Boarding Handbook 2020-21

Academic Integrity

“Academic integrity” is defined by the IBO as “a guiding principle in education and a choice to act in a responsible way whereby others can have trust in us as individuals. It is the foundation for ethical decision-making and behaviour in the production of legitimate, authentic and honest scholarly work.” (Academic Integrity, The International Baccalaureate Organization, October 2019).

In other words, it is a term that refers to honesty and fairness in academic work. Teachers need to know that the work students hand in is truly their own, and that when a student does not understand something or cannot complete an assignment, she will come to them for help.

Cheating misleads our teachers and prevents a student from receiving the education she deserves. Sometimes, students get confused about the difference between cheating and collaboration. At all times, a student is individually accountable to produce assessments of learning. If a student is unsure about the expectations, he/she/they should ask the teacher.

When a Boarding student’s academic standing is in question due to unfinished work, late assignments and/or failure in a subject, the student will be put on Academic Probation. Academic Probation will result in the restriction of the student’s privileges in the Boarding such that the student has a chance to catch up on missed work. The Director, Boarding, the parent, and the student will together decide what measures are appropriate.