New Britain Borough Community & Business Committee Meeting Notes

October 13, 2016, 7:30pm

  1. Call to order
  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Co-Chair Jeff Gilmore.
  1. Roll call
  1. Members present included Co-Chair Jeff Gilmore, Vice Chair Peg Remmey, Loren Frasco, Lorraine Moxey, Richard Moxey, Jackie D’Agostino, Andrea Antell, David Joss, Debbie Byrne, Steve Giesler
  2. Members absent included David Holewinski, Dave Fermier Jr., Steve Gilmore, Bill Vandergrift
  3. Guests included Sam Bryant
  1. Old Business
  1. Capital Campaign Update
  1. Mr. Gilmore provided a history/overview of the Capital Campaign.  He noted that the Borough staff/resources could not be involved.  He is awaiting the results of a feasibility survey sent to the leadership of the Civic Association and Borough Council to determine next steps.
  1. Knoell Site Development
  1. Mr. Gilmore noted the Borough gave preliminary approval to the development.  Mr. Bryant noted the story in the newspaper, and that the trail to Iron Hill mentioned was correct information.  Members of the committee asked about public water in the area, to which Mr. Bryant noted it was being worked out with DTMA, but would be there in some form.
  2. Ms. Frasco noted that Council Vice President Peter LaMontagne’s concerns about lack of recreational facilities and other amenities seemed accurate.  Mr. Gilmore noted that the developer could reduce the number of apartments to provide an in-house gym.
  1. DVU
  1. Mr. Bryant noted that Borough staff were meeting regularly with Del Val leadership to discuss the Business Incubator, financial contributions to the police, student involvement in the community and internship opportunities for students and businesses.
  1. Mr. Bryant noted there was still work to be done on the budget and goals for the Incubator.  Ms. Antell suggested ways for it to be tied in to local business.  Mr. Moxey noted his disapproval of the concept.  Ms. Frasco noted the SBA in Doylestown could also be helpful.
  2. Mr. Gilmore noted the Junior Council Person program could be another important way for students to get involved.
  3. Ms. Frasco wanted to find out if there was still a homecoming parade, and if so, if it could be held in the Borough in the future?
  1. New Britain Town Center / Federal Realty
  1. Mr. Gilmore noted that he, Mr. Bryant and Council Vice President Peter LaMontagne had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Joss and an associate at Federal Realty to discuss the shopping center.  Mr. Gilmore noted that the parking lot will be paved and improved next year.  Mr. Joss mentioned that striping and curbing improvements would be included to improve traffic flow and coordination.
  2. Mr. Joss emphasized that while Federal Realty owns the property, the various leases there limit the control they have over it and the types of stores they can put in.  Mr. Gilmore noted that theoretically, a store such as Giant could “go dark”, where the store is closed, but they continue to pay rent until the lease expires.
  3. Mr. Bryant noted the Borough was working to bring bus service via the Doylestown DART to the Shopping Center.
  4. Ms. Frasco noted the CNBBA Car Show at the shopping center was a bit of a disappointment, as only six cars were in it.
  1. SEPTA Parking Lot
  1. Mr. Bryant explained that he and Mr. Barth were working with the Baptist Church and SEPTA to facilitate the expansion of parking on the church property.
  1. New Britain Historic Preservation Committee Mercer Museum Tour
  2. New NBB Businesses
  1. Mr. Bryant gave an overview of current land development projects and meetings Borough staff have held with interested realtors and developers.
  1. New Business
  1. Direction of CBC
  1. Mr. Gilmore noted that he would likely be resigning as Chair at the end of the year, and wanted the committee to think about its goals going forward, including formalization of the Committee.  Mr. Bryant also noted that the Committee would need to appoint a Secretary for future minute/note keeping.
  1. Peregrine Surgical
  1. Mr. Joss noted that he felt Council was too tepid in its support of Peregrine Surgical at the past Council Meeting.  Members of the Committee felt there should have been more excitement for his expansion proposal.  Mr. Bryant noted that Borough staff had shared their positive feelings on the project and had a meeting scheduled with him already.
  1. Adjournment
  1. Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:33PM.
  2. It was agreed the next meeting would be in December.