Divine Shield: Advanced Class


The Divine Shield is a Divine spellcaster focused on others. They believe that their purpose is to wield the power of the divinities indirectly to empower, protect, and keep alive those who would do the work of the divines. The Divine Shield makes sure that the champions and heroes are able to focus their destructive power on the foes of mortals, unafraid of death or wounds. As a personal support, there are few better at what they do; able to invigorate the body, protect the soul, and refresh the mind. Those who are chosen by the Divine Shield as heroes will be nigh unstoppable.


Class Progression Table

Class Level


Spell Known

Spell Preparations

Spell Slots

Class Bonuses






Divine Pool
























Chosen, Doubled Pool, Shared Faith

Base Incant

The Divine Shield may use the base Incantation for Cleric if they have Cleric levels, or the base Druid Incantation if they have Druid levels, or may use the following. The following can also be used to cast Cleric spells.

“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

Against all harm the world I seal, I place myself as divine shield,

Between the mortal and its foes, to save them all my power flows,

As vessel for the will divine, I claim the power that is mine…”


The Divine Shield is a Divine caster and spell slots granted by this class are Divine Spell Slots.

Divine Shield Innate Powers

Divine Pool [Innate]

Requirement: Divine Shield Level 1

Incantation: "I call my faith, divine and right, to knit your wounds with healing light."

Call: “Heal [X] by Radiance”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Heal

If the character already has a Healing Pool, this will add three points per Divine Shield class-level to it. If the character does not have a Healing Pool (from the Healing Touch Power), but has a Life Tap Pool, it will add to that.

Otherwise, the Divine Shield gains a pool of healing that can be used between Long Rests called the Healing Touch Pool. This Healing Touch pool is equal to three times the number of levels the character has in Divine Shield.

Each time this spell is cast, the Divine Shield can heal another Individual for Life Points up to the Divine Shield’s class-level, subtracting the amount healed from the Divine Pool. This healing cannot be used on the caster themself.

Throughout this class the term “Divine Pool” will be used to mean the points from this Power’s Pool or from the character’s Healing Pool or Life Tap Pool. The number of points that can be healed at a time (by Healing Touch or Divine Pool) is equal to the character’s Cleric class-level plus Divine Shield class-level. The number of points that can be healed at a time by Life Tap remains limited by Druid class-level.

Should the Divine Shield have the Cleric’s Greater Healing Touch Class power, it applies to the Divine Shield’s Pool.

At Divine Shield level 5 the amount restored every long rest to the Divine Pool and all underlying pools such as Healing Pool or Life Tap Pool is doubled.

Note: For purposes of Advanced Peacecaster, this counts as a Cantrip.

Chosen [Innate]

Requirement: Divine Shield Level 2,5

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: None                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

Each rank of this class skill allows the Divine Shield to designate one individual, permanently, as “Chosen”. A character who is Chosen is a special target for the Divine Shield. Any Heal Effect that heals at least 2 points will Heal one additional point on the Chosen (and should be Called as such).

Any Mend Effect that Mends at least 2 points will Mend one additional point on the Chosen (and should be Called as such). Any Power that Cures one or more Conditions can Cure one additional Condition (and should be Called as such).

In addition, the Divine Shield may take up to three steps after completing the Incantation of a Touch spell in order to touch a Chosen.

A Chosen can only be un-designated by un-training the skill itself. An individual who is Chosen is picked only for that specific Divine Shield and no others, and, out-of-game, the Divine Shield’s player should get consent from the Chosen character’s player before this choice is made, as well as explain the benefits imparted.

Note: These benefits will only work if the Chosen is individually targeted, Voice Powers, etc. will not heal some more than others.

Shared Faith [Innate]

Requirement: Divine Shield level 5

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant Protect vs. [Specifics]”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Protect

The Divine Shield can Grant a Protect that they have on themselves to another character. Any Protect that the Divine Shield has on themselves, they may Grant to another within Touch Range, immediately expending the Protect they have. This Protect can be Granted even if the original Grant had a Qualifier that the new target does not meet. The Call for the Shared Faith should reflect the exact Protect the Divine Shield has.

Divine Shield Class Skill

Shibboleth - 1 CP [Class]

Requirement: Divine Shield Level 1

Incantation: None

Call: “It can be believed that I [worship X / am a member of X]”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Divine Shield can speak in a way that leaves no room for doubt as to their convictions. They can use the Power Phrase “It can be believed…” to name a god they worship or to name their membership in a specific religion. “It can be believed that I worship Sodron” or “It can be believed that I am a Follower of the Tower” are both valid examples. This can be done at-will.

Beneficial Feedback - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Divine Shield level 2

Incantation: None

Call: “Grant 1 Barrier to Self”

Target: Self                                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

Each time the Divine Shield heals another, they gain 1 point of Barrier. They cannot gain this benefit if the Power used heals the Divine Shield as well.

Touch of Mending - 3 CP [Class]

Requirement: Divine Shield Level 2

Incantation: "I call my faith, divine and right, to mend your armor, let you fight."

Call: “Mend [X] by Radiance”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Mend

The Divine Shield may use points from their Divine Pool to Mend armor instead of Heal. The Divine Shield expends double the amount of Pool per point of Mending granted to the target. The same limits apply to Mending as did to Healing.

Fartouch - 2 CP (2) [Class]

Requirement: Divine Shield level 3

Incantation: None

Call: “[Name or Description]”, “...to Willing”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Special

Once per Short Rest, the Divine Shield can cast one spell with a stated Delivery of “Touch” as a Verbal. To do so, the Divine Shield must begin the Call with “[Name or Description]” and must add the Qualifier “...to Willing” to the end of the Call.

Expand Flock - 2 CP (2) [Class]

Requirement: Divine Shield Level 3

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: None                                        Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: None

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

For each rank of this skill purchased, the Divine Shield may designate an additional Chosen, per the “Chosen” Innate skill.

Divine Shield Cantrips

Incantation: “I call my faith…”

Focus [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... to add steel to your mind.”

Call: “Instruction: Your Quick Count Refresh is completed”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

This Cantrip allows another character to complete a Refresh that they are performing that requires a Quick Count (with or without Focus). This can include Revive, Fumble, and similar Powers. It only works if it is cast while the target is currently doing the count for the Refresh.  Note this does not end Durations.

Imbue Weapon [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... to put the strength of the divinities behind your blow.”

Call: "Short Imbue Weapon with 2 [Radiance / Darkness]”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance, Darkness                        Effect: Imbue

This Cantrip grants another character the ability to swing a 2 point blow with either the Radiance or Darkness Call. This blow must be used before the character completes a Short Rest or it is lost.

Scan [Cantrip]

Incantation: "... to diagnose your ills.”

Call: "Subtle Discern by Radiance: How many Life Points are you down?” or "Subtle Discern by Radiance: What Conditions do you have?”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Discern

This Cantrip scans another character to either determine how hurt they are or what Conditions they have.

Note: Touch spells require the target to be Willing.

Word of Cleansing [Cantrip]

Incantation: "...to cleanse you.”

Call: “Cure [Condition]”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Immediate

Accent: None                                        Effect: Cure

The Divine Shield removes a named Condition from another character by Touch. The Divine Shield immediately expends 4 from their Divine Pool. If the character does not have 4 points in their Divine Pool, this Cantrip cannot be cast.

Divine Shield Novice Spells


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light…”

Grace [Novice]

Incantation: "... to grant you grace.”

Call: "Grant: One Divine Grace to Exemplar.”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

The caster gives another character, who must be an Exemplar, a Divine Grace. This Spell can be cast only once per Long Rest. If the Exemplar is Chosen, this adds two points to the Divine Shield’s Divine Pool.

Healing Gift [Novice]

Incantation: "... to give you the power of healing.”

Call: "Short Imbue Touch with Heal 2”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Imbue

This Spell grants another character the ability to do a small amount of healing by touch. This ability must be used before the character completes a Short Rest.

Saving Summons [Novice]

Incantation: "...to summon your body"

Call: "[Name or Description] Instruction to [Corpse/Dying]: Take Spirit Form and walk to me", "[Name or Description] Instruction: Resume corporeal form just as you were and restart Death timers."

Target: Other Individual                         Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                 Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

The Divine Shield can cause a body to take Spirit Form and come to them, usually for healing or life-saving spells.

The Divine Shield first causes the character to become a Spirit and approach them, and then, once the target is within melee range, must give the second Instruction: to re-corporate and begin any death-timers from the beginning. The second Call should be made even if the caster is incapacitated or dead when the Spirit arrives or moves from the spot they were when they cast the Spell.

Touch of Balm [Novice]

Incantation: "... to speed my healing touch.”

Call: None

Target: Self                                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: None

Until the Divine Shield completes a Long Rest, they can use their Divine Pool on their Chosen without Incantation; merely get within Touch Range and make the Call.

If this Spell is cast using a Greater Spell-Slot, it applies to all uses of the Divine Pool, not just those on Chosen.

Divine Shield Adept Spells


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

Against all harm the world I seal, I place myself as divine shield…”

Chain of Protection [Adept]

Incantation: "... to keep you from the bite of steel.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs. Weapons”

Target: Other Individual, Self                        Duration: Event, Short

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

When this Spell is first cast, it gives another character a Protect vs Weapons. However, it also sets up a particular resonance. Any time before the Divine Shield takes a Short Rest, when they hear the target of the Chain of Protection Call “Protect”, they can get within Touch range (be careful not to actually touch the person without permission) and Call “Grant Protect vs. Weapons” again.

This can be repeated once more (after another “Protect” Call is heard) for a total of three Protects. The Divine Shield can only have one Chain of Protection active at any given time and the Spell does not end until the Divine Shield gives all three Protects or completes a Short Rest.

Note: While the trigger is the Call of “Protect”, there is no guarantee that it was the Weapon Protect Granted by this Spell, so additional applications may be wasted without proper communication (because of the Stacking restrictions on Protects).

Cleric Mend [Adept]

Incantation: "...to make this item whole again.”

Call: “Mend 5 by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Ball)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Mend

The target of this spell will Mend 5 Armor Points or 5 Shield Points. If the Divine Shield expends a Spike and the target is Chosen, it will “Mend to Full” one suit of armor.

Divine Denial [Adept]

Incantation: None

Call: “Heal [Amount of Damage]“

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Heal

This spell has no Incantation, and can be cast with the merest thought, but only when the conditions are just right.

When the Divine Shield takes damage of 3 or more points in a single attack, or perceives another has taken a damaging attack of 3 or more points, the Divine Shield can immediately (within 2 seconds, like a Counter, and before any other attacks or Powers are used) Heal for the amount of damage that was taken. If the Divine Shield took the damage, any target can be Healed. If the Divine Shield saw another take the damage, only that character can be the target. This Spell cannot be Book Cast.

Farhealing [Adept]

Incantation: "... to seal your wounds.”

Call: “[Name or Description] Subtle Heal 4 by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Heal

Reaching out, the Divine Shield’s power imperceptibly closes the wounds of another. If a Greater Spell-Slot is used to cast this Spell, the amount Healed is eight instead of four.

Flame of the Divinities [Adept]

Incantation: "... to burn my enemies from the world."

 Call: “Wounding 3 by Flame”, “Heal 3 by Flame”

Target: Other Individual                         Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon (Melee)                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: Heal, Wounding

The Divine Shield can make five empowered attacks with a melee weapon. These attacks cannot be made at the Divine Shield themself. At the time of each attack, the Divine Shield can choose to do “Wounding 3 by Flame” or “Heal 3 by Flame” with the swing. This spell ends when all five attacks are used, or the Divine Shield completes a Short Rest. Expending a Spike with any one attack will increase the amount of Wounding or Healing to five for that attack.

Holy Fire [Adept]

Incantation: "...to call fire from the sky."

 Call: “[Name of Description] 4 Flame”, “[Name or Description] 4 Radiance”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame, Radiance                        Effect: None

Reaching to the sky, the Divine Shield calls down a bolt of holy fire, calling “[Name or Description] 4 Flame.” If the Power is Prevented, the Divine Shield may use a second Verbal attack with the Call “[Name or Description] 4 Radiance” against the same target. The Divine Shield adds two points to their Divine Pool.

In addition, if the Divine Shield has a Basic Devotion power, they may use their Devotion’s Accent instead for both parts.

Invigorate [Adept]

Incantation: "...to bring power to your arms.”

Call: “Refresh 2 Spikes”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Refresh

The target of this spell will refresh two Spikes. The Divine Shield cannot target themself. If the target is Chosen, it will instead Refresh 3 Spikes.

Life Force [Adept]

Incantation: "...to give you life force.”

Call: “Long Grant +2 Maximum Life Points”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant

Until the target completes a Long Rest, their Maximum Life Points goes up by two. Their current Life Points also increase by two. If this Spell is cast using a Greater Spell Slot, the increase is four instead. Casting this Spell adds 3 points to the character’s Divine Pool.

Divine Shield Greater Spells


“I call my faith: divine and right, I wield and shape creation's light,

Against all harm the world I seal, I place myself as divine shield,

Between the mortal and its foes, to save them all my power flows…”

Blood for Ashes [Greater]

Incantation: "... to turn healing into flame"

 Call: “[Name or Description] [X] Flame”

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Flame                                        Effect: None

The Divine Shield releases a bolt of flame from the heavens, striking an opponent. Blood for Ashes cannot target a character the Divine Shield considers an ally. This Spell does 1 point of damage per point left in the character’s Divine Pool (to a maximum of one point per character level) and empties the Pool completely. If this bolt is Prevented, the Divine Shield adds 10 points to their Divine Pool.

Divine Fury [Greater]

Incantation: “... to bestow the grace of [Your Devotion’s Qualifier] upon your spirit, go forth and be the fury of the Divine.”

Call: Grant Divine Fury by [Devotion Accent], Explanation

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Short        Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Devotion Accent]                        Effect: Resistance, Heal, Refresh, Cure, Grant

The Divine Shield may imbue another with the essence of her faith. The target must be of the same Devotion as the Divine Shield.

When affected by this power, the target is immediately Healed to full Life Points, Refreshes all Spikes, and is Cured of all Conditions.

In addition, the target gains until their next Short Rest:

Divine Protection [Greater]

Incantation: "... to protect you from the sound of magic.”

Call: “Grant Protect vs Verbal or Voice”

Target: Individuals                                Duration: Event

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                        Effect: Grant Counter

The Divine Shield creates a barrier around targets within Touch range, giving them a Protect which can be used either against a Verbal or Voice delivered Effect or attack. The number of targets that may be chosen is equal to half the Divine Shield’s class-level (round up).

The Divine Shield may spend a spike to choose an additional target.

Inspiration [Greater]

Incantation: "..to inspire you to greater heights"

 Call: “Instruction: Until you complete a Short Rest, you can cast all Novice Spells as if they were cast with an Adept Spell-Slot”

Target: Other Individual                                Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                         Effect: None

This Spell can only be cast out of combat and must be cast on another character. The recipient can treat Novice Spells they cast as if they were being cast with an Adept-tier Spell-Slot while still only expending a Novice-tier Spell-Slot.

Minor Miracle [Greater]

Incantation: "... to pray for a minor miracle.”

Call: “Long Grant [Accent] by [Accent]”

Target: Other Individuals                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: Touch                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: [Accent]                                Effect: Grant Accent

The Divine Shield allows their allies to use a specific Accent at great personal cost.

The Divine Shield can grant any of the following Accents: Flame, Ice, Acid, Lightning, Radiance, or Darkness. In addition, if the Divine Shield has an Advanced Devotion power, they may Grant their Devotion’s Accent instead.

The number of targets that may be chosen is equal to twice the Divine Shield’s class-level.

When this spell is cast, the caster takes a Quick Drain and, unless all recipients are Chosen, also Sacrifices 4 Life Points.

Rescind the Call of Death [Greater]

Incantation: "... to force your spirit to walk anew.”

Call: “[Name or Description], Grant Life and Heal to Full by Radiance”

Target: Individual                                Duration: Instantaneous        

Delivery: Verbal                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: Radiance                                Effect: Grant Life, Heal

This powerful spell washes the target in life-energy. If the target is a corpse, it will bring it back to the living with full Life Points.

Once per Event, the Divine Shield may Sacrifice a Maximum Life Point until the end of the Event to instead call “Instruction to Spirit: Return to corporeal form, Grant Life and Heal to Full by Radiance”

Rise up the Faithful [Greater]

Incantation: "...to heal the faithful flock"

Call: "By My Voice, Heal 5 to [Devotion]"

Target: Individual                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Voice                                        Refresh: Spell

Accent: None                                         Effect: Heal

The Divine Shield can release a wave of healing energy that heals all those of the same faith as the Divine Shield.