New Britain Borough Financial Advisory Committee

Meeting Agenda

August 23, 2016, 7:30pm

  1. Call to order
  1. The meeting began at 7:30PM.
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll call
  1. Members present were Frank Lombardo, Art Conover, John Wolff, Jr., and Danielle Young.  Sam Bryant (Borough Manager) Council Liaison Jeff Gilmore were also present.  Member Joseph Borek was absent.
  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. Mr. Conover motioned to approve the July minutes.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Wolff and approved by all members present.
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Committee Outreach Plan / Strategic Plan
  1. Mr. Bryant updated the data to include “2016 Projected” figures which improved Borough finances.  He also displayed various graphs that can be produced in Excel.
  2. Mr. Lombardo requested Mr. Bryant put together materials so the Committee could do a “dress rehearsal” at is September meeting of a presentation of the five year plan to Council.  This meeting would ideally be scheduled the first week of October.  Based on Council feedback, the Committee could present a draft budget at its October meeting and invite Council to attend.  Council would then advertise the budget in November and approve it in December.
  3. Mr. Conover recommended the development of a pro forma to show the requested actions from Council and the effect of those actions on the budget.  Mr. Wolff recommended heavy use of graphs and percentages to convey ideas.
  1. 2017 Budget Structure / Worksession
  1. The committee discussed budget worksessions in its previous item.
  1. New Business
  1. Police Budget Review
  1. Mr. Bryant noted the draft police budget was missing updated figures for insurance costs, which will not be available until October.  By law, the Commission is required to produce a budget by September 1st of each year.  It was recommended that Borough Council decline this budget to give the Commission more time to get updated insurance figures.
  2. Mr. Bryant noted he successfully got the Commission to lower the Borough population figure and explained how the cost share formula works.  He was unsuccessful in removing crossing guards and will speak with Chalfont Borough and the Central Bucks School district on this matter.  Members suggested that if he was unable to remove this item, that the police provide another service in exchange.
  1. Adjournment
  1. Mr. Wolff motioned to adjourn.  Ms. Young seconded the motion and approved by all members present.  The meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM.