Notes of June 15, 2016 Meeting

Committee Members

Lorraine Moxey – Chair                 Attended        

June Bair                                

Sam Bryant Borough manager        Attended

Bruce Burkart – Borough Historian        Attended        

Marie Esher Coia                         

Jackie D’Agostino                                        

Margaret Fabry                        Attended                

Donna Fisher        (Inactive)                        

Doug Fisher (Inactive)                

Mary Pat Hoveliinski                        Attended                        

Richard Moxey (Secretary)                Attended

Malcolm Rollins                        Attended

Nancy Ulmen        (Inactive)                        

Peter Ulmen (Inactive)

  1. Committee members met at the Knoell site with Kevin Reilly of Country Builders. The purpose was to look for items of historic value, etc. Several items were brought back to the Admin. Building for future use. One relic was the framed copy of a 1969 letter from the Unami School track team thanking John Knoell for a contribution. Several of those who signed letter were known including the son of member Bruce Burkart, son of former police chief Austin Brown and son of appliance store owner Bill Vandergrift.
  2. The meeting returned to the Admin. Building was opened with Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. There was discussion about the site visit along with how to fit out the Burkart Hall Basement areas. Mary Pat and Bruce will work on this.
  4. Lorraine noted that the Duck Deli and Bitzer properties have been sold. The J. D. Scott Property, a property on Aarons Ave. and the Victorian across from Vandergrift are for sale. These are in the Historic Village or Histories overlay areas. We should continue to keep being aware of sale signs and resulting sales.
  5. The demolition of the buildings at the Knoell site was discussed. The Borough has the request for demolition of the buildings and wants our Committee to issue a letter allowing this to happen. The vote to allow this was unanimous. (The letter (attached) was written and delivered. (Planning approved this at their June 21 meeting)
  6. The artifacts that Lori had have been picked up by Mary Pat. It has not been determined if they are complete.
  7. Dick reported that Planning heard a request for an ATM in the Shopping Center in the area where he snow is piled . The Butler Avenue plan is moving along
  8. The next meeting is August 17, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the Admin. Building unless something comes up requiring earlier attention