Universalist: Advanced Class


There have always been those that believe the divisions between Arcane and Divine casters are artificial and only for the narrow-minded. Among the truly enlightened it is known that the split between these forms of magic exist only in the minds of those casting those spells, not in reality. Those that are brave enough to look into these concepts and meld all magic into one are called “Universalists,” and they are few and far between.

This Lost Path is discovered through research in the Library of the Unbound and a quest to break down the barriers in one’s own mind between Arcane and Divine, Self and Other, Nature and Cosmos. This quest is often deeply personal and requires both preparation of spirit, mind, and body. Many who undertake the quest do not return, or at least do not return sane.

However, those that do return fundamentally changed: magic is now a unified force to be wielded without bound or limit - only those imposed by the self are truly barriers to greatness and understanding.

Throwing off the shackles of what one once thought were insurmountable laws of magic, these pioneers find new and innovative methods of the casting of magic far beyond the rudimentary understanding of those once long ago considered peers, now left in the darkness of obscurity.


Class Progression Table

Class Level


Spell Known

Spell Preparations

Spell Slots

Class Bonuses






Indistinct Boundaries






Unification of the Divine,

Extended Capacity: Adept






Additional Cantrip III












The Grand Theory of Everything

Base Incant

“I call on Magic the one true Source, which sets the cosmos on its course,

From planes beyond, my cosmic brew, By Word and Will is forged anew,

With eldritch art and faith ordained, I channel power unconstrained...”


The Universalist is both a Divine and Arcane caster. Universalist spells may be cast with both Arcane and Divine spell slots. Spell slots granted by this class can be used to cast both Arcane and Divine spells.

Universalist Innate Powers

Indistinct Boundaries [Innate]

Requirement: Universalist Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

Recognizing that the fundamental nature of magic is its mutability, the way the Universalist calls it forth can vary from caster to caster.

The Universalist may use the Novice or Adept level base incantations from Cleric, Druid, Mage, Sourcerer, and Universalist interchangeably. The Universalist may also use a custom incantation they purchased with Service Points interchangeably as though it were a base incantation above. The Universalist must still end each Spell with the proper ending (found in the individual spell entry).

Additionally, Sourcerers who become Universalists must still prepare any Divine spells from a normal Divine Spell book. However, all Arcane Spells remain prepared, as Sourcerers still use their Source for retention of Arcane spell knowledge.

Normally, spell casters gain a single spell for their spellbook each level they attain. Universalists instead receive 1 Arcane and 1 Divine spell at each level of Universalist (Universalist spells count as either Arcane or Divine for this purpose).

Extended Capacity: Adept [Innate]

Requirement: Universalist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The universalist gains the Extended Capacity: Adept skill. This Power will not break the normal limit of three instances of Extended Capacity: Adept. If the character already has three Ranks of that Skill when this Power is gained, instead the Universalist is refunded 3 CP that they may use as they wish.

Unification of the Divine [Innate]

Requirement: Universalist Level 2

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Universalist’s understanding of the artificial barriers between Arcane and Divine magic allows them to “bend the rules” in a way that few can replicate. This allows the Universalist to substitute the Radiance Accent for the Force accent and the Force accent for the Radiance Accent at will.

Additionally, Universalists may cast Arcane spells from Divine Spell slots and Divine spells from Arcane spell slots for spells of the Novice, Adept, and Greater Tiers. Uses of Refreshing Prayer, Commune with Nature, Arcane Study, and Eldritch Battery may be used to restore Divine or Arcane spell-slots and may be used in either an area of sacred faith or an area of concentrated magic power interchangeably up to three times per long rest up to three additional levels (instead of one) of novice spell slots, these “additional benefits” replace the ones from Arcane Study, Commune with Nature, Eldritch Battery, and Refreshing Prayer and are not additive with it.

Finally, levels of Universalist count as both Arcane and Divine levels for Arcane Study, Commune with Nature, Eldritch Battery, and Refreshing Prayer which means that you will be able to recover twice as many spells from Universalist's levels.

Additional Cantrip III [Innate]

Requirement: Universalist Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

The Universalist gains an additional Cantrip. This stacks with Additional Cantrip that may be purchased with CP. It is not refunded if the Universalist already has Additional Cantrip. This Cantrip can come from any Class the Universalist has levels in.

The Grand Theory of Everything [Innate]

Requirement: Universalist Level 5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: Special

Delving into the deepest realms of the foundations of magic, the Universalist surfaces from their research fundamentally altered: They view magic of the Arcane and Divine as one, transmuting between the two with an ease that befuddles even their most learned peers.

Starting at class-level five, Universalists count Universalist levels as class-levels of Cleric, Druid, Mage, and Sourcerer for the following Cantrips, Spells, and Powers:

This change retroactively applies to all levels of Universalist.

Additionally, spell preparation is now no longer needed, as the innate spark of all magic simply forms to their will. Thus the Universalist may cast any of their known spells without forethought, as long as an appropriate spell slot is available and the spell is in their spellbook or learned in the case of Sourcerer spells.

Finally, the Universalist may choose to gain one of the following Base Class level 10 Archetype Powers:

Universalist Class Skills

Additional Cantrip II - 6 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 1

The Universalist receives an additional Cantrip. This stacks with Additional Cantrip. This Cantrip can come from any Class the Universalist has levels in.

Tattoo Source - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 1, Eldritch Source

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

Normally a Sourcerer’s power is channeled through an object called an Eldritch Source, which is a physical object. This can be difficult to hold and can be lost, destroyed, or stolen making a Sourcerer’s life logistically challenging. A Universalist has learned to inscribe their own body with the power of a Source through tattooing a magical rune on their face or the back of their hand that corresponds with the accent attunement of the source.

Upon gaining this Bonus Power the Universalist can choose to abandon their physical Source and replace it by inscribing an Eldritch Rune on their face or back or their hand. This inscription counts as an attuned magical item for any event it is used. They may do this at the start of each event for no cost choosing the Energy Rune as a default and gain the ability to choose from either flame, ice, lightning, or acid as their Accent when a spell is cast; or in the alternative, may head to the Enchanting Weir and deposit 1 Bloom and 1 Ingot, into the Ash Bin. If they use the Enchanting Weir method they must pull from the Planar Weir and inscribe the Eldritch Rune chosen or may choose to pay the cost to draw again.

The accent the Universalist gains is dependant on the foundation element inscribed:

  • Refuge - Radiance
  • Power - Force
  • Tempus - Time
  • Spark - Radiance
  • Ruin - Darkness
  • Energy - Lightning, Flame, Ice, or Acid
  • Firmament - Will
  • Aspect - Illusion
  • Thought - Mind
  • Death - Agony

Channel-claw Focus - 2 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 1, Druid Level 2, Form of the Waning Moon

Call: None

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: None                                Effect: Special

While in the form of the Waning Moon, at-will, the Universalist can cast any Base Class or Universalist Spell with a Delivery of Packet as if it were a weapon-spell with a Delivery of Natural Weapon (Melee). The Incantation of the Spell will have the word “Clawchannel
” added to the beginning. If the Clawchannelled Spell charges multiple Packets at once, each use of the weapon can be used to discharge one Packet's worth of effect.

For Example: If Char (which charges two Spell-Balls with “Wounding 3 by Flame”) were Clawchannelled, the user would be able to swing two attacks that did “Wounding 3 by Flame.” If the Call is made but the weapon attack misses, the Spell or charge is still considered expended. If a second spell is Clawchannelled into the weapon, the previous one immediately ends, losing any unused charges.

Memory Book - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 1, Sourcerer Level 1

Call: None

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: None                                Effect: Special

The Universalist gains four additional spells known. These spells may come from any combination of Base Classes. In addition, skills and powers that require a spellbook are now available to Universalist, this overrides normal Sourcerer disadvantages related to this.

Universal Ritual Affinity - 1 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: None                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: None                                Effect: Special

The Universalist can use their understanding of all magic to help “catch up” on whatever type of Ritual magic they know less about. All Ritual Magic purchases cost them one fewer character point if they have the other side of Ritual Magic purchased already. For example if the Universalist has Apprentice Arcane Ritual Magic then Apprentice Divine Ritual Magic skill costs them one fewer Character Point.

When this skill is purchased, if the Universalist has both levels of Divine and Arcane Ritual Magic of any level (Apprentice, Journeyman etc) they are refunded 1 CP per level “set” they have. For example if this Power is purchased and the Universalist has Apprentice Arcane and Divine Ritual Magic as well as Journeyman Arcane and Divine Ritual magic they would be refunded 2 CP.

Theologic Alignment - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 2, [Healing Touch and/or Life Tap]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: None                                Effect: None

For the Cleric Healing Touch power and Druid Life Tap power, the character’s Mage class-levels also count as Cleric and Druid class-levels. This stacks with the Grand Theory of Everything.

Master of the Healing Arts - 6 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 3

Call: None

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: None                                Effect: Special

When using a Cantrip to heal, that Cantrip heals one additional Life Point. This additional healing should be incorporated into the Call and stacks with Advanced Peacecaster.

Master of the Weave - 5 CP [Class]

Requirements: Universalist Level 4, Astride the Weave (Sourcerer Archetype)

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                Effect: Special

The Universalist’s channeling of magic through the Eldritch Source unbinds them from the traditional need to remain still while gathering power, allowing the caster to walk while incanting their Base Class Cantrips and Spells.

During the casting of any Base Class Cantrip or Spell, the caster gains the Inherent Slowed condition, but is otherwise free to move. This ability does not override the specific requirements of the spell being cast, thus, if the specific spell itself calls for the caster to remain in place, or pivot on one foot, or any other requirement, the caster must abide by those restrictions. If the Universalist loses access to Astride the Weave, they also lose access to this Class Power.

Mass Effect - 4 CP [Class]

Requirement: Universalist Level 5

Call: “X by Force”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell Packet)                Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Force                                Effect: None, only damage

A Universalist may convert Healing Touch Pool or Life Tap Pool points into Force damage. The largest number that may be thrown in a single packet is equal to the character’s Universalist class-level. If the Universalist has the Mage Bolt Cantrip the first point of Force damage from Mass Effect does not subtract from the Healing Touch or Life Tap pool.

Universalist Cantrips

Incantation: “I call…”

Universal Cantrip

Instead of Choosing a Universalist Cantrip when they would receive one from taking a Universalist level, the character may instead take a Cantrip from any of the Base Classes.

Prismatic Claw [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... the colors of the weave.”

Call: “[1/2] [Eldritch Accent]”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Weapon                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: [Eldritch Accent]                Effect: None, only damage

The Universalist may deliver accented blows with a weapon using the accent of their Source. If the Universalist is in the Form of the Waning Moon it instead does 2 [Eldritch Accent] instead of 1 [Eldritch Accent]

Radiant Shard [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... forth the focus of the light.”

Call: “1 [Radiance/Force]”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet)                Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance/Force                        Effect: Damage

This minor cantrip charges a packet of materia causing one damage by either Force or Radiance Accent, chosen by the caster at the time of casting. If this packet strikes a conscious enemy target and is not Prevented, the Caster may add 1 to their Healing Touch pool or Life Tap pool if they have one.

Note: Players should use their best judgment as to what an “enemy” is and this cantrip should not be used on their allies to regain Healing Touch or Life Tap pool.

Universalist Novice Spells


I call on Magic the one true Source, which sets the cosmos on its  course…

Universal Novice Spell

Instead of choosing a Universalist Novice Spell when they would receive one from taking a Universalist level, the character may instead take a Novice Spell from any of the Base Classes.

Burning Flames [Novice]

Incantation: "... to consume all in flame.”

Call: “Cure [Condition] by Flame” “Wounding 3 by Flame”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                Effect: Flame, Wounding

When casting this spell, the Universalist may charge a spell ball with Cure [Condition] by Flame and charge a single spell ball with Wounding 3 by Flame.

If the Universalist is in the Form of the Rising Sun, they may charge an additional Cure [Condition] by Flame spell ball. If the Universalist has a Source providing the Eldritch Accent of Flame they may charge an additional Wounding 3 by Flame spell-ball.

Illuminating Ray [Novice]

Incantation: "... to cast forth the light of the celestine.”

Call: “Heal 2 by Radiance Final” “Wounding 2 by Force Final”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance/Force                        Effect: Heal, Wounding

When casting this spell, the Universalist may charge a spell ball with Heal 2 by Radiance Final and charge a single spell ball with Wounding 2 by Force Final. If the Universalist has summoned armor active on themselves they may charge two additional spell balls of either type or combination of types.

Universalist Adept Spells


I call on Magic the one true Source, which sets the cosmos on its course,

From planes beyond, my cosmic brew, By Word and Will is forged anew…”

Universal Adept Spell

Instead of choosing a Universalist Adept Spell when they would receive one from taking a Universalist level, the character may instead take an Adept Spell from any of the Base Classes.

Circle of the Cosmos [Adept]

Incantation: "... to bring the Cosmos to bear against you.”

Call: “Wounding 2 by [Eldritch Accent, Radiance, Darkness, Force, or Flame]

Target: Individual                                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Eldritch Accent, Radiance, Darkness, Force, Flame         Effect: Wounding

Once the incantation is complete, the Universalist may, at-will until their next Short Rest, charge spell balls with a Focus Quick 30 with “Wounding 2 by [Accent].” The accent chosen must rotate between their [Eldritch Accent] (if they have one), Radiance, Force, Darkness, and Flame. They must use each of these five accents before repeating the use of an accent. If the Universalist takes any damage to their Life Points, becomes Helpless, casts any other spell, or forgets which accent they need to use next without repeating too soon the power ends.

If the Universalist has a Source providing an Eldritch Accent of Radiance or Flame they may instead use any of the above accents available to them in whatever combination they wish without needing to worry about repeating.

If the Universalist has a Source providing an Eldritch Accent of Force or Darkness, all spell balls from this spell deal an additional Base +1 Damage.

Inanimate Realignment [Adept]

Incantation: "... to shape metal as I would flesh.”

Call: “Mend [Armor or Shield] [X] by Force”, “Shatter [Weapon or Shield] by Acid”

Target: Individual, Armor, Shield, Weapon                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch, Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Force or Acid                                        Effect: Mend, Shatter

Once the incantation is complete, the Universalist may, at-will, use their Healing Touch Pool or Life Tap, if they have one, to Mend Armor or Shields with Touch Delivery. This spell adds 6 points to the Universalist’s Healing Touch Pool or Life Tap when cast. The caster need only get within Touch range of an Individual and say “Mend [Armor/Shield] [X] by Force'' when using this ability. 

If the Universalist has a Source providing the Eldritch Accent of Acid or Darkness they may also spend 5 points of their Healing Touch Pool or Life Tap to charge a Spell Ball with “Shatter [Weapon/Shield] by Acid.”

Kaleidoscope [Adept]

Incantation: "... to array the fates of the stars.”

Call: “Short Imprison by Arcane”, “Grant 6 Barrier by Force”

Target: Individual                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Arcane, Force                                        Effect: Imprison, Grant Barrier

This spell charges a single spell ball with “Short Imprison by Arcane.” and charges a single spell ball with “Grant 6 Barrier by Force.”

If the Universalist has Replicate Enhancement this spell creates two additional spell balls with Grant 6 Barrier by Force.

If the Universalist has a Source providing the Eldritch Accent of Ice or Arcane they may charge two additional spell balls with Short Imprison by Arcane.

Gigacharge [Adept]

Incantation: "... to gigacharge magic.”

Call:“Wounding [X] by [Lightning or Force]”

Target: Individual                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell Ball)                                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Force/Lightning                                        Effect: Wounding, Barrier, Dispel

The Universalist uses their own magical barrier to blast a foe: they channel all barrier they have, turning that energy against their foe.

When this spell is cast, the Universalist Sacrifices all Barrier they currently possess. They then may immediately charge a spell-ball with Wounding [X] by Lightning or Force, where [X] is the amount of Barrier sacrificed, plus 4.

If the Universalist has a Source providing the Eldritch Accent of Lightning or Illusion they do not need to Sacrifice their current Barrier and instead simply do Wounding 4 plus the current amount of Barrier they have to the target.

Sourcerous Protection [Adept]

Incantation: "... to ground you through the Weave..”

Call: “Grant Protect vs [Eldritch Accent or Arcane]”, “Grant Protect vs Verbal”, “Grant Protect vs Voice”

Target: Individuals                                        Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                                                Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                                Effect: Grant Protection

The Universalist throws up a shield of arcane energy to protect up to a number of individuals equal to their Mage class-levels against their Eldritch Accent or Arcane.

Additionally, the Universalist may grant a single individual a Protect vs Verbal. If the Universalist is in the Form of the Rising Sun they may instead grant a single individual a Protect vs Verbal and Voice.

Replicate Enhancement works on this spell, and adds targets to each class of Protect afforded by this spell.

Word of Power: Knowledge [Adept]

Incantation: "... to use the Word of Power: Knowledge.”

Call: “Discern by Mind Final: What are all the magical properties of this item?”

Target: Any number of non-relic special items                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                                Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                                Effect: Discern

By casting this spell inside an Arcane Locus, the Mage may learn all of the magical properties of all non-relic items within the locus. Many relic items will also yield their properties through use of this spell. If the relic does not provide results the Universalist immediately refreshes an Adept Spell Slot.

Although it is easy for anyone to determine if an item is magical or special in nature and read the information card to discover obvious properties, this spell will allow the player to look at the folded information card (even if they don’t meet the requirements on the outside) to know its exact properties. Only the caster will be allowed to read the properties, although if they choose to, they can open each item card to make the properties discoverable to anyone.

Note: This spell will pierce Obfuscated items because the Discern is Final in nature, however, items immune to Mind Accent should call “No Effect.”

Using this spell may alert certain powerful creatures that their secrets have been discovered, it opens a window into the mind of the Universalist and sometimes causes a mental conversation to occur with the maker of certain relics or obfuscated items. These effects are at Plot’s sole discretion.

Note: At Marshal discretion Word of Power: Knowledge may have other specific uses.

Universalist Greater Spells


I call on Magic the one true Source, which sets the cosmos on its course,

From planes beyond, my cosmic brew, By Word and Will is forged anew,

With eldritch art and faith ordained, I channel power unconstrained...

Incandescent Aura [Greater]

Incantation: "... to shine with the brightest light, keeping the darkness at bay.”

Call: Short Repel by Arcane/[Eldritch Accent]” or “Heal 1 by Arcane/[Eldritch Accent]

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest, Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet/Ball)                Refresh: Spell

Accent: Arcane/ [Eldritch Accent]                Effect: Repel, Heal

When casting this spell, the Universalist may brandish pure magical energy in their hands, and plant their feet. As long as the Universalist does not move their feet, they may charge spell-balls by simply holding it and calling "Spell-ball Charged!" with “Short Repel by Arcane.” Only one spell-ball may be charged at a time.

The Universalist may also use this spell to heal.  As long as the Universalist does not move their feet, they may charge spell-packets at-will by simply holding it and calling "Spell-packet Charged!" with “Heal 1 by Arcane.” Only one spell-packet may be charged at a time.

If the Universalist has a Source they may change the accent of either type of spell-packet from Arcane to their Eldritch Accent at-will.

The spell ends when the Universalist moves their feet, casts another spell, becomes Helpless, or takes a Short Rest.

Universal Protection [Greater]

Incantation: "... to protect you against all forms of attack.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs Verbal or Voice, Grant Protect vs Packets, Grant Protect vs Weapons”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Counter

The Universalist creates a barrier around a target within Touch range, giving them three Protects, one which can be used either against a Verbal or Voice delivered Effect, one against a packet delivered Effect, and one against a weapon delivered effect.  Replicate Enhancement works on this spell despite normal restrictions.

Note: Remember a target can only have 3 protects on them at one time normally, if this spell would cause the target to have too many protects, the target may choose which protects they gain and which ones they lose. Stacking rules prevent an individual from having two identical protects at any one time.

Word of Power: Antimagic [Greater]

Incantation: "...to use the Word of Power: Antimagic”

Call: “Short Grant Resistance to Damaging Packets.”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                         Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                         Effect: Resistance

The Universalist’s attunement with arcane magic allows them to grant great protection from it. This spell allows the Universalist to Grant Short Resistance to Damaging Packets. Replicate Enhancement works on this spell despite normal restrictions.

Word of Power: Destruction [Greater]

Incantation: "...to use the Word of Power: Destruction”

Call: “Wounding 15 by Arcane”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                         Refresh: Spell

Accent: Arcane                                         Effect: Wounding

The Universalist’s understanding of magic allows them to condense the raw arcane power of the universe and put it into a single piece of materia. If this incredibly devastating attack is Prevented the Universalist gains 10 points to their Healing Touch or Life Tap pool.

Word of Power: Immortality [Greater]

Incantation: "... to use the Word of Power: Immortality”

Call: “Grant Life to Corpse by Force”, “Heal 10 by Radiance”, “Mend 10 Armor by Flame”, “Grant 3 Barrier by Will”

Target: One Corpse                                Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell, Long Rest

Accent: Flame, Force, Radiance, Will                Effect: Grant Life, Heal, Mend, Grant Barrier

This powerful spell knits the bones and mends the flesh of the dead, infusing it with life energy while also providing a powerful defensive buff. If the target is a dead creature whose spirit is still present, it will bring it back to the living with 10 Life Points, up to 10 Armor Points, and 3 Barrier.

This spell can only be used to bring one corpse back from the dead once per Long Rest.

Word of Power: Refuge [Greater]

Incantation: "...to use the Word of Power: Refuge”

Call: “Short Grant Resistance to Unaccented Weapon Attacks”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Resistance

The Universalist’s attunement with divine magic allows them to grant great protection from unaccented weapon attacks. This spell allows the Universalist to Grant Short Resistance to Unaccented Weapon Attacks. Replicate Enhancement works on this spell despite normal restrictions.

Word of Power: Simplicity [Greater]

Incantation: "...to use the Word of Power: Simplicity”

Call: None

Target: Self                                         Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Universalist’s understanding that “All Magic is One” allows them to simplify the casting process tapping into the “true” means of casting spells of most minor magical spells.

The Universalist may cast all Cantrip, Novice, and Adept spells from any Base Classes or Tier 3 Advanced Classes by substituting the word “Truecast
” and the name of the spell for the entire Incantation.  This also works for Universalist Greater spells.  It does not work on other Tier 3 Advanced Class Greater spells.  Truecast can only be used on spells that require an Incantation to cast.

For Example: To cast Gigacharge, a Spell that normally requires ““I call on Magic the one true Source, which sets the cosmos on its course, From planes beyond, my cosmic brew, By Word and Will is forged anew to gigacharge magic.” the Universalist could instead say “Truecast: Gigacharge.”

The Universalist may make these substitutions to their incants at-will.