Notes of August 16, 2017 Meeting

Committee Members

Lorraine Moxey – Chair                 Attended        

June Bair                                Attended

Sam Bryant Borough manager        Attended        

Bruce Burkart – Borough Historian        Attended        

Marie Esher Coia                         Attended

Jackie D’Agostino                        Attended        

Margaret Fabry                                

Donna Fisher        (Inactive)                        

Doug Fisher (Inactive)                

Mary Pat Hoveliinski                        Attended                                

Richard Moxey (Secretary                Attended

Malcolm Rollins                        Attended

Nancy Ulmen        (Inactive)                        

Peter Ulmen (Inactive)

  1. Lorraine reported that 70 W. Butler was for sale and examination of the features showed some errors and issues particularly with the “Apartment”. , etc. Sam will follow up on this.
  2. Jackie reported that the Wreathes ceremony will be Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at noon. Sam promised not to schedule the Borough event on the same day.         There was discussion of the Color Guard. Bruce suggested the American Legion who he has used for other times regarding the Cemetery. The event will be noted in the newsletter and Jackie is planning informational material
  3. Tess LaMontagne has volunteered for the Committee. She will complete the volunteer form, etc. and be voted on by Council.
  4. Sam said that Chalfont was having the State give them information on forming a Historic District. We are incitt.
  5. Dam dsid that Peter has old aerial hodographs that may be of interest to the Committee. They can be compared with other photos in the Committee’s possession. June suggested that this all be digitized,
  6. The women discuss details of the Groaner display and set up work dates. Jackie and Marie will provide necessary labeling and signs.
  7. The meeting then adjourned to the Basement.
  8. The next meeting is September 20 at 10 AM