File:Orchard of Homerton

Orchard Park Committee.

Minutes for July 14, 2016 at 6:30PM in Burkart Hall

Next Meeting August 1st at 7:30PM at Admin Office

Attending:  Jo Schuler, Tess LaMontagne, Derek MacMillan, Andrea Antell, Tom Price


Visitors: Sam Bryant

We are in need of TWO members.  Contact the office (; 215-348-4586) if you are interested.

Committee Organization:

Agenda for meeting:

  1. Administrative Items
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Action Items

Minutes for Tonight’s Meeting:

  1. Administrative Items
  1. Appointment Advisory Committee
  1. Derek noted that the AAC asked each committee chair to come up with important qualities for interested candidates.  These qualities would be used to improve advertising and in a scoring matrix, if needed.
  2. After discussion on the merits of AAC involvement in the committee the following traits were agreed upon: Collaborative, Reliable, Accessible, Communicative, Knowledgeable.
  3. It was noted that Lori is the Council Liaison.  This could not be changed to Tom until another member is found, as the liaison is non-voting.
  1. Strategic Plan
  1. Derek noted that Borough Council adopted the Orchard Park Strategic Plan at their July meeting.
  1. TreeVitalize Grant
  1. Tess found that the requirements of the grant were too restrictive for Orchard Park, and will not be pursuing it.
  1. Old Business
  1. Bridge and Water Line Permits from DEP
  1. Derek noted that the Borough had a meeting at 1PM next Monday with the Borough Manager, Engineer, Council Vice President (Mr. Peter LaMontagne), and Doylestown Township Zoning Officer (Mr. Sinclair Salisbury) and representatives from DEP to get answers on completing the permit applications.
  1. Community Garden Update
  1. Andrea noted that even with additional fencing, there was a still a problem with animals getting in.  Tom agreed to contact Warren Klinger to borrow a trail camera to determine how animals are getting past the fencing.
  1. Information Center Update
  1. Andrea stated she had begun putting materials in the Kiosk.  Jo suggested an ad for volunteers and the Community Garden brochure be added.  Tess suggested putting a map of the Borough and the park rules (on both sides) in it.
  1. New Business
  1. Park Maintenance
  1. Tess provided a handout with a list of maintenance costs, the list of trees at the park, cost quotes for maintenance projects and a suggested item list for a PECO grant.
  2. Andrea was able to get a verbal quote for the stone removal at $1,300.  It was agreed that this quote was better than Gilbert and Andrea should also get quotes from her vendor for pruning and invasive plant removal to compare.
  3. For pruning the apple trees, it was noted that it should be done over a period of three years, not all at once to avoid injuring the trees.  Tess found there are 13 apple trees to be maintained.  Tom felt this was an important item to take action on, as trees were dying.
  1. Action Items
  1. Fall 2016 Tree Planting
  1. Tess noted that if the tree planting were delayed into 2017, the Borough could use approved tree funds, plus the grading escrow, as a match for a PECO grant for invasive removal.  It was noted that the grant deadline would be December 2016.
  2. Sam noted that it was discussed at the Council Meeting for the Borough to consider a landscape engineer or architect to review possible options and help develop a maintenance plan for Orchard Park. Tom suggested the committee reach out to Natural Lands Trust for this advice, as was provided to the Nature Preserve.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:28PM.