Meeting Minutes – Community and Business Committee

May 10, 2018

Attendees: Jackie D’Agostino (Chair, resident), Loren Frasco (resident), Tess LaMontagne (resident), Andrea Antell (resident), Steve Gieseler (business), Debbie Byrne (business), David Holewinski (Mayor, nonvoting), Karl Dieterichs (guest, business), Steve Ascher (resident)

Absent: Jeff Gilmore (liaison to council), Dave Fermier (business), Chris Fleming (business), Sam Bryant (Borough Manager, nonvoting),

Minutes taken by Steve Ascher (Secretary)

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:34PM. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. Roll call was taken. Note: Karl Dieterichs attended as a guest who may be considering applying for the open CBC business representative position.
  3. Tess made a motion to approve the 4/12/18 CBC minutes. Motion was seconded by Loren. Motion was unanimously approved.
  4. Review of the Stephen Barth’s Economic Development Report: A copy was sent by Jackie to CBC members prior to tonight’s meeting. Jackie led a discussion of the report. A Day follow-up: NBB had a booth at A Day. CBC members who were there considered the booth a success. A well-stocked gift basket containing items donated by local businesses was raffled off. The businesses that made donations are: Rissi's Del Val Automotive, Gieseler Insurance, Gilmore & Associates, Byrne Sewing Connection Institute for Hand & Upper Extremity, American Heritage Federal Credit Union, McCabe & Brady, Bucks County Wellness Centre, Bucks-Mont Party Rental, New Britain Inn, Sharkey's Cuts for Kids, New Britain Civic Association and Pina's Pizza.
  5. Suggestions for A Day 2019 included having more than one basket and having games for children where prizes would be awarded (e.g., floating rubber ducks with numbers on the bottom which would correspond to prizes). Discussion for A Day 2019 to be continued at future CBC meetings.
  6. Unfinished Business
  1. NBB Gateway Signage Update – further discussion was deferred to the June 14th CBC meeting.
  2. Bench, Bike Rack, and Garbage Can Style Options – further discussion was deferred to the June 14th CBC meeting.
  1. New Business
  1. CBC Support of Upcoming Borough Events (June 23rd Bridge Illumination and Celebration, Pop-up Park, and July 4th Parade):
  1. June 23rd Event – the intention is to make this an annual event. There is a need for volunteers to assist at the event.
  2. Pop-up Park – to be held in the Fall.
  3. July 4th Parade – ideas included: building a float, having musicians/bands, a Mummer band, and advertise on the NBB facebook page.
  4. NBB also supports the annual Duck Derby and tree lighting events.
  1. Opening for Business member: Karl Dieterichs, who attended tonight as a guest, is considering applying for this opening. If interested, he will fill out an application and his nomination will be considered.
  2. Comprehensive Plan Questionnaire: Each NBB committee needs a comprehensive plan which is due by 5/22/18. Loren led a discussion and the questionnaire was filled out. Some items such as NBB demographics will be addressed after tonight’s meeting and before 5/22/18. Jackie to compile the document and send to CBC members.
  3. Any Other Business:
  1. Tess discussed covering up the traffic signal box on Butler Pike. A final decision was deferred to a future CBC meeting where by then there would be a better understanding of the plans for the area where the box is located.
  2. Steve A mentioned that at the May 8th Council meeting there was a brief discussion of the possibility for branded signage at the corner of Butler and Tamenend. This may be a topic the CBC should consider.
  1. Steve G made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Tess. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 9:17PM.