Wonderworker: Advanced Class


Connections exist in the world in ways that go far deeper than most folk know. A ritual to speak with a lost loved one might touch upon a lost domain of one of the deities, an act of faith may call to unforeseen eyes, an old weapon may have crossed blades and fates with the champion of a lost empire - the skein of fate is a hapless tangle of threads, of which countless crossings could be traced by one who cares to look. Either by chance or purpose, you have found a particularly strong version of those crossings, granting you insight into the unseen connections of the world and some degree of capacity to use them to your own ends.

Some Wonderworkers are soothsayers who have stumbled upon deeper secrets than they were meant to learn. Some are hunters of things that don’t belong in the world, who have been forced to find solutions where others failed to look. What all Wonderworkers have in common is this - they now take connections that might be mundane in the hands of another person, and they make wondrous things happen.

Much of what a Wonderworker does is with symbols and their connections, represented by five major symbols in the world. The weapon has connections with conflict and attack. The lantern has connections with revelations and light, and those seeking knowledge. The wand is the symbol of the arcane tradition, and the power of spellcasters. The talisman is the symbol of faith and the faithful, and a mark of protection. Finally, the trappings are the symbol of leadership and leaders.

All Wonderworkers are at heart a kind of dabbler, exploring several paths. Some Wonderworkers will spread out their focus, dabbling in the symbols of several concepts. Others will dive deeper into a single idea, finding deeper meaning and powers. Very few Wonderworkers are the same, and it might be hard to tell that they even follow the same path!


Class Progression Table



Utility Powers





Class Bonuses






The First Symbol






The Second Symbol






Expanded Knowing






The Final Symbol






Unleashed Knowing, +1 Maximum Base Life Points

Wonderworker Innate Powers

The First Symbol [Innate]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Symbol

Wonderworkers are defined by their panopoly - the collection of things, gizmos, trinkets, and knicknacks they collect and find meaning with. The First Symbol of the Wonderworker is something a bit stronger - having some association with the suits of Dark Territory, it has a deeper well to learn from and more power that can be expressed in the world.

The Wonderworker gains access to a Symbol of their choice, detailed below  in the “Wonderworker Symbols” section as well as access to the Gateway Power from that symbol. This choice is permanent, and reflects the character’s path of study through the esoteric knowledge they have discovered.

The Second Symbol [Innate]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Symbol

Once the Wonderworker is initiated in working with a Symbol, adding another to their collection is not so challenging.

The Wonderworker gains access to another Symbol of their choice, detailed in the “Wonderworker Symbols” section below as well as access to the Gateway Power from that symbol. This choice is permanent, and reflects the character’s path of study through the esoteric knowledge they have discovered.

Expanded Knowing [Innate]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Power

Through experience, occult research, or just downright luck, the Wonderworker has a breakthrough that allows them to express greater powers of one of the symbols that they have connected with.

The Wonderworker gains access to the Deeper Power from one of their unlocked Symbols.

The Final Symbol [Innate]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 4

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Symbol

After so much time of discovery, it is almost a surprise that the Wonderworker can find time to dedicate to learning the deeper secrets of another symbol. And yet, the Wonderworker will live up to their name.

The Wonderworker gains access to another Symbol of their choice, detailed below  in the “Wonderworker Symbols” section as well as access to the Gateway Power from that symbol. This choice is permanent, and reflects the character’s path of study through the esoteric knowledge they have discovered.

Unleashed Knowing [Innate]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Power

At the pinnacle of their power, the Wonderworker is confronted with a choice. They can study their symbols broadly, and unlock power across several of the symbols. Or, they can delve deeply into their powers, and find a path to a profound occult secret of one of their symbols. The choice is theirs, and is never taken lightly.

The Wonderworker has a choice to make:

This choice is permanent, and reflects the character’s path of study through the esoteric knowledge they have discovered.

Wonderworker Symbols

The Wonderworker starts with one Symbol, gaining access to another at third and fifth level of the class. Additionally, the Wonderworker gains access to more powers related to their symbols at the same levels.

At third level, the Wonderworker may unlock the deeper connection power of a symbol. At fifth level, the Wonderworker may unlock two deeper connections, or unlock one deeper connection while unlocking an already existing deeper connection to a primal connection.

Each Symbol requires the Wonderworker to have and be able to touch or interact with an appropriate item representing that connection in addition to any listed Incantation or Call. Each Long Rest, the Wonderworker designates an appropriate item as the symbol channeling the power of that connection. If lost or destroyed, the Wonderworker must wait until their next Long Rest to designate a new item, or must find and/or repair the item in question.

The Weapon

The weapon is the most obvious of the symbols - it is a weapon! It can be of any variety, but all Powers will utilize the chosen weapon.

Gateway Power - Disruptive Blows

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Disable [Limb]”, “Short Silence”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Disable, Silence

Sometimes, stopping an opponent from doing what they want to do is the shortest path to the end of a fight. The Wonderworker may make two attacks, which must be made before the Wonderworker completes a Short Rest, in any combination of “Short Disable [Limb]” or “Short Silence.”

Deeper Power - Destructive Blows

Incantation: None

Call: “Wounding 5”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous, Passive

Delivery: Weapon                                Refresh: Short Rest, None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Wounding, Grant

The Wonderworker may call on their weapon to hit with accuracy and power. They make a single attack with “Wounding 5.”

Additionally, while the Wonderworker has this symbol chosen and this Power available the Wonderworker gains +1 Maximum Base Spikes and +1 Spike Base Damage.

Prime Power - Echo Weapon

Call: “[Name or Description], [Weapon Attack Call]

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Special                                        Effect: Special

The greatest strength of a weapon is, in some sense, the most simple advice that one is given when practicing and fighting with any weapon - do it again. The Wonderworker, until the next Short Rest or until this Power is used, may repeat their most recently expended Weapon-delivered Attack or Effect as a Verbal Delivery Attack to the same target - “[Name or Description], [Weapon Attack Call].” The original attack only has to have been directed at the named or described target - it does not have to have succeeded, or even entirely hit the target. Unsuccessful attempts are just practice, after all.

The Lantern

The Lantern isn’t restricted to just a lantern - as a symbol, it can be any source of light that a character has on their person, including aelflames. The Wonderworker does need to be able to expose the light of their symbol to use their powers, enough so that merely wearing the Lantern on their person isn’t enough - the light source must be held in hand for these powers to function.

Gateway Power - Light of Clarity

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern by Radiance: [Question]”

Target: Individual or Item                          Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Discern

The light of the Lantern is the symbol of truth in the world, and truths are laid bare before it. Once per Short Rest, the Wonderworker can use any or all of the following Discerns on anyone or anything in the light of their lantern:

Deeper Power - Light of Revelation

Incantation: None

Call: “By My Voice: Expose by Radiance to anyone who can see this light.”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Radiance                                        Effect: Expose

The Wonderworker shows the light of truth, and nothing can hide. Hold the light source used as a symbol out, and use this Call.

Prime Power - Unfailing Light

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The light of the Wonderworker exposes even the most protected of untruth. Once per Long Rest, the Wonderworker may add “Final” to a Discern or Expose effect used against something lit by their Lantern symbol.

Additionally, the Wonderworker may use the Light of Clarity power to ask two additional questions, though each may only be asked once per Long Rest instead of the normal Short Rest Refresh:

        “Have you attempted to deceive me in the last 5 minutes?”

        “Tell me a secret you would prefer I not know.”

The Wand

While a traditional wand is common among Wonderworkers who chose the wand, other symbols of arcane might like rods, staves, and eldrich sources can serve as a representation of the philosophy of the wand.

Gateway Power - Magic Collector

Incantation: Focus Quick 10

Call: “1 [Elemental Accent],” “Wounding 3 [Elemental Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet                                Refresh: Immediate

Accent: [Elemental Accent]                        Effect: Damage, Wounding

When you first gain this power, select an elemental Accent from among Acid, Flame, Ice, or Lightning. Your wand symbol collects power of this kind, and can be used to direct simple but dangerous bolts of elemental energy.

Spend a Focus Quick 10 and roleplay interacting with a spell packet with your symbol, and it may be then immediately thrown for “1 [Elemental Accent].” You may expend a Spike instead to call “Wounding 3 by [Selected Element]” instead.

Deeper Power - Elemental Manifestations

Incantation: Focus Quick 10

Call: Per Effect, see below

Target: Individual                                Duration: Quick 100

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: [Elemental Accent]                        Effect: Grant

When you first gain this power, select an additional elemental Accent from among the four listed in Magic Collector. You may select this new element when using the Wand.

When you charge a Spell Ball with Magic Collector, you may instead of calling damage expend a Spike and Call one of the following effects:

Prime Power - Elemental Eruptions

Incantation: Focus Quick 10

Call: Per Effect, see below

Target: Individual                                Duration: Quick 100

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: [Elemental Accent]                        Effect: Grant

When you first gain this power, select an additional elemental Accent from among the four listed in Magic Collector. This should take your total to three elemental Accents.

When you charge a Spell Ball and expend a Spike, you may instead of calling damage call one of the following effects:

The Talisman

The Talisman is a catch-all for symbols of belief and religion. It can be a symbol to a specific deity, a pantothenic symbol, or even something more abstract such as nature or nation - whatever a character can call upon that would have strength of belief.

Gateway Power - Intercession

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant 3 Barrier”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Barrier

The talisman can mitigate some of the injuries of the friends of the Wonderworker. This power Grants 3 barrier to a target, and to the Wonderworker.

Deeper Power - Benevolence

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Protect vs Weapon and Packet”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

Sometimes, it is easier to stop things from happening than to cure them. This power grants a Protect against a single weapon or packet attack to a target.  This power refreshes three times per Long Rest.

Prime Power - Righteous Alms

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The saints were said to once be able to perform the miracle of taking a morsel and spreading it across many. The powers “Intercession” and “Benevolence” refresh more quickly than before - “Intercession” refreshes after a Focus Quick 100 and “Benevolence” may be used up to ten times per Long Rest.

The Gem

The Gem is slightly abstracted compared to some of the other more obvious symbols. While the Gem in the Dark Territory deck has a broad range of meanings, the Wonderworker’s symbols focus on the Ruby and Diamond aspects of the Gem - royal symbols, showcasing honor and indomitability. Rods, orbs, banners, and more can all be utilized as trappings by a Wonderworker seeking to lead.

Gateway Power - Drive to Success

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description], Cure [Condition].”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Cure

Through instruction, threat, inspiration, or just the power of friendship™ the Wonderworker can inspire someone to fight through what might be affecting their performance.  To activate this Power, the Wonderworker should spend five seconds or more cheering on and encouraging the target.

Deeper Power - Call the Shot

Incantation: None

Call: “By My Voice, Short Grant +3 Spike Bonus Damage against [Name or Description]”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Spike Damage

The leader sometimes needs to be the one to point out exactly who or what needs to get beaten down. Once per Event, after spending 30 seconds or so exhorting others to harm a specific individual target, and denouncing the character and abilities of that target, the Wonderworker can rally the people around them, and call out a specific target. Against that target, everyone affected by this power gains +3 Spike Bonus Damage. The Spike Damage bonus ends after that specific target dissipates, or is clearly no longer involved in fighting.  Note that while the Call can include out-of-game information about the person to be beaten (i.e. “John’s Necromancer NPC”), the exhortation must include only in-game information.

Prime Power - Inspiring Presence

Incantation: None

Call: “By My Voice, Short Grant Resistance against [Agony/Madness/Mind/Will]”

Target: Individuals                                 Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Resistance

Leaders, rulers, and giants among mortal folk can push those around them through dire circumstances, and steel their bodies and minds against the pain and terror of the world. After a 30 seconds or so  of roleplay to inspire those around them, the Wonderworker Grants a Short resistance against one of the listed Accents.

Wonderworker Class Skills

Unfailing Symbols - 1 CP [Class]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: “Cold Dead Hands”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Wonderworker’s tools are paramount to their success - they learn to keep them from going anywhere.

The Wonderworker gains the effect of the Cold Dead Hands Physical Perk, but only with their selected symbols.

Pieces of Seven - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None, Explanation

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Special, Verbal                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Targeting Alteration

Much has been made of the symbology of numbers. In particular, seven seems to crop up in a number of places. Some treat it as lucky, while others treat it with such fear that they will avoid the mere mention of it. For the Wonderworker, the presence of this connection can be the basis of something special.

The Wonderworker takes a small item, or some small trinket or token set, and voluntarily exchanges them with up to seven other willing individuals. Until they complete a  Long Rest, the Wonderworker can alter Touch Delivery powers targeting one of the bearers of the trinkets to Verbal by adding “[Name or Description]” and the “to Willing” Qualifier to the Call.

If the trinkets leave the possession of the original recipients when this power is activated, they become powerless - the intent of the gift is as much of a source of power as is the item itself. This power only lets you change your Touch spells to Verbal to the original recipients of the pieces of seven - the trinkets cannot be given to other characters for them to benefit, and if the trinket is known to be no longer on the person of the original recipient then they must call “No Effect, no trinket” to Powers attempted to be used through the connection.

Connections of Learnings - 5 CP [Class]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Passive

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Wonderworker’s connection to their symbols can be pushed to represent classes themselves. After taking this skill, the symbols allow any Wonderworker levels to count as class-levels in the Base Class for the purposes of Powers of those classes.   Each type of symbol the Wonderworker takes allows for this benefit for the classes listed below.  However, the total class-levels each of these Base Classes cannot exceed ten, nor exceed the natural class-levels already obtained by the character.

For Example: Lucian, the Wonderworker is a level eight Artisan, level two Rogue, level five Wonderworker. Having taken this power and the Lantern, they may allocate up to two extra “levels” to Artisan (as they cannot exceed ten artisan levels), and two to Rogue (as they cannot exceed their natural Rogue levels), leaving one wonderworker “level” unassigned for the time being. Once Lucian becomes a level 3 Rogue, they may assign that last wonderworker level to Rogue.

Automatic Writing - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Wonderworker Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

One of the first symbols of civilization lies in front of so many of the unsuspecting - the written word. The Wonderworker has developed connections to the written word not dissimilar to that of a medium, and can call upon latent spirits to provide information beyond normal means of acquisition.

The Wonderworker must contact Staff to use this power. Plot will write a short and cryptic but factually accurate message to the Wonderworker’s player, sealed (ideally marked with both a white halo and a black keyhole sigil and the Wonderworkers name). The Wonderworker then can re-enter game and perform some kind of roleplay to represent receiving this message - common versions might be trapping chalk between two slates and shaking them, or entering a trance and scribbling madly on parchment. After this roleplay is performed, the message can be unsealed and read.

This Power will usually only be usable once per Event, but it is possible that Plot will be able to provide multiple messages.

Wonderworker Utility Powers

Brace of Banes [Utility]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

In many cultures, Wonderworkers serve as the premier monster hunters in a community, and as such they learn to better use the weaknesses of the monsters that they hunt.

Whenever the Wonderworker is Granted an Accent on their attacks, they gain +2 Spike Bonus Damage when using that Accent.

Positive Resonance [Utility]

Incant: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest, Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The interplay of weakness and resistance gives a Wonderworker a source of power - even in something being resisted or shrugged off entirely, there is benefit to be had.

Once per Long Rest, if a Wonderworker uses a power or effect that triggers a resistance or immunity of a creature, they may recharge one power of a lower tier. (e.g., if the Wonderworker casts a Greater tier spell and is met with a “No Effect” or “Resist” call, they may Refresh one Adept tier spell or power)

Additionally, once per Event, if the Wonderworker deals a deathblow with a known weakness of a creature (from Exploit Weakness or another power) they may recharge one power of Adept tier or lower.

Redirect Dark Connection [Utility]

Incant: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Dark is always attempting to find entry into the world, and ritual magic sometimes makes this unavoidable. The Wonderworker can redirect the touch of the Dark for a time, but not without risk or cost.

When determining the Dark Territory of a ritual of which the Wonderworker is involved, the Wonderworker may elect to create a connection to their implement of choice to reduce the Dark Territory score. For that ritual, the Dark Territory is reduced by 1, but until their next Long Rest the Wonderworker becomes a conduit of the Dark and will increase the Dark Territory of any further rituals they participate in by that amount.

Student of the Supernatural [Utility]

Incant: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

A Wonderworker that seeks out the myriad connections of the mystic world will frequently find themselves as a lint-ball of facts and knowledge. Once per Long Rest, the Wonderworker may act as if they had all Lore skills required for a particular physical prop (eg. blue card) and may read all portions of that prop as though they have all the applicable Lore skills necessary.

Additionally, if a physical prop requires a specific non-Lore skill for interaction, once per Long Rest the Wonderworker may be treated as if they have that skill for interacting with that prop. This does not allow the Wonderworker to mine, forage, or scavenge.

Wonderworker Basic Powers

Exploit Weakness [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description] Discern: What is one of your vulnerabilities?”, “Short Grant [Accent] against [Name or Target]”

Target: Individual, Self                                Duration: Instantaneous, Short Rest

Delivery: Verbal        , None                                Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Mind                                        Effect: Discern, Grant

One of the fundamental truths of the Tempest and the Eyes is that everything, no matter how frail or mighty, has a weakness. The Wonderworker has trained themselves to find a connection to that weakness, and use what they have on their person to link to - and use - that weakness. Sometimes the weaknesses are obvious - connecting the symbol of Highlord Aeterius to channel radiance against a creature of darkness. Sometimes it is less so - the broken chains of a freed man against a tyrant would suffice for a sufficiently talented Wonderworker.

The Wonderworker must first pick a target and use the Discern portion of this power. If the target gives them a valid weakness, the Wonderworker may then take a moment to find an appropriate Symbol to Grant themselves the appropriate Accent against only that target. The Wonderworker must have at least Gateway access to the correct Symbol to utilize it for the corresponding Accent. If the target does not provide a vulnerability or provides a vulnerability that is not covered on the following list such as Maelstrom or Malediction this power immediately refreshes.  

Additionally, if the target is defeated during the short Grant from this power, Exploit Weakness recharges and may be used on another target. The list of Accents that may be Granted and their corresponding Symbols is below:

Tome-Sealed Name [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Protect versus Verbal”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

By writing down an individual’s name in a tome and roleplaying sealing it, the Wonderworker can help defend them against powers that would seek out that person specifically. The Wonderworker grants the target a Protect that is used exclusively on a Verbal-Delivery Power.  Once per Long Rest, the Wonderworker may Grant any individual a Protect vs Verbal by Touch after writing the name and sealing it.

Warding Trinkets [Basic]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Protect vs Packets to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

The Wonderworker keeps a variety of trinkets from many cultures, each meant to ward away some form of evil eye, curse, or other folklore evil.  When meditating on these trinkets during a Short Rest the Wonderworker gains Protection from Packets.  Upon taking a Short Rest, the Wonderworker may grant themself a single Protect vs Packets on the conclusion of that Short Rest.

Wonderworker Advanced Powers

Anchor Symbol [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Insubstantial to Self”, “Cure Insubstantial”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Special

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Insubstantial

Such is the connection between a Wonderworker and their Symbols, that they can create an anchor point in space with their Symbol for them to return safely.

When the Wonderworker first invokes this power, they must take one of the items designated as their Symbol and place it at the location they seek to return to. While the item remains at that location, the Wonderworker loses access to all Powers related to that Symbol.

Once per Long Rest, while that Symbol is not on their person, the Wonderworker may Grant themselves insubstantial, and return directly to the location that the Symbol has been placed. When they arrive at the Symbol, they may Cure their insubstantial Condition.

If the Symbol is no longer at the location where it was left, the Wonderworker may spend a Slow Count of 300 attempting to find the Symbol. If the tool cannot be found, the Wonderworker goes to the Spirit Well to reincorporate as a Spirit, with all the drawbacks that entails.

Discordant Note [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Discordance”, “[Name or Description], Short Silence by Force”

Target: Self, Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: None/Verbal                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Force                                        Effect: Counter, Silence

A Wonderworker can learn the connection between music and magic, and turn a foul note into a weapon against spellcasters.

The Wonderworker must first use an instrument or other noise-generating object to create a charge for this Power - any small roleplaying of creating the charge is appropriate, as long as sound is involved. This charge will last until the Wonderworker completes a Short Rest. During that time, the Wonderworker can use the charge to Counter a Verbally-Delivered attack or Effect. They then may use the Verbal Silence directed at the source of the Verbal attack. The Silence charge is lost if not used immediately after the Counter.

Fractured Mirror Games [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Fracture”, “Quick Grant Insubstantial to Self” “Cure Insubstantial.”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous, Quick 100

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter, Insubstantial

A mirror is a symbol of illusions and unreality - by keeping one close at hand, the Wonderworker can tap into those distortions of reality.

The Wonderworker can briefly “Fracture” their form, Countering a Weapon or Packet. They then immediately Grant themselves a brief insubstantial that they can Cure after a Quick 100 Count by Calling “Cure insubstantial”.

Lessons of Bane [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant [Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

While there are a few lone wolves among Wonderworkers, even they will acknowledge the advantages of working with others. With this power, the Wonderwoker can take their talents and help others perform even better.

The Wonderworker may use any Accent that they are currently capable of Delivering by use of any of their Powers, and confer that power to a number of allies equal to the Wonderworkers class-level with a “Short Grant [Accent].”

Sweep Away [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Dispel [Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Weapon, Touch                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Dispel

The Wonderworker’s practice leads them to find the combination of trinkets and elements to clear away ongoing Effects. The Wonderworker selects an Accent, and may either strike with a weapon or touch a willing target to Dispel all Effects that came from the chosen Accent.

Un-Funeral Flowers [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Stabilize”, “Cure All Conditions to Stabilized”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Stabilize, Cure

In many cultures, different flowers are associated with death and grieving loss. The Wonderworker takes that connection and uses it to power a denial of death.

The Wonderworker may Stabilize a Dying individual they can access. Additionally, if they spend a Quick Count of 30 interacting with funeral flowers, they may also Cure all Conditions that afflict the stabilized Individual

Writings from Beyond [Advanced]

Incantation: None

Call: “Subtle Discern by Arcane: [See Below]”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Books are gateways to knowledge that one does not possess, and the Wonderworker can turn any book into a skeleton key for those doors.

The Wonderworker starts by sitting down to read a book, or a set of scrolls, or any similar prop that might convey knowledge. After they finish their reading, which should take about 5 minutes, they temporarily retain some knowledge that they might not normally have access to: until the next Long Rest, the Wonderworker can treat themselves as having a Lore skill they do not normally have, selected at the end of their reading.

Additionally, the Wonderworker’s readings might help them recall otherwise unknown elements about those around them, both friend and foe alike. The Wonderworker gains a number of Discerns equal to the Wonderworker’s Class level, which may be used in the following ways:

Wonderworker Veteran Powers

As Is Foretold [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Power: [Tidings of Weal or Tidings of Woe],” Explanation

Target: Individual                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                                        Effect: GrantPower

Wonderworkers are frequent dabblers in the mysteries of the world, and through their engagement with those mysteries they gain a limited insight into the workings of time that they can impart to friends and compatriots.

Out of combat, the Wonderworked must perform a fortune-telling of some kind; card reading, palmistry, augury, etc. for at least one minute.  When the Wonderworker performs this action, they will choose to give a reading that is either  a good outcome (“Weal”) or a poor one (“Woe”). It is up to the Wonderworker to select which based on the reading performed and their own intuition. They Grant either the Power “Tidings of Weal” or “Tidings of Woe” to the target. The Wonderworker may perform a reading a number of times up to their Wonderworker class-level per Event, but may not knowingly target the same individual more than once.

Divination tools are notoriously fickle things, particularly when focused on oneself. The Wonderworker cannot target themselves with this power.

Tidings of Weal

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Event

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

It has been foretold of a moment where a failure can be circumvented. Once during this Event, when a charge of a Power from the user is Prevented, they may immediately Refresh that charge as if it had not been used. This Power has no effect on a Power that affects at least one target (such as a Voice Power that is Countered by some targets but not others).

Tidings of Woe

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Forewarned”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Event

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Counter

A tiding of dire portent has been given, and you know just when to act to skirt yourself away from a disaster. Once during this event, you may counter any attack or effect with “Counter, Forewarned.”

Cursewoven Cut [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Short Grant Vulnerability to [Accent]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon                                Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

Wonderworkers are in tune with the workings of the universe, and a well-trained Wonderworker can act to disrupt a victim in such a way that one of the workings of the universe becomes anathema to their being. The Wonderworker makes a weapon attack, and Grants the target a vulnerability to one of the following Accents: Acid, Arcane, Darkness, Flame, Force, Ice, Lightning, Radiance, or Time.

Mirror’s Reflection [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Short Insubstantial to Self”, “Cure Insubstantial to Self”

Target: Self                                          Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: None                                         Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                          Effect: Insubstantial

A mirror shows something in a different place - and the Wonderworker can tap into this to reflect themselves elsewhere.

In order to invoke this Power, the Wonderworker must utilize a reflection at least large enough to fully reflect their face - a polished coin is not sufficient to channel a reflection. Once per Wonderworker Class-level per Short Rest, the Wonderworker may grant themselves Short insubstantial. This insubstantial can be voluntarily cured by the Wonderworker if they utilize a reflection in the same method as how they entered the insubstantial state.

Personal Wellspring [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Attack charged!”, “Energized!”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous, Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon or Packet                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

Magic items resonate with the essence of those who wield them. By working with that connection, a Wonderworker can push a magic item’s normal powers past its limits.

In order to use this Power, the Wonderworker charges a weapon attack or Spell. This can be a normal, unaccented attack or any other Spell or Power enhanced attack. If that attack is successful and not Prevented, the Wonderworker fills themself with power until their next Short Rest.

The Wonderworker may expend this charge to utilize an expended Carded Item Power that has a Refresh of Short, Long, or Event. If the Power refreshed has a normal refresh of Event, this Power may only be used on that item once per Event.

Reaving Resonance [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant +3 Base Damage and Arcane Accent to Next Attack”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Next Delivered Damage

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Arcane                                        Effect: Grant

Wonderworkers have the capacity to interact with the world at a level usually only accessed by those wielding arcane arts. By tapping into that flow of power, they can add disruptive force to one of their interactions with the world.

The Wonderworker can expend this Power to add +3 to the Base Damage of their next attack, and change the accent to Arcane. Alternatively, they may expend this power to add +3 base damage to a Packet or Spell-Ball Delivered damaging attack, and change the Accent to Arcane (or add Arcane if no Accent exists).  This may change Piercing or Double attacks and this overrides the normal prohibition against modifying “Double” attacks and Powers.

Surpassed Limits [Veteran]

Incantation: None

Call: “Attack Charged!”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Wonderworker can maintain a connection to their best selves, and in times of need they can tap into that connection to push beyond normal limits.

In order to use this Power, the Wonderworker charges a weapon attack or Spell. This can be a normal, unaccented attack or any other Spell or Power granted attack. If this attack is successful, the Wonderworker creates a resonance that powers their abilities.

If the Wonderworker has any Powers that utilize a keyword such as [Reinforce], [Whirlwind], or similarly represented keywords, the Wonderworker may use this Power to interact with one of those Powers as detailed in the original class. This will most frequently be a recharge of a skill or skills, but can vary depending on each class.

Example: Jotaro is a 10th Level Fighter, 5th Level Dervish and 2nd Level Wonderworker. They use Surpassed Limits, saying “Attack Charged!” then make a normal attack on a goblin who looked away a moment too long during their fight. Jotaro may then have Surpassed Limits interact with [Reinforce] as detailed in the Fighter’s Reinforce power to recharge all powers with that keyword, or they may interact with [Whirlwind] to recharge a Dervish power as detailed by Whirlwind.