Content Guidelines

Nowhere Prophet First Access

When you submit content for Nowhere Prophet, other players will find your items, read your name and see your face many, many times.

When you pay for a tier that includes a content submission (The Name, The Face, The Event, The Gear or The Boss) we will reach out to you to get the appropriate details and information from you.

It is important that the content you submit is consistent with our world and adds value to the game, so please read the following guidelines to learn what to submit and how. Also note that Nowhere Prophet is a procedurally generated game. This means that the content you submit will be available in the game but will not appear in every playthrough.

To submit simply send an email to

If you have any questions please head to the forums or to discord.


Here are the basic rules that apply to all content submissions:

I obviously retain the right to veto any submission that violates these guidelines. However I’ll do my best to discuss the submission with you to find something that works. I’m sure we will be able to find a solution together.

Note that there is no guarantee that your content will make it into the game if we can not reach a compromise. And content that was added and is then found to be in violation of these rules will be removed without replacement. If you do not submit your content within three months prior to the game release I can not guarantee that it will be included either - there’s a lot of stuff to deal with before a game’s release.

Submitting your Credits

When you buy the game in First Access beyond the base price your name will be added to the credits as either a First Follower, Disciple or Guru based on the reward you purchased. The name will be shown as part of a list with the exception of the Guru level, where the ingame portrait will be shown alongside the credited name.


[Example Credits Screen]



Example names

The Name: Submitting a Follower Name

When you specify a name to be added to the roster of possible names for rare and legendary followers. Whenever you find such a follower a random name is pulled from that list and displayed on the bottom of the card. This name is also referenced in events where this follower would be affected.


[Follower Card Preview]



Example rare & legendary follower names

The Face: Submitting a Photo

When you submit your face to the game it will be turned into a Nowhere Prophet style portrait to be used for a follower card. You can specify what sort of follower you’d like to be but I can make no promises that this will be possible. If you want to you may wear a costume but this is not necessary. You will get a high-res version of the final image for personal use.



Example pictures

[Example pictures and results]

The Tale: Submitting an Event Idea

When you submit an event concept we will use your material to create a multi-step event for the game. You can submit your idea in a brief write-up sketching out the general content and approach. Be aware that if you submit actual text for the game we’re likely to make changes to it to ensure it fits the world.


[Event Screen]



Example submissions

The Gear: Submitting an Item

If you submit an idea for a piece of equipment, the first thing we need is the general type of item you want to make. Is it a weapon, a suit of armor, miscellaneous equipment? Was it created before the crash, or afterwards? Why was it created? What is it being used for now?  

Since the item not only has to make sense in the world, it also needs to be balanced we’re likely to make changes to your idea, specifically the gameplay implementation. I will try to be true to your core idea if possible. Also be aware that the more powerful an item is the more rare it will be to get in game.



Example submissions

The Boss: Submitting an Enemy Concept

At this level you can submit a photo, an event and an item as described above. The event will lead to the boss fight, that will wear the given face. As a reward the player will gain access to the custom item.

When you briefly describe your enemy, tell us how the item and boss re related to one another. If you want to you can also give some ideas towards their leader and convoy deck. Note that if you come up with a new status effect or card for the reward item then it is likely that the boss will use those against the player in combat.




FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

None yet :)