Occultist: Advanced Class


In a world where magic and the supernatural are everyday knowledge and spells follow precise arcane or divine formulations to achieve immediate results, the occultist focuses less on the grand power of spells and more on secret knowledge whispered by the spirits of the world, the small ones who bear the messages of the divine or the creatures who lie in darkness. While this knowledge can take many forms and be put to many uses, it generally results in a level of rapport with the spirits of the world that few others can match. This has a direct impact on the more subtle and performative forms of magic that require appeals to these spirits, making it popular among those who specialize in ritualistic crafts.

“I call the spirits…”

Many powers in this class require that the Occultist call upon the power of minor spirits to aid the Occultist. Depending on your culture, religion, or immediate circumstances, it may be more appropriate to call on more specific groups of spirits or powers. The following alternative calls are permissible; feel free to ask a Staff member to approve additional calls:


Class Progression Table



Utility Powers











Read the Storm,

Protection of the Spirits






Aid of the Spirits






Spirit Seer






Ectoplasmic Weaving






Favor of the Spirits

Occultist Innate Powers

Read the Storm [Innate]

Requirement: Occultist Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: “Discern to Marshal Spirit: [Question]”

Target: Marshal                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: None                                        Effect: Discern

While you are a ritualist or participant in a ritual or enchantment, or are involved in some other craft or process involving Dark Territory, you may make both of the following calls once without negatively impacting the current ritual process:

Protection of the Spirits [Innate]

Requirement: Occultist Level 1

Incantation: RP for 1 minute; “I call the spirits to protect me”

Call: “Grant X Summoned Armor to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Summoned Armor

Regardless of their methods, Occultists try to garner respect, blessings, or favors from the minor spirits that swirl around us all the time. While there are many benefits and uses for this, one of the most elementary is granting a blessing of protection. While out of combat, you may spend a minute of performative roleplay connecting with and appealing to the spirits of the world, which might involve minor offerings, meditation, and so on. You may then chant “I call the spirits to protect me”, and then Call “Grant X Summoned Armor to Self”, where X is 2 plus your Occultist class-level. Should you lose this armor due to death, dispelling, or other causes, you may use this Power again to regain it (subject to the Short Rest refresh).

Some Occultist Powers give a benefit if you spend your Protection of the Spirits. Doing so requires that you are using Summoned Armor as your current suit of armor. Points that you spend are a Sacrifice of your Protection of the Spirits Maximum Summoned Armor points. If you have an additional source of Summoned Armor,  your effective Maximum Summoned Armor points will not drop below the other source, but you may not continue to sacrifice Maximum Summoned Armor points.

For Example: A Level 2 Occultist (who would receive 4 Summoned Armor from this power) wearing a Greater Arcane Bracelet (that grants 5 Summoned Armor) could only sacrifice 4 out of the 5 points granted by that armor.

This Sacrifice lasts until your next Long Rest, and persists even if you change sources of Summoned Armor or have this Power dispelled and re-cast it.

At any time, if your Summoned Armor is Shattered, you may meditate for a Focus Slow 180 to call “Rebuild Summoned Armor to Self.” This may be done even in combat situations.

Aid of the Spirits [Innate]

Requirement: Occultist Level 2

Incantation: “I call the spirits to aid me in my task”

Call: “Grant X Ritual Points”

Target: Ritual                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Ritual Points

The most basic use of Protection of the Spirits (outside of literal protection). During a ritual or enchantment, the Occultist may chant “I call the spirits to aid me in my task” and Sacrifice any amount of Protection of the Spirits Armor points. The Occultist may then call “Grant X Ritual Points”, where X is the number of points Sacrificed.

Spirit Seer [Innate]

Requirement: Occultist Level 3

You gain the Sight perk. If you already possess the Sight perk, the CP for the original purchase is refunded. You may add “to Spirit” or “to Insubstantial” to any Discern or Expose effect you call. This is an at-will ability.

Additionally, you have a deeper insight into the spirits of creatures even if they are in material form. After about a minute of roleplay focused on a specific creature, you may ask it “[Name or Description]: Subtle Discern, what is your creature Type?” You may use this Discern once per Occultist class-level per Long Rest, but can only use it on any given creature once per Long Rest.

Ectoplasmic Weaving [Innate]

Requirement: Occultist Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant to Spirit: Lose Strong Spirit” “Rebuild Summoned Armor to Self” “Recharge Protection of the Spirits”

Target: Other Individual Spirit                                             Duration: Short, Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                                                            Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant, Special


The Occultist can find use for spirits that are far stronger than the usual fare that composes their Protection of the Spirits. The Occultist may, utilizing a willing Spirit, pull strength from that Spirit. This requires the Spirit to have the Strong Spirit Supernatural Perk, either through character purchase or other means. The Occultist temporarily removes this Perk from the Spirit for one of two benefits for themselves. They may either Mend the Summoned Armor from Protection of the Spirits to full without the usual Focus Slow 180 required by Protection of the Spirits, or they may instead recover a Sacrificed Maximum point of Summoned Armor from Protection of the Spirits.

Favor of the Spirits [Innate]

Requirement: Occultist Level 5

Your rapport with the minor spirits of the world is great, and whether they love or fear you they will always protect you. You receive a +3 bonus to the base Summoned Armor provided by Protection of the Spirits. As a 5th level Occultist, this places your Protection of the Spirits armor value at 10. This does not affect other sources of Summoned Armor, but does increase the amount of that armor you can Sacrifice by spending your Protection of the Spirits.

While casting or participating in a ritual or enchantment with a ritual marshal present, you are immune to any damage that you are not Vulnerable to from outside of the ritual (that is, from anyone who is not a Ritualist, Participant, or Target of the ritual, or caused by the ritual itself). If you would take a non-damaging Effect from outside the ritual, you may spend a point of your Protection of the Spirits to Counter it, calling “Counter, Favor of the Spirits.” Using either your immunity or Counters in this way does not disrupt your ritual. The ritual marshal may, at their discretion, revoke this immunity.

If you are instead an unwilling target of a ritual (even while unconscious, dominated, or otherwise forced to comply), this benefit is inverted and protects you from the Ritualists and Participants of the ritual and any damage or effects from the ritual itself as noted above.

Occultist Class Skills

Liturgical Leader - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 1, Journeyman Enchanting, Arcane Rituals, or Divine Rituals.

When you are the Primary Ritualist in a ritual or enchantment, you may increase the number of Participants by your Occultist class-level. You may only benefit from this if the process in question accepts at least two Participants already.

Mystic Synergy - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 1, Artisan Level 1

Your knowledge of the occult and the mystic arts blend well together, allowing you to refresh powers with the [Mystic] tag. You may spend 1 point of your Protection of the Spirits to immediately refresh such a power if it has Short Rest refresh, or 4 points if it has Long Rest refresh.

Additionally, you may target yourself when using the Living Iron archetype power or its modified form Life Flow, but only when wearing your Protection of the Spirits Summoned Armor.

Power of the Ancients - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 2, Rahkdari Breed Advantage: Spirit Shell or Shell of the Ancient Spirit.

As a Rahkdari, you already had the protection of the spirits. As an Occultist, you know how to turn that protection into strength.

At will, you may chant “I call the ancestors to give me strength!”  and Sacrifice at least one point of your Protection of the Spirits as well as Sacrifice any amount of Barrier that you have. This will cause you to refresh a number of Spikes equal to the Protection of the Spirits spent plus Barrier Sacrificed. Unlike most Occultist Powers, you may spend your Protection of the Spirits for this purpose even if you are wearing a non-Summoned suit of armor.

Vermintongue - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 2, Forage I

The tiny creatures of the night know your voice, and you know theirs. Your Night Prize foraging limit increases by 5. Additionally, you may hear unusual things from them. If you find a folded note with a Black Key sigil marked “Vermintongue - Do not remove” within a Night Prize patch, you may read its contents and put it back. You may add your own text to such a note if desired, but you should mark this with your character name - the vermin know who speaks to them, and will communicate this honestly to those who will listen. Likewise, you may add your own Black Key Vermintongue note to a patch, but the content of the note should clearly indicate who added it.

Blessings of the Spirits - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 3

Your practiced prayers and genuine offerings to the spirits are of a higher quality than most, and they offer you more in return. While this does not increase the strength of your spiritual protection, it does extend its durability. The first 3 points you spend from your Protection of the Spirits each Long Rest do not reduce your Maximum Summoned Armor points.

Combat Ritualist - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: “Pause Ritual for Slow 180” “Resume Ritual”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Slow 180

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Sometimes, combat in the vicinity of a ritual is unavoidable, but you know how to safely pause and resume the ritual to deal with the issue. While you are the Primary Ritualist for a ritual, enchantment, or similar craft, you may call “Pause Ritual for Slow 180” to the ritual marshal, who will perform the count while you deal with whatever problem has arisen. If there is no ritual marshal, you must perform the count yourself. When you wish to resume the ritual, call “Resume Ritual.”

Anything that happens while the ritual is paused will not impact the ritual, barring unusual circumstances such as the local Dark Territory modifier changing during the pause. If the Slow Count expires without resuming the ritual, it automatically fails. If the ritual is resumed with ritualists, participants, or components absent or incapacitated, or if the ritual marshal believes this ability is being abused, the ritual marshal may add Dark Territory, deduct Ritual Points, or outright fail/backlash the ritual depending on the circumstances. This ability may be used once per Crafting attempt, but otherwise refreshes immediately.

Terminate Ritual - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Occultist Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: “Terminate Ritual”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Once per Long Rest, during a ritual or enchantment where you are Ritualist, if you do not like how things are going you may end the ritual safely by calling “Terminate Ritual”. If this is used after the Final Card has been revealed, all components used in the ritual are lost. If used before the Final Card, approximately half the components will survive, at the discretion of the Ritual Marshal. If used during an unmarshalled ritual, all components are saved.

Occultist Utility Powers

Arcane Ritual Focus [Utility]

Requirement: Journeyman Arcane Ritual Magic

You gain Greater Arcane Ritual Magic. You are very comfortable performing Apprentice Arcane Rituals, and gain the following benefits when performing them:

Divine Ritual Focus [Utility]

Requirement: Journeyman Divine Ritual Magic

You gain Greater Divine Ritual Magic. Additionally, once per Event when you cast the Haven ritual, you may grant it a single enhancement from the Enhanced Haven list at no additional cost. The Haven must have an active Hearth to benefit from this ability, and Enhanced Haven can still be cast to add additional enhancements.

Expert Copywriter [Utility]

Requirement: Journeyman Enchanting

You gain Greater Enchanting, along with the following benefits.

Life Flow [Utility]

Requirement: Occultist Level 4, Living Iron

Incantation: “I call upon the spirits to heal you”

Call: “Heal X”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Heal

The spirits find Living Iron to be an intriguing substance, and by offering it to them, they grant you additional powers. You may chant “I call upon the spirits to heal you” and Call “Heal X”, where X is the amount of Living Iron spent. The amount of Living Iron you can spend in this way is the same as the amount you can spend with a normal use of Living Iron.

To determine the size of your Living Iron pool, you may add your Occultist class-level to your Artisan class-level. Additionally, use your powers tagged Mystic to determine the multiplier instead of powers tagged Artificer.

As a strange side effect of feeding your spiritual guardians Living Iron, they become susceptible to healing magic themselves.

Occult Pact [Utility]

While much of occult study focuses on lesser known forces and spirits, many occultists specialize in the study of greater, more secretive entities. In the search for knowledge, you have made a pact with one such being, and they provide you with insights about the signs and ways of their rivals.

You gain the Patron perk, as well as the Gift of Recognition perk. When you use Gift of Recognition, you may use the name of any Patron in the Discern Call, not just your own. Be aware that this Discern is not Subtle, and making a Patron’s recognition signs to the wrong people may have unwanted consequences.

Spirit Walkabout [Utility]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100

Call: “Spirit Form”, “Dispel Spirit Form to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Slow 180

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

You have become more accustomed to the Spirit Realm than most would deem advisable. You gain the Strong Spirit perk. Additionally, once per Long Rest, you can meditate for Focus Quick 100 to slip into the realm of spirits, calling “Spirit Form” as though you had discorporated after death. While in this form, you may walk freely for a count of Slow 180. During this time, you may communicate and act as though you had died and were utilizing the Strong Spirit perk. At the end of the Slow 180 count, you must cease wandering and walk directly to your choice of:

If you have the Landbonded Flaw and are not currently on the plane you are bonded to, you may not use Spirit Walkabout normally. Instead, after the Focus Quick 100 to enter Spirit Form, proceed directly to the plane you are bonded to through the most appropriate portal, or the exit of the nearest Spirit Well on that plane. From there, act as though you have exited the Spirit Well and are proceeding to resurrect with Resurrection Sickness as normal.

Occultist Basic Powers

Abjure / Invoke the Dark [Basic] [Blood Magic]

Incantation: “With sacred salts I abjure the Dark” / “By tooth and claw I invoke the Dark” / “By lifeblood spilled I welcome the Dark”

Call: “Short Grant [Minus/Plus] One Dark Territory”, “Short Grant Plus Two Dark Territory”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Dark Territory

Your initiation into the occult allows a basic manipulation of the energies surrounding an individual. You may expend either a Rare Minerals or a Harvest to gain a standard effect, or Sacrifice 1 Life Point of blood (not necessarily your blood) to get a stronger effect. Sacrificing blood in this manner is considered Blood Magic; the other sacrifices are not. The appropriate incantations and calls are:

Note: Recall that a given target may only have this effect applied to them once at any given time, per Stacking.

Aura Reading [Basic]

Requirement: Sight

Incantation: RP; 1 minute of roleplay

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Discern by Mind: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Discern

Your ability to see beyond what others can see gives you insights into a creature’s condition that others might miss. After about one minute of out of combat roleplay focused on a particular creature, you may ask it any of the following Discern questions. You may continue to ask these questions as long as you focus on the creature, but about a minute must pass between each question. This Power ends if you look away from the creature for any reason, use any other Power, or the creature calls a defense against this power (including “No Effect”).

Life’s Tethers [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant Carnal Creature, [explanation if necessary]”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant


Practice with working with spirits allows the Occultist to convince the spirits of the living to cling more tightly to their mortal forms. The Occultist may target up to their Occultist level in other willing individuals to briefly grant them the Carnal Creature Physical Perk, reproduced below for convenience.


Carnal Creature


The character has little desire to give up their body and can remain dead for a Slow 300 before discorporating, rather than the normal 180. Any time after 180, they can let go and discorporate. This can be guided by player knowledge of what is occurring, as their Spirit gets some sort of sense of their surroundings after the initial Slow 180.

Novice Scroll Specialization (2) [Basic]

Requirement: Apprentice Enchanting

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Special                                        Duration: Passive, Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None, Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Whenever you cast from a scroll, you need only recite the Incantation once. If you can perform the Incantation without looking; you do not need to actually read from the scroll — touching it with a hand is sufficient. You may therefore activate a scroll even if it is folded, rolled, or too dark to see, as long as you know its contents.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast a single Novice-tier scroll without expending it. If you take this power a second time, you gain an additional use of this ability per Short Rest. An Occultist may use this power [Occultist level] times per Long Rest for each purchase of this power.

Spiritual Attunement [Basic]

Incantation: “I call the spirits to link me to this vessel”

Call: “Short Grant Attunement to Self”, “Subtle Discern: What are the properties of this item?”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Attunement

While touching a magic item, you may chant “I call the spirits to link me to this vessel”, then call “Short Grant Attunement to Self”. This fails if another creature is attuned to the item or the item has attunement requirements you do not meet. When you successfully attune to an item, you may call “Subtle Discern: What are the properties of this item?” and read its item card as though using the Artisan power Analysis.

You may use this temporary attunement even if you are already at your attunement maximum. The item de-attunes from you at the end of a Short Rest unless you obtain a proper attunement (either from the item itself or the Attune ritual) and are within your attunement limits, or the item prevents you from de-attuning (generally because it is cursed). If you are prevented from de-attuning from the item and you are over your attunement limit, you gain the Inherent Tainted condition until you remove enough attunements to be within your limits. If you die under these circumstances, you must ask a Keeper or other intermediary to remove attunements beyond your limit before your spirit can return to life.

Spirit Healing [Basic]

Incantation: “I call the spirits to heal this affliction”

Call: “Cure [Condition]”, “Cure All Conditions”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Cure

While a lesser mystic might need to waste time concocting a brew to heal afflictions, you are able to use your connection with the spirits of the world to quickly heal the afflicted. You may touch an individual and chant “I call the spirits to heal this affliction”. You may then either call “Cure [Condition]”, where [Condition] is any condition of your choice, or you may Sacrifice a point of your Protection of the Spirits to call “Cure All Conditions.”

Occultist Advanced Powers

Adept Scroll Specialization (2) [Advanced]

Requirement: Journeyman Enchanting

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive, Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None, Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Whenever you cast from a scroll, you need only recite the incantation once. If you can perform the incantation without looking, you do not need to actually read from the scroll — touching it with a hand is sufficient. You may therefore activate a scroll even if it is folded, rolled, or too dark to see, as long as you know its contents.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast a single Adept-tier scroll or lower without expending it. An Occultist may use this power [Occultist level] times per Long Rest for each purchase of this power.

Alchemical Tolerance [Advanced]

Requirement: Journeyman Alchemy

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The pursuit of forbidden knowledge and power leads some to questionable life choices, but with practice and a preventative regimen you may resist some of the ill effects, to a point. The first Corrupted Alchemy item you consume per Long Rest does not affect you as though it is Corrupted. Additionally, the first time that you would gain Mana Sickness each Long Rest, you do not gain it.

Empower the Departed [Advanced]

Requirement: Medium

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant Strong Spirit to Spirit, [explanation if necessary]” “Instruction to Spirit: You may converse with me and answer questions as if you were not a Spirit.”

Target: Other Individual Spirit                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant, Instruction


While the Occultist usually works in the medium of stray spirits that linger in the world, the stronger spirits of the mortal races are not immune to their machinations. The Occultist calls upon their Spirits’ armor, and empowers the spirit of a recently deceased mortal. By Sacrificing one point of Protection of the Spirits, the Occultist may Grant a spirit the Strong Spirit Supernatural Perk, reproduced below for convenience. Additionally, the Occultist may Sacrifice an additional point of Protection of the Spirits to give the targeted Spirit the ability to fully communicate with the Occultist, instead of the usual restriction to eye contact and gestures allowed by Strong Spirit.


Strong Spirit


Normally, when a character gains the Spirit Type, they are incapable of looking at others or communicating. A character with a strong spirit can make eye contact and even make gestures (although charades-type communication is simply too difficult). In addition, they need not head directly to the Spirit Well, but can go to one familiar location or person first and can remain in that spot for up to ten minutes (Slow 600) before heading to the Well.

Fortune Telling [Advanced]

Requires: Soothsayer

Between events, you may ask the Plot team for up to three fortunes for characters (PC or NPC) of your choice, or alternatively, a longer list of characters from which three will be chosen by plot. The results will be delivered in sealed, black-keyed notes to you at game, though depending on circumstances you may receive notes for more or different characters than you requested. If Plot informs you that they were unable to produce your fortunes, for this event you gain 1 bonus spend of Protection of the Spirits per Long Rest for each fortune not delivered. These bonus points function the same as, and stack with, those provided Blessing of the Spirits skill.

You know which characters have fortunes you can read at any given time, but you may not read these until you are about to perform a fortune telling ceremony with the character named on the envelope. This might take the form of reading tea leaves, peering into a crystal ball, reading the bones, or some similar roleplay. You may read the contents of a character’s fortune a short while ahead of such a ceremony for preparation purposes, but you have no in-game knowledge of the fortune until the ceremony has been performed.

The fortunes themselves will generally be short and cryptic; they may be information valuable to the target, or they may be hints toward little-known information about the target that may be valuable to you or someone else. In either case, you are not under any compulsion to read the fortune verbatim, or even at all, to the target.

Any unread fortunes should be returned to plot at the end of the event. Plot may opt to return these to you if the contents are still valid.

Soulhold Mastery [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

You gain two benefits regarding the safety of drawing Death resources from the Planar Weir. First, you gain the Artisan Advanced Power “Soulhold Survival.” Additionally, you may negate any ill effect of drawing a Death Resource once per Long Rest by Sacrificing 4 points of your Protection of the Spirits.

Speak with Dead [Advanced]

Incantation: “I call the departed to make your voices heard”

Call: “[Name or Description]: Short Instruction to Spirit, Dead, or Undead: You can speak as though alive.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Instruction

You are able to commune with the spirits of the dead, whether they have escaped their mortal shell yet or have been shackled within. You can chant “I call the departed to make your voices heard” and then call “[Name or Description]: Short Instruction to Spirit, Dead, or Undead: You can speak as though alive”. The spirit is under no compulsion to speak to you, and the spirits locked within the Undead in particular may be too far gone to converse rationally.

During a rite performed with the Medium perk, you may use this power as often as you like, enabling more interaction with the spirits than might otherwise be possible (or desired).

Occultist Veteran Powers

Bend Fate [Veteran]

Incantation: “I call the spirits to bend the strands of fate”

Call: None

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

While changing the strands of fate is generally beyond mortal purview, sometimes the spirits can be called to bend them just a little. Once per Short Rest, when you or a willing creature draws one or more cards from a deck, hand, or similar situation, you may chant “I call the spirits to bend the strands of fate”. If there are people present who might not understand what you are about to do, you should then say “Explanation: [I am/They are] able to draw additional times and keep X, returning the rest,” where X is the number of cards the target was originally supposed to draw in this situation.

You may then draw another card (or instruct the target to do so), and may continue to draw additional cards by Sacrificing points from your Protection of the Spirits. After drawing as many additional cards as desired, the target selects X to keep and puts the remaining cards back in the deck, hand, or wherever they came from. If the cards were drawn from a deck that has a meaningful draw order, the cards that are put back must go on the top of the deck, but the target may choose their order.

This ability applies whether the cards in question are in-game items or not. You may use this on a Prospecting Yield or Hazard draw, a Scavenging deck, in the Spirit Well, during a Dark Territory draw, at a fortune teller’s table, during a card game, or in any similar situation. This also applies in situations where other objects analogous to cards are used, such as mahjong tiles, drawing straws, pulling colored marbles from a bag, or drawing from the Planar Weir.

If the draw is happening in a marshaled context such as a Dark Territory draw, you may attempt to bribe the greater spirits for additional draws or other effects. You may initiate this by calling “Discern to Marshal: Will you accept this as a bribe?” They typically accept Lucky or Unlucky Coins, but rumor has it that certain other currencies may be accepted.

Close the Door [Veteran]

Incantation: “I call the spirits to close the door of darkness"

Call: “Short Grant Minus Two Dark Territory to Self”, “Instruction to Marshal: Perform no Dark Territory draws for this process unless the Dark Territory modifier is above X.”

Target: Crafting process                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

While the occultist participates in a ritual, enchantment, or other crafting process that would normally require a Dark Territory draw, they may prevent the Dark’s encroachment if its influence is sufficiently weak. At the beginning of the process (after the initial Dark Territory modifier has been announced), the occultist may incant “I call the spirits to close the door of darkness" and then call “Short Grant Minus Two Dark Territory to Self”. You should then call “Instruction to Marshal: Perform no Dark Territory draws for this process unless the Dark Territory is greater than X”, where X is an amount that you Sacrifice from your Protection of the Spirits (Zero if you spend no points). If another character has already made this Instruction call during this process, X begins at the number previously announced instead of 0, so you may pool your points together with another Occultist.

Control Undead [Veteran]

Incantation: “I call the spirits to assume control of this husk”

Call: “Short Dominate to Undead by Darkness

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon or Spell Ball                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Darkness or Devotion                        Effect: Dominate

Particularly in lands where necromancy is a common occurrence, occultists may find it useful to study these creatures, either to defend against them or for more nefarious purposes. Undead minds tend to have a control mechanism built in by their creators, or at least a weakness that you can exploit, and you know how to exploit that vulnerability. Once per Long Rest, you may chant “I call the spirits to assume control of this husk” and deliver a call of “Short Dominate to Undead” by either a weapon or a thrown spell ball. If you follow a religion and brandish a symbol of your faith, you may add your Devotion Accent to this call instead of Darkness.

Equivalent Exchange [Veteran]

Incantation: “I call the spirits to give this vessel my life”

Call: “Grant Life”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous, Short Rest

Delivery: Touch, Melee, Spell-Ball                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Life, Grant Hollow Type

You give a recently deceased individual or shambling undead the gift of life; specifically, yours. You must spend 1 point of your Protection of the Spirits to activate this power. When you do, you may chant “I call the spirits to give this vessel my life”, and call “Grant Life”, delivering the effect with a touch, a melee weapon strike, or a spell ball.

The process takes all you have to give, but mercifully, not all at once. You do not immediately die. Instead, you gain the Hollow Type until your next Short Rest; see the Tempest Rulebook for the effects of the Hollow Type. When you lose the Hollow Type (due to taking a Short Rest or otherwise) you immediately discorporate and proceed to the Spirit Well. If you receive a Grant Life before that time, you lose the Hollow Type without dying.

If you use this power while you have the Hollow Type or otherwise lack the Living Type, you immediately die and take Spirit Form after delivering the effect.

If the power does not work (the target calls “No Effect”, some other defense, or does not otherwise acknowledge or react to your call), you do not take the Hollow Type or die, regardless of your current type.

Greater Scroll Specialization [Veteran]

Requirement: Greater Enchanting

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Special                                        Duration: Passive, Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None, Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Whenever you cast from a scroll, you need only recite the incantation once. If you can perform the incantation without looking, you do not need to actually read from the scroll — touching it with a hand is sufficient. You may therefore activate a scroll even if it is folded, rolled, or too dark to see, as long as you know its contents.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast a single Greater-tier scroll or lower without expending it.  An Occultist may use this power [Occultist level] times per Long Rest for each purchase of this power.

Planar Prowess [Veteran]

Incantation: See Text

Call: See Text

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous or Short

Delivery: Varies                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None or Devotion                        Effect: Obey, Root, Bind

You gain several benefits regarding summoning and otherwise dealing with extraplanar entities. Whenever you are a ritualist in a summoning ritual, you may reduce the number of any selected component required by one, to a minimum of one. Additionally, you gain specific abilities that can be used on common extraplanar creature types, specifically: Angel, Demon, Elemental, Fae. If you find a ritual that allows you to summon extraplanar creatures of other types and have the skills necessary to cast that ritual, you may add that type to your personal list of types that you can affect. One of these types must be used in each call below.

Extraplanar creatures often have vulnerabilities that can be used against them, and their natures may cause them to be susceptible to faith. If you follow a religion and brandish a symbol of your faith while performing these actions, you may add your Devotion Accent to any of the calls provided by this power.

Song for the Shepherds [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Instruction to Spirit: Deliver this message to your keeper,” “[Message]”

Target: Other Individual Spirit                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special


While conversing with Spirits is a common practice for Occultists, some are willing to risk conversing with greater powers of the cycle. With this power, the Occultist may convey a message into the well, though they might not always know who receives it. To use this power, the Occultist must target a Spirit that already has the Strong Spirit Supernatural Perk, either through their own choices or Granted by the Occultist with the Empower the Departed Advanced Power. The Occultist may Sacrifice a point of Protection of the Spirits to give the Spirit a message to be delivered to whomever or whatever they encounter in the Spirit Well. This can be a question, statement, or whatever the Occultist wishes – the only stipulation is that it must be approximately 140 characters or less. If the Occultist has time, they are expressly allowed to write this message down and give it to the spirit, ignoring normal rules for Spirit interacting with the physical realm. The Occultist may seal this message and instruct the Spirit not to read this message. This message does not guarantee any response from the entity that receives the message and offers no protection for the Spirit from the reaction of the entity that receives the message.

Weird Weir [Veteran]

Requirement: Greater Enchanting

Incantation: “I call the spirits to grant access to the Foundation”

Call: “Planar Weir Active”, “Tap Weird Weir”, “Rebuild Planar Weir”

Target: New Planar Weir                        Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Special, Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

You have learned how to construct a makeshift Planar Weir. You must provide your own reps for this, though due to the unusual nature of this weir’s construction, the objects inside do not need to conform to the standard, stable representations found in a permanent Planar Weir, but must at least have their resource names written on them so that they can be identified upon drawing. Additionally, you have some influence over the resource densities of this weir. It must have at least one of each Foundation resource type, but may have additional copies of resources of your choice.

The new Weir has restrictions on where it can be placed. Any of the following are valid places to host a Weir:

Regardless of qualification, a particular location may only have a single active Weir, and this can’t be performed in any location where a permanent, stable Planar Weir has been constructed, whether or not it is currently functional — the location is affected simply by the stable Weir being constructed and remains so for some time even if the stable Weir is destroyed.

If you intend to leave the Weir active, you must provide an Information Card describing its properties and duration. The Weir may have, but does not require, a key for identifying its resources by touch, similar to the illustrations present at a normal crafting station. If you intend to do enchanting at the Weir, you should provide appropriate circles and other props. Unless you remove the Weir or someone else removes it, the Weir remains active until the end of the event. You may create a Weir once per Long Rest, but can never have more than one Weir active at a time. You must remove (or confirm removal of) the previous Weir prior to creating a new one. While you may remove the Weir simply by picking it up and putting it away, another character must use a Dispel, Disjunction, or similar effect to remove it, and this should be noted on its information card.

You gain a lingering benefit due to your connection to this Weir: once per Long Rest, you may call “Tap Weird Weir” and draw a single resource. Destroying and re-creating your weir does not allow additional uses of this ability.

This power can alternatively be used to Rebuild a stable Planar Weir that has been destroyed, but the original props (or those of equivalent construction) must be used. In this case, the stable Weir functions normally, and you have no special power over it or connection to it after it is rebuilt. That is, you can’t later remove it or use the Tap Weird Weir call on it.