Arcane Ritual Magic

Spells are all well and good for battles and minor divinations. Enchantments can make equipment more powerful and increase the effectiveness of shields and armor. For real power, however, one must turn to the cooperative magic of rituals. Rituals are a much more open and theatrical kind of magic that can produce some massive effects. Some have dangers, too. Many require more than one person to perform and most get bigger and more powerful the more people join in.

Props and Resources

If the ritual instructions direct any involved characters to grind up, burn, or otherwise vandalize any in-game resources, characters are encouraged to simply roleplay the action rather than destroying the resource props used; however, providing alternative items to enhance the roleplay (such as powders to represent ground-up resources or lighting pieces of paper safely on fire to represent burning a resource) is highly encouraged.

Any fire or use of incense should be safely contained within a bowl or other container to prevent accidents, and should only be used in fire-safe locations (any location that is primarily covered in dirt, stone, or cement with no nearby grass); furthermore, fire or burning incense should never be left unattended. If the location is not fire-safe, just use a representation of fire.

All resources used for rituals must be given to a member of staff or deposited in the nearest Ash Bin (at each crafting station) afterward, and are considered expended as the magic of the ritual uses up their essence, even if the ritual does not explicitly say so.

For any ritual description that encourages physical contact, remember to obtain explicit consent for the action first, ideally in advance of the ritual’s beginning; if consent cannot be obtained, participants are encouraged to roleplay the process as best they can without making physical contact, such as by coming within 6” of other participants.

All rituals will include the following information:

Required Components

All rituals require some sort of offering to whatever power the ritual is targeted towards. This usually comes in the form of the Basic Resources (Coin, Bloom, Ingots, Hide, Rare Mineral, Night Prizes, or Harvest), but also often includes crafted resources such as Ritual Powders or Ritual Wands; for some rituals, other sacrifices may be required.

Tools Used

Some rituals require tools to be used in performing the ritual. These tools need to be represented and supplied by the players doing the rituals. In order to cast all of the currently known arcane rituals, a player should be prepared to supply the following items:

Other Requirements

Some rituals have other requirements (such as cannot be performed during the day). These will be listed here.


If there is a required location where the ritual must be cast, it will be specified here.


This is where the in-game description of the effects of the ritual will go, along with any instructions that may have to be provided (such as information cards for Consecrated areas).

Ritual Process

These are the steps that must be completed in order to cast the ritual. Any steps in brackets are dealing with out of game items, like item cards.

Arcane Matrix

All Arcane rituals make use of an arcane matrix, a triangle created with three arcane sigils that represent the foundation elements of the world: Refuge, Power, Tempus, Spark, Ruin, Energy, Firmament, Aspect, Thought, and Death. This is usually a personal set of sigils that is created of any material by the ritualist and included in their ritual tool set.

Arcane rituals of Greater level require the creation of two arcane matrices: one triangle made with the first three sigils, then an inverted triangle with three different sigils laid over the first matrix, creating a six-pointed star.

Arcane rituals of Master level require both arcane matrices, which should then be surrounded by a square or circle composed of four more sigils.

The Ten foundation elements are:

  • Refuge (Gray) - Protection, Safety, and Defense

  • Power (Purple) - Strength, Physical Power, and Physical Damage

  • Tempus (Blue) - Time, Speed, and Travel.

  • Spark (Yellow) - Life, Healing, and Vital force

  • Ruin (Orange) - Destruction, Sacrifice, and Corruption

  • Energy (Red) - Elemental and Planar Energies and the manipulation of them

  • Firmament (Green) - Fortitude, Physical Toughness, and Mental Resilience

  • Aspect (White) - Divination, Perception, and Discovery

  • Thought (Brown) - Mental power, Intelligence, and Knowledge.

  • Death (Black) - The End of Life

Dark Territory

While the intricacies of Arcane Ritual Magic are well known, and often plied with little fanfare, there are situations in which things can go… very wrong. Either by intent, accident, or circumstance, the Maelstrom of the Tempest seeks to wind its way into the dealings of mortals at every opportunity. Arcane Ritual Magic is notably vulnerable to this influence, as it touches upon the very fabric of reality, a fabric that the beings of the Void would very much like to rend asunder.

This influence is known commonly as Dark Territory, and must be accounted for for each Ritual, whether Divine, Arcane, Enchanting, or otherwise.

Note: All crafting attempts that include Dark Territory require an appropriate marshal. If a ritual requires Dark Territory, it will indicate that with Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes.

Apprentice Arcane Rituals

Attune [Apprentice Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Allows a character to attune to a new magic item or un-attune from an old one.

Required Components: 1 Life Point, 1 Hide, Optional: 1 Ritual Wand

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1

Expiration: Permanent

Targets: One attuned item and the person to whom it is being attuned. One additional target may be included if the attunement is being removed from one and given to another. The Ritualist themself may be one of the targets of this ritual.

Tools Used: Ritual Dagger, [Item Card]

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual will attune the target to an item that requires attunement, such as certain magic items or Signature items. This also allows individuals to change an item’s attunement from one participant to another.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the target, consisting of the elements of Energy, Firmament, Spark.

To remove attunement from an item, the character to whom the item is currently attuned must be willing to give up the item (to de-attune an item against its owner's will, Minor Disjunction is needed). To de-attune the item, the ritualist instructs the first target (who is currently attuned) to hold their item in their hand, and a Ritual Wand in the other. The ritualist then uses the ritual dagger to cut their arm [doing at one Life Point of damage], and lets their blood drip onto the Hides.

The ritualist holds the Hide above the character's hand and quickly slashes the dagger through the space between the Hides and the target’s hand. “Let the power of flesh and blood sever the link between these two.” The Ritual Wand consumes the energy of the attunement, and turns to ash.

To attune an item, the Primary Ritualist instructs the person who will be attuning to hold their item and then uses the ritual dagger to cut their arm [doing one Life Point of damage], and lets their blood drip onto the item and the Hide.

The ritualist then drapes the Hide over the hand holding the item while chanting aloud, “Let the power of blood and flesh link these two together as one.”

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

Blaze The Trail [Apprentice Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Allows the ritualist and all participants to gain a free travel action between games.

Required Components: 1 Ritual Wand, 1 Coin per participant

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (4)

Expiration: Until the next Event

Targets: Horseshoe

Tools Used: Horseshoe, [Item Card]

Location: Anywhere within sight of fire or grass

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual enchants a magical horseshoe which grants one free travel action between games, identical to the Steed advantage. Each person who participates in the ritual (including the ritualists) can benefit from this horseshoe, so long as all parties are involved in the same travel action.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the horseshoe, consisting of the elements of Energy, Power, and Tempus.

The Primary Ritualist must then hand one Coin to each participant, speaking aloud each time, “As wealth may swiftly leave your hand, so shall you race across the land.”

The Primary Ritualist must then wave the Ritual Wand into the air over the gathered participants and gather the Coins from each participant. The Primary Ritualist should then take the horseshoe in their hands. While walking around the Participants three times, each time they should chant, “Here I proclaim, by the power of flame, bind the souls to the metal within. Release your greed and grant you speed to accomplish the tasks that are set upon you.”

[Next, a participant must write down on the item card for the horseshoe that this grants one free travel action between games, identical to the Steed advantage. Only those traveling to the same in-game location will gain the free action. The names of all Participants should also be written down on the item card.]

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

Domestic Construct [Apprentice Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Creates a Domestic Construct which can do things like keep food cold, warm a room, keep time, etc.

Required Components: 3 Ingots, 1 Coin, 1 Ritual Wand

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 3

Expiration: Permanent

Targets: Item to which the Domestic Construct will be bound

Tools Used: Target Item, Red string, Elemental Representation, 3 Candles, [Item Card]

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual binds the most basic of forces into a clockwork item, which can provide benefits like warmth, cooling food, etc. [The Domestic Construct can provide an in-game rationale for any number of anachronistic benefits such as crock-pots, mini-fridges, electric clocks, etc.] An example of a Domestic Construct could be a hearth that is self warming, a box that keeps food cold, etc.

The Domestic Construct must be fed a Coin every month (every event) otherwise its energies will not activate and it will become temporarily inert. The Coin should be deposited into an Ashbin at the start of the event to activate the Domestic Construct’s abilities. [Domestic Constructs will never give in-game mechanical benefits and advantages and cannot be used to create music].

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the target, consisting of the elements of Firmament, Energy, and Spark.

The Primary Ritualist should place the object that will be the target within the center of three participants. They should then lay a string out between each participant in the shape of a triune, each participant holding it in the hand creating one point of the triune. In that same hand each participant should also hold an ingot, closing their hand around the string and ingot to anchor the points of the triune.

The Primary Ritualist then uses the ritual wand to trace out the triune, while all three participants shall chant the following seven times, while increasing in volume each time.

“Across the planes, beyond the storm, let this servant now take form.”

Each participant should then light a candle. In unison, the participants should hold the candle up high and recite in unison.

“Like to like, in service be bound, aid my cause, loyal as a hound.”

[While participants are chanting, the Primary Ritualist makes the item card. The participants should keep repeating the chant until the card is complete.]

The Primary Ritualist then informs all participants that they must feed one Coin to the construct in order to keep its magic activated for one month. If a Coin is not paid, the construct’s power will not be activated for that month.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

Dream Ward [Apprentice Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Wards a room and its occupants against intrusions into their dreams.

Required Components: 1 Ritual Wand, 1 Night Prize per participant

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (11)

Expiration: Until dawn (7 AM)

Targets: Stone Sigil, [Item Card]

Tools Used: Incense, Bowl, Water, Bell, [Item Card]

Location: A room, designated as a Hearth, to which the Participants are attached.

Other Requirements: The stone sigil must be at least 6”x6”x1”, and inscribed with a large singular rune.

Dark Territory Suit: Gems

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual enchants a magically inscribed stone sigil which grants immunity to intrusion from dream and nightmare attacks while sleeping. In addition, this will protect Participants from the Nightmares Flaw for the night. This protection will last until the next dawn.

Note: Any attempts to perceive or enter the Dreaming will automatically fail within the Warded space.

Ritual Process:

First the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the stone sigil, consisting of the elements of Refuge, Aspect, and Thought.

They then must light the Ritual Wand [Incense] and waft the smoke throughout the room to purify and protect it.

Then the Primary Ritualist must place a circle of chalk around the perimeter of the room, making sure it is unbroken. While doing so they should chant:

"By the light of the stars and the power of the moon,

I call upon the forces of protection to arise soon.

May this ward keep us safe throughout the night,

And banish all intrusions, evil, and fright."

Using the bowl of water, gaze into its depths and search for any intruders or unwanted entities attempting to enter the dreams of those sleeping in the room, banishing them with the ringing of the bell thrice.

Place the stone sigil outside the room to catch any bad dreams or negative energy that may try to enter their dreams. Dispose of the burned resources and break the circle of chalk.

[Next, a participant must write down on the item card for the Stone Sigilthat this grants immunity to Dream and Nightmare creatures. The names of all participants should also be written down on the item card.]

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

The ritual is now complete, and the dream ward should remain in effect throughout the night.

Enchant Workbench [Apprentice Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Enhances a crafting station to give Barrier to anyone who uses it.

Required Components: 3 Bloom, 3 Hide, 3 Ingots, 3 Coin + 2 Coins per additional month

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 3 (all Participants must have a crafting skill of any level that is appropriate to the respective Crafting Station)

Expiration: One Month, Up to One Year

Targets: Hermetic Forge, Tinker’s Workbench, or Planar Weir

Tools Used: Workbench, [Item Card]

Location: The Crafting Station to be enchanted (Hermetic Workshop, Tinker’s Forge, or Planar Weir)

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual enchants a workbench with arcane energy which lasts until the end of the event. This arcane energy allows anyone who crafts and finishes an item at the workbench to gain one point of Barrier.

In addition, if the Primary Ritualist has at least Journeyman Arcane Ritualist, they count as an appropriate crafter of the target workbench.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the workbench, consisting of the elements of Refuge, Spark, and Energy.

As the ritual begins, the Primary Ritualist shall ask each participant, “What craft do you bring to this ritual?” Each participant must respond with the type of crafting skill that they possess.

Next, a participant must each place all the Bloom atop the arcane matrix, with each Bloom resting on the points of the triangle. Each time they set down the Bloom, the participant must say, “Flowers and herb, petals and bark, draw to me, your verdant spark.”

A participant must then place the Hide atop the arcane matrix, with each Hide resting on a point of the triangle. Each time they set down a Hide, the participant must say, “Skin and flesh, horn and bone, to this place, your power known.”

Then a participant must place the Ingots atop the arcane matrix, with each Ingot resting on a point of the triangle. Each time they set down an Ingot, the participant must say, “Gem and rock, stone and earth. Imbue this station with your worth.”

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must hand one Coin to each other participant and hold onto the remaining Coin; alternatively, additional participants may be included to reduce the Coin cost, at a 1:1 ratio. Each additional participant must stand behind another participant or the Primary Ritualist, reaching out toward them or touching their shoulder (remembering to check for consent).

Standing at the three corners of the arcane matrix, each participant must chant aloud “With wealth and skills used as they should, we act as one for the common good”, then place any Coins used onto the corner of the arcane matrix at which they are standing. [The participants must repeat the chant while the Primary Ritualist creates the item card for this ritual.]

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

Transmutation [Apprentice Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Converts Basic Resources into other types of Basic Resources.

Required Components: 2 Coin and Six Basic Resources, or 3 Coin and 12 Basic Resources

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1

Expiration: Instantaneous

Targets: Up to Six Basic Resources (Ingots, Hide, Bloom)

Tools Used: Source of Flame, Parchment, Writing Implement, Ritual Dagger, Bowl

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: Casting this ritual will convert six of any of the Basic Resources into any other Basic Resources they desire, in any combination that adds up to six. Using three Coins will instead convert twelve resources into any twelve basic resources.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create the arcane matrix, consisting of the elements of Ruin, Firmament, and Spark.

Next, the Primary Ritualist must create a representation of a circle around the materials they wish to convert and the arcane matrix; this must be an unbroken circle in order to properly contain the transformative magic invoked.

A participant must write the names of the old resources on a piece of paper, then light a fire in the bowl.

The ritualist must burn the paper and Coins in the bowl until only ashes remain. As they do, they chant aloud, “The old consumed, create the new, in flesh and coin I tithe to you.”

The ritualist must then prick their finger with the ritual dagger, and let one drop of blood fall into the bowl (No Life Points are Sacrificed). A participant must stir the blood and ash together to create a bloody ink.

Using the bloody ink, the ritualist writes the names of the desired new resources on a piece of paper.

Then, the ritualist draws the sigil for Ruin in the air above each of the old resources, infusing them with the powers of Ruin and causing them to begin to break down.

Finally, the ritualist chants aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

[The resources and inscribed paper must be brought to appropriate Staff to finish the process of transformation.]

Journeyman Arcane Rituals

Animate Machination [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Animates a Vessel of Machination with moderate power.

Required Components: 4 Ingots, 2 Rare Mineral, 1 Ritual Power, 1+ Ritual Wand

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (3)

Expiration: End of the Event

Targets: A Vessel of Machination

Tools Used: Source of Fire, Bowl, Ritual Dagger, Writing Implement, Parchment, [Item Card]

Location: Anywhere within sight of a forge or anvil

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: An object, which is not and was never alive, may be brought to life and put under an individual’s control until the end of the Event. This object becomes a creature under the control of a participant until the spell runs out, or until the creature is destroyed; if the ritual’s effect ends without the construct being destroyed, the Vessel of Macination remains and may be reanimated again.

Once given an order, the creature follows it until the task is completed. This ritual will not work on targets that are not specifically designed for this purpose. Crafters must create targets for this using the Vessel of Machination Tinkering recipe. The portrayer for the animated construct must be provided by a player.

At base, an animated construct has the following stats:

Each additional Ritual Wand used allows the Ritualist to add one of the following abilities:

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the Vessel to be animated, speaking aloud its intended purpose.

Next, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the animating vessel, using the elements of Firmament, Refuge, and Spark.

The Primary Ritualist must then place the Ingots on top of the runes in the matrix, naming each aloud as they do so.

The Primary Ritualist must then burn the Ritual Powder in the bowl, waving the ritual dagger through the smoke three times and chanting “Let the air carry my words and give life to the lifeless.”

Each participant who wishes to be able to control the construct must provide one Life Point of blood into the central bowl, using the blood to inscribe their personal sigil onto the Vessel. As they do, each participant must chant aloud, “On essence dine, my will is thine.” Each person who contributes blood may command the construct, which must obey those commands [unless the portrayer feels uncomfortable with the orders].

Next, the Primary Ritualist must burn the Ritual Wand to invite a lesser spirit to animate the body by name and identify the purpose of the construct as well as the powers it will be granted.

A participant must write down the powers to be conferred upon the construct on a sheet of parchment, including any additional powers coming from additional resources (this may be prepared in advance). This should also include a list of the people who can command the construct. The parchment must then be placed upon the chest of the vessel and anchored with the Rare Minerals, while a participant chants, “Until the power leaves your core, keep this close forevermore.”

All participants must walk a circle three times around the construct and rune matrix, chanting aloud, “Grant it life, grant it motion, grant it power.”

Finally, the Primary Ritualist will complete the ritual by chanting, “Let the ritual be complete. Arise!”

Dream [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Allows a group of people to enter a short dream to try and divine the answer to a question or problem.

Required Components: 1+ Ritual Powder, 3 Night Prizes, 1 serving of Nyte Tea per participant, 2 Foundation Resource Infusions (Aspect)

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (6)

Expiration: 10 Minutes

Targets: One participant and any additional participants that wish to journey with them.

Tools Used: Mortar and Pestle, Incense, Source of Fire, Powder to Consume

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: Lantern Spirit, Must be Night.

Dark Territory Suit: Gems

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: The target of this ritual is put into a deep slumber that lasts until the Primary Ritualist wakes them; this ritual may not always function, depending on the whims of fate (or Staff availability). This dream can reveal information about potentially anything of import to the dreamer (although dream information tends to be imparted in vague allegories that require interpretation), and those with Medium or Soothsayer skills can get more detailed and less metaphorical interpretations of those dreams.

Characters begin to lucid dream and should identify themselves to the Dream Spirit and may even make suggestions about the direction of the dream while it is being experienced, but the dreamers will never have total control over their dream. These dreams are so powerful that all individuals within the area may be able to perceive shadowy versions of the dream’s contents. Each additional participant may join the dream. The longer they remain dreaming, the greater likelihood that there will be permanent consequences to all dreamers.

Dreamers have found that dreams of five minutes or less are safe, dreams over five minutes but of seven or fewer minutes have minor consequences, and dreams over seven minutes have dire consequences. Dreamers who stay in the dream longer than 10 minutes are lost in the dream and take Spirit Form immediately. They will remain in Spirit Form for at least 2 hours [and are encouraged to visit Staff or NPC headquarters during that time] and will be unable to gain more than a Short Rest from the next Long Rest they complete.

Participants can talk to each other during the dream but may not otherwise affect each other. The ritualist may stop the dream by walking one circle around the dreamer(s) while calling “Wake the Dreamers!” three times. The Lantern Spirit should observe the time; once the safe period has passed, they will impose dream-induced side-effects on the dreamers that are ideally appropriate to the dream.

 [The Dream Spirit will call “Grant Inherent Vulnerability to [Accent or Effect] to all Dreamers Final”, with the Accent or Effect being something from the dream.]

Demanding, rude, or disrespectful dreamers, as well as those who demand very specific answers or answers that would specifically target or harm other characters will increase the consequences to the next higher time category (a five minute dream would suffer seven minute consequences, for example). [If the dreamers linger more than seven minutes but fewer than ten, they will gain the vulnerability and will automatically gain an Inherent Vulnerability to Fear, Madness, and Terror. All Vulnerabilities mean the characters will take these things as Final, and will last until the end of the Event.]

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create the arcane matrix around the target(s), consisting of the elements of Aspect, Tempus, and Refuge.

Second, the ritualist must state aloud the information sought or question that needs to be answered, clearly so that the Dream Spirit may hear.

Next, a participant must burn the Ritual Powder as incense. As they do so, the Primary Ritualist must chant aloud, “Let this incense elevate (participant)’s mind to a place of knowledge.” for each participant wishing to take part in the dream.

The Primary Ritualist must draw the sigil for Aspect in the air before each target’s forehead, chanting aloud, “Let this sigil elevate (target)’s mind to a place of insight.”

Next, the Primary Ritualist must crush the Night Prizes into a powder.

The ritualist feeds a portion of the Night Prize powder to each target, then gives each target a serving of Nyte Tea before closing their eyes, chanting aloud, “Let this magic elevate (target)’s mind to a place of dreaming.”

Finally, the ritualist must state aloud, “Let the dream begin.”

[The Dream Spirit will then tell the dreamers their dream, possibly giving them choices along the way and it will be up to the Spirit as to what choice is followed should there be disagreement. Anyone who can hear the dream description may perceive as much of the dream as they can, including the Primary Ritualist. The Dream Spirit will inform the player that they are perceiving a shadowy dream if the player seems confused.]

During the dream, the Primary Ritualist must walk circles around the dreamer. To end the dream, the Primary Ritualist should walk one final circle around the dreamers, starting the circle with “Wake the Dreamers!” and repeating it twice more during the circle before saying: “Let the ritual be complete and the dreamer(s) awaken!” 

[At which point the Dream Spirit will check the time and give out consequences as appropriate].

Minor Disjunction [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Removes all special properties of the target item.

Required Components: 1 Ritual Wand, 1 Ritual Powder, 10 Wealth in Coin

Ritualists: 1 (3)

Total Participants: 3

Expiration: Instantaneous

Targets: 1 item (no larger than 10’x10’x10’)

Tools Used: Bowl, Ritual dagger

Location: Anywhere not Consecrated / Desecrated or inherently magical.

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual permanently ends all special properties on an item. This means that any item that would need an information card (if it were given to someone else) can have its properties removed giving it the same functionality as its base prop (potions become mundane liquids, magic swords become swords, etc.); this should allow the discarding of the item card. After the ritual is complete, all Participants will be drained for a Quick 100 count.

Note: Some games may mark certain items with "Immune to Minor Disjunction with X or fewer participants." This number must be exceeded by the number of participants in this ritual for the Disjunction to be successful. If an item is marked with “Major Disjunction Resistance,” it cannot be the target of a Minor Disjunction Ritual, and will be labeled "Immune to Minor Disjunction. Immune to Major Disjunction with X or fewer participants." For this purpose ritualists will count as 1 participant per tier of Arcane Ritual Skill they have achieved (e.g. Apprentice: 1 participant, Master: 4 participants).

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the arcane matrix around the target item, consisting of the elements of Power, Energy, and Ruin.

Next, the Primary Ritualist must pour the Ritual Powder in lines between the runes on the rune matrix, creating a triune symbol.

The ritualist must present the Ritual Wand, speaking aloud its purpose to break the foundations of magic. They must touch the Ritual Wand to each point of the arcane matrix, asking the forces of magic to empower them with strength, energy, and destructive power.

Next, the ritualists must go around with the bowl, collecting Coin from the group of participants, who must each place their tithe in the bowl while chanting: “With my fortune, I give life and power to this ritual.” The Primary Ritualist should explain to each participant that the power of this ritual will Drain them once it is complete for a few moments (“Quick Drain”).

The Primary Ritualist must dip the Ritual Wand in the coin-filled vessel, stirring and mixing the fortunes of the assembled Participants, as their fortunes are now tied together.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must touch the Ritual Wand to the target as the Coin is consumed by the ritual (turn into the Ash Bin), then speak aloud, “Let the ritual be ended!”

[The Primary Ritualist needs to then deposit the item card in an ashbin. If, for some reason, some properties cannot be removed with Disjunction (it would say so on the item card), the Primary Ritualist needs to edit the item card, ideally just marking a line through properties that have been removed so that they can still be read but are obviously crossed out.]

Open Stormgate [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Establishes a connection with an existing Stormgate.

Required Components: 2 Ritual Wands

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1

Expiration: Invocation + 1 Hour

Targets: An existing Stormgate Arch

Tools Used: Source of flame, Mortar and pestle, ritual dagger

Location: Within ten paces of a Stormgate Arch

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: Casting this ritual “opens” an existing Stormgate Arch, and forges a Stormbridge to another Stormgate Arch on another Eye. The destination’s True Name must be used, or the ritual automatically fails.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create the arcane matrix, consisting of the elements of Tempus, Aspect, and Refuge.

Next, the Primary Ritualist must burn one Ritual Wand, and chant:

"By the power of rhyme and ancient rite,

I call forth a portal to reach new sight.

Bring the gateway that lies ahead,

And guide us to the lands we hope to tread.

Oh ancient forces, hear our plea,

Let the portal be opened, so mote it be."

Once complete, the Primary Ritualist must grind the second Ritual Wand with the mortar and pestle to a fine powder, and then light it aflame. The Primary Ritualist must then prick their finger with the ritual dagger, and let one drop of blood fall into the flame.

As the blood burns, the Primary Ritualist must call out the True Name of the destination Stormgate before the blood burns away. Failure to do so causes the ritual to fail.

Then, the Primary Ritualist must draw the rune for Tempus in the air above the blooded flame, and recites the invocation of the Stormbridge:

"To realms beyond, we seek to go,

Where lightning strikes and rivers flow.

With arcane words we channel magic's might,

We open now the portal to take flight.

Spirits beyond, we bid you now obey,

Grant us this wish, show us the way."

The Primary Ritualist should continue to slowly recite the Invocation of the Stormbridge until the Stormgate is stabilized, this may take several turns of the hourglass.

Once the Invocation has stabilized the Stormbridge, the Arch will produce a soft blue light: only then is it safe to cross the Stormbridge, and the ritual is complete. Do not tarry as the Stormgate is inherently unstable and requires a spirit to pass through, lest the fury of the Maelstrom leak into the origin realm.

For as long as the Primary Ritualist continues to recite the Invocation of the Stormbridge, allies may pass through to the other side. Once the Primary Ritualist ceases to incant the Invocation, the Stormgate will begin to deteriorate, and will only last an hour from that time

Note: Do not allow unattended objects to be moved through the Stormgate, whether rolled, thrown, launched or otherwise moved. Doing so risks the fury of the Maelstrom.

Note: Should more than six souls pass through a Stormgate that has not been specifically reinforced, each additional soul risks injury, corruption, and death.

The Primary Ritualist may forcibly close a Stormgate they have opened by reciting the Dissolution of the Stormgate incantation:

"By ancient rite and magic's spell,

We bid the portal now dispel.

From distant realm, we seek return,

The bridge between two worlds, we burn.

Close the portal that binds our lands,

And raise the veil at our commands.

Oh ancient forces, hear our plea,

And close the portal, so mote it be!"

Reciting the Dissolution of the Stormgate by the Primary Ritualist will quickly weaken a Stormgate, but multiple recitations may be necessary, particularly if opposed.

Reforge [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: This ritual allows a character to reforge their history, rearranging class powers.

Required Components: 1+ Ritual Powder

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 3

Expiration: Permanent

Targets: 1 Willing Individual

Tools Used: Mortar and Pestle, Incense, [Character Card]

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual will let the target change around their class Power choices. Each Power may only be switched for a Power of the same Class of the same Tier or lower and if the Power is a Utility Power it must be switched for another Utility Power. This ritual will also work to change a character’s chosen Cantrips. All Powers gained by this ritual begin expended and then follow their normal refresh timers.

For each Ritual Powder expended beyond the first, the character may unlearn/relearn an additional Power or Cantrip.

Ritual Process:

First, the ritualist must prepare the arcane matrix, consisting of the elements of Thought, Ruin, and Aspect.

Next, a participant-attendant must place the Ritual Powders into a bowl. Two Ritual Powders and a separate participant are required for each class Power change desired. The attendants then hold the bowl and stand around the target, facing them.

The ritualist must burn the powder as incense, and have the target breathe deeply of the incense before lying down. The incense will render the target unconscious until the ritual completes, which should be explained to the target.

The ritualist must draw the sigil for Thought upon the target’s forehead, naming aloud the Power that they wish to remove. Then they will wipe the sigil away and replace it with a sigil for Ruin, speaking aloud “Let your old knowledge be wiped away.”

The ritualist next wipes away the sigil for Ruin, then draws the sigil for Aspect upon the forehead, speaking aloud the name of the Power that they wish to obtain. This process must be completed for each Power to be changed.

The ritualist should explain to the target the following information: After the ritual, the target is drained until the character has completed a Short Rest, as their mind resettles and adjusts to the new knowledge that has been imparted upon them.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist chants aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

[The Target should adjust their character card appropriately, and have the Primary Ritualist sign off.]

Sanctum of Secrets [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Wards a room and its occupants against divinations, scrying, and other magical intrusion.

Required Components: 1 Ritual Powder, 1 Circle Chalk

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (4)

Expiration: End of the Event

Targets: Small building or tent

Tools Used: Black Parchment, Writing Implement, [Item Card]

Location: A small building or room, designated as a Hearth, to which the Participants are attached.

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual enchants a sheet of black parchment which binds to the room and prevents divinations, scrying, and similar effects from entering or exiting the protected room. This protection will last until the end of the event.

This would protect from such rituals as Seek, Dream, and other similar magic that creates a viewpoint for an outside observer. It does not protect against actual intrusions.

Note: Any divination rituals or effects cast within this warded space automatically fail.

Ritual Process:

First the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the black parchment, consisting of the elements of Refuge, Aspect, and Firmament.

They then must light the Ritual Powder [Incense] and waft the smoke throughout the room to purify and protect it.

Then the Primary Ritualist must place a circle of chalk around the perimeter of the room, making sure it is unbroken. While doing so they should chant:

"By the powers of the shadows and the veil of night,

I call forth the guardians of secrecy to ward this sight."

Hold the feather quill and ink, and write the following inscription on the black parchment:

"By the powers of the earth and sky,

Let these words defend against the prying eye.

May secrets stay hidden, truth remain untold,

And the visions of scryers be forever controlled."

When the inscription is complete, leave the room, breaking the circle of chalk behind you, and secure the black parchment upon the outermost face of the door providing entry into the warded space.

[Next, a Participant must write down on the item card for the black parchment that this grants protection from divination and scrying. The names of all participants should also be written down on the item card.]

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

The ritual is now complete, and the divination ward should remain in effect until the end of the gather.

[The Black Parchment should be posted conspicuously on the outside of the warded space, and the Primary Ritualist should inform Staff of the presence of the ritual, and its location.]

Scribe Kor’Do’Din’Nul Glyph [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: This ritual creates a magical glyph on something that can be opened.

Required Components: 1 Arcane Ink, 1 Ritual Wand

Ritualists: 2 (3)

Total Participants: 2 (3)

Expiration: End of the Event

Targets: 1 Glyph on a portal or flat surface.

Tools Used: Bowl, Ink, Writing Implement, Parchment, Paint, Ritual Dagger, [Item Card]

Location: The area to be protected

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual, which must include at least two ritualists, creates a magical glyph over a portal or on a flat surface until the sun sets three times. Each participant in the ritual may pass by the glyph without discharging its effects. This ritual is keyed to the specific glyph of Kor’Do’Din’Nul.

The Kor’Do’Din’Nul Glyph must be scribed on an openable object (such as a door or chest), and will trigger on the person who does the opening, causing three points of damage, after which the Glyph becomes permanently inactive.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix near the area to be enchanted, consisting of the elements of Refuge, Tempus, and Energy.

The Primary Ritualist must draw the glyph onto the parchment in normal ink, speaking aloud the meaning that this symbol has for them and how the glyph will function.

The secondary ritualist must then trace over the sigil three times with the Arcane Ink, speaking aloud the name of each part of the glyph as they trace it. The Primary Ritualist must speak aloud the intended function of the glyph a second time.

Next, a participant must place the sigil on the item to be protected or the door or doorway of the glyphed structure, as the Primary Ritualist speaks the intended function of the glyph for the third time.

The Primary Ritualist and all participants must place a Coin upon the glyph, speaking aloud, “I tie my fortune to this glyph. Let its power touch me not.”

Finally, the Primary Ritualist touches the Ritual Wand to the Glyph, speaking aloud, “I draw upon this source to empower my magic.” The ritualist then touches the empowered Ritual Wand to the glyph, discharging its power into the glyph and stating aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.”

Seek [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: This ritual attempts to find the location of an object.

Required Components: 6 Ingots, Foundation Resource Infusion (Thought), 1 Ritual Powder, 1+ Ritual Wands

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (6)

Expiration: Instantaneous

Targets: 1 Item

Tools Used: Focusing objects, Bell, Map, Parchment, Writing Implement

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Gems

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: This ritual may be cast to find the location of a desired, well-described object. The Ritual will give a one line description of the location of a sought item. Each additional Ritual Wand used after the first provides another line of written information about the location of the item. Once the description feels complete (to the powers that create the description), additional Wands will give lines of information about protections around the item, if any.

Similarly, if the item is veiled, additional Ritual Wands will provide lines about how it is veiled, who sought to hide the item, and what might be done to bypass that veil (in that order). Additional Seek rituals used to find the same item will give the same information, although re-casting the ritual with additional Wands may give additional lines of information.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create the arcane matrix consisting of the elements of Thought, Aspect, and Tempus around the map and any objects which will help focus the search. At least one of these focus items must be made of silver. The ritualist should pour out the Foundation Resource Infusion onto one of the silver items, and then burn a Ritual Powder to waft the infusion into the aether.

Next, a participant must place the six Ingots on the map in the shape of a triune and inverted triune, weighing it down and providing a focus for triangulation. Note that the map is purely symbolic and need not be of the area where the item is to be found.

The ritualist must move to the four cardinal directions, ringing the bell three times at each point. While ringing the bell, the ritualist must chant aloud:

“Spirits of knowledge, come to my call.

To my sight reveal all.

The bell tolls loud, my eyes uncloud,

this (object) the mists of fate unshroud.”

The ritualist must sit down at the map, visualizing the object they wish to find as best they can. They must describe aloud three distinct pieces of information about the object. Other participants may also provide information about the object in order to increase the specificity of information provided. One participant must write down the description of the item sought, as well as the number of lines of information requested.

The ritualist must chant aloud, “I charge this paper with powers to find, with a Ritual Wand for each of the lines.” At this point, paper is charged with divination energy and should be used to wrap the number of Ritual Wands being used. It can be delivered to the Spirits of Knowledge by any number of means such as setting it on fire, giving it to a passing Spirit, or letting it waft away on the winds [the paper should be delivered to Staff]. As soon as the spirit completes this process, the Ingots will be consumed and the Primary Ritualist must say, “Let the ritual be complete.”

[The response paper will arrive by some method as soon as Staff can give the appropriate answer].

Summon Elemental [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Summons an elemental to provide service for the summoners.

Required Components: 1 Circle Chalk, 1 Ritual Powder, 3 Ritual Wands, 6 Rare Minerals, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Energy, One Elemental Core of the appropriate element (Named Resource).

Ritualists: 3

Total Participants: 3 (6)

Expiration: First of: End of the Event, or the Task is complete

Targets: One Elemental (nonspecific or specific named elemental)

Tools Used: Method of representing a circle, Bell

Location: Anywhere near an area associated with the element (A fire-pit or burned patch, a patch of snow or deep shadow, a pool of water or creek, anywhere with air).

Other Requirements: A piece of the element associated with the elemental (such as a shard of ice, a vial of sand, a breath of wind, or an open flame), Plot must be informed in advance (with both the ritual’s intent and its location)

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: This ritual summons an elemental from the planes to complete a task on behalf of the ritualist or a designated agent. The elemental will require Foundation Resource Infusions beyond the one used in the ritual. Stone elementals tend to favor Tempus and Firmament Foundation Resource Infusions, Air elementals prefer Thought and Aspect, Water elementals prefer Refuge and Spark, and Fire elementals prefer Ruin and Power. All elementals enjoy Energy Foundation Resource Infusions. Elementals tend to lack the guile associated with demons and fae, and are much more straightforward in their negotiation processes.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix in the chosen location, consisting of the elements of Firmament, Power, and Energy.

Next, the secondary ritualist must prepare an inverted rune matrix that crosses the original matrix, consisting of the elements of Aspect, Thought, and Refuge. The ritualist must create curved lines between the runes with Ritual Powder, each line passing through the original matrix.

The tertiary ritualist must then create an unbroken circle around both matrices using the Circle Chalk, anchoring it at four points with the following runes: Tempus, Ruin, Death, and Spark. The circle must be large enough to contain a being of approximately human size, and each anchor point must be touching the circle in order to contain the elemental.

The Primary Ritualist must place the piece of the element associated with the elemental inside the center of the matrices along with the Rare Minerals, then sprinkle them with the remaining Ritual Powder while chanting:

“I call to the flame that lights the night.

I call to the wind that gives the birds flight.

I call to the ice that brings winter strife.

I call to the earth that brings forth all life.”

Next, all participants except the first three ritualists must step outside the circle of chalk without touching it.

All three ritualists must touch the upright matrix, inverted matrix, and chalk circle with a separate Ritual Wand to empower all three magical diagrams.

The first ritualist must step out of the chalk circle while calling aloud, “Let the powers arcane protect me from the elemental powers I invoke.”

Next, the secondary ritualist must step out of the chalk circle. While doing so, they must ring the belland call, “We call to the plane of (element) to make dealings with us!” and ring the bell again.

Finally, the tertiary ritualist must step out, while calling aloud, “Let the ritual be complete. Come forth, elemental of (element)(or name of elemental if known).”

Participants must wait until the elemental appears, which will either be insubstantial, or will go insubstantial when it arrives. Either way, it will enter the circle and remain there, inherently insubstantial, and the ritualists may then negotiate with it. The elemental will be unable to affect anyone outside the circle or leave the circle [If necessary, a ritualist should instruct the elemental-portrayer using “Instruction”].

At minimum, an elemental will require Foundation Resource Infusions for its tasks (typically one for minor requests, two for medium requests, and three or more for large requests), which can be donated by additional participants. When the negotiations are complete, the ritualist must break the circle to allow the elemental out; if the circle is broken by any outside force before the negotiations are complete, the elemental may break free, at which point it may kill the caster, wreak havoc, or simply leave. However it is done, voluntarily or not, when the circle is broken the elemental will be Cured of its insubstantial Condition immediately.

Transpose Skeleton [Journeyman Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Swaps a target’s Life Points and Physical Armor Points, binding the armor to their bones.

Required Components: 1 Ingots, 1 Rare Mineral, 1 Ritual Powder, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Refuge

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (3)

Expiration: Long Rest

Targets: A Willing Living Individual

Tools Used: Source of Fire, Bowl, Ritual Dagger, Mortar and Pestle

Location: Within ten paces of an Arcane Locus

Other Requirements: The Target must be wearing some form of Physical Armor.

Dark Territory Suit: Arms

Dark Territory Marshal Required: No

Effect: The target’s armor is bound to their flesh and bones. For the duration of the ritual, the target’s Maximum Life Points and Maximum Physical Armor points are swapped. This ritual lasts until the target’s next Long Rest.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the armor, assessing the state of the armor to be bound into the flesh of the target [Determine the Maximum Armor Points of the suit, and record that value and the target’s Maximum Life Points on the rituals Item Card]

Next, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the target, using the elements of Refuge, Firmament, and Power.

The Primary Ritualist must then place the Ingot on top of the Refuge Rune in the matrix.

The Primary Ritualist must then burn the Ritual Powder in the bowl, waving the ritual dagger through the smoke three times and chanting “Let the air carry the weight of my words: bind these flesh and bones in stone.”

Each Participant, other than the target, must then scatter the Rare Minerals upon the target’s body and armor, with any remainder scattered by the Primary Ritualist.

Next, the Primary Ritualist must draw in the air with the Refuge Infusion the rune of Refuge upon the target’s body, and the rune of Spark upon the Armor.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must walk a circle three times around the target and rune matrix, chanting aloud, “May these two become one, serving in unison, strengthening one, relying on the other.”

[A Participant must then affix the new values to the target’s armor Item Card, or create one if it doesn’t yet exist. The armor cannot be removed for the duration of the ritual.]

Finally, the Primary Ritualist will complete the ritual by chanting, “Let the ritual be complete. Arise!”

Greater Arcane Rituals

Disjunction [Greater Arcane Ritual]

Summary: This ritual will permanently end Powers or other special attributes on a person or small building.

Required Components: 3 Ritual Wands, 3 Ritual Powders, 25 Coins

Ritualists: 3

Total Participants: 3 (6)

Expiration: Instantaneous

Targets: 1 person or small building

Tools Used: Bowl, Ritual Dagger

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: This ritual has one of two effects:

First, it will permanently end special properties on a small building (a small building is generally going to have one exterior door and hold 15 or fewer people comfortably). These properties are anything that would be on an information or item card. This includes Haven rituals, and the effects of other powers such as Room Ward.

Second, it will Cure all Conditions, end the duration of all Powers, and end all ongoing effects on a person that would be on an information card, such as curses. This may include things like lycanthropy at the discretion of Staff.

After the ritual is complete, all participants will be drained for a Quick 100 count.

Note: Some games may mark certain items with “Minor Disjunction Resistance” and a number. This number must be met or exceeded by the number of participants in this ritual for the Disjunction to be successful. If an item is marked with “Major Disjunction Resistance”, it cannot be the target of a Disjunction Ritual. For this purpose ritualists will count as 2 participants per tier of Arcane Ritual Skill they have achieved (e.g. Apprentice: 2 participant, Master: 8 participants).

Ritual Process:

First, each ritualist must prepare an arcane matrix around the target or with one point of the matrix touching the target (if the target is a small building), consisting of the elements of Power, Energy, Firmament. Each ritualist must then create an inverted arcane matrix over the original matrix, using the elements of Ruin, Power, and Spark. If the target is a small building, no two matrices can touch the same side of the building.

Next, each ritualist must pour a Ritual Powder in lines between the runes on their rune matrices, creating two triune symbols in the shape of a six-pointed star (for a total of 3 six-pointed stars).

Each ritualist must present a Ritual Wand, speaking aloud its purpose to break the foundations of magic. Each must then touch their Ritual Wand to each point of their two arcane matrices, asking the forces of magic to empower them with strength, energy, and destructive power.

Next, the ritualists must go around with the bowl, collecting Coin from the group of participants, who must each place their tithe in the bowl while chanting: “With my fortune, I give life and power to this ritual.” The Primary Ritualist should explain to each participant that the power of this ritual will Drain them once it is complete for a few moments (“Quick Drain”).

The Primary Ritualist must dip the Ritual Wand in the coin-filled vessel, stirring and mixing the fortunes of the assembled Participants, as their fortunes are now tied together.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must touch the Ritual Wand to the target as the Coin is consumed by the ritual (turn into the Ash Bin), then speak aloud, “Let the ritual be ended!”

[The Primary Ritualist then changes any applicable cards on the small building or person and tells the person “Cure all Conditions. Instruction: All Powers affecting you end now.” Rather than take down a Haven card, it should be edited to make it clear that it has been the target of Disjunction so that there is no confusion as to whether it was taken by the wind or other miscreant.]

Summon Fae [Greater Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Summons a creature of the fae to negotiate with the casters.

Required Components: 1 Circle Chalk, 2 Ritual Powders, 4 Ritual Wands, 2 Foundation Resource Infusion (Aspect)

Ritualists: 3

Total Participants: 3 (8)

Expiration: First of: End of the Event, or the Task is complete

Targets: One fae (unspecified or specific named fae)

Tools Used: Source of Fire, Method of representing a circle, Bell

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: A feather, milk, a marshal must be informed in advance (with both the ritual’s intent and its location)

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: This ritual summons a powerful being from the realms of faerie to complete a task on behalf of the ritualist or a designated agent. The being will require resources beyond the ones used in the ritual, typically in the form of tasks or secrets; for especially difficult tasks, the fae may require something like a character’s Truename: a deep dark secret known to few.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the target, consisting of the elements of Firmament, Power, and Energy. The ritualist must, in addition, create curved lines between the matrix runes using Ritual Powder to make an inverted triangle representing the otherworldly nature of the beings they wish to summon.

Next, the secondary ritualist must prepare an inverted rune matrix that crosses the original matrix, consisting of the elements of Aspect, Thought, and Refuge. The ritualist must also create curved lines between the runes using Ritual Powder to make an inverted triangle as in the primary matrix.

The tertiary Ritualist must then create an unbroken circle around both matrices using the Circle Chalk, anchoring it at four points with the following runes: Tempus, Ruin, Death, and Spark. The circle must be large enough to contain a being of approximately human size, and each anchor point must be touching the circle in order to contain the fae.

Next, all participants except the first three ritualists must step outside the circle of chalk without touching it.

All three ritualists must touch the upright matrix, inverted matrix, and chalk circle with a separate Ritual Wand to empower all three magical diagrams.

The first ritualist must step out of the chalk circle while calling aloud, “Bear my will above the flames. Take my words beyond the planes” and place an Aspect Infusion upon the upright arcane matrix.

Next, the secondary ritualist must step out of the chalk circle. While doing so, they must ring the bell, and call, “I call for aid, in kind repaid.” and ring the bell again, then place the other Aspect Infusion upon the upright arcane matrix.

Finally, the tertiary ritualist must step out, while calling aloud, “Let the ritual be complete. Come forth, fae (or name of fae if known).” Named fae will often be slightly less likely to try and use loopholes or poor language to act against the summoner’s wishes.

Participants must wait until the fae appears, which will either be Insubstantial, or will go Insubstantial when it arrives. Either way, it will enter the circle and remain there, inherently Insubstantial, and the ritualists may then negotiate with it. The fae will be unable to affect anyone outside the circle or leave the circle [If necessary, a ritualist should instruct the elemental-portrayer using “Instruction”].

At minimum, a fae will require secrets or minor tasks for its aid, which can be donated by additional Participants; to render particularly challenging aid, the fae may require the knowledge of the deepest secret from some or all of the Participants. When the negotiations are complete, the ritualist must break the circle to allow the fae out; if the circle is broken by any outside force before the negotiations are complete and the fae is bound to the ritualist’s will, it may break free, at which point it may kill the caster, wreak havoc, or simply leave. However it is done, voluntarily or not, when the circle is broken the fae will be Cured of its Insubstantial Condition immediately.

Veil [Greater Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Protects the character from Rituals and gives temporary protection from Discern powers

Required Components: 3 Coin, 1+ Raw Scale, 1+ Ritual Wand, 2+ Foundation Resource Infusion (Aspect), 2+ Foundation Resource Infusion (Thought)

Ritualists: 1 (3)

Total Participants: 2 (8)

Expiration: One Year

Targets: 1 or more items (No larger than 10’x10’x10’) or creatures

Tools Used: Writing Implement, [Item Card]

Location: Anywhere out of sight of the sun.

Other Requirements: Marshal Spirit

Dark Territory Suit: Gems

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: This ritual will make the Primary Target incapable of being a Target of Rituals for one calendar year. In addition, all targets are granted the Obfuscate from Discern for one calendar year. Finally, all Targets gain resistance to the Dispel Effect when targeting the Veil Effect(s).

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the arcane matrix, consisting of the elements of Refuge, Aspect, and Thought. Then, they should create a secondary matrix surrounding the primary with the elements of Firmament, Ruin, and Tempus.

The Primary Ritualist should explain the following element of the ritual to participants and ritualists. Throughout the ritual, each target to be Obfuscated requires one participant to act as a symbolic guard and one ritualist (for example, for three people to be Obfuscated, would take nine people: Primary ritualist, three targets, two additional ritualists, and three additional guard-participants).

Each additional Target also requires both an additional Foundation Resource Infusion Aspect and Thought to be used. All guards must keep their backs turned away from the targets and their eyes closed throughout the entire ritual process, repeatedly chanting, “I blind myself, I blind the world.”

If they open their eyes at all during the ritual process, their protection is removed and, as a magical backlash [adjudicated by the Marshal Spirit], nearby or attentive Greater Powers will automatically know the location of the target that was to be protected by those participants; [for the remainder of the event, any Seek ritual is likely to find the exact location of the target in addition to the intended target of the Seek ritual. Additionally, the backlashed target will be immune to the effects of the Obfuscate Effect until the next Event. This ritual uses up its components even if it backlashes.]

Each ritualist must draw the sigil for Thought upon a target and then trace the sigil with the Ritual Wand. One Ritual Wand and Raw Scale is required per Ritualist / Target / Guard group. Each Ritualist must then trace the sigil for Refuge onto a Hide using the Ritual Wand. This will create a sympathetic link between both objects. If a target wishes to be protected from Discern powers as well, a ritualist must trace the sigil upon the back of the target with a second Ritual Wand and on a second Raw Scale (these Wands and Raw Scale cannot be ones used for other participants in this current ritual).

Next, the Primary Ritualist must place the three Coins in the shape of the triune onto the ground near the arcane matrix, place the Raw Scale in the center of the Coin triune, and speak aloud, “Let this tithe draw away the sight of others.”

The Primary Ritualist must cover the Foundation Resource Infusions in the Raw Scale and bury it beneath the ground within the triune of coins. As this process occurs, the Primary Ritualist should chant three times aloud, “As the mist rises with morning light, obscure this (item/person) from magic sight.”

The Primary Ritualist chants aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.” [The Marshal Spirit should report back to Staff what has been Obfuscated, as this could affect any number of Rituals or other Effects cast by other players or NPCs.]

Master Arcane Rituals

Animate Construct [Master Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Animates a Vessel of Animation with significant power.

Required Components: 8 Ingots, 2 Rare Mineral, 2+ Ritual Powder, 1+ Life Points, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion (Refuge), 1 Foundation Resource Infusion (Firmament), 1 Foundation Resource Infusion (Power), 1 Foundation Resource Infusion (Energy)

Ritualists: 1

Total Participants: 1 (6)

Expiration: Long Rest

Targets: A Vessel of Animation

Tools Used: Source of Fire, Bowl, Ritual Dagger, Writing Implement, Parchment, [Item Card]

Location: Anywhere within sight of an Arcane Locus

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: An object, which is not and was never alive, may be brought to life and put under an individual’s control until the next Long Rest. This object becomes a creature under the control of a participant until the spell runs out, or until the creature is destroyed; if the ritual’s effect ends without the construct being destroyed, the Vessel of Animation remains and may be reanimated again.

Once given an order, the creature follows it until the task is completed. This ritual will not work on targets that are not specifically designed for this purpose. Crafters must create targets for this using the Vessel of Animation Tinkering recipe. The portrayer for the animated construct must be provided by a player.

At base, an animated construct has the following stats:

Each additional 2 Ritual Powders used allows the ritualist to add one of the following abilities:

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the Vessel to be animated, speaking aloud its intended purpose.

Next, the Primary Ritualist must create an arcane matrix around the animating vessel, with the primary matrix consisting of Spark, Tempus, and Death. The secondary, inverted, matrix will consist of: Ruin, Aspect, and Thought. Finally, the encompassing circle of both matrices should consist of the elements of Power, Refuge, Firmament, and Energy.

The Primary Ritualist must then place the Ingots on top of the runes in the matrix, naming each aloud as they do so; once the ingots are placed, they must be infused with the Foundation Resource Infusions matching the runes they were laid upon.

The Primary Ritualist must then burn the Ritual Powder in the bowl, waving the ritual dagger through the smoke three times and chanting “Let the air carry my words and give life to the lifeless.”

Each participant who wishes to be able to control the construct must provide one Life Point of blood into the central bowl, using the blood to inscribe their personal sigil onto the Vessel. As they do, each participant must chant aloud, “On essence dine, my will is thine.” Each person who contributes blood may command the construct, which must obey those commands [unless the portrayer feels uncomfortable with the orders].

Next, the Primary Ritualist must invite a lesser spirit to animate the body by name and identify the purpose of the construct as well as the powers it will be granted.

A participant must write down the powers to be conferred upon the construct on a sheet of parchment, including any additional powers coming from additional resources (this may be prepared in advance). This should also include a list of the people who can command the construct. The parchment must then be placed upon the chest of the vessel and anchored with the Rare Minerals, while a participant chants, “Until the power leaves your core, keep this close forevermore.”

All participants must walk a circle three times around the construct and rune matrix, chanting aloud, “Grant it life, grant it motion, grant it power.”

Finally, the Primary Ritualist will complete the ritual by chanting, “Let the ritual be complete. Arise!” The portrayer of the Target will be attended by the Primary Ritualist who will make sure the Target understands all their new abilities.

[The portrayer is given an information card with all the abilities listed on it.]

Major Disjunction [Master Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Removes the special properties of a large building or open location.

Required Components: 3 Ritual Wands, 3 Ritual Powders, 50 Wealth in Coins

Ritualists: 3

Total Participants: 4 (8)

Expiration: Instantaneous

Targets: Large Building or Open Location

Tools Used: Bowl, Ritual Dagger

Location: Anywhere

Other Requirements: None

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: This ritual may be used to permanently remove all special properties or rituals upon a large building (a large building will generally have two or more doors and house more than 15 people comfortably) or an open location. After the ritual is complete, all participants will be drained for a Quick 100 count.

Note: Some games may mark certain items with “Minor Disjunction Resistance” or “Major Disjunction Resistance” and a number. This number must be met or exceeded by the number of participants in this ritual for the Disjunction to be successful. For this purpose ritualists will count as 1 participant per tier of Arcane Ritual Skill they have achieved (e.g. Apprentice: 1 participant, Master: 4 participants).

When casting Major Disjunction on a target marked with only “Minor Disjunction Resistance”, as long as the ritual does not otherwise fail, the ritual automatically succeeds against any number of “Minor Disjunction Resistance.”

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the arcane matrix next to the target location with one point touching it, consisting of the elements of Ruin, Energy, and Power, then create an inverted matrix consisting of the elements of Spark, Firmament and Refuge. Then the Primary Ritualist must place the elements for Tempus, Death, Thought, and Aspect in a square around both created matrices. The Primary Ritualist should instruct the other ritualists to do the same in two different locations that are also touching the target.

Next, each ritualist must pour a Ritual Powder in lines between the runes on their rune matrices, creating two triune symbols, then pour Ritual Powder in a circular shape connecting the four elements around the triune symbols.

Each ritualist must present a Ritual Wand, speaking aloud its purpose to break the foundations of magic. Each ritualist must then touch the Ritual Wand to each point of the arcane matrices, asking the forces of magic to empower their magic with strength, energy, and destructive power.

Next, the ritualists must go around with the bowl, collecting Coin from the group of participants, who must each place their tithe in the bowl while chanting: “With my fortune, I give life and power to this ritual.” The Primary Ritualist should explain to each participant that the power of this ritual will Drain them once it is complete for a few moments (“Quick Drain”).

The Primary Ritualist must dip the Ritual Wand in the coin-filled vessel, stirring and mixing the fortunes of the assembled Participants, as their fortunes are now tied together.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must touch the Ritual Wand to the target as the Coin is consumed by the ritual (turn into the Ash Bin), then speak aloud, “Let the ritual be ended!”

[At this point, the Primary Ritualist should remove or alter the information card associated with the area.]

Summon the Planar Guide [Master Arcane Ritual]

Summary: Calls a creature to help a group of people to travel to a different plane.

Required Components: 3 Ritual Powder, 1+ Harvest, 1+ Night Prizes, 1+ Rare Minerals, An object from the plane to be traveled to (Named Resource)

Ritualists: 2

Total Participants: 2 (12)

Expiration: Two Hours

Targets: Individual (Planar Guide)

Tools Used: Bowl, Paper. Writing Implement

Location: Anywhere close to where there is a visible transition (a doorway, grass to dirt, paved to unpaved, etc.)

Other Requirements: Staff must be informed in advance of the ritual, naming the desired plane of travel and the location where the ritual will be cast.

Dark Territory Suit: Implements

Dark Territory Marshal Required: Yes

Effect: This ritual allows a duo of ritualists to call a creature to take a group of people to another plane. Once the ritual is complete, a message will be received about how long it will take for the guide to arrive. Sometimes, the guide may be already ready when the ritual is cast and can take the group immediately, but it can take hours, days, or weeks for the guide to arrive.

When the guide knows when the travel can take place, information will go to one or both of the ritualists stating the time and the number of travelers that will be allowed to go. The number of travelers will be limited by the desire of the guide and by however many individual components were given to the initial ritual.

Ritual Process:

First, the Primary Ritualist must prepare the arcane matrix on a flat surface, which should be large enough to contain a being of approximately human size, consisting of the elements of Refuge, Energy, and Spark. The ritualist must use the Ritual Powder to create curved lines between the three runes to make a triune.

Next, the Secondary Ritualist must prepare an inverted rune matrix that crosses the original matrix, still leaving enough space within them for a being of approximately human size to stand within, consisting of the elements of Aspect, Thought, and Power. The ritualist must use another Ritual Powder to create curved lines between the runes to make an inverted triune.

Both Ritualists must then place the elements of Tempus, Ruin, Firmament, and Death in four locations around the triunes, then connect them in a circular shape using the final Ritual Powder. The bowl should be set in the center of the matrices.

The Secondary Ritualist must then put one Harvest, one Night Prize, and one Rare Mineral per traveler into the bowl. Although the exact travelers need not be chosen, this will determine the maximum number that can be taken, although there is no guarantee that the entity that comes as guide will be willing to guide that many. As they do so, the Primary Ritualist must call out to the spirits of travel, or to planar beings (or both), asking them to accept these offerings in exchange for their guidance.

The Primary Ritualist must place the object from the intended plane of travel in the bowl, then speak aloud, “Let this item anchor us as we travel beyond the veil, to the plane of (name of the plane to be traveled to).”

Next, both ritualists will pick up the bowl and hold it aloft, chanting in unison, “We offer you these mortal gifts, to guide our allies through the rift.” The bowl should be lowered and the words spoken together: “Send us word when time is right, ready for their arcane flight.” This process should be repeated twice more (for a total of three times), then the ritualists should place the bowl on the ground back in the center of the arcane matrices.

The Ritualists should then instruct the Participants. Each participant must cut a finger [1 LP worth of damage] and drip the blood into the bowl while saying “We ask that you guide another through.” 

Using the writing implement, one or both ritualists should use the blood as ink to write on the paper, asking a guide to come and take them to a specific plane and place on the plane (if known). The paper should give the number of people who gave blood to the ritual, and may also include a desired travel time request. The paper should include a description of the location at which the ritual was performed. When done, the paper should be left in the bowl to soak up the essences there.

Finally, the Primary Ritualist must state aloud, “Let the ritual be complete.” Then they must wait for word from a planar guide.

[The paper should be delivered to Staff as soon as possible. Once Staff has determined that it can send a group of travelers to another plane, they should send word in some form to one or both of the ritualists, telling them the time to meet and how many individuals can go. This number is limited both by how many people Staff is willing to let travel, the number of components used, and by how many people contributed drops of blood to the summoning ritual.

At the appointed time, a planar guide connected to the plane to be traveled to should arrive at the place the ritual took place and should Grant Insubstantial to those who wish to travel, and should guide them away, out of the plane, to the chosen plane of existence. The guide should explain that any traveler may, at the completion of a Short Rest, become Insubstantial and travel back to the location of the ritual to come back home.]