Concerns and Complaints Policy

Policy Lead

Mr Taher Gharib



Governor for Child Protection & Welfare

Mrs Sue Johnston


September 2019


October 2019


Ms Margaret Kulsoom Orchard,  Governor


October 2020

Rationale for policy

Al Salam Private School acknowledges that parents and caregivers have a right to raise concerns and air complaints they may have and to have them addressed appropriately.

The School’s approach to handling concerns and complaints is based on a commitment to:

The majority of issues raised by parents / carers, or pupils, are concerns rather than complaints. Al Salam School is committed to taking concerns seriously, at the earliest stage, thus minimising the  number of formal complaints and recourse to formal procedures.

This policy and its associated procedures are to ensure that concerns and complaints are dealt with in a fair and transparent way. Concerns and complaints will be handled responsibly, openly and in a timely manner, with the aim of resolving the matter to the satisfaction of all parties.

To aid in efficient and effective handling of concerns and complaints, the school has put in place the following:

Should you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact the Form Tutor (classroom teacher) as a first point of contact.

  1. Al Salam School has implemented a school generated email address (one for each family) using a unique Parent Code (P-code eg. It is used for all official communications and announcement of events during the school year.

  1. Al Salam School has appointed a Community Outreach Coordinator (COrC). The COrC will facilitate follow up and ensure issues are resolved satisfactorily.

Concerns and complaints Policy

Parents should not contact other parents or students about their concerns or complaints as the school will deal with them following due process. We also request that staff members are not approached directly during the school day or at entry/dispersal times to raise a complaint. Teachers are on duty during these times and should not be distracted from the supervision of the children.

Every effort will be taken to resolve concerns and complaints before involving other individuals in other departments. The points below outline the protocol for handling concerns and complaints: 

1.        For any general concerns that reach the school office by phone or in person:

2.        If there are concerns or issues for which parents wish to meet teachers and you want an appointment, a staged approach to meeting teachers is in place.

Parents will first provide the following:

1. The reason they want the meeting

2. The name of their child

3. The class

4. Any previous conversations they've had regarding the issue

This will allow us to guide the parents to the correct member of staff. If parents are not willing to provide all information, unfortunately we will not be able to make an appointment with them.

Once the information has been provided we will follow the meeting stages below:

  1. First, the Form Tutor (class teacher) who the parent has the questions for:
  1. By teachers and parents following this, it will help parents get answers to their questions much quicker.
  2. Where the concern is about any issue that may be more serious involving harm, bullying or personal damage, and / or a parent wishes to lodge a complaint, the receptionist will direct the parent to the COrC/CPO who will manage the issue accordingly and ensure proper follow through.

Records of all Complaints received are logged.

Action  will include:

A parent/guardian can raise concerns or complaints about any aspect of the school’s operations.

Concerns or complaints related to:

Who to Contact?

How to contact?

Classroom related activities, Subject curriculum, Friendship issues

Front Office: they will direct your query to the concerned staff

By email using your Parent Code/PCode email  (ASPS Staff Directory), telephone to book an appointment or request a call back.

Complex student issues, Student Welfare, School Curriculum, Staff Members

Front Office: They will direct your concern to the correct person

By email using your Parent Code/PCode email  (ASPS Staff Directory), telephone to book an appointment or request a call back.

School Policy, Management and operations

Front Office: They will direct your concern to the correct person, or you can email to

By email using your Parent Code/PCode email  (ASPS Staff Directory), telephone to book an appointment or request a call back.

School Fees and payments General enquiries

Front Office: they will direct you to the correct person.

Email at  or telephone.

We request parents to take note of the following points when lodging a complaint or a concern:

When a complaint is justified, the school will work with you to find an appropriate remedy such as:

The school will implement the remedy as appropriate, giving necessary information. If the remedy is ongoing, the school will keep you up to date with progress.

Management of the Policy

Through implementation of this policy we will ensure that concerns and complaints are dealt with according to the procedures outlined above.

The Principal will oversee the policy, ensure its implementation and review its content on an annual basis. 
The Principal will report on complaints within the school to the Board of Governors as a part of his Report three times a year.

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