Dear Council Member [______],

My name is _____, with ________. I am writing to you with an urgent request. Trump recently released his plans to expand offshore drilling and fracking off the CA coast for the first time in over 30 years. If allowed to proceed, the plan would threaten California’s vibrant marine ecosystems and superior coastal economy with catastrophic oil spills, toxic pollution, and climate chaos. We must fight to stop it.

Cities can be powerful voices in the fight against offshore drilling. It is my hope that [CITY / COUNTY / TOWN] will join over a dozen cities throughout the state standing up to Trump by passing a resolution calling for an end to new offshore drilling and fracking off the California coast.

Here is a sample resolution for your consideration. I look forward to discussing this resolution with you and hope that you will sponsor it and introduce it to the city / town council / county board of supervisors.

Thank you for considering this request,

[Your Name and contact information]

Blake Kopcho, the Center’s Ocean’s Campaigner, is coordinating our campaign to halt offshore drilling and fracking off the CA coast and can be reached by email at or by phone at (510) 844-7153. Please let him know if you will consider moving a resolution in [YOUR CITY]. Our webpage provides more information on this campaign.