New Britain Borough Shade Tree Commission

Minutes May 21, 2018

  1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance
  1. At 7:40 P.M. Jackie called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call
  1. Jackie D’Agostino, Ben Rakus, Fran Dougherty, Marge Eberz, Lorraine Moxey were present. Peter La Montagne was absent
  1. Approval of Minutes of April 16, 2018 meeting
  1. Fran Dougherty made a motion to approve the minutes of April 16,2018. Lorraine Moxey seconded the motion and all approved.
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. Arbor Day Follow up.
  1. All agreed that our Arbor Day program went well.
  2. We have a Tree City flag and plaque
  3. We have Tree City signs that will be put up at 4 street entrances to the borough.
  4. A thank You note will be sent to Colibraro Nursery in Horsham for their donation of a Sugar Tyme Crabapple Tree that was planted at Pine Run School on Arbor Day.
  5. Jackie sent information to Tree City also.
  1. New Business
  1. Pop-up Park Sept. 14-16 2018
  1. Need ideas for display ex.- tree lists, booklets etc.
  2. Bring ideas to the next meeting
  1. Review proposal of Bartlett Tree Experts
  1. Committee made the following recommendations:
  1. Change the proposal to include all trees not just those 10 inches in diameter
  2. All trees to be identified in right of way, but those under 10 inches in diameter do not have to be tagged.
  3. Make sure the proposal includes Service Roads A and B
  4. Bartlett Tree Service should change wording in proposal from New Britain Township to New Britain Borough
  1. Ben Rakus made a motion to make these changes to Bartlett Tree Service Proposal. Lorraine Moxey seconded it and all agreed.
  1. Comprehensive Plan Questionnaire Completion
  1. Immediate Goals
  1. Identifying trees in right of way
  1. Primary Goal
  1. New Britain Borough Shade Tree Commission
  2.  Inventory Plant List
  1. AOB
  1. Cryptomeria in front of Aqua has dead branches at top
  1. Next Meeting – June 18, 2018
  2. Adjournment
  1. Fran Dougherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting,
  2. Ben Rakus seconded it. All agreed
  3. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 P.M.