St. Michael’s C. of E. Nursery & Primary School   St. Catherine’s C. of E. VA Nursery & Primary School

St. Mary’s C. of E. VA Primary School   Marldon C. of E. VA Primary School   Ipplepen Primary School

Model Policy for the Management of Outdoor Education,

Visits and Off-Site Activities

Please read in conjunction with the latest DCC model policy

Name of school:  United Schools Federation

  1. Introduction

This policy covers all off-site visits and activities organised through the school and for which the Governing Body and Executive Headteacher are responsible.

The Governing Body endorses the Devon County Council /Torbay Council policy document “Outdoor Education and Off-Site Activities Health & Safety Policy September 2016” as the basis for the school’s health and safety policy for the management of visits and off-site activities.

The Governing Body seeks to ensure that every pupil has access to a wide range of educational experiences as an entitlement. As part of this entitlement the Governing Body recognises the significant educational value of visits and activities which take place away from the immediate school environment.

The Governing Body aims to enable the United Schools Federation to become an educational environment in which all members of the school community can thrive, regardless of race, religion, culture, gender or individual need. We intend to apply this aim to the planning and management of all visits and off-site activities.

Visits and off-site activities support, enrich and extend the curriculum in many subject areas, encourage co-operation, team work and the application of problem solving skills and develop independence and self confidence.

Residential opportunities, physical challenge and adventure can have a particular part to play in the development of personal and social qualities for all young people.  Outdoor education helps young people to be physically active and to understand how to assess and manage risk.

The management of visits and off-site activities places particular responsibilities for the health, safety and welfare of all participants on the Governing Body, Executive Headteacher, Heads of Schools, the party leader, members of staff and volunteers, pupils and parents. The school also has responsibilities to other members of the public and to third parties. This policy on visits and off-site activities therefore complements the wider school health and safety policy.

It is a priority of this school that all visits and off-site activities are safe, well-managed and educationally beneficial.  

  1. Responsibilites of the Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools

The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools will:

  1. Responsibilities of the Educational Visits Co-ordinator

In order to carry out the above responsibilities effectively the Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools may delegate specified tasks to a suitably experienced and competent Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC). The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools will be considered to be the EVC where tasks are not delegated to a named member of staff. The EVC will be responsible for carrying out agreed tasks and attending relevant training provided by the Council.

Name of EVCs: Martin Harding, Marcus West

  1. Approval of off-site activities

The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools (or the EVC on his behalf) will be responsible for approving all off-site activities. This includes approving the party leader for each visit or off-site activity.

Approval of visits is the responsibility of the Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools.

An Evolve visit form and risk assessment will be completed for all categories of visit (including those more adventurous – see below):

The Evolve visit form for these types of visit will automatically be sent to the Adviser for Outdoor Education for endorsement.

The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools will monitor off-site visits and activities and will provide a regular report to the Governing Body about the off-site activities which have taken place from the school.

  1. Responsibilities of the party / visit leader

The party / visit leader will:

  1. Responsibilities of additional members of staff taking part in visits and off-site activities

Members of staff, volunteers and parent helpers should:

  1. Responsibilities of pupils

Whilst taking part in off-site activities pupils also have responsibilities about which they should be made aware by the party leader or other members of staff, for their own health and safety and that of the group. Young people should:

  1. Responsibilities of parents

Parents have an important role in deciding whether any visit or off-site activity is suitable for their child. Subject to their agreement to the activity parents should:

  1. The provision of training and information

A copy of this policy and associated school procedures will be made available to all staff within the school who may be responsible for leading off-site visits and activities and to any parent requesting a copy.

The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools will make additional information available to staff to help ensure the safe management of off-site activities, including the Devon /Torbay policy statement “Outdoor Education, Visits and Off-Site Activities Health & Safety Policy” and  access to the Devon LDP website: www.devonldp.org/outdooreducation 

Appropriate training will be made available to leaders and other adults taking part in off-site activities in order to reflect identified school health and safety priorities and educational priorities.  

The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools (or EVC on his behalf) will maintain a record of the qualifications held by staff and volunteers involved in outdoor activities including first aid, life-saving, mini-bus driving and specific hazardous activities.

  1. Action in the case of emergency

The Executive Headteacher/Heads of Schools will ensure that emergency arrangements are in place, known to staff and in line with Council policy, to cover the range of activities undertaken from the school and the times at which they take place. This will include a minimum of two emergency contact numbers for designated senior members of staff or the governing body out-of hours. First aid provision and training of staff will be in accordance with good practice.

  1. Accidents and incidents

Any accidents and incidents that occur during off-site visits and activities will be reported and recorded in accordance with the school health and safety policy. Devon County Council /Torbay Council will be informed of notifiable accidents and incidents which occur in DCC or Torbay maintained schools. Accidents and incidents will subsequently be reviewed within the school to identify any learning points.

  1.  Management of specific provision

The following arrangements apply to the management of specific provision for off-site visits and activities:

The school mini-buses will be utilised wherever possible when travelling to and from school activities.  Driving of a school mini-bus is restricted to those staff members who have undertaken and passed the Devon County Council mini-bus driving test.

  1. Monitoring and review policy and practice

The Governors will review this policy:


Reviewed 22nd March 2018 Next Review March 2019