Policies of the Justice Council, Jefferson Unitarian Church

(Approved June 6, 2017)


Guided by Unitarian Universalist principles and powered by the energy and resources of its members, the mission of Jefferson Unitarian Church is to nurture our spiritual community, grow Unitarian Universalism, and transform the world outside our church walls.

At Jefferson Unitarian Church, we seek to build wholeness, within and among people, through ministries that help us:

Deepen to our truest selves;
Connect authentically with others; and
Engage with needs beyond our own.

The Justice Council of Jefferson Unitarian Church exists to fulfill the mission of our church by faithfully engaging our members & friends on behalf of our values and traditions that-


Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist identity and heritage the members of the Justice Council will facilitate and lead programs that empower every member of our church community to work for justice inside our church, in our community and in the world at large. The result of our efforts will be that justice seeking is embedded in our collective identity as who we are and what we do at every age and stage.


The Justice Council, in collaboration with the professional ministers of the church, coordinates and administers all social action activities for our church. It formulates and oversees the process for congregational approval of justice activities that are aimed at achieving congregational support and participation.

Justice teams organize to plan and carry out activities that include service, education, direct action, community organizing and advocacy in specific program areas. Each team identifies its goals and general plans for the year in a written proposal, presented to the minister responsible for social justice for review. Justice teams are responsible for implementation of their own objectives. These teams are eligible for financial and organizational support by the Justice Council and JUC’s ministers and other professional staff.

In addition to team efforts, the Justice Council as a whole, or any of its adopted entities, may take a position on issues of conscience and may make recommendations to the congregation regarding taking a position.

The Justice Council and its member teams are expected to form partnerships with organizations outside of our church that promote the goals, values and efforts of our work.

Responsibilities of the Justice Council

The Justice Council is responsible for the administration and coordination of social justice activities at our church, including communication with the Board of Trustees, the ministers and the congregation.  It administers the social action portion of the operating budget. It meets on a periodic basis to resolve operational issues such as:

Justice Council Structure

The Justice Council is headed by a JUC staff person and consists of the chairs of all the justice teams at our church.

The staff person will:

At least one representative from each team must attend Council meetings and participate in guiding our justice policies. All meetings are open to JUC members.

Guidelines for new justice teams

Church members that wish to be start a new justice team shall submit a proposal to the minister(s), as described below. Upon initial receipt and approval the group will be authorized to use church resources, including space and publications, to determine if sufficient interest exists to allow the group to continue going forward. A proposed group will have six months in which to establish sufficient interest, at least 12 people willing to be actively involved, or dissolve if not enough members become involved. Each proposal should include:

Justice Council Procedures


Justice Council teams will submit an annual report each April outlining their use of finances, the yearly participation, outside partnerships and how they have met their stated goals for the past year. If the team intends to continue for the coming year, they will also include future goals or plans for the coming year, as well as financial needs.

If a Justice Council team has achieved their goals or there is no longer sufficient interest on the part of the congregation, the team will submit a final report and dissolve, either at year end, or at any other time.