BuffSci COVID-19 Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements
BuffSci Reopening Model of Instruction:
All Students: Online—this includes synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (not real-time) instruction
Support for students with special needs: In addition to online, in-person instruction will also occur for students with unique needs depending on their health safety/risk factors:
― Special Education
― English Language Learners
― Students in need of more intensive instruction
― Students participating in or in need of counseling, social support, and Restorative Justice
Combination, depending on student health safety/risk factors: Saturday School, 9th period intervention, tutoring, and teacher office hours. NOTE: arrangements for in-person instruction for children of working parents can be scheduled
COVID-19 Essential Reopening Requirements:
BuffSci is implementing COVID-19 health safety recommendations from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH). To meet the health safety requirements and have sufficient supplies on hand throughout the school year, BuffSci has ordered/has received:
School Entry: Any individual coming to any BuffSci school will follow the same process to attain body temperature readings before entry into the building. Should any individual have temperatures over 100º, please expect that they will not be allowed entry into the building. If a student, they will be taken to an isolation room (supervised by school nurse staff) until parents/guardians pick them.
The process and policies will be shared immediately with parents/guardians upon completion. All policies and signage must be adhered to by everyone including vendors, school visitors, and guests.
COVID-19 Isolation: Isolation rooms have been established at each school site.
Bussing: Because BuffSci is implementing primarily an online school model (with some in-person instruction based on student needs as described above), it will not be using Buffalo City Public School bussing (yellow buses) at this time. Transportation for in-person instruction will include 1) parent/guardian transportation, 2) First Student buses for Special Education/I.E.P. students, 3) BuffSci vans and/or Kiddie Kab, and 4) Buffalo Metro Bus & Rail day passes for high school students. Arranged/provided transportation have implemented social distancing and sanitation protocols.
Breakfast and Lunch: Buffalo City Public Schools will continue to provide breakfast and lunch for all BuffSci students through curbside grab-and-go means. School secretaries are contacting families to determine participation—if you have not already talked with them, please contact them to make these arrangements. All BuffSci students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch. This is a curbside service in which parents will need to pick up.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (July 31, 2020)
Introduction 3
Mandatory Requirements:
Communication/Family and Community Engagement 3
Health and Safety 4
Facilities 8
Child Nutrition 11
Transportation 12
Social Emotional Well-Being 14
School Schedules 15
Budget and Fiscal Matters 15
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism 16
Technology and Connectivity 16
Teaching and Learning 17
Career and Technical Education 18
Athletics and Extracurricular Activities 18
Special Education 19
Bilingual Education and World Languages 19
Staffing and Human Resources 20
Purpose of Reopening Plan: This plan only addresses mandatory requirements contained in New York State Education Department (NYSED) reopening guidelines as of July 31, 2020. This plan is intended to be an in-motion/live document and will be added to and revised. Please expect revisions and additional information. NYSED Reopening Guidelines[1]
BuffSci has high academic standards for teaching and learning—and will continue to implement these high standards. As of July 31, 2020, this plan is intended to relay NYSED reopening mandatory requirements. School instruction, schedules, learning activities, and assessments have been and will continue to be planned by school staff—these will be shared as soon as they are finalized and, most certainly, before school starts.
BuffSci continues to be focused on accelerating academic proficiency for 1) low-income students, 2) English Language Learners, 3) Special Education students, and 4) other at-risk populations. Equity and access to college for all remains BuffSci’s priority.
I. Communication/Family and Community Engagement
1) Groups of people involved/engaged in the planning process:
2) BuffSci will maintain a central communications website and consistent process that allows students, parents/guardians, staff, and visitors to access up-to-date, 24/7 instructions, training, policies, signage, schedules, health requirements, school entry protocols, and current status of online/in-person instruction. Central communications webpage[2]
Individual schools will follow-up with postings on this site by use of automated-calls, email, text, and phone to ensure every parent/guardian has received and understands. This contact includes communication in home languages, preferred language, and preferred mode of communication.
BuffSci’s social media sites will also be updated to relay new central webpage postings, messages, or emergencies. These sites will not be the central communications site but will enhance. BuffSci will also use texts, emails, and SchoolTool to increase parent/guardian and student immediate access to information
3) As identified in the Health and Safety section of this plan, students will be consistently taught/trained on how to follow new COVID-19 protocols safely and correctly. Online instruction will include daily training, including in-person classroom, hallway, entry/exit of the building/classrooms, and gathering area routines for at least the first school quarter with weekly and as-needed reminders throughout the remainder of the school year.
BuffSci will be also be using video clips of how to follow these protocols—these will be used by students and parents/guardians and will be available 24/7 on the central communications page. Please reinforce these protocols at home.
4) All students, teachers/faculty, administrators, staff, visitors, guests, and parents must adhere to CDC and NYS DOH requirements related to the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and acceptable face coverings when a social distance cannot be maintained. Video clips, available 24/7, will provide trainings on social distancing and when social distancing cannot be maintained.
Written policies and procedures will be provided in addition to training by Zoom, in-person, and/or the central communications webpage means. Staff will also be able to access through Google Documents.
Expected visitors will be provided pre-arrival policies and procedures. Unexpected visitors will stay in the entry area until reading and indicating understanding, Check-in screens will be used to 1) indicate any existing COVID-19 signs, 2) indicate understanding and agreement with social distancing requirements, and 3) link to video clip training as needed. Body temperature scans will occur upon arrival. Visitors will not be allowed to enter without acceptable face coverings.
Signage will also be posted prior to the beginning of the school year.
5) Communications will be available in any home language and in video/audio formats.
II. Health and Safety
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) Each BuffSci school has conducted square footage and ventilation calculations required for social distancing in all rooms as well as for a) entry/exit/transportation, 2) bathroom/sink, 3) shared space / multi-use rooms, 4) nurse’s office/isolation room, and 5) hallway passage purposes. From this, each school has determined the number of students and staff allowed to return in-person at one time. All school schedules and in-person services will adhere to these requirements and will be shared with parents as finalized.
BuffSci is required to provide isolation rooms in addition to school nurse offices should signs of COVID-19 be present or body temperature scans be over 100º. (See Questions #6-7 in this section.) Students showing COVID-19 signs will stay in isolation rooms under school nursing staff supervision until parent/guardian pick up. Parents should immediately ensure children are screened/seen by doctors/medical staff. Isolation rooms meet square footage and ventilation requirements.
All BuffSci rooms have windows that are able to be opened and have sufficient HVAC equipment to ensure required ventilation is provided. (See Section III Question #12)
2) Groups of people involved/engaged in the health and safety components of the reopening plan:
3) Communication plan: See Section I, Question #2
4) Written protocol instructing staff to observe for signs of illness in students and staff are being developed, finalized, and submitted to BuffSci Board of Trustees for approval. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020. Symptomatic persons will be sent immediately to the established isolation room supervised by nursing staff.
5) Written protocol for conducting daily temperature screenings of all students and staff is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. BuffSci has purchased body temperature scanners, check-in screens to be used for daily/weekly screening questionnaires for staff/students, and classroom-based “thermometer guns” to ensure daily and continuous screening. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020. Symptomatic persons will be sent immediately to the established isolation room supervised by nursing staff.
6) All students and staff showing or relaying COVID-19 signs will be assessed by BuffSci’s Registered Nurse (Lynn Lent). Although this person serves all BuffSci buildings, school-based nursing staff will be responsible for initial intake, immediately contact the Registered Nurse who will come to the building, and supervise the nurse’s office/isolation room until the Registered Nurse assessment has been done and, if warranted, students are picked up/staff go home. Parents can anticipate instructions from Lynn Lent to immediately take their child to their doctor or medical provider.
7) Written protocol requiring students and staff with a temperature, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to questionnaires to be sent directly to the school’s isolation room is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. See Questions #1 and #6 in this section for additional details. Isolation rooms have been identified/set up at each school. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020. Symptomatic persons will be sent immediately to the established isolation room supervised by nursing staff.
8) Written protocol requiring health screenings of all visitors, guests, contractors, and vendors is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. Entry/sign-procedures include a) body temperature scan, b) staff observation of acceptable face coverings, c) touch screen check-in with health questionnaire and acceptance/agreement of social distance/health policies, d) signage, and e) security desk check-in. It is highly suggested that any visitor to the building make arrangements with the school secretary first. Security desk check-ins will continue as before. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
9) Written protocol instructing parents/guardians to observe for signs of illness in their child(ren) that require students to stay at home is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. Parents must conduct daily screenings of each child prior to sending to school. If any child shows COVID-19 signs from parent screenings, they must stay at home and be taken to a medical provider prior to school return with doctor’s note. BuffSci health screenings will be in addition to this. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
10) Written protocol and appropriate signage instructing staff and students in correct hand and respiratory hygiene is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. Video clips will be available 24/7 on the BuffSci central communication webpage. Teachers will also train students in correct hand and respiratory hygiene and will practice with their students how this will occur in the classroom, bathrooms, entry/exit, to/from transportation, in shared rooms, when using shared materials with other students, and before/after breakfast and lunch. Teachers will conduct daily practices for at least the first quarter and weekly for the remainder of the year. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
11) Written protocol to ensure all persons in school buildings keep social distance of at least 6 feet whenever possible is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. Each school has calculated each room, hallway, entry/exit, and shared room to determine numbers of students/staff, signage, provision of shields and/or barriers, and sufficient PPE. Should more social distance be necessary and/or determined by NYS DOH and/or NYSED, the protocol will include. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
12) Written protocol detailing how each school will provide accommodations to all students and staff who are at high risk or live with a person at high risk is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. BuffSci’s reopening plan relies primarily on online instruction and, as such, any student and staff who are at high risk or live with a person at high risk will be accommodated—no student who is high risk or who lives with a high-risk person will be excluded from any instruction. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
High risk/medically vulnerable groups include individuals (persons themselves or living with):
· Individuals age 65 or older
· Pregnant individuals
· Individuals with underlying health conditions including, but not limited to:
― Chronic lung disease or moderate-to-severe asthma
― Serious heart conditions
― Immunocompromised
― Severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 or higher)
― Diabetes
― Chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
― Liver disease
― Sickle cell anemia
― Children who are medically complex, who have neurologic, genetic, metabolic conditions, or who have congenital heart disease are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 than other children
13) Written protocol requiring all employees, adult visitors, and students to wear a cloth face covering whenever social distancing cannot be maintained is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. Please also see Question #8 of this section. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
14) BuffSci has ordered, and will continue to order throughout the 2020-21 school year, sufficient supplies of cloth face coverings for school staff, students who forget their masks, and PPE for school health/nurse professionals.
15) Written protocol for actions to be taken if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. BuffSci’s reopening model of instruction relying primarily on online instruction allows each school to respond swiftly without loss of instruction. The health safety of students and staff is BuffSci’s utmost priority. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
16) Written protocol that complies with CDC guidance for the return to school of students and staff following illness or diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or following quarantine due to contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. Return to school will be coordinated with Erie County Department of Health. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
17) Written protocol to clean and disinfect schools following CDC guidance is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
18) Written protocol to conduct required school safety drills with modifications ensuring social distancing between persons is being developed, finalized, and approved by BuffSci Board of Trustees. BuffSci will maintain previous safety drill schedules, modify safety drill procedures to ensure social distancing, and train students and staff on how to do safety drills while maintaining social distance. A minimum of 10 fire drills and 2 stay-in-place drills will occur at each building during the 2020-21 school year. Teachers will train in-classroom protocols and will provide frequent practices before/in-between school safety drills. This protocol will be available on BuffSci central communication webpage by August 14, 2020.
19) BuffSci will provide after-school care programs as well as Saturday Camps as it has been before COVID-19. Most after-school care and Saturday Camp activities will occur online. However, this is an important part of BuffSci’s reopening model and is a combination component (online/in-person)—see page 1 of this document. Parents/guardians who need after-school child care and/or accommodations for their working schedule should be in contact with their school principal to ensure sufficient a) staff, b) social distanced desks/chairs/tables, c) unshared supplies, instructional materials, and technology, d) face coverings/shields/barriers, e) sanitation supplies, and f) food. Schools will also be contacting parents to determine their needs.
20) BuffSci’s COVID-19 safety coordinator/administrator is Hakan Aktar, Director of Operations. Mr. Aktar has the responsibility to ensure continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels.
Mr. Aktar will conduct weekly walkthroughs of each school with BuffSci reopening COVID-19 checklist to ensure full implementation and 100% compliance of this reopening plan, NYSED reopening guidelines, as well as CDC and NYS DOH requirements.
III. Facilities
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School herein assures students, parents/guardians, staff, stakeholders, the Buffalo community, and county/state/federal authorities that it will follow all guidance related to health and safety with 100% compliance. This includes any requirements associated with related building space changes that may need to be made to ensure protection of student and staff health and safety—this applies to all BuffSci school locations.
2) Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School herein assures that, should any school building alterations be made, BuffSci will submit the proposed changes to the NYSED Office of Facilities Planning (OFP) for review and approval as with any other project. BuffSci further assures adherence to 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the State Energy Conservation Code.
3) BuffSci further assures the function, position, and operation of doors with closers with automatic hold opens will remain unchanged.
4) BuffSci also assures that fire and lockdown drills will continue to be conducted without exception. BuffSci’s Fire Safety plan will be revised to incorporate social distance requirements.
From Section II, Question #18: BuffSci will maintain previous safety drill schedules, modify safety drill procedures to ensure social distancing, and train students and staff on how to do safety drills while maintaining social distance. A minimum of 10 fire drills and 2 stay-in-place drills will occur at each building during the 2020-21 school year. Teachers will train in-classroom protocols and will provide frequent practices before/in-between school safety drills.
5) BuffSci assures that inspection deadlines for NYSED Building Condition Survey or Visual Inspection will be met.
6) BuffSci assures that NYS DOH-required Lead-In-Water Testing, to be conducted when schools are normally occupied, will be conducted at least by October 2020 after buildings have been back in use for 4-6 weeks. This will be done for each BuffSci school site.
Changes to Space Utilization and/or Alterations Mandatory Requirements:
7) BuffSci is implementing primarily an online reopening model. However, increased ventilation is needed for some school nurse’s offices. Individual schools have identified the alternate location. Since the building will not initially be used to capacity and the cafeteria will not be used for breakfast/lunch for in-person student services (breakfast/lunch in classrooms only), nurse’s offices will be located in the cafeteria. This is not requiring space alterations but will require space utilization changes which will be submitted to OFP, city of Buffalo, and code enforcement officials for review.
The addition of isolation rooms will be in the previous nurse’s office in order to best contain symptoms/exposures. This will not require any space utilization or alterations since the spaces have already been designated as student health-related.
Main entryways (only entryway unlocked at all times—visitors/parents/guests/vendors must only use this entryway) will be re-organized but no alterations are needed. Shield barriers may be used, but will not be an alteration.
No space utilization or alterations will be needed in any other rooms or space—social distancing changes will be made, such as fewer desks and chairs, but these are not alterations.
8) Any means of egress, fire alarm system, ventilation and lighting changes, modifications, and/or considerations will be indicated for any alterations identified in Question #7 of this section or in revised reopening plans will be part of submitted plans for facilities/code review.
9) BuffSci architect will participate in any alterations and develop revised floor plans for OFP approval.
10) No movable partitions and queue barricades are needed or planned for at this time.
11) Submitted floor plans will include a floor plan of the entire room being affected by alterations showing furniture layout with egress aisles (just cafeteria at this time). Please also see Question #2 of this section.
Space Expansion Mandatory Requirements:
No space expansion is needed at this time.
Tents for Additional Space Mandatory Requirements:
No tents for additional space are needed at this time.
Plumbing Facilities and Fixtures Mandatory Requirements:
No changes to layouts of plumbing facilities are needed at this time.
No changes to plumbing fixtures (toilet, sinks, water fountains) are needed at this time. BuffSci is attaining estimates for touchless faucets which will replace existing faucets—these do not constitute facilities modifications.
No changes to drinking fountains are needed at this time. BuffSci is attaining quotes for bottled water to use instead of drinking fountains for the 2020-21 school year.
No temporary facilities are needed at this time.
Should plumbing facilities modifications be needed in the future, BuffSci will consult with a design professional prior to any modifications to layouts of number of fixtures.
Ventilation Mandatory Requirements:
12) BuffSci will maintain, and continue adherence to, all code-required ventilation as designed (e.g., HVAC, heating/cooling, windows, etc.)
· All rooms in BuffSci locations have openable windows (windows meet code requirements) to provide increased fresh air in each room as well as cross-ventilation between rooms.
· The middle school has a new HVAC system which can be adjusted to provide more outside air.
· High school and elementary buildings have individual AC units.
· Because BuffSci reopening will primarily be online, fewer students will be in the building and fewer rooms used—this will provide increased ventilation.
· All teachers and staff will be trained on code requirements for opening windows and, when leaving the building for the day, will document that they have closed the windows (e.g., exit checklist) before leaving.
· In addition, if teachers or staff change rooms during the day, they will close the windows before changing rooms and assure that this has been done (e.g., text to secretary, hand-held device checklist).
· After students and teachers/staff have left the building, school janitors will immediately conduct a school walkthrough to ensure each window is closed and locked. At the end of their shift, janitor checklists will be completed each day and provided to BuffSci Director of Facilities and Real Estate (Murat Kucukdugenci). Window closing and locking must be documented/checked each day.
· The Director of Facilities and Real Estate will review janitor checklists each evening. If anything is out of the ordinary, it will be immediately addressed and corrected. Janitors will contact the Director of Facilities and Real Estate before leaving the building or by email/phone/text if anything is in need of repair and that will be arranged for/done immediately.
· Each school principal will review teacher/staff checklists each evening. If there are windows unaccounted for or concerns identified, the principal will immediately contact the Director of Facilities and Real Estate.
· The COVID-19 Safety Coordinator will check on appropriate window opening and closing as well as teacher and janitor checklists during weekly walkthroughs. They will also discuss a summary of teacher and janitor checklists weekly by Zoom with each school principal and the Director of Facilities and Real Estate.
· The Buffalo Police Department regularly patrols BuffSci schools—they will specifically include review of all windows as well as doors and any other observations.
· BuffSci has campus security cameras which are frequently viewed by security staff and administrators. Any and all concerns will be immediately reported to the police for their observation/action—normal BuffSci policies will be followed.
Additional BuffSci Notes
· BuffSci has sufficient cleaning crew and janitorial staff who will provide daily cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitization.
· Because school building schedules include one day without students Monday-to-Friday as well as availability of buildings on weekends, these days will be dedicated to weekly deep cleaning, adequate ventilation and air filter checks, and complete building sanitization (including unused spaces).
· If or when needed, outside help with licensed contractors and background clearances, will be used to ensure all buildings adhere to 100% compliance of reopening health safety requirements.
IV. Child Nutrition
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) Breakfast and lunch will be provided by curbside grab-and-go means for any and all BuffSci students. Parents should contact school secretaries to be sure they are on the daily list for grab-and-go pickup to ensure enough meals have been delivered by BCPS. All BuffSci students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch. As has been in place before COVID-19, Buffalo City Public School provides this service as well as school-located food servers. This is a curbside service in which parents will need to pick up. Meals will not be located inside the schools
For students participating in any in-person instruction or after-school programming, all meals will be eaten in the classroom. School staff will train students on how to pick up meals, return to class, and hand-washing/hand hygiene. Teachers will provide time in their classroom to practice this while maintaining social distance.
2) Since food service is provided by Buffalo City Public Schools, they will be responsible for training food servers on acceptable health and safety guidelines as well as social distance, face covering, PPE, disinfecting/sanitizing, etc. BuffSci will train teachers, staff, and students on how to access meals when in school and parents will be provided 24/7 video clips of best methods for curbside grab-and-go.
3) Protection for students with food allergies will be conducted in the same manner as has been in place. BuffSci administrative staff will relay food allergies to Buffalo City Public Schools and they will ensure protections. In addition, BuffSci teachers conducting in-person instruction will also adhere to current BuffSci policies to protect children from food allergies.
4) In-person meals will occur in classrooms (see Question #1 in this section). Teachers will teach all protocols and procedures including hand hygiene before and after eating as well as throughout the day. School nursing staff will reinforce this by providing in-class instruction on how to conduct appropriate hand hygiene in all aspects of the school day as well as how to avoid sharing items, such as food and beverages.
Video clips on hand washing hygiene and avoidance of sharing items, including food and beverage, will be available 24/7 for students and for parents/guardian to reinforce at home. In addition, signage will be posted throughout the schools on appropriate hand washing and avoidance of sharing, including signage in each classroom.
5) No BuffSci student will eat meals in a school common area either as a whole school/group or on a rotation basis. When students are on site for in-person instruction, all meals will occur in the classroom. For curbside grab-and-go, Buffalo City Public Schools is responsible for maintaining cleaning and disinfection.
6) Buffalo City Public School provides all child nutrition program requirements. Please refer to BCPS’ reopening plan.
7) As per Section I of this document, all communication will occur by multiple means in the home languages spoken by families as well as for those needing visual/auditory accommodations. This includes any documentation needed for Child Nutrition Services—which has already been occurring. In addition to written communication, BuffSci has translators at BuffSci who are fluid in home languages to make phone calls, home visits (with social distance/face masks), and texts/emails in home languages. Translated documents on BuffSci’s central communication page will be available for all home languages. Video snippets will also be done in home languages which can be viewed 24/7 on the central communications webpage
V. Transportation
School District Policies/Practices Mandatory Requirements:
1) BuffSci’s reopening plan is primarily online with some in-person instruction for students with special needs. Different students will be in school buildings on different days and no student will be on-site every day. BuffSci reopening transportation plan for in-person instruction uses 1) parent/guardian transportation, 2) Student First door-to-door transport for Special Education/I.E.P. students, 3) school vans, 4) use of Kiddie Kab as needed, and 5) Buffalo Metro Bus & Rail day passes for high school students. This combination ensures that students who are homeless, in foster care, have disabilities, and have unique needs will be transported to school. No student will be without transportation. Transportation means will adhere to social distance and cleaning/sanitation requirements.
School Bus Mandatory Requirements:
Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School herein assures:
2) All students using BuffSci-provided/paid transportation will wear face masks and maintain social distance. Specific training appropriate to the vehicle will be provided/reinforced by the driver with video snippets available on BuffSci’s central communication page.
3) All BuffSci vans will be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day. Although it believes it has sufficient staff to take care of this, BuffSci is accepting quotes from vendors to do deep cleaning and disinfecting weekly in addition to the daily cleaning/disinfecting. Any transportation not belonging to BuffSci (e.g., Student First, Buffalo Metro Bus & Rail, Kiddie Kab) will responsible for daily cleaning/disinfecting and adhering to CDC and NYS DOH requirements.
4) Hand sanitizers will not be on any transportation and drivers, monitors, and attendants will not carry personal bottles of hand sanitizers. Disinfecting wipes, however, will be available.
5) Student First will adhere to social distance requirements for wheelchair placement.
School Bus Staff Mandatory Requirements:
6) Van drivers will be BuffSci staff with appropriate New York State drivers’ licensing who are already required to perform self-health assessment for COVID-19 symptoms and related protocols, including seeking medical attention. All other drivers are from other Buffalo-based transportation companies who are complying with self-health assessments and protocols as well as Questions #7-10 in this section.
7) All drivers, monitors, attendants, and mechanics will wear face covering along with a face shield.
8) All BuffSci staff providing transport will be trained and receive refresher training on the proper use of PPE and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
9) For BuffSci drivers and related staff, BuffSci will provide and maintain sufficient PPE including masks, shields, gloves as well as disinfectant wipes. Hand sanitizers will be maintained in the schools in which they regularly work.
10) All BuffSci drivers, monitors, and attendants will wear disposable gloves in order to assure the health safety of students who need physical help entering/exiting transportation.
Students on Transportation Mandatory Requirements:
11) Parents must conduct a daily assessment of whether their student(s) are experiencing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 prior to boarding school-bound transportation and/or before dropping off. Any student with a fever of 100º or more must stay home/be taken to medical provider. Students will not be allowed to be on school site if they arrive to school with a temperature of 100º or more or attain a temperature of 100º or more during the day—they will be sent to the isolation room for parent pick-up. Subsequent return-to-school will require a doctor’s note.
12) All students will wear a face mask on school transportation. Parents should inform school secretaries if their child is medically unable to tolerate a face covering—appropriate accommodations will be made.
13) Social distancing by students is required on any method of transportation.
14) Transportation providers and BuffSci drivers will not deny transportation for students who do not have a mask. Drivers will have some disposable masks on board so that all students are protected.
15) Students with a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask will not be forced to do so nor denied transportation.
Pupil Transportation Routing Mandatory Requirements
16) Not applicable to BuffSci.
17) BuffSci will ensure that all students have access to transportation and will not deny transportation for any student including those who are homeless, in foster care, or have an I.E.P.
VI. Social Emotional Well-Being
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) BuffSci has had a comprehensive, system-wide school counseling plan that includes strong social emotional components focusing on social support, restorative justice, mental health, mindfulness habits, behavior, and multi-tiered system of supports. This has been maintained throughout COVID-19 and will continue to be in place. This counseling plan and all services/programs are under the direction of certified school counselors. The plan has been modified to meet current needs, COVID-19 needs, and reopening needs.
BuffSci reopening plan’s prioritization of in-person instruction and services includes students participating in or in need of counseling, social support, and Restorative Justice (see page 1 of this document). This will occur by online/remote and in-person means. BuffSci counselors, social workers, and Restorative Justice coordinators have been maintaining check-ins with students and provided social emotional support by online and/or phone means. BuffSci recognizes the critical importance of in-person social emotional support. This includes:
· Restorative Justice circles
· Social worker circles
· One-to-one meetings
· Small-group meetings
· Meetings with social workers
Social emotional support services will be enhanced with provision of online units, video clips, and e-book readings. School counselors will track needs of students and ensure provision of Response-to-Intervention services. All check-ins will occur as scheduled and will not be disrupted.
School counselors and/or school nurses will also continue to refer students and families to community health, mental health, behavioral, and family service resources and services.
Recognizing the stressors of/from COVID-19, BuffSci will be implementing school-wide, system-wide daily social emotional supports (e.g., mindfulness, stress-reducing strategies). Teachers will incorporate these daily supports in lesson plans.
2) BuffSci has had school climate teams in place who have collaborated together to inform the comprehensive school-wide and system-wide counseling plan. These teams continue to meet.
3) See Question #1 of this section.
4) August 2020 teacher training will designate and require 2-hour training on social emotional supports as well as coping and resilience skills. Principals will include in professional development throughout the school year and will do weekly check-ins with teachers to determine social emotional needs of teachers, staff, and students.
VII. School Schedules
No mandatory requirements
· BuffSci parent surveys consistently show that only 25% of parents/guardians agree with resuming in-person instruction. Parents/guardians are clear that their child(ren)’s health safety is most important with many saying they would prefer to wait until a COVID-19 vaccine has been made available. BuffSci’s reopening plan is primarily online with in-person instruction occurring for students with special needs along with after-school care—please see page 1 of this document. This model will stay in effect until COVID-19 cases and deaths have been greatly reduced and have flattened. Upon release by NYS DOH and Erie County Department of Health, in-person instruction will resume similar to pre-COVID-19.
· Each BuffSci school is currently developing school and instructional schedules. These will be shared with students, families, and staff as soon as possible to allow families to plan childcare and work arrangements. Please check BuffSci’s central communication page on August 14, 2020. Schedules will be available to the entire school community via BuffSci website as well as all-calls, phone calls, texts/emails, social media postings, and mailings. School schedules will also be provided in home languages as well as in audio/video format.
· BuffSci is fully prepared to shift back to complete remote learning should individual schools or all school buildings be required to close.
· New York charter schools are havens of equity, specifically being designed to meet the unique needs of low-income students, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities—this design is required by New York law and enforced by NYSED. Students experiencing homelessness are protected by federal law. BuffSci’s reopening plan prioritizes high-quality education for these students and will ensure equitable access to a combination of remote and in-person instruction. BuffSci’s Response-to-Intervention (RTI) model uses quarterly assessment data to review each student’s progress and, subsequently, to provide more intensive instruction should it be needed. Equitable access to high-quality, standards-aligned instruction that increases academic proficiency and reduces academic disparities has consistently resulted in 100% of students being accepted into colleges and universities. This model of instruction will continue regardless of being provided online, in-person, and a combination.
VIII. Budget and Fiscal Matters
No mandatory requirements
IX. Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
Attendance for Instructional Purposes Mandatory Requirements:
1) All BuffSci schools will collect and report daily student attendance in any instructional setting as well as student/teacher engagement with learning/teaching. Google Classroom takes and reports real-time attendance. Teachers enter into SchoolTool which then transfers into BuffSci’s Student Management System. This system accommodates both real-time (synchronous) attendance/participation as well as not-real-time (asynchronous) for when students/parents have arranged for student learning to occur at times other than regularly scheduled hours. Students/families wishing to do online learning off regularly scheduled hours must contact the school principal for approval.
Attendance for Reporting Purposes Mandatory Requirements:
2) BuffSci will continue to report attendance in NYSED SIRS and will continue to adhere to attendance record keeping as required.
X. Technology and Connectivity
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) BuffSci is committed to ensuring that all students and staff have access to devices and highspeed broadband sufficient to ensure no lapse of instruction. Each school’s technology coordinator has been maintaining and keeping track of the device and Internet needs of each student/family as well as each staff member—this will continue to occur.
All BuffSci students have been provided Chromebooks. Teachers/staff all have sufficient devices and access to broadband. The major issue has been/is consistent and continuous student access to highspeed broadband. As may be anticipated in an urban setting, BuffSci families experience frequent moves. The availability of broadband may not always be in their new location nor in place sufficiently to ensure no lapse in instruction. BuffSci is discussing the provision of mobile hotspots for any family/student without access to highspeed broadband as well as other options. BuffSci remains committed to eliminating this gap in services and ensuring equal access to instruction for any student regardless of mobility or residence—and anticipates resolution before the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.
BuffSci’s IT Systems Administrator will also continue to keep track of student, teacher, and staff device and broadband needs across all schools.
To anticipate any glitches in devices or broadband, a help-desk has been established which can be accessed through BuffSci’s website (Contact Us at the bottom of the website; select Technology Help Desk, put Help Desk in the subject line; or email directly to it@buffsci.org). This will be available during the school day. Parents and staff should report glitches as soon as they occur regardless of the time or day. Help-desk staff will be watching their emails and texts through the evening and weekends. A support ticket submission system will be in place before the beginning of the school year. For Internet glitches, parents should check with their Internet provider (customer service) first.
2) See Question #1 of this section.
3) All BuffSci teachers had, serendipitously, participated in training on the use of Google Classroom and Google Calendar just before COVID-19 state of emergency announcement and subsequent school closures—teachers remain prepared to implement online instruction including multiple ways for students to participate in learning and to demonstrate mastery of New York State Learning Standards. Please also see Section XI for additional details on student demonstration of learning and mastery of standards in BuffSci’s reopening model.
For students without consistent access to broadband either at home, in community-based organization settings, or from neighbors, teachers have provided instruction by Smartphone. Smartphone (or similar platforms) versions and video versions of instruction have been/will be provided in addition to online/remote instruction. These alternate versions will be the same as what students would have received online.
Pre-beginning of the school year teacher training in August 2020 includes continued training in Google Classroom, Google Calendar, and other online tools, strategies, and use of cloud-sharing procedures.
XI. Teaching and Learning
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) BuffSci has a continuity of learning plan currently being revised for its reopening plan and the 2020-21 school year. It reflects in-person, remote, and hybrid/combination models of instruction. It is a flexible plan and can be modified quickly depending on public health emergencies or any other emergency/disaster.
2) All instruction, lesson plans, instructional activities, interventions, enrichment learning, and assessments are aligned with New York State Learning Standards benchmarks and outcomes.
3) New York charter schools are havens of equity, specifically being designed to meet the unique needs of low-income students, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities—this design is required by New York state law and enforced by NYSED. Students experiencing homelessness are protected by federal law. BuffSci’s reopening plan prioritizes and implements high-quality education for these students and will ensure equitable access to a combination of remote and in-person instruction to not only meet unique students needs but to also ensure strong growth in student academic proficiency in each subject.
BuffSci’s Response-to-Intervention (RTI) model uses quarterly assessment data to review each student’s progress and, subsequently, to provide more intensive instruction should it be needed. Pre-COVID-19 BuffSci teachers have been implementing at least weekly student conferences for students to receive feedback. This will continue.
Online instruction allows for several students to be on the screen at the same time and teachers can see how students are responding to instruction. The addition of document cameras will enable teachers to observe student learning in action and whether they both know and are able to do New York State Learning Standards. Instructional planning uses the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework which begins with standards, designs instruction to ensure knowing and doing that/those standard(s), and integrates assessments to determine each student’s proficiency on knowing and doing each standard. BuffSci lesson planning has used online/cloud shared teacher collaboration by grade level, department, and cross level for many years. Lessons have been online and remain so. All teachers, principals, and administrators can access these.
Equitable access to high-quality, standards-aligned instruction that increases academic proficiency and reduces academic disparities has consistently resulted in 100% of students being accepted into colleges and universities. In addition, BuffSci’s most recent analysis of NYSED Charter School Performance Framework shows that BuffSci exceeds academic proficiency of a) Buffalo City Public Schools, b) other charter schools in Buffalo, and c) similar schools across New York. This model of equity will continue regardless of being provided online, in-person, and in a combination/hybrid.
4) All BuffSci teachers are certified. All BuffSci students will continue to receive regular and substantive interaction with certified teachers regardless of the delivery method (online/remote, in-person, and combination/hybrid).
5) Students, families, and caregivers will continue to experience clear communication through BuffSci’s use of SchoolTool. This is an online/app tool that parents, students, and teachers can access and communicate with each other 24/7. Such things as homework assignments, progress reports, grades, instructional accommodations, and notes from teachers/students/parents are included. SchoolTool accommodates for home languages—if translation is needed, this will be provided by BuffSci translators.
In addition, BuffSci has set up a technology help desk should/as technology-related issues arise. See Question #1 in section X for directions.
BuffSci schools and teachers remain available by email, online, by text, and by phone. BuffSci has been, and will remain, firmly committed to continuous access from all students and all parents regardless of language or any other need.
NOTE: Please expect to see updates to this section.
XII. Career and Technical Education
No mandatory requirements
XIII. Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
No mandatory requirements
XIV. Special Education
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) This reopening plan has integrated several descriptions of the provision of FAPE (free appropriate public education) specific to protecting the health and safety of students with disabilities and those providing those services. BuffSci, as a charter school, implements instruction, interventions, and related services designed to increase equitable access to high-quality free appropriate public education for any student, including students with disabilities.
2) Meaningful parent engagement in the parent’s preferred language or mode of communication will continue to occur by BuffSci Special Education teachers regarding the requirements of IDEA. Related services are provided by Buffalo City Public Schools (i.e., school psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, I.E.P. eligibility testing, and Child Find) whose responsibilities including communicating IDEA requirements to parents.
3) BuffSci will continue to collaborate with the Committee on Special Education regarding any and all needs of Special Education students and provision of instruction to meet I.E.P. objectives and goals. Buffalo City Public Schools consulting teachers are frequently met with by Zoom.
4) BuffSci will continue to ensure access to necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology to meet the unique disability needs of students.
5) BuffSci Special Education teachers will continue to document programs, services, and I.E.P. progress/outcomes provided to students with disabilities and will continue to maintain high levels of communication with parents of students with disabilities in their preferred language or mode of communication.
XV. Bilingual Education and World Languages
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) BuffSci will meet ELL identification timelines as established in current law and will not need the flexibility for additional days contained in NYSED Reopening Guidelines.
Home Language Surveys will be done online with follow-up interviews by Zoom, Facetime, or phone.
NYSITELL testing will be done in-person at school sites.
2) BuffSci implements differentiated instruction which ensures grade-level content provided with instructional materials and pedagogy in any English language proficiency level. Differentiated instruction results in students learning grade-level academic standards based on ongoing measures of English language proficiency levels. All ELL students are able to learn grade-level Units of Study content while learning English. BuffSci ELL teachers have been and will continue to provide online instruction and, in reopening, will also provide in-person instruction. ELL students are a priority group for in-person instruction at BuffSci schools.
BuffSci schedules will guarantee that at least one ELL teacher will be on-site during regular school-day hours in all BuffSci school buildings.
3) As described in earlier sections of this plan, ELL parents/guardians will continue to receive regular communication from teachers/schools in their preferred language and mode of communication including the use of SchoolTool. BuffSci outreach, home visitors, counselors, and RTI model prioritizes ELL students and parents/guardians. All reopening documents and other communications will be provided in home languages. As translators are needed, BuffSci will provide.
XVI. Staffing
Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements:
1) As a charter school, BuffSci is not required to implement APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review). However, it consistently implements a) formal and informal classroom observations used in teacher professional performance reviews and b) administrator observations used in professional performance reviews. BuffSci policies establish number/frequency of observations, tools used, and timelines for conducting annual professional performance reviews with the development of related professional development plans. Professional development plans are required for each teacher and administrator regardless of annual performance review results.
Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching Mandatory Requirements:
2) All BuffSci teachers are certified. Before new teachers are hired, BuffSci checks their certifications and licenses to be sure they are New York or reciprocal state valid and up-to-date.
[1] http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/reopening-schools/nys-p12-school-reopening-guidance.pdf
[2] https://www.buffsci.org/Reopening.html