Runeforger: Advanced Class


The Runeforger is one who has parted the Veil and stared into the blind eternities and said “I can use that.” They are the unhinged crafter willing to risk it all for a good show, and one hell of an effort on their part. They can manipulate the building blocks of reality to forge runes to emblazon themselves with fearsome temporary powers. However, when they run out of primordial goo is when they are at their weakest. For this reason, they understand the value of friends and teamwork, likely better than most others. At their core, Runecrafters are skilled enchanters and crafters in their own right. Though, Runeforgers are generally the ones leading the charge in the forefront of innovation and offering “creative solutions” to “problems” you didn’t know you had.


Class Progression Table



Utility Powers











Planar Charm, Forge Rune






+1 Base Maximum Life Point






Staring into the Abyss












The Abyss Stares Back, Signature Forge

Runeforger Innate Powers

Planar Charm [Innate]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 1

Incantation: Approx. 5 minutes of crafting roleplay

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Runeforger inscribes a vessel with runes and adorns it with charms, then marks the vessel with their sigil. The vessel must be a physical object and must be individually distinguishable to the Runeforger.

The interior runes are charged with mystical powers and help to circumscribe the power to be held within. These runes require the expenditure of one Night Prize. Often strips of leather emblazoned with shimmering runes fill the interior. These strips of leather require the expenditure of one Hide. These provide the substrate for the magical powers to be stored within. The exterior runes help to protect the vessel from any unintended interactions from the outside world. These runes are laced with Rare Minerals and require the expenditure of one Rare Mineral.  The rune draws on the power of a Forgesource, and requires the expenditure of 1 Forgesource.   Finally, inscribing their own personal sigil, they bind a portion of their life essence to the vessel. In doing so, they must Sacrifice 1 Life Point into the contraption.

The crafting process is entirely personal to the Runeforger and due to the intimate nature of the creation, no two will be alike. To create a Planar Charm, the Runeforger must roleplay for around five minutes at the appropriate crafting stations. When completed, the Runeforger has crafted their Planar Charm. All components used must be deposited in the Ash Bin. The Planar Charm will remain stable and functional until the Runeforger dies (requires a Grant Life effect / passes through the Well).

Once the Runeforger has built and designated the vessel, they may charge it as they would a Foundation Resource Infusion, though this vessel is indefinitely reusable.

The Runeforger may have one Planar Charm active at any time. At Runeforger class-level 4, they may have 2 Planar Charms active.

Forge Rune [Innate]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Event

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Runeforger has learned the old magic of Runeforging - a mixed art and science that allows for a myriad of effects and uses. Runeforgers can use the various states of Hyperium to fuel these runes.

The act of scribing runes is a delicate matter, thus if the runes are moved or disturbed, they immediately become inert. Runes otherwise will last for the Event. Due to the personal connection to the old magic bound into the runes, the Runeforger is the only one who can draw benefits from the runes. By default, each rune refreshes when the associated power is used. Each time a class-level in Runeforger is gained, the Runeforger also gains the ability to forge the next rank of runes.

The Runeforger may have a number active runes forged at any one time equal to their Runeforger Class-level. Each time a rune is forged, it requires an amount of Hyperium, listed below, and the Sacrifice of 1 Life Point.  The rune requires a physical representation no smaller than a 6”x6” sigil and must be placed in an uncovered location. Marshal Notes including who it belongs to and what it does should be included on the back of the rune.

Forge Novice Rune

Requires: Runeforger Class-level 1

Material Cost: 1 Unrefined Hyperium, 1 Life Point, 1 Forgesource

Forge Adept Rune

Requires: Runeforger Class-level 2

Material Cost: 1 Unrefined Hyperium, 1 Life Point, 3 Forgesource

Forge Greater Rune

Requires: Runeforger Class-level 3

Material Cost: 1 Refined Hyperium, 1 Life Point, 1 Forgesource

Forge Master Rune

Requires: Runeforger Class-level 4

Material Cost: 1 Refined Hyperium, 1 Life Point, 3 Forgesource

Forge Paragon Rune

Requires: Runeforger Class-level 5

Material Cost: 1 Enchanted Hyperium, 1 Life Point, 1 Forgesource

Staring into the Abyss [Innate]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 3


“I part the Veil to worlds beyond, I gaze into the astral pond.

From aether deep and lands consumed, for power now to be exhumed.

I strengthen the eternal bond, with creatures which I correspond.

Their powers are but unassumed, perhaps we all might be entombed.

I grasp for strands of unknown fate, the dark grabs back to help create.

A second chance to now be mine, in service of the Grand Design.

I never now must hesitate, their powers are an awful weight.

I fear I might have crossed a line, though there’s no harm. I am benign!”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous, Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Runeforger has a +1 Dark Territory modifier until their next Short Rest.

When Drawing from a Planar Weir, the Runeforger may incant and activate this power to draw an additional time and choose which result to keep.

The Abyss Stares Back [Innate]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 5


“The things beyond now part the Veil, they scheme and watch to tip the scale.

They know my call, and I too, their’s, they want to help in my affairs.

I fear I may have grown too frail, to shake them from my ling’ring trail.

Perhaps they are my answered prayers, and I was wholly unawares.

They brought me in under their wing, for this I do so fondly cling.

I give them thanks for gifts so sweet, without them near I’m incomplete.

Their promises so sweetly ring, I cannot help but call them king.

I do not wish to leave their feet, but nonetheless I must retreat.”

Call: Special

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous, Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special, Grant

The Runeforger has a +1 Dark Territory modifier until their next Long Rest.

The Runeforger has become so close to the Veil itself, that they may give but a small portion of themselves to ensure a result while Drawing from the Weir. The Runeforger may incant and activate this power while Drawing from a Planar Weir. The Runeforger must Sacrifice two Life Points upon completion of the incantation, at which point they may choose any Foundation Resource to Soulhold as if they had drawn it normally from the Weir. While this connection to that which lies beyond the Veil has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Based on the Foundation Resource chosen, the Runeforger takes the following unavoidable effect:

In addition, the Runeforger may not select the same Foundation resource for which they have a Vulnerability active.

Signature Forge [Innate]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Individual                                Duration: 1 Year

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Runeforger has the power to allow an individual to use 2 Signature Items simultaneously.  No individual may be empowered to use more than 1 additional Signature Item with this power for any reason.  This process requires spending 1 of each Foundation Resource (Refuge, Power, Tempus, Spark, Ruin, Energy, Firmament, Aspect, Thought, and Death) and spending 20 Forgesources.

Runeforger Class Skills

Forbidden Alchemy - 1 CP [Class] [Blood Magic]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 1

Incantation: None

“The things beyond now part the Veil, they scheme and watch to tip the scale.

From aether deep and lands consumed, for powers that I have exhumed.

With darkened grace I cannot fail, even Tempest cannot prevail.

The ancient things so long entombed, I free them to become attuned.

I call them here from lands beyond, a beacon shining through our bond.

I grasp for strands of clouded fate, the Dark grabs back to help create.

Of them I am becoming fond, for of my prayers they do respond.

The sacred things we desecrate, with shadows now they recreate.

The gods know not I go astray, homage to them I mustn't pay.

Shameful things the gods hide here, everything is now crystal clear.

Even now in their bloody way, my Masters mold the world like clay.

Too soon they will but disappear, their crafts all marked with bloody smears.

I am their hand, their secret tool, we bend and break all of the rules.

When Masters’ call: I must respond, I feel them tug on darkened bond.

Together we will be the fuel, Maelstrom waits, its powers cruel.

Our fervor for a while calmed, we gaze on through the astral pond.”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Runeforger has been revealed to the ancient paths and arts to accomplish what they want most of all. The Runeforger may transmute Harvest into Night Prize with the power of their blood and the knowledge of their obscure benefactors.

For this transmutation to occur, the Runeforger must perform the incantation, then recite the Chant of Material Sacrifice three times.
To begin each chant, the Runeforger must Sacrifice 1 Life Point, totaling 3. A Runeforger may convert one Harvest per Runeforger class-level into a Night Prize per Long Rest. When this process is complete, the Runeforger must deposit the Harvest in the nearest Ashbin and write a tag for Bloody Night Prize for each Harvest converted in this way. Bloody Night Prize has the description: “Add +1 to Dark Territory.”  In all other ways these “Blood Night Prize” function as a Night Prize.  When the use of the “Bloody Night Prize” does not facilitate a Dark Territory draw they have no special effect.

Siphon Essence - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: “Refresh 1 Spike”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The Runeforger has become particularly proficient at channeling the base components of reality. When using a Foundation Resource Infusion, or discharging their Planar Charm, the Runeforger may siphon some of the power out of this release without meaningfully altering their intended outcome. In doing so, they gain this reserve of power and may immediately call “Refresh 1 Spike.”

Enchanted Charm - 6 CP [Class]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Planar Charm

The Runeforger has learned new ways to stretch their soul. They may maintain one additional Planar Charm.

Shared Rite - 6 CP [Class]

Requirement: Runeforger Level 5

Incantation: “Through book and tome and candle light, I call in faith of ancient rite. Our blood is bound and we but one, old magics here won't be undone.

Call: Explanation

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event, Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Runeforger has learned how to bind their blood to that of a willing individual while forging a rune. The Runeforger may forge a rune with a mixture of their blood and the blood of one additional individual. To do this, the Runeforger must Sacrifice 1 Maximum Life Points of their blood into the creation of the rune and the Participant must Sacrifice 1 Life Point of their blood into the creation of the rune. Once the Sacrifice is made, the Incantation is made, then lastly the rune is drawn. Once the rune is complete, after meeting the requirements of the rune, the Runeforger may allow the Participant of this Power to gain the associated benefits of the rune.

Runeforger Utility Powers

Planar Specialist [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Dark Territory

The Runeforger gains the Greater Enchanting Skill and the Lore: Planar Skill.

The Runeforger has learned much of the Veil between worlds, and with this knowledge can help to shape it. The Runeforger may choose to add +1 Dark Territory, or subtract -1 Dark Territory while they are a Primary or Secondary Ritualist.

Drawing Specialist [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Runeforger has learned more efficient means of piercing the Veil and reaching into the blind eternities. They may reduce the quantity of a material required while Drawing by one, to a minimum of one. They may make use of this power a number of times equal to their Runeforger class-level per Long Rest.

Forged Enchantment [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Once per level of Runeforger per Event the Runeforger may replace a Eternal Blossom, Last Whisper, Mithril Bar, or Scale in an Enchanting Formula with 3 Forgesources.  Additionally, the Runeforger may spend a single Forgesource to redraw any time they are Drawing and dislike their result.

Planar Centering [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Protect vs [Acid, Fire, Ice, or Lightning]”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Until Used

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

The Runeforger’s second home is the Weir, and here they are more in tune with the world. As such, they can tap into the latent energies that resonate in this place. While Resting in a Planar Weir, the Runeforger gains a Protect vs [Acid, Fire, Ice, or Lightning].

Runeforger Basic Powers

A Practiced Touch [Basic]

Call: [Effect Drawn]

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short, Event

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The Runeforger is a common sight at the Enchanting Weir, often spending time idly “fishing” and practicing their draws so that they may ensure the appropriate foundation resource when the time comes to craft something of significance. Some Runeforgers have found that this practice can be manipulated to achieve minor beneficial effects.

The Runeforger should announce out loud which element they will draw, then draw from the Enchanting Weir. If they called the draw correctly, depending on what is drawn, they receive the following effects:

The Runeforger may only gain each of these effects once per Long Rest.

Channeled Energy [Basic]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Grant [Acid, Flame, Ice, Lightning]”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Accent

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Energy. Once released, the Energy manifests around the Runeforger with a golden shimmer. No matter the weapon or form of attack, the power of Energy flows and alters the attack. For the duration, the Runeforger may add one of the Acid, Flame, Ice, or Lightning Accents to any attack they make. Alternatively, the Runeforger may make a weapon attack or charge a spell-ball of Materia with the call “5 Wounding by [Acid/Flame/Ice/Lightning].  The choice is made when the Resource is used.

If the Runeforger expends a Spike in the process, the Target becomes “Individual”, and the Delivery becomes “Touch.”

Runic Refuge [Basic]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Grant Protect vs Damage”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Refuge. Once released, the Refuge power manifests around the Runeforger with a subtle amber haze before settling into their gear and skin, springing to life to shield them in an instant. The Runeforger may distribute “Grant Protect vs Damage” a number of times equal to their Runeforger class-level, if the Runeforger uses any Power or attacks they lose the distribute to distribute these Protects. Remember any particular individual may only have a single Protect of the same type.

Runeforger Advanced Powers

Aspect of Sight [Advanced]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Short Grant Sight, Sight Beyond Sight, Insight, Future Sight”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Aspect.  The Runeforger gifts themself the powers of critical thought and foresight. Once activated, a miasma of white orbits the head, as if a halo, before settling in. For the duration of the Short Rest, the Runeforger gains the use of the Insight, Sight, and Sight Beyond Sight Character Options, and may additionally use the Future Sight power below once.

Future Sight

Incantation: None

Call: “Instruction to Marshal Spirit: Tell me if it is a good idea or bad idea to [suggested immediate action] by answering ‘boon’, ‘bane’ or ‘unknown’.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Obey

The Runeforger will only be able to successfully cast this spell if there is a Marshal Spirit available. The spell lets the Runeforger determine whether an action they are about to take will be, on the whole, harmful or beneficial, to them and their goals. They might, for example, ask if it is boon or bane to walk down the apparently empty hallway in front of them. Or they might ask if it is boon or bane to open the chest they are holding.

If successfully cast, a greater power will find a way to answer the question. If there is no good answer, the answer is unknown, or there are bad assumptions in the question (“Boon or bane to trust the emissary of the Korstone Dwarves?” when there is not an emissary of Korstone Dwarves) will all give “Unknown” as an answer.

Cloak of the Firmament [Advanced]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Grant Protect vs Effects”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Firmament. Once activated, the power of the Firmament sinks into the body of the Runeforger with a swirl of green energy. It bolsters the body and gear so that an onslaught might be shrugged off as if covered in dragon scales. The Runeforger may call “Grant Protect vs Effects” to another individual and to themselves.

Runic Armor [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: "Resist"

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Resistance

The Runeforger may infuse their physical armor with the power of reality itself. Depending on what is pulled from the Planar Weir, the Runeforger gains Resistance to [Accent] until they complete a Short Rest or are rendered Helpless. The Runeforger may only have one application of this power active at any time.

Scales of Refuge [Advanced]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Resist”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Resist

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Refuge. Once released, the Refuge power manifests around the Runeforger with a subtle amber haze before settling into their gear and skin, springing to life to shield them in an instant. The Runeforger may grant themself resistance to damage 3 or less. When struck with damage of two or three, the Runeforger must call “resist”

Soulhold Training [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Resist

You gain two benefits regarding the safety of drawing Death resources from the Planar Weir. First, you gain the Artisan Advanced Power “Soulhold Survival.” Additionally, you may resist any ill effect of drawing a Death Resource once per Event.

Spark of Life [Advanced]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Heal 4 by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest, Immediate

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Heal

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Spark. Once activated, the Spark energies flow with a metallic brass shimmer before settling on wounds and knitting the flesh back together in an instant. The Runeforger may call “Heal 4 by Radiance” a number of times equal to their Runeforger class-level until they complete a Short Rest.

Runeforger Veteran Powers

Alteration of Ruin [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: Special, “Long Grant Inherent Vulnerability to Mind and Madness”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Ruin. The miasma of brown energy makes the physical form of the Runeforger mutable. The Runeforger may reshape themselves in a more pleasing arrangement, one more in line with the Grand Design. They may Sacrifice a number of Maximum Life Points until their next Long Rest. For each Maximum Life Point they Sacrificed, they may increase either their Maximum Spikes (“Long Grant +1 Maximum Base Spikes”) or Spike Damage by one (“Long Grant +1 Spike Bonus Damage”).

Though, these modifications are not without their price: the Runeforger becomes Inherently Vulnerable to the Mind and Madness Accents until the next Long Rest.

Note: The Sacrificed Maximum Life Points and vulnerabilities are inherent, while the bonuses are not.

Eldritch Thought [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: Special

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Thought. The Runeforger may control and sway the thoughts of others through a myriad of means.  The chosen individual may refresh a number of novice spell slots equal to their Runeforger class-level or adept for 2 levels, and greater for 3 levels.  If the Runeforger has spell slots they may also refresh the same number of spell slots in the same fashion.

Essence of Power [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Short Grant +1 Base Damage,”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Power.  Once activated, the Power seeps into the physical form of the Runeforger with an iridescent purple-black haze as if it were powdered black quartz. The Runeforger may call “Short Grant +1 Base Damage”.

Prison of the Tempus [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Short Imprison by Time,” “Grant Temporal Sheer”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Quick

Delivery: Spell-ball                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Time                                        Effect: Refresh, Grant

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Tempus. Once activated, the power of the Tempus flows about in subtle runic strands around the wrists before sinking in to be activated when the moment is right. The Runeforger may call “Short Imprison by Time” a number of times equal to their Runeforger class-level until they complete a Short Rest.

Additionally, the Runeforger gains the Temporal Sheer Power below:

Temporal Sheer

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] 1 by Time to Imprisoned”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Time                                Effect: Damage

The Runeforger can shift the strands of time and fate around the individual that they ejected from the timestream. While in melee range of the Imprisoned individual, the Runeforger may call “[Name or Description] 1 by Time to Imprisoned.”

Retributive Energy [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Grant Elemental Surge”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None, Verbal                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Energy. Once released, the Energy manifests around the Runeforger with a golden shimmer. No matter the weapon or form of attack, the power of Energy flows and alters as necessary. The Runeforger may imbue their essence with elemental energies.

Additionally, the Runeforger gains the Elemental Surge Power below:

Elemental Surge

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] 1 [Acid, Fire, Ice, or Lightning]”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Acid, Fire, Ice, or Lightning        Effect: Damage

The Runeforger maintains an uneasy balance with the cacophony of energy coursing through them. When the Runeforger is struck in melee, they must immediately call “[Name or Description] 1 [Acid, Fire, Ice, or Lightning]” to who struck them. The Accent is chosen at the time of the Call. This call is involuntary as the contact caused the energy to become unbalanced. As such, it will trigger from friend and foe alike.

Seeking Death [Veteran]

Incantation: Focus Quick 100, release the Foundation Resource

Call: “Piercing 5 by Agony”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: Weapon                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Piercing

The Runeforger expends a Foundation Resource - Death. With a burst of dark energy that settles in on the Runeforger tracing a deathly rune on the weapons they hold. The Runeforger may call “Piercing 5 by Agony” a number of times equal to their Runeforger class-level until they complete a Short Rest.