First United Methodist Church Sylva, NC


Church Office - First United Methodist Church of Sylva | Contact


Music Ministry: Chancel Choir

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord and help lead the congregation to do the same. Rehearsals are Wednesdays 7:00pm until 8:00pm in sanctuary.

Choir Directors: Tommy & Anna Ginn

Frequency: weekly rehearsal and Sunday morning worship

Applicable spiritual gifts: Serving.

Music Ministry: Praise Band (Instrumentalist/ Vocalist)

Serve in the Praise Band either as an instrumentalist or vocalist during our 9am worship celebration. Rehearsals are Mondays 6:30 pm in CLC.

Praise Band Leader: Scott Cochran

Frequency: weekly rehearsal and Sunday morning worship.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Serving.

Worship Ministry: Acolyte Coordinator

Coordinate and schedule acolytes for the 11am worship service as well as ensuring Acolytes are present each Sunday morning. Assist the pastor in training the acolytes on an annual basis.

Ministry Leader: Mary Hartbarger

Frequency: Dedication to being present during most 11am worship services.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Leadership, Serving.

Worship Ministry: Video/Sound Tech for 9am worship

Serve behind the scenes creating and managing our graphics, videos, and song lyrics in worship. Computer skills a must. Some training available.

Ministry Leader: John Tissue

Frequency: once a month during our 9am worship services.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.

Worship Ministry: Video/Sound Tech for 11am worship

Serve behind the scene with sound board to insure all can hear service and operate video camera to record worship service

Ministry Leader: Lynda Sossamon

Frequency: Requires a monthly commitment to the 11am worship service.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.

Worship Ministry: Video Transfer Tech

Ensure Sunday sermon is transferred to church server for posting on church Website. Must have some computer experience and be available as scheduled.

Ministry Leader: Boyd Sossamon

Frequency: Weekly

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.


Worship Ministry: Altar Guild (visual arts) and Communion Steward

Ministry Leader: Richard Ginn

Frequency: every Sunday

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.

Worship Ministry: 9am worship Setup Team

Assist Praise Band to in setting up chairs, equipment, etc. and place in designated places for next worship.

Ministry Leader: Scott Cochran

Frequency: every week coordinate with Scott

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.

Worship MInistry: 9 & 11am Liturgists



Children’s Ministry: Children’s Church Teaching Team

Devote your time to reaching the hearts of our precious little ones

in the care of Children’s Church during our morning worship service.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: Once a month or less

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping,

Knowledge, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Children’s Ministry: Nursery Worker

Serve as a child caregiver during the Sunday school hour or worship hour in our Nursery.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: every Sunday

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Helping, serving.

Children’s Ministry: Sunday School Teaching Team

Serve as the lead teacher for one of our children’s Sunday school classes. Classes range from pre-K through the 5th grade.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: one hour each Sunday morning

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping,

Knowledge, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Youth Ministry: Classroom Teaching Team

Serve as a teacher or helper for youth ages 12-18

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: weekly for one hour on Sunday

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping,

Knowledge, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Youth Ministry: UMYF Adult Leadership Team

Serve as a youth leader or helper for youth ages 12-18

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: weekly for two hours on Sunday

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Evangelism, Faith, Helping, Knowledge,

Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Adult Sunday School

Serve as teacher, facilitator or helper of Adult Sunday School class.

Adult Sunday School Teachers:

Joyful Noise Makers: Stan Bienick

Acts 2:42: Judy Hester

Books of the Bibe: Lorraine Arnold

Frequency: weekly for one hour on Sunday morning.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping, Knowledge, Pastoring, Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Adult Small Group Leader

Small group are based upon specific topics (Purpose Driven Life) or on church-wide studies at the church or home-based.

Ministry Leader: As needed

Frequency: usually a few weeks to a couple of months

Applicable spiritual gifts: Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping, Knowledge, Leadership, Pastoring, Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Women’s Bible Study Leader

Organize, lead or facilitate, a Women’s Bible Study.

Ministry Team Leader: Pam Stanley

Frequency: every Wednesday @5:30pm

Applicable spiritual gifts: Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping, Knowledge, Leadership, Pastoring, Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Men’s Bible Study Leader

Organize, lead or facilitate, a Men’s Bible Study.

Ministry Leader: Stan Bienick

Frequency: every Wednesday @6am

Applicable spiritual gifts: Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Helping, Knowledge, Leadership, Pastoring, Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Young Adult Ministries (new ministry)

Plan and implement activities/programs for young adults ages 19-35.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: weekly, as planned

Applicable spiritual gifts: Leadership, Helping, Pastoring, Serving.

Senior Adult Ministries (new ministry)

Ministries and programs directly organized for senior adults 55 and older.

Ministry Leader: Need leader

Frequency: weekly to monthly

Applicable spiritual gifts: Leadership, Helping, Pastoring, Serving.

Intercessory Prayer Team

The Intercessory Prayer Team is a group of people who are committed to praying and interceding on the behalf of others on a continuous basis. They pray for our church and it’s ministries as well as individual requests.

Ministry Leader: Vicki Stickle

Frequency: Daily or weekly

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Discernment, Healing, Helping, Interpretation, Miracles, Prophecy, Serving, Tongues.

Vacation Bible School Leader/Helper

Plan and implementation of annual Vacation Bible School.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green & Mary Hartbarger

Frequency: annually in summer

Applicable spiritual gifts: Administration, Compassion, Evangelism, Faith, Helping, Knowledge, Leadership, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.


General Office Servant

Office Servants assist our office staff with mailings, answering phones, and helping

with other special secretarial tasks that may arise.

Ministry Leader: Janis Cariveau

Frequency:  as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.

Sunday Morning Coffee Team

Our Coffee Team makes sure to offer a welcoming cup of hot coffee and a smile. Individuals make coffee, set-up a service table and make sure there is plenty of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate and provide light snacks for three Sunday Services.  

Ministry Leader: Lynda Sossamon

Frequency: 2 or 3 Sundays a year

Applicable spiritual gifts: Giving, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Good Gracious Greeters & Worship Ushers

Greeters: Greet and welcome guests attending worship. Prior to assigned worship service greet guests and members alike with a smiling face; hand out information, answer questions about childcare, Sunday school, etc.

Ushers: They work with Greeters to welcome people and make sure they receive a bulletin as well as assisting people with seating. Ushers assist in receiving the offering also.

Ministry Leader: Needed        

Frequency: One month a year

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.  

Breaking Bread Welcoming Team

Volunteer to host a fellowship dinner at your home for new and prospective members.

Ministry Leader: Leader needed

Frequency: one or two times a year as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts:  Administration, Encouragement, Giving, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Seasonal Decorating Team

The Seasonal Decorating Team strives to make the church welcoming for members and visitors. We honor God by acknowledging the importance during holiday times of making the church a pleasant place to be.

Ministry Leader: Sara Goodson

Frequency: Winter, Fall, Spring, Summer; including, Easter, Christmas, etc.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.  

Open Door Meal and Sing

Our church welcomes the community, particularly those who eat at the Community Table, on the 5th Wednesday to a dinner and entertainment in the CLC. Help is needed to setup, take down, cleanup and bring food.

Ministry Leader: Anna Ginn

Frequency: Every 5th Wednesday @5:30 pm

Applicable spiritual gifts: Administration, Encouragement, Giving, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Wedding Director

Provide assistance for all weddings hosted by our church. Insure that wedding party has what it needs, returns things to their proper place and pays for cleanup. In some cases, actually serve as the Wedding Director if needed.

Ministry Leader: Sara Goodson

Frequency: when needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Special Event Hospitality Representative (new ministry)

Serve as the church’s representative at all functions. Welcome those attending, inviting everyone to consider attending worship at our church, answer questions and insure our facility is used properly.

Ministry Leader: Need team leader

Frequency: as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Parking Lot Greeter (new ministry)        

Serve on the “front line” of greeters and assist those before & after worship every Sunday of the year, especially during stormy or severe weather.

Ministry Leader: Need team leader

Frequency: every Sunday before & after the 9:00 and 11:00 am services

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

New Member Acknowledgement & Appreciation (new ministry)

Design a “New Member Acknowledgment board” with photos and coordinate on-going new member activities with laypeople; i.e., welcome to our church dinner, new member information, etc.

Ministry Leader: Need team leader

Frequency: every Sunday as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.


Guardian Ad Litem (a community service)

Serve as a spokesperson for an abused, neglected and/or dependent child.  Be a trained volunteer, court appointed special advocate for a children from birth to age 18.

Contact Jackson County District 30B; 828-587-2087 for more information.

Frequency: as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion.

Mission Ministry Team

Our congregation is committed to reaching out locally as well as globally. Serve as disaster response and or building teams to areas anywhere in US or serve as member of the WNCC-UMC Volunteers in Mission Building Teams around the world.

Ministry Leader: Jenny Cox

Frequency: as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Administration, Apostleship, Compassion, Helping, Interpretation, Leadership, Serving.

Ramp Builders

Our ramp building ministry provides mobility to the disabled or elderly in our church and community. The Ramp Builders also provide volunteer building assistance to the Jackson County Department on Aging. Clients are selected by the Department on Aging and materials provided to our Ramp Building Team.

Ministry Leader: Bob Houghton

Frequency: once a month

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

United Christian Ministries (a community service sponsored by our church)

United Christian Ministries is an interdenominational crisis ministry for the people of Jackson County who have urgent physical, economic, social, and spiritual needs. On an emergency basis, UCM offers food, clothing, and other forms of assistance. First United Methodist has supported this ministry since its inception.

First United Methodist representative: Tim Jones

Frequency: as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Apostleship, Compassion, Giving, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Community Table (a community service)

Purpose of Ministry: assist in preparing and serving meals to those in need of a hot meal and fellowship at the Community Table.

Ministry Leader: Call the Community Table directly

Frequency: twice a month (1st & 2nd Thursdays)

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Helping, Serving.

Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts (Cub Pack & Scout Troop sponsored by our church)

The ministry of the Scouting has a rich and storied history of impacting the lives of young people. Scouting fosters the spiritual, mental, and emotional growth of young people ages 7-18.


Ministry Leader: Larry Selby

        Frequency:  weekly or monthly, depending on need

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Appalachian Service Project: adult/youth volunteer

Serve on a church sponsored team to Appalachia and work on projects that make client homes warmer, safer and dryer.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: annually, 24/7 for one week.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Apostleship, Compassion, Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Camp Patton Springs: Adult/Youth leaders

Serve on the annual Camp Patton Springs @Camp Tekoa staff. Work with children 8-18 in overnight outdoor setting.

Ministry Leader: Jessica Green

Frequency: annually on third weekend in May

Applicable spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Circles of Hope of Jackson County (a community service)

Community effort to inspire and equip individuals, families and communities to thrive and end poverty in Jackson County. Training provided by Circles of Hope Haywood/Jackson County.

Ministry Leader: Mary Slagle

Frequency: 4-6 hours per month

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Giving, Helping, Leadership, Serving, Teaching, Wisdom.

Emergency Shelter Support Team

Our church is designated as an Emergency Shelter by the Red Cross when the need arises that folks need a place to sleep that is warm, safe and dry. Our kitchen would serve meals also to those using the shelter. Volunteers are needed to staff the shelter 24/7 if needed.

Ministry Leader: Tim Jones

Frequency: when needed 24/7

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Encouragement, Giving, Healing, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Operation Christmas Child

A ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child provides “shoe boxes” for children across the world in the fall. Volunteers help pack shoe boxes that contain a toy, coloring books/w crayons, clothing and personal hygienic products.

Ministry Leader: Cynthia Mediate

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Giving, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Webster Enterprises, INC. (a community service)

Webster Enterprises of Jackson County was established in 1976 to improve lives of the intellectually and developmentally disabled in Jackson, Macon, and Swain counties. If you would like a tour and/or volunteer to help, call 828-586-8981.

Contact person: Gene Robinson

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Giving, Helping and serving.


Church-Work Day Team

This ministry team provides labor to clean church and assist in landscaping including pruning, mulching, fertilizing and watering.

Ministry Leader: coordinated & scheduled by Church Property Team

Frequency: Varies depending on the season and needs.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Administration, Helping, Leadership, Serving.

Knitting Ministry

“Nifty Needles” provides simply comfort to the community and world by knitting different garments for the needy, sick, and forgotten, it also “knits” community with one another.  

Ministry Leader: Vivian Wisdom

Frequency: Each Thursday from 10:00am – 12:00 noon.

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Helping, Serving.

“Son-Shine Friends” Visitation Team

Help to minister to families and individuals by making frequent visits and calls to our elderly and homebound persons. Call and schedule a personal visit to check and see if they are okay, to provide a listening ear, and be available to refer them to others who can help them whenever special needs arise.

Ministry Leader: Judy & Stan Bienick

Frequency: at least monthly or more as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Encouragement, Helping, Serving.

Meal Team Ministry

This ministry provides meals to families experiencing loss of loved ones, sickness, child births, etc. Team prepares and brings meals to family’s homes.

Ministry Leader: leader needed immediately

Frequency: as needed but once or twice a year

Applicable spiritual gifts: Compassion, Encouragement, Giving, Helping, Serving.

Men’s Ministry: United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men is an opportunity for fellowship, faith building, and servant ministry among the men of the church.

Ministry Leader: Rick Plemmons

Frequency: Sunday morning, monthly

Applicable spiritual gifts: Leadership, Helping, Serving.

Women’s Ministry: United Methodist Women or Action Group

The UMW is great place for all women of the church! It provides opportunities for fellowship, faith building, and servant ministry.

Ministry Leader: Vivian Wisdom (UMW)/ Mary Corsair (Action Group)

Frequency: monthly

Applicable spiritual gifts: Leadership, Helping, Serving.

Website Manager/Assistant

Assistant Website Manager in the areas of design, photos, and updates for our website.

Ministry Leader: Sebastien Brun

Frequency: as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Helping, Serving.

Financial Planning

Sylva First United Methodist Foundation offers information to church members and their families in the area of estate planning and foundation gifts.

Ministry Leader: Al Byers

Frequency:  as needed

Applicable spiritual gifts: Administration, Giving, Leadership, Helping, Serving.


We are always open to helping our members get involved in a mission that suits their gifts and passions. Below you will find some ministries we have been involved in the past:

Children’s Ministry: Stork Initiative; Older Adult Ministry: JOY (Just Older Youth) Group; Giving of time and a strong back; Share the Crop Ministry; Respite Care; Transportation Ministry; “We care” card Ministry.

REVISED: 11/3/17

Church Office - First United Methodist Church of Sylva | Contact