects to take no damage. This, however, only works when there is something to land upon, and does not aid the Larcenist in returning to where they fell from.

For Example: Avana, climbing across a narrow ledge, slips and falls forty feet to the sharp rocks below, normally taking 10 Damage and a Disable to both legs. Instead, she calls “Perfect Landing” and takes no falling damage or Effects.

Sense Gold - 4 CP [Class]

Incantation: Focus Quick 30

Call: “[Name or Description], Subtle Discern by Mind: Approximately how much coin do you have on you right now?”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Discern

The Larcenist has a practiced eye in finding “big fish” and can, with careful observation, tell a lot about how much wealth a person is carrying. They use various clues and all their senses to tell if someone is carrying significant amounts of coin upon them. They must observe the target carefully for a Focus Quick 30 before making the Call. This skill may only be used once per Short Rest on any given target.

Wall Run - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Larcenist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: “Wall Run”        

Target: Self                                        Duration: Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Larcenist may negate an environmental fall effect as long as they are moving and are touching a wall. If the Larcenist removes their hand from the wall, or slows to a stop, the ability immediately ends and they take the environmental effect applicable to where they are currently standing.

Larcenist Utility Powers

Case the Joint [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: “Discern to Marshal Spirit: [Question]”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The Larcenist is a creature of perception and canniness, and is always keeping an eye out for opportunity and exploration. These senses are honed to the point that the Larcenist has an uncanny knack for sussing out hidden panels, walls that don’t quite feel right, and interiors that don’t match the exterior of buildings.

When on a staged encounter (often called a “mod”) with an interior building, out of combat, where the Larcenist is able to speak to a Marshal Spirit, they may Discern if there are secret stashes or hidden treasure, potentially trapped areas, and places where locks are likely to be present. The Larcenist may ask each of these questions once per use of this power.

Valid questions for the Spirit are:

Light Sleep [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

While the Larcenist is a master of taking what isn’t theirs, they also are subject to the same theft as everyone else, or worse: stalkers in the night invading their sanctums. Some Larcenists have honed their perceptions to the point that those who would intrude, even while the Larcenist is asleep, can be detected, and prepared for.

The Larcenist should declare a Sanctum where they will sleep - During the nighttime (7pm to 7am), any intruder into the Sanctum must stop and go out of play to check the location for the Larcenist, wake them if necessary, and then return to the location where they will attempt entry in-play.

The Larcenist is required to designate their Sanctum: This should be prominently marked on the outside of all entrances with a 6” square sign, with a white background and a Blue Exclamation Mark. On the reverse of the sign, the words “Light Sleep” should be prominently visible along with the Larcenists’ Character Name, Player Name, and Sleeping Location. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure these signs are posted at all entrances to the Sanctum, and that they are easily visible and able to be read easily at night.

Persistence of Entry [Utility]

Incantation: RP Focus Quick 100: Attempting to gain entry.

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Larcenist is all too familiar with Havens and the problems they create when attempting a little wealth redistribution. Through persistence, the right tools, and a quiet location with which to do their work, even the most fortified of locations will eventually fall to the Larcenist’s “request” for entry.

When attempting entry into an area protected by a Haven, the Larcenist may roleplay breaking in for a Focus Quick 100. When they complete their count, they may remove a number of Haven charges equal to their Larcenist class-level.

Note: The Larcenist is not considered to have triggered the Haven’s prohibitions for attempting entry, and may use this ability at-will and consecutively against the same Haven.

Unrestrained Movement [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Dodge”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

While wearing four or less points (Maximum) of physical, summoned, or natural armor, the Larcenist may Counter any of the following Effects: Slow, Root, Bind, Repel. The call for this effect is “Counter, Dodge.”

Larcenist Basic Powers

The Distraction [Basic]

Incantation: RP: Engage the target in brief (minimum Quick 30) conversation

Call: “[Name or Description] Quick Obey by Will: Ignore my [friend or friends] unless they attack while we talk.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Quick 100

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Obey

While Larcenists frequently work alone, very few of them will say there is no value in teamwork. As such, many have developed tactics to draw attention away from their compatriots - whether those compatriots are sneaking up, doing something the target might not like, or getting away.

The Larcenist chats with the target about anything or nothing, but after a moment of talking they can use this power. The Larcenist must continue to talk during the duration of this power, facing the consequences of their friend’s actions (if known by the target!) after the conversation.

Plausible Deniability [Basic]

Incant: RP: Give a vaguely reasonable alibi for a thing they are accused of (Quick 30)

Call: “[Names or Description] Short Obey by Will: Believe the reason I gave you until I break line of sight.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Obey

Even the wittiest interrogator will be dazzled by a Larcenist’s confident words… if only for a short while.

It’s not about outrunning the bear, it’s about outrunning your friend who’s slower than you. Larcenists have mastered the tactic of getting out of town when the coins are down. After explaining they could not have possibly done the thing (that they likely did) for a Quick 30 and provided a somewhat believable excuse (“Couldn't have been me, I was blind that day. Eyes got eaten by birds. It was the one armed man!”), the Larcenist may force their victims to believe their lie long enough for them to escape unharmed.

Preparation [Basic]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100

Call: “Grant Short Rest to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh, Special

The Larcenist may quickly prepare themselves for the situation at hand. They, while they believe they are unobserved by foes, may complete a Focus Quick 100, if they do so without being interrupted, they may complete a Short Rest immediately. This Power cannot be refreshed by any Power including ones that grant Long Rests.

Larcenist Advanced Powers

Blend In [Advanced]

Incantation: RP: Attempting to blend in with the crowd

Call: “[Name or Description] Short Obey by Mind: Act as though I belong here.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obey

The Larcenist need not always perform their trade under cover of night. Sometimes, “hiding in plain sight” is the best method for intrusion: simply acting as though one belongs, and going about their business is enough to keep the watchful eyes of guards from landing upon them.

Out of combat, the Larcenist may call out against a foe the Verbal component, and simply go about their business.

If the Larcenist expends two Luck Charges, this power may be immediately refreshed.

Elude [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Elude”

Target: One attack not by By My Voice Delivery                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                                Effect: Counter

Elude may counter any attack that is delivered by a Weapon, Packet, Verbal, or “to Room.” Upon being struck with such an attack the player should call “Counter, Elude.”

Method Acting [Advanced]

Incant: RP: Explaining that you are, in fact, a member of an organization

Call: “[Name or Description] Long Obey by Will: Trust me when I say that I belong to [Name of Organization].”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Will                                        Effect: Obey

The Larcenist is a master of mingling between different social circles and forging strong bonds. Some circles are outside of their grasp, but they are, to their credit, usually able to ‘blend in’ with the best of them.

Pickpocket [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Instruction: Pickpocket: Give me a coin if you have one.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Instruction

One of the more common, and often overlooked stock-in-trade abilities of the thief is the simple picking of pockets. While one won’t become wealthy doing so, its simple bread-and-butter reliability remains useful even after the thief has moved on to larger jobs.

Out-of-Combat the Larcenist may whisper to a target a Subtle Instruction forcing them to give the Larcenist a coin.

Strategic Bluff [Advanced]

Incant: RP: The Larcenist must touch their target on the back with a prop and announce that they’ve got a knife against their vitals.

Call: “Short Paralyze by Fear”, “Cure Paralyze”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon                                Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Paralyze, Cure

While out of combat, the Larcenist places a blade against the target’s back; while holding the blade to the intended target, the victim is frozen in fear.

In truth, it is a simple deception, possibly involving a frozen blade, or some mint rubbed on the blade. The chill of the blade on their skin is enough to ensure they don’t make any sudden moves and respect what could be their demise. While completely harmless in truth, with the combination of the Larcenist’s reputation and the well placed deception, the victim is frozen in fear as they try to piece out what to do next. When the Larcenist removes the item from their back, they must end the power with “Cure Paralyze.”

Suppress Glyph [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Suppress Glyph”, “Release Glyph”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Focus Slow Count 60        

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Larcenist can use this Power to allow anyone perform actions that would normally activate a Glyph, without activating it. Bypass Glyph can only be used on any one Glyph once per Long Rest, but for the Slow Count of 60, it will not activate. If the Larcenist’s Focus is interrupted, the Glyph immediately activates. The Larcenist may end her focus early by calling “Release Glyph”, with no ill effects.

Unseen and Unheard [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obfuscate

The Larcenist gains inherent Obfuscate to Expose effects until they complete Short Rest. The Larcenist need not call out “No Effect” when the Expose is used, but can merely remain silent.

We’re Muggers [Advanced]

Incantation: RP: Threaten someone with violence.

Call: “[Name or Description] Short Obey to Living by Fear: Hand me all your coin.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Fear                                        Effect: Obey

Sometimes the most direct method is best: strongarming someone through raw intimidation doesn’t always work, but off-the-cuff threats of violence work more often than some might expect.

This ability may only be used out-of-combat and when the Hooligan and their allies outnumber the target and their allies in the area. The Hooligan may target up to three individuals to call “[Name or Description] Short Obey to Living by Fear: Hand me all your coin.”

Larcenist Veteran Powers

In Confidence [Veteran]

Incantation: RP, One minute of conversation

Call: “[Name or Description] Long Charm by Mind”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Charm

Out of Combat, the Larcenist can engage with a target for a minute of conversation and unravel their concerns about the character’s intentions. After a minute of conversation, the Larcenist may call “[Name or Description], Long Charm by Mind.”

Master of Escape [Veteran]

Incantation: RP: Attempting to remove the bond that holds them for a Quick 10

Call: Cure Condition

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: None                                        Effect: Cure Condition

The Larcenist is the type to really resent the restriction of freedoms, particularly their own. After spending so much time with ropes, shackles, locks, and even magical restraints the Larcenist is able to find the weak points in just about every restraint - sooner or later.

When affected by any of the below Conditions, the Larcenist may roleplay attempting to remove the bonds for a Quick 10, and then call “Cure [Condition]” on themselves.

In addition, the Larcenist may expend a Luck Charge to Cure the following conditions (even though normally they would not be able to do so):

Finally, when given the Instruction “You may not get out of these bindings without help.” or similar, such as when the target of the Serious Knots Rogue Class power, the Larcenist may call “No Effect, Master of Escape.”

Mine, Mine [Veteran]

Incantation: Successfully disabling a trap.

Call: [The Trap’s Call]

Target: Self, Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous, Until Used

Delivery: None, Verbal                                Refresh: Short Rest, None

Accent: None, Per Trap                                Effect: Special

When disabling a Trap, should the Larcenist succeed, they may ask for the Trap card, or if there is none, question the Marshal Spirit for the effect of the trap. When they learn the effect of the trap, they gain a single Mine Charge that must be the next Call they Larcenist makes.

The Mine Charge grants a Call equal to the original trap's call, with the Delivery changed to Verbal.

For Example: Elana the Larcenist manages to disable a Trap during a mod, and finds the relevant trap card underneath the chest they were working on. The Traps call would have been “In This Room: 10 Flame.” They take note of the call, and grant themselves a Mine Charge with the call “[Name or Description], 10 Flame” which must be the next Call they make.

Tales are Told [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Plus Damage

While adept thieves are hard to come by, the legendary ones inspire stories that pass down from guild to guild for the seemingly impossible tasks they are able to perform. Few would believe half the feats possible, and fewer still while in the thick of things.

The Larcenist is able to use certain skill in ways unheard of:

What’s Yours is Mine [Veteran]

Incantation: Death Blowing & Searching a Corpse

Call: “Discern to Corpse: What Protects or Counters did you have remaining when you died?”, “Grant [Counter/Protect] to Self”

Target: Individual (Corpse)                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect / Counter

After Death Blowing a valid target and then Searching them, the Larcenist may take more than just the loot on the body - they may take portions of their very essence, weaving it into protections for themselves.

Once the Larcenist completes a Search of a corpse, they may ask the portrayer of the Corpse if they had any remaining Protects or Counters available to them. If so, the Larcenist may select one that the Portrayer indicates, and apply that protection to themselves, abiding by the Stacking rules. This protect or Counter lasts until used or the Larcenist completes a Short Rest and cannot be refreshed.  The Larcenist may only “steal” Counters that are not Protects equal to their Larcenist class-level.