UNITED SCHOOLS FEDERATION St. Michael’s C. of E. Nursery & Primary School St. Catherine’s C. of E. VA Nursery & Primary Sch St. Mary’s C. of E. VA Primary School Marldon C. of E. VA Primary School Ipplepen Primary School

Policy for supporting students with medical conditions and for the administration of medicine

1. The staff of the United Schools Federation wish to ensure that students with medical needs receive proper care and support. Our intention is to ensure that pupils with medical conditions should have full access to education including trips and PE. The directors will ensure that staff are supported, trained and competent before they take on the responsibility of supporting children with medical conditions.

2. The school’s insurance will cover liability relating to the administration of medication.

3. The school administrator will be responsible for ensuring the following:

• Procedures to be followed when notification is received that a student will be attending who has a medical condition (including transitional arrangements between schools, re-integration or when pupils’ needs change; arrangements for staff training or support during staff training and meeting sessions and on additional occasions as and when needed.

• Procedures to be followed when a student moves to the school mid-term or when a student has a new diagnosis e.g. obtain medical records from previous school and agree with parent. Contact School Nurse and obtain and Individual Health Care Plan if appropriate, obtain parental agreement for any administration of medicine.

• Asthma inhalers/spacers will be kept close at hand, e.g. in the school classroom and will be administered under the supervision of the Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant after completion of the appropriate medical form by the parent.

Reviewed 28th March 2019, next review March 2021

• The procedures for dealing with specialised equipment e.g. defibrillators, will be reviewed as and when this equipment is on site and training will be given as and when appropriate.

4. The above procedures will be monitored and reviewed by the Executive Headteacher/Head of School.

5. Where identified as being necessary, Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP) will be developed between the United Schools Federation, healthcare professionals and parents so that the steps needed to help a pupil manage their condition and overcome any potential barriers to get the most from their education are identified. The IHCP will include:

• The pupil’s medical condition, its triggers, symptoms, medication needs and the level of support needed in an emergency. Also it must include any treatments, time, facilities, equipment, testing and access to food or drink (where it is used to manage their condition), dietary requirements and environmental issues such as crowded corridors and travel time between lessons.

• Specific support for the pupil’s education, social and emotional needs, such as how will absences be managed, requirements for extra time to complete exams, use of rest periods or counselling sessions.

• Who will provide this support, their training needs, and expectations of their role and confirmation of proficiency to provide support from a healthcare professional?

• Cover arrangements and who in the school needs to be aware of the pupil’s condition and the support required including supply staff.

• Arrangements for written permission from parents for medication.

• Arrangements or procedures for school trips or other school activities outside the normal timetable; completion of risk assessments for visits and school activities outside the normal timetable.

• The designated individuals to be entrusted with the above information.

• Procedures in the event of the pupil refusing to take medicine or carry out a necessary procedure.

6. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will have the final decision on whether an Individual Health Care Plan is required.

Reviewed 28th March 2019, next review March 2021

Pupils with asthma

7. The United Schools Federation has decided to hold an emergency inhaler and spacer for the treatment of an asthma attack.

8. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will be responsible for ensuring the following:

• Instructing all staff on the symptoms of an asthma attack

• Instructing all staff on the existence of this policy

• Instructing all staff on how to check the asthma register

• Instructing all staff on how to access the inhaler

• Making all staff aware of who are the designated staff and how to access their help.

9. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will be responsible for ensuring that designated staff:

• Recognise the signs of an asthma attack and when emergency action is necessary

• Know how to administer inhalers through a spacer

• Make appropriate records of attacks

10. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School and School Administrator will be responsible for the storage, care and disposal of asthma medication.

11. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will be responsible for ensuring that there has been written consent from parents for the administration of the emergency inhaler and spacer. The emergency inhaler/spacer will only be available for pupils who have been diagnosed with asthma and have been prescribed reliever inhaler AND for whom parental consent has been given. This information shall be recorded in the pupil’s IHCP plan.

12. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will be responsible for the supervision of administration of medication and for maintaining the asthma register.

13. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will be responsible for ensuring parents are informed when the emergency inhaler/spacer has been used.

Reviewed 28th March 2019, next review March 2021


14. The Executive Headteacher/Head of School will accept responsibility in principle for members of school staff giving or supervising a pupil taking prescribed medication during the day, where those members of staff have volunteered to do so.

15. Any parent/carer requesting the administration of medication can be given a copy of this policy on request.

16. Prescribed medication will be accepted and administered in the school.

17. Non-prescription medication can be accepted and administered.

18. Prior written parental consent is required before any medication can be administered.

19. Only reasonable quantities of medication will be accepted.

20. Each item of medication should be delivered in its original dispensed container and handed directly to the Executive Headteacher/Head of School or School Administrator.

21. Each item of medication should be clearly labelled with the following information:

• Pupil’s name

• Name of medication

• Dosage

• Frequency of dosage

• Date of dispensing

• Storage requirements (if important)

• Expiry date (if available)

22. The school will not accept items of medication which are in unlabelled containers or not in their original container.

23. Unless otherwise indicated, all medication to be administered in the school will be kept in the medical rooms/school office [fridge where appropriate].

24. Pupils will not be allowed to administer their own medication.

Reviewed 28th March 2019, next review March 2021

25. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to notify the school if there is a change in medication, a change in dosage requirements, or the discontinuation of a pupil’s need for medication.

26. Staff who volunteer to assist in the administration of invasive medication will receive appropriate training/guidance through arrangements made with the school’s Nurse Service. In pre-school settings arrangements will be made through Primary Care Health Visitors.

27. The school will make every effort to continue the administration of medication to a student whilst on activities away from the premises.

Reviewed 28th March 2019, next review March 2021