Overnight home visits may be appropriate for individuals residing in congregate or family-based settings in limited circumstances with strict protocols in place, and if a determination is made that lack of home visitation will prevent the individual from permanently returning home, or it is the consensus of the Person-Centered Planning Team, Child and Family Team, or other collaborative team that the home visit is in the best interest of the individual while not appreciably increasing the risk for the individual and others in their environment.

If the determination is made by the team working with the individual that the home visit is in the best interest of the individual while not appreciably increasing the risk for the individual and others in their environment, the following protocols must be followed:


Strongly encouraged that all individuals residing in the home where the visit will take place answer COVID screening questions and have their temperature taken; strongly encouraged that a log be kept for follow up if needed

Review and provide the handouts for reducing risk, social distancing, handwashing, and proper use of face coverings.

Outline clear expectations for caregivers (where, who, what) to mitigate exposure in group settings.  Expectations shall be established during the Child and Family Team meeting/person centered support team meeting. The team shall identify expectations for the client and family to mitigate exposure during the home visit

Providers should consider “check-ins” with the family and client if needed that are established in the child and family or person centered support team meeting to ensure the visit is going as planned and provide any support to the family during the home visit

Team works with families to find resources for masks.

Curbside dropoff and pickup


Document “check-ins” if applicable (symptoms, contacts, concerns)

Caregivers keep a list of contacts made during the home visit


Strongly encourage the individual is screened and temperature is taken upon return

Strongly encourage daily monitoring and documentation of symptoms along with all other clients

For 14 days upon reentering the program:

  • If possible, client should be in a separate room and use a separate bathroom
  • Client should wear a face covering whenever they are not in their room and whenever 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained if they are in a shared room
  • Have the client avoid group activities including dining to the greatest extent possible

 The Utah DHS COVID-19 Guidance for Congregate Settings as of 6.26.20