Warlock: Advanced Class


Deep within the annals of magical lore lie untapped resources of forbidden and lost knowledge. The Warlock seeks to traverse this winding and treacherous path, bidding the Weave to destroy what obstacles they may face. Yet the mortal paths to such power are narrow, treacherous, and often fraught with failure.

However, there are innumerable entities which would proffer such power for the merest fraction of effort and ensure success - if but for the price of subordination. Some Patrons are all too eager to barter such knowledge, while others are reclusive shut-ins, barely willing to respond to potential supplicants. Even when answered, the road to this power is not without its tribulations: dark deals with the mysterious entities, unbound demons, fae lords, and other less savory entities are common among those that choose to walk this path.

However obtained, the Warlock is pact-bound to their Patron, and derives the majority of their efficacy through it. Some warlocks even manage to survive long enough to count themselves as gaining more than they lost in the trade - nevertheless, the Warlock lives up to their name - bringing the clash of battle and the terrors of war to any field that they care to place themselves in.


Warning: Skills, Powers, and Spells listed below are contingent on maintaining the character’s Patron Perk. If the Patron Perk is lost or suppressed for any reason, all abilities labeled [Patron] are inaccessible to the character until the Perk is restored.

Class Progression Table

Class Level


Spell Known

Spell Preparations

Spell Slots

Class Bonuses






Profane Source, Opening the Gate






A Torrent Released






+1 Base Maximum Spikes












Overwhelming Force,

+1 Base Maximum Spikes,
+1 Bonus Spike Damage

Base Incant

 “I call to [Patron Name], their boundless power, our domain,

With knowledge found through wielded Source, I conjure bursts of Arcane force,

By my hand, my will sublime, I cleave the winding streams of Time,

With strength unleashed, unfettered soul, Fate is mine now to control…”


The Warlock is an Arcane caster and spell slots granted by this class are Arcane Spell Slots.

Warlock Innate Powers

Profane Source [Innate]

Requirements: Warlock Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Warlocks utilize Sources as their spellcasting foci. This Power works in all ways as the Sourcerer ability Eldritch Source, and is a requirement for all Warlock Spells. If the character already has an Eldritch Source (such as the Sourcerer’s Eldritch Source), this ability grants an additional Eldritch Source.

In addition, the Warlock may use the Warlock Incant for all Arcane spell Incantations, should the character so choose.

Opening the Gate [Innate] [Patron]

Requirement: Warlock Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None, only Damage

Whenever the Warlock casts a Spell from an Arcane spell list that does damage, they may expend a Spike during the casting (even if they have already expended a Spike during the normal casting of the spell) to increase the damage of the first Spell Ball used by that spell by one if it does Double or Piercing, two if it does Wounding, or by three if it is normal damage.

A Torrent Released [Innate] [Patron]

Requirement: Warlock Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None, only Damage

The Warlock may choose to expend an additional Spike when utilizing Opening the Gate, adding one damage if the spell does Double or Piercing, two if it does Wounding, or by three if it is normal damage. This is in addition to the Spell Ball’s Opening the Gate’s bonus.

Overwhelming Force [Innate] [Patron]

Requirement: Warlock Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None, only Damage

The Warlock may choose to expend a further additional Spike when utilizing Opening the Gate, adding one damage if the spell does Double or Piercing, two if it does Wounding, or by three if it is normal damage, in addition to the bonuses from Opening the Gate, and A Torrent Released.

Warlock Class Skills

Bitter Focus - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Warlock Level 2

The Warlock gains +1 Base Maximum Spikes.

Mirrored Weave - 2 CP [Class] [Patron]

Requirement: Warlock Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Damage Bonus from Opening the Gate, A Torrent Released, and Overwhelming Force may also be applied to any subsequent spell balls of damaging spells. Each spell-ball so affected requires that the Warlock expend the Spikes listed in those powers when charging these extra spell-balls.

Threatening Veneration - 3 CP [Bonus] [Patron]

Requirement: Warlock Level 2

Incantation: Invocation of your Patron, “By the [attribute] of [Patron], I [do thing]!” or “By [Patron]’s [attribute], I [do thing]!” example “By Brogdar’s toes, I incinerate my foes!” (bonus points if it rhymes)

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

By invoking the awesome might of your Patron, you may bolster your own power. After calling out in exaltation of your Patron to accomplish your goal, the Warlock may immediately charge a packet with the same call they just made. Any Packets charged with this Power may not be subsequently used to charge another Packet with this Power.

If the exaltation of your Patron rhymes or in your opinion provides significant gravitas or exaltation to your Patron, and the power the copied call is from charges multiple packets, you may charge an additional packet.

Concentrated Source - 3 CP [Class]

Requirements: Warlock Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Warlock may designate a single Profane Source granted by the Warlock class to be represented by a ring or glove. While represented in this way the Profane Source does not prevent the Warlock from using that hand for other things. The designated source may be changed when completing a Short Rest.

Unbound Flow - 4 CP [Bonus] [Patron]

Requirement: Warlock Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

Opening the Gate may also be applied to Cantrips from Mage, Sourcerer, or Warlock Spell lists. If the Warlock has purchased Mirrored Weave, they may also apply that to appropriate Cantrips.

The Weave Within - 2 CP [Bonus] [Patron]

Pre-Requisites: Astride the Weave [Sourcerer Archetype]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The Warlock’s innate knowledge of the Weave and its delicate strands of twisting ether allows the arcane theurgist to walk (not run) while incanting their Warlock Spells.

Warlock Cantrips

Incantation: “I call…”

Balance of Power [Cantrip] [Patron]

Incantation: "... upon the Weave Arcane to let flow mystic might.”

Call: “Refresh 1 Spike to Self” or “Grant 1 Barrier to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: Arcane                                        Effect: Refresh Spike, Grant Barrier

Utilizing the power within and without, the Warlock may freely transfer mystic essence as needed to bolster their defenses, or allow for cunning strikes. Upon casting this cantrip, the Warlock may choose one of two options: Refresh 1 Spike to themselves by Sacrificing one Barrier, or Sacrifice a Spike to Grant 1 Barrier to Self.

Glimmers of Knowledge [Cantrip] [Patron]

Incantation: "... upon [Patron] to gather knowledge.”

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern by Mind: [Question]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Discern

This power taps into the innate understanding of higher powers common to Warlocks. When cast, the Warlock may use each of these Discerns once against any valid target before a Long Rest. If the Discern is Prevented (“Counter”, “No Effect”), the specific Discern Prevented regains its charge, and may be used against another valid target.

Quickcast [Cantrip] [Patron]

Incantation: “... upon my Patron’s might, boundless power, now my right. Bring my mind clarity: enchant my spells with celerity.”

Call: “Quickcast”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Until used

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

When this spell is cast, it allows the character to cast one Novice spell from any Arcane Spell List by substituting the word “Quickcast” and the name of the spell for the entire Incantation. The character may only have one Quickcast active at a time; additional castings replace the previous castings.

For Example: To cast Eldritch Lance, a spell that normally requires “I call upon the Weave Arcane, boundless power, my domain to summon an eldritch lance.” the Warlock would instead say “Quickcast, Eldritch Lance.” 

Shadowed Visage [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... to shroud my visage in the dark.”

Call: “Obfuscate vs Discern and Expose by Mind”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Until Used

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obfuscate

The Warlock is used to the investigations and inquisitions of their lands, often misunderstanding the nature of the Eldritch magic they wield. Sometimes, simply hiding under the cover of darkness is best, but under direct scrutiny the Warlock can find themselves pinned down. However, the prepared Warlock is one that lives to see the next dawn, and Shadowed Visage allows passing questions to be undermined.

The Warlock may cast this cantrip to be Obfuscated versus Discern and Expose powers with the Mind Accent used against her. This defense is strong, but fleeting; it fades after a single use, after which the Warlock must refocus their mind against intrusion.

Starfire [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... forth eldritch fire.”

Call: “1 [Eldritch Accent]” or “Wounding 1 by [Eldritch Accent].”  

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet)                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                        Effect: Wounding

The Warlock calls forth eldritch fire to damage their foes. The Warlock charges a number of spell-packets equal to their Warlock Class-level. The caster may expend a Spike to add the Wounding Effect to a spell-packet, the appropriate call for this effect is “Wounding 1 by [Eldritch Accent].”  

Voidsliver [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... to the void to fling slivers of nothingness.”

Call: “1 Darkness”, “Wounding 2 to Insubstantial”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet)                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Darkness                                Effect: Damage, Wounding

The Warlock calls forth a sliver of the void beyond the Veil to slice apart their foes. With concentration this sliver can pierce even those phased out with the world, rendering them susceptible to the prepared arcanist.

Once cast, this cantrip charges a packet with “1 Darkness.” If the Warlock expends a Spike during the charging of the spell packet, the call for that spell packet is changed to “Wounding 2 to Insubstantial,” as the Warlock draws upon the destructive nature of the void.

In addition, the Warlock may charge up to half their Arcane Spellcasting class-levels in spell packets from this spell at any one time by completing the incant for each charge. If the Warlock uses any other Powers, is rendered Helpless, or completes a Short Rest, these charges are lost.

Warlock Novice Spells


“I call upon [Patron Name], boundless power, our domain…”

Acidic Skin [Novice]

Incantation: "... to ooze acid from my pores.”

Call: “[Name or Description] 2 Acid”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Acid                                        Effect: Special

Until the Warlock’s next Short Rest, each time the caster lands a cantrip or spell with a packet delivery with the Acid Accent on a conscious foe and the target doesn’t prevent it, the caster may call "Charged." Then the next time the caster is hit by a melee attack they may call against the person that hit them "[Name or Description] 2 Acid.” You may have charges equal to your Arcane Spellcaster class-levels at a time.

Burning Heart [Novice] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to alight the world in my flames.”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Special

Until the Warlock’s next Short Rest, spell-balls (not packets) from Arcane Spells with the Flame Accent deal plus one damage.

Eldritch Lance [Novice] [Patron]

Incantation: "...to summon an eldritch lance."

Call: “Wounding 4 by [Eldritch Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                        Effect: Wounding

The Arcane Lance unleashes 4 points of Wounding [Eldritch Accent] damage to the target. If this spell is cast with an Adept spell-slot, it will do Wounding 7 by [Eldritch Accent] instead, and if cast with a Greater spell-slot, it will do Wounding 14 by [Eldritch Accent].

Incinerate [Novice]

Incantation: "... to incinerate the flesh between me and my total domination of the universe.”

Call: “Wounding 1 by Flame”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Wounding

When this spell is cast, Incinerate charges double the Warlock’s class-level in spell-packets with Wounding 1 by Flame.

Warlock Adept Spells


“I call upon [Patron Name], boundless power, our domain,

With knowledge found through wielded Source, I conjure Arcane force…”

Dispel Protection [Adept]

Incantation: "...to leave my foe vulnerable before me.”

Call: “Dispel all Protections and/or Summoned Armor”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Dispel

This spell can be used to remove any Protections or Summoned Armor (such as Mage Armor) that the target has active.

If the Warlock uses a Spike in the casting, they may dispel both Protections and Summoned Armor.

Eldritch Seal [Adept]

Incantation: "... to seal my soul from the horrors of the beyond.”

Call: “Short Grant Resistance to Dominate and Fear”, “Grant 2 Barrier”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest, Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Resistance, Grant Barrier

For the duration of this enchantment the Warlock is granted resistance to the effects of Dominate and the Accent Fear. They may resist these effects a number of times equal to their Maximum Life Points before the enchantment collapses. When successfully resisting an effect by using this ability, the Warlock may expend a Spike to “Grant 2 Barrier to Self.“

Entropic Inversion [Adept] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to unleash my shield of blades.”

Call: ”Piercing [X] by Force”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Force                                        Effect: Piercing

When this spell is cast, the Warlock Sacrifices all Barrier they currently possess. They then may immediately charge a spell-ball with Piercing [X] by Force, where [X] is the amount of Barrier Sacrificed.

Fangs from Beyond [Adept] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to gnaw away your flesh.”

Call: “Wounding 0 by [Eldritch Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                        Effect: Wounding

“Nilanea, what does that spell even do?” Jhonas glanced at his warlock companion. Nilanea’s fangs glimmered in the darkness. ”Maybe you’ll live
 long enough to learn, Jhonas... maybe. Let’s press on.”

After finishing the incantation, the Warlock may charge a spell-ball with “0 Wounding by [Eldritch Accent].”  This spellball may be modified by other Powers and Spells as per normal, although it may not be given the Final modifier for any reason.  Whenever the Warlock lands this attack on target, they may immediately call “Spell-ball Charged!” and charge an additional Spell-Ball with the exact same Call.  This additional spell-ball may not benefit from any bonuses, modifications, spells, powers, or effects for any reasons and must always be the exact same call as the previous spell-ball. No further incantation is required to use these spell-balls.

A Warlock may charge a number of spell-balls equal to their Arcane Spellcasting class-levels. If the Warlock misses, or a charge is Prevented, the spell immediately ends and any remaining charges are lost.

Spirit Bolts [Adept] [Patron]

Incantation: "...to summon ethereal bolts.”

Call: “Piercing 3 and Drain to Insubstantial”

Target: Individual Insubstantial                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Piercing, Drain

This blast of arcane energy passes outside the plane of the physical to harm creatures that are normally immune to such Powers. The spell can be used to charge up to three spell-balls at one time. The balls must be thrown separately.

Steelskin [Adept] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to encase my body in steel.”

Call: “Counter, Steelskin”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

This spell allows the Warlock to momentarily harden their skin in response to being struck. While the spell lasts, the Warlock may call a single “Counter” to an attack caused by a weapon (melee, thrown, or projectile) or Packet (spel-packet or spell-ball).  Multiple instances of this spell may never be active on the Warlock simultaneously.  If they are, the previous castings are lost, unused.

Warlock Greater Spells


“I call upon [Patron Name], boundless power, our domain,

With knowledge found through wielded Source, I conjure Arcane force,

By my hand, my will sublime, I cleave the winding streams of Time…”

Fury [Greater]

Incantation: "... to call forth the rage and fury of the planes, let none stand before me.”

Call: “Wounding 3 by [Eldritch Accent]”, “Piercing 2 by [Eldritch Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Special

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                        Effect: Wounding

Upon completion of the incant, the Warlock must plant her feet, then as long as the spell is active, the Warlock can charge a spell-ball with elemental energy by calling “Spell-ball Charged!” The Warlock may choose to alter the Accent on a per-ball basis.  The Warlock may only have a single spell-ball charged this way at one time.

If the Warlock has purchased the Warlock Class Skill The Weave Within, the Warlock may force themselves onward, dragging the gout of spell energy along with them. Instead of planting their feet, the Warlock is inherently slowed until this spell ends.

By expending a Spike, the Warlock may alter the currently held spell ball to “Piercing 2 by [Eldritch Accent].” The Warlock may continue to charge Spell-balls until she completes a Short Rest, uses another Spell or Cantrip, or moves her feet.

Imperil [Greater] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to imperil your form.”

Call: “Short Grant Vulnerability to [Eldritch Accent] by [Eldritch Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                        Effect: Grant Vulnerability

Twisting fate and warping reality, the Warlock lays bare her opponent’s weakness for all to exploit. The two Accents named in the Call must be identical.

Grim Celerity [Greater] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to quicken my stride.”

Call: “By My Voice: Quick Imprison by Time”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Quick 100

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Time                                        Effect: Imprison

When this spell is cast, the Warlock is sped up in time, moving faster than those around her, allowing quick traversal across the battlefield.

Note: This spell may only be cast once per Long Rest.

Magnetic Blast [Greater] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to take what’s yours and make it rightfully mine.”

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern by [Eldritch Accent]: How many armor points do you have?”, “Wounding [X] to Armor”, “Grant [X] Barrier to Self”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Quick 100

Delivery: Verbal, Packet (Spell-ball)                Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Slow

The Warlock declares that his opponent’s armor is in fact, their own. First, the Warlock calls out a Discern and determines their foe’s current armor points. Then they may charge a Spell-Ball with “Wounding [X] to Armor” where X is the lesser of the Warlock’s Character Level, or the target’s current Armor Points. If the Wounding attack is not missed or Prevented, the Warlock may immediately call “Grant [X] Barrier to Self.”

After finishing the Discern, the Warlock may choose to refund the spell-splot used to cast this spell. If they do, they must complete a Short Rest before attempting to cast Magnetic Blast again. The Warlock may only receive Barrier from this spell once per Long Rest.

Note: X is a set amount and does not benefit from damage bonuses or any other alterations.

Rewind [Greater] [Patron]

Incantation: "... to gather the aether to guide my way, so that I do not go astray.”

Call: “Grant Insubstantial to Self by Time”, “Cure Insubstantial to Self by Time”, “[Patron’s Name]”

Target: Self                                         Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Spell

Accent: Time                                        Effect: Grant Insubstantial, Cure Insubstantial

When this spell is cast, the Warlock inscribes a location with a symbol of their choosing. The Symbol must be at least 6” by 6”, and must designate the caster’s current Life Point total and Spikes at the time of casting.

Until the Warlock finishes a Long Rest, they may activate this power by incanting the name of their patron to become Insubstantial and immediately move to their inscribed symbol and activate it. The Warlock may activate this power while Dying, Dead, or Helpless, but not while a Spirit.

Once Activated, the Warlock’s current Life Points and current Spikes are set to an amount equal to what was inscribed on the symbol and then they must Dispel Insubstantial. This does not count as a form of healing, as it is a change of the number rather than an increase (or decrease in some cases).

If the Symbol is no longer present or otherwise defaced, their Current Life Points will be set to one and their current Spikes set to zero, and then they will take a Dispel All Conditions by Darkness Final.

Note: The Warlock may not have more than one Rewind symbol active.

Rupture [Greater]

Incantation: "... to burst the flesh.”

Call: “Piercing 4 by Agony”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Agony                                        Effect: Piercing


When this spell is cast, Rupture charges three spell-balls with “Piercing 4 by Agony.”

Scorn [Greater]

Incantation: "... to enforce my will upon the world, let those who would oppose me tremble.”

Call: “Paralyze by [Eldritch Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Permanent

Delivery: Packet (Spell-ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                        Effect: Paralyze

When this spell is cast, Scorn charges a spell-ball with “Paralyze by [Eldritch Accent].” If this spell-ball is Prevented, the Warlock may choose to either gain up to three Barrier, or refresh up to three Spikes.