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      Bring Your Own Device Policy and Parent Agreement

Policy Lead

Mrs Rani Rajani


Head of Digital Learning


September 2017


November 2018


Margaret Orchard Khan




June 2019


Al Salam Private School is committed to aiding students and staff in creating a 21st century learning environment. Students will now be able to access our wireless network with their personal devices (tablet/Ipads/Laptops) during the school day. By allowing students to use their own technology within the school, we aim to help them become more independent, responsible and successful learners capable of utilising digital technology for collaboration with peers, developing research skills and tapping into higher levels of engagement with the curriculum content.

Guidelines for Responsible Use of Device


Al Salam Private School believes that equitable access to technology will aid our students in becoming:

Mission statement

We use digital technology as one way of enhancing our mission to teach the skills, knowledge and behaviours students will need as responsible citizens in the global community.  Students learn collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking in a variety of ways throughout the school day. .

An important component of BYOD will be education about appropriate online behaviour.  We will review cyber-safety rules with students frequently throughout the course of the school year and will offer reminders and reinforcement about safe online behaviours.  In addition to the rules outlined in these guidelines, students will be expected to comply with all class and school rules while using personal devices. 

The use of technology is not a necessity but a privilege.  When abused, privileges will be taken away.            

Device Types:        

For the purpose of this program, the word “device” refers to Ipads , tablets and laptops (only for Global Perspective students Year 10 &11). Students of Year 12  are allowed to use mobile phones only for research work and collaboration in the classroom with the teacher’s permission. Students of Year 7, 8 and 9 can bring their cameras for Music and Technology classes (they should not be used in absence of the teacher in classroom and without permission).


Students are prohibited from:


  1. Bringing a device on to school premises that infects the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy, or provide access to unauthorised data or information.
  2. Processing or accessing information on school property related to hacking, altering or bypassing network security policies.

Al Salam Private School is authorised to confiscate  any device that is suspected of causing technology problems or being the source of an attack or virus infection.

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Devices:

Each user is responsible for his/her own device and should use it responsibly and appropriately. Al Salam Private School takes no responsibility for stolen, lost, or damaged devices, including lost or corrupted data on those devices.  While school employees will help students identify how to keep personal devices secure, students  have the final responsibility for securing their personal devices.

Usage Charges:

Al Salam Private School is not responsible for any possible device/application charges for applications that are important for school-related use. You will be informed of any required charged application. You are expected to assist your child to have the programme installed on their device for use in class.

Network Considerations:

Users should strive to maintain appropriate bandwidth for school-related work and communications.  All users will use the Al Salam wireless network to access the internet. Al Salam does not guarantee connectivity or the quality of the connection with personal devices. Al Salam IT department is not responsible for maintaining or troubleshooting student tech devices.

During the course of the school year, additional rules regarding the use of personal devices may be added at the discretion of Management.