Customizing Your Personal Meeting ID (PMI)

Customizing a Personal Meeting ID or PMI is available for New York Tech faculty (full-time and adjunct) and staff with Zoom Pro accounts (unlimited time). Faculty and staff can obtain a Zoom Pro account by contacting Service Central at 516.686.1400 or email

To customize your PMI log into Zoom  at  and  “sign in” with your NYIT credentials.

1. Click on Schedule a Meeting  2. Click on Profile.

3. Go to Personal Meeting ID  4. Look to the right and click on the Edit button to open new window.

5. To customize your PMI add a) your NYIT phone number b) check box to enable PMI c) Save Changes.

6. Your customized ZOOM link will be NYITphone number.

New York Institute of Technology  |  Northern Blvd., P.O. Box 8000, Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000  |