Piedmont Community Charter School

Table of Contents


401.1 Buildings and Grounds Regulations        

401.2 Community Use of School Facilities        

401.3 Disposition of School Property        

401.4 Equipment Use        

401.5 Facility Changes and Construction        

401.6 Fire Prevention        

401.7 Maintenance        

401.8 Traffic and Parking on School Property        

401.9 Vandalism, Theft, and Building Damage        

402 FINANCE        

402.1 Fiscal Management        

402.2 Fiscal Year        

402.3 Annual Budget        

402.4 Accounting System        

402.5 Depositories        

402.6 Internal Fiscal Procedures        

402.7 Field Trip Monies        

402.8 Purchasing        

402.9 Insurance and Bond Coverage        

402.10 Financial Audits        

403. MISCELLANEOUS        

403.1 Awards and Scholarships        

403.2 Distribution of Materials by Non-Students        

403.3 Indexing of Computer Databases        

403.4 Outside Advertising        

403.5 Public Complaints and Concerns        

403.6 Public Records Requirements        

403.7 Sales and Solicitation in School        



401.1 Buildings and Grounds Regulations

The Board shall ensure the School complies with the federal and state safety rules and regulations applicable to buildings and grounds. The School shall provide a safe working and learning environment including establishing appropriate safety procedures to protect students, employees, and visitors to the School. All students, employees, and visitors shall adhere to all safety procedures at all times while on school grounds. All school personnel shall be required to report to the Head of School immediately any occupational injury or illness, safety hazard, unsanitary condition, damage to school property, or needed repair.

401.2 Community Use of School Facilities

The Board recognizes the capital investment the community has in school buildings and facilities and believes that such facilities should be used for legitimate community purposes.

Therefore, outside groups may use available school facilities for educational, civic, cultural, recreational and related purposes provided such use is not detrimental to the School or its mission and complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, and school policies and requirements. Denial of facility use will not be based on an applicant organization’s viewpoints but on whether its use is consistent with the purposes and rules established by the School for offering the facility to outside groups.

The school properties may be made available for community use as provided below:

1.        The needs and requirements of the school program shall receive first consideration in the assignment of school facilities.

2.        School-related organizations shall be given priority over non-school related organizations.

3.        Approved school youth groups shall be given consideration over community adult groups.

The use of school facilities should be consistent with the mission, purposes, and best interests of the school, must not conflict with regular school programming, and be consistent with school policies regarding proper conduct in the school community. The Head of School or his designee may establish any other necessary rules or procedures to carry out this policy and to comply with all applicable legal requirements.

A fee schedule for facility use shall be prepared by the Head of School and approved by the Board.

401.2.1 Regulations

a.        The user must adhere to the current stipulations governing the use of the facilities and may be held financially responsible for any damage to school buildings, grounds, or equipment that occurs during the use.

b.        The facilities shall not be used for activities that clearly contradict educational or civil values that the school is responsible for inculcating in its students. Activities may not injure members of the school community, school property, or the reputation or mission of the school. The school reserves the right to restrict or deny facility use when such use involves purposes or expression not protected by law.

c.        No group may be granted permission to use a school facility for a period of longer than one year. After each year of use, a group wishing to continue using such property will be required to submit a new application.

401.2.2 Procedures

Individuals or organizations desiring to use school facilities shall file an Application for Use of School Facilities and submit it to the Head of School.

The Head of School shall review the application and determine whether the use is acceptable under school guidelines and confirms the security of the arrangement.

If approved,

a.        the applicant will receive an approved application, an Agreement for Use of School Facilities [Form 401.2(b)], and a Facilities Use Waiver Form [Form 401.2c];

b.        the user should submit a check payable to PCCS-CFA, Inc. for all applicable costs and send it to the following address; and Piedmont Community Charter School, Inc. PO Box 3706, Gastonia, NC 28054

c.        the Head of School shall assign a person to supervise the activity and to be responsible for the care of the facilities including arranging for any custodial services required by the use.

401.2.3 Charges

No charges will be incurred for using school facilities for school-related activities.

Joint events planned in collaboration with PCCS-CFA will be charged a predetermined percentage of revenue for the event in lieu of user fees. The application for use will document the percentage of revenue in lieu of user fees and will be acknowledged by the signatures of both the user and a representative of the school.

For-profit or private events requiring the use of multiple areas of the school facilities including, but not limited to, school grounds and the auditorium, will be charged a minimum fee of $250.00.

User fees and utility costs require approval by the Board. For events and uses not mentioned previously, approximate fees and utility costs are as follows:

Multipurpose Building $50.00 Auditorium $75.00 Classroom $20.00 Athletic Fields $50.00 Utilities $10.00/hour Heating/Air Conditioning $20.00/hour Security/Custodial Services $10.00-20.00/hour Other Fee to be determined

The Board shall determine the cost for any long-term use of school facilities. The user fee for organizations charging participant fees will normally be set at 10% of the collected fee which shall be paid on a monthly basis by the renting organization. Utilities and rental charges may also be assessed. A reciprocal plan for the use of facilities may be negotiated.

401.3 Disposition of School Property

When the Board determines that any school-owned real or personal property is no longer suitable or necessary for school purposes, the Board may dispose of the property as provided by law.

401.4 Equipment Use

Equipment and materials purchased for PCCS-CFA are not to be used for private purposes except at the discretion of the Head of School when such use primarily serves School purposes or is in conjunction with the rental or use of school facilities under this policy.

401.5 Facility Changes and Construction

401.5.1 Alterations

The Board shall approve any substantive alterations to school equipment or facilities, which require changing the existing wiring, carpentry, plumbing, or other structural systems of the School.

401.5.2 Construction

All new school construction shall be completed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other accommodation laws to ensure disabled individuals are readily able to access and use the facilities according to their legal rights.

401.5.3 Repair

The Head of School or the Board shall perform periodic reviews of the school’s facilities, services, programs, and activities to ensure accessibility to disabled persons (when each service, program, and activity is examined in its entirety).

401.5.4 Disability Compliance

If the Board determines a facility, service, program, or activity is not legally accessible to disabled persons, it shall take appropriate remedial actions, including altering a building, service, program, or activity, unless such remedial action would result in a fundamental change in the nature of the service, program, or activity, or present the Board with an undue financial burden.

401.6 Fire Prevention

The Head of School or his designee shall ensure compliance with the following fire hazard procedures:

1.        Ensure that all corridors, halls, and tower stairways used for exiting the building are kept clear of anything that could interfere with the safe and orderly exodus of building occupants. This includes, but is not limited to, restricting the use of the corridors, walls, and tower stairways for storage.

2.        Ensure that all exit doors are kept in good working condition and that all doors required for the prompt and orderly exodus of building occupants are kept unlocked at all times while the building is in use.

3.        Prohibit changes in electrical wiring in any school building or structure unless authorized by the Board in accordance with Board policy and performed by a licensed electrical contractor.

4.        Ensure that any combustible materials required for instructional purposes or for the operation of the school be stored in a safe and orderly manner, including providing a well-ventilated place to store any oily rags, mops, or other supplies that present spontaneous combustion risks.

5.        Ensure the regular removal of all trash and rubbish from the school building to prevent its accumulation in the school attic, basement, or elsewhere on school premises.

6.        Inspect schools buildings periodically during the regular school session to ensure they are free from trash accumulation and other fire hazards. The inspections shall include cafeterias, gymnasiums, boiler rooms, storage rooms, auditoriums and stage areas, and all classrooms.

7.        File a report each month during the regular school session detailing the date of the last fire drill, the time required to evacuate each building, that the inspection has been made as prescribed by law, and any other information as deemed necessary for fire safety by state and local regulation.

8.        Cooperate fully with the authorized building inspector, electrical inspector, county fire marshal, and other government officials in making the inspections required by law and notify the Board of the failure of any such inspection.

9.        Notify the Board of all recommendations resulting from inspections so that the Board may undertake appropriate corrective actions to make the necessary corrections.

401.7 Maintenance

The Board shall be responsible for maintaining and protecting the school’s building and grounds and maintaining both in safe and appropriate condition for use at all times. The Board shall also maintain all appropriate records in connection with this duty.

401.8 Traffic and Parking on School Property

The Head of School or the Board may issue rules and procedures for safe traffic and parking operations. The speed limit on school roads and parking lots shall be 10 miles per hour. Traffic calming devices, such as speed bumps, may be installed on school property as deemed necessary by the Head of School or the Board. The Board shall not be liable or responsible for damage to cars or other vehicles in operation or parked on school property.

401.9 Vandalism, Theft, and Building Damage

Vandalism is the willful destruction of school property, equipment, or materials. School personnel shall report to the Head of School in writing any instance of forceful entry onto school property or into any school building. In the event that theft or damage to school property results from forced entry, Head of School and school personnel shall make a determination of the losses.


402.1 Fiscal Management

As trustee of community, state, and federal funds allocated for use in local education, the Board has the responsibility to protect these funds and to use them wisely. The Board shall establish procedures that promote efficient, accurate, and effective fiscal management. To this end, the Board endeavors to:

a.        Encourage advance planning by utilizing best budgeting and financial practices;

b.        Explore all practicable and legal revenue streams;

c.        Utilize school resources to maximize educational benefits;

d.        Ensure efficient and accurate accounting and reporting procedures;

e.        Maintain the per pupil expenditure required to provide high quality education, and

f.        Ensure that the school’s fiscal affairs are conducted in strict compliance with the law.

402.2 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall begin July 1 each year and conclude June 30 of the succeeding calendar year.

402.3 Annual Budget

Budget planning shall be a year-round process that encourages input from administrators, teachers and other school personnel, and members of the school community.

The School’s Finance Committee shall prepare an annual budget and submit it, along with a budget message, to the Board no later than one week prior to the Annual Board meeting.

Upon receiving and reviewing the budget from the Budget Committee, the Board shall make changes therein as it deems advisable. If the Board chooses to hold a public hearing on the proposed budget prior to final action, it shall occur at the Annual Board Meeting.

402.4 Accounting System

The School shall establish and maintain a financial accounting and reporting system designed to track the school’s assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, and expenditures using the modified accrual basis of accounting. The system shall be designed to show appropriations and estimated revenues as established in the budget resolution as originally adopted and subsequently amended.

402.5 Depositories

The Board shall designate one or more banks, savings and loan associations, or trust companies in North Carolina as official depositories of the school. No money belonging to the school shall be deposited in any other place, bank, savings and loan, or trust company other than an official depository.

402.6 Internal Fiscal Procedures

These procedures define the process for the control and disposition of invoices, reimbursements to employees, bank statements, and payroll.

402.6.1 Reference Documents

Relevant reference documents may include any of the following:

a.        Piedmont Community Charter School Policies and Procedures Manual

b.        Accounting Inventory

c.        Monthly Bank Statements

d.        Payroll Schedules

e.        Employee Payroll Worksheet

f.        Employee Payroll Change Log

g.        Employee Absenteeism Record

h.        Monthly Budget Report

i.        ISIS General Ledger Check Register

j.        Interim Budget Update

k.        Piedmont Community Charter School Budget Resolution

402.6.2 Record Handling Instructions

All financial records generated from the execution of these procedures will be maintained by the School’s accounting office or firm, on site, in accordance with its protocols for preparing the annual audit or as otherwise determined necessary by the Board.

402.6.3 Invoices

The following procedures shall apply regarding invoicing:

a.        All invoices will be inventoried by the Head of School to ensure the receipt of all purchased services or products.

b.        All invoices shall be reviewed and approved prior to being forwarded to the school accounting service.

i.        Invoices of $10,000.00 or less shall be reviewed and approved by the Head of School and Financial Manager.

ii.        Invoices of $10,001 or more will require additional review and approval by the Board Treasurer, which approval shall be indicated by his initials on the invoice.

c.        All employee reimbursements for purchases or travel shall be approved in writing by the Head of School prior to submission to the school accounting service for payment.

d.        The School’s accounting service will not process incomplete invoices until it receives all appropriate documentation from the School.

402.6.4 Reports

The school accounting service will submit the Monthly Budget Report to the Board at its regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Additionally, the school accounting service will present all ISIS General Ledger and Payroll Check Registers to the Board Treasurer to verify these monthly expenditures match the check registers.  The Head of School will receive an Interim Budget Update on an “as requested” basis. The Head of School has the authority to reallocate budgeted amounts within a budget line. Transfers from line to line need to be approved by the Board. Any excess of those guidelines will be approved by the Board prior to the school accounting service adjusting the budget and disbursing funds.

402.7 Field Trip Monies

NOTE: This policy does not affect money collected for school events or supplies paid for by the School.

Monies collected for Field Trips will follow the Procedures for Student Activity Funds as outlined below:

Student activity funds are any funds collected from students for the purchase of a good or service, i.e. field trips, hot lunches, t-shirts, yearbooks, etc.

402.8 Purchasing

402.8.1 Purchasing Authority

All purchasing authority and purchasing-related activities shall be overseen by the Head of School in accordance with state law and sound purchasing practices. The school finance officer shall ensure that proper records are maintained for all purchases.

402.8.2 Purchase Orders and Contracts

Official contracts and leases shall be required for all agreements that the School is responsible for paying. Such orders shall also be properly approved and executed and contain the wording: “No indebtedness of any kind incurred or created by Piedmont Community Charter School, Inc. shall constitute an indebtedness of the State of its political subdivisions, and no indebtedness of Piedmont Community Charter School, Inc. shall involve or be secured by the faith, credit, or taxing power of the State of its political subdivisions.”

Unauthorized purchase orders are illegal and may cause the individual making the unauthorized order or contract to assume personal responsibility. Creditors are on notice that any order or contract not properly authorized by school officials may not be honored.

402.8.3 Receiving and Inspecting

Personnel responsible for purchasing shall establish and maintain appropriate receiving procedures for all supplies, materials, and equipment. Personnel responsible for receiving delivered items shall:

a.        Perform and inspection and have ready access to item specifications,

b.        Be responsible for determining that the items received are in good quality condition,

c.        Conduct an actual count of the quantity delivered and enter the count in the receiving document, and Submit deficiency and complaint reports as necessary.

402.8.4. Vendor Relations

In all procurement activities, employees and agents of the Board shall:

a.        Represent the best interests of the School and its educational programs;

b.        Endeavor to maximize value for the School for each dollar spent;

c.        Give all responsible bidders equal consideration and use unbiased judgment in determining which products and services best meet the school’s specifications needs;

d.        Discourage vendors or potential vendors from offering gifts of more than nominal value and decline any such gifts that are offered; and

e.        Accord a prompt and courteous reception, insofar as conditions permit, to all who call on the appropriate purchasing office or officer, with written permission of the Board President or Head of School, on legitimate business interests.

402.9 Insurance and Bond Coverage

The Board shall purchase insurance as it deems necessary or is otherwise required by law. The Head of School or his designee shall be responsible for managing all such insurance-related policies, programs, and services.

The Board shall purchase insurance necessary to reasonably safeguard the School’s real and personal property assets. Insurance Policies and policy provisions to be considered for purchase include those covering error and omissions, general liability, boiler and machinery, auto liability, workers’ compensation and fidelity bonds for finance and other school officials

The Board shall provide professional liability insurance coverage for the members of the Board, collectively and individually, and for school employees, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the insurance policies.

402.10 Financial Audits

The Board shall select a qualified accountant certified to perform charter school audits, including that of the retirement plan. The audit contract shall be in writing, include all necessary terms and conditions, and shall be submitted to the State Department of Public Instruction for approval concerning its form, terms, and conditions. The terms and conditions of the audit contract shall include the scope of the audit, require the auditor to prepare a printed report containing all financial statements, and be conducted using generally accepted accounting principles.

The auditor shall conduct the audit and report the results directly to the Board as soon as practical after the close of the fiscal year. A copy of the audit shall also be filed with the State Department of Public Instruction and Department of Revenue.. The auditor should also submit all bills or claims for audit fees and costs to the Board for approval. All officers, employees, and agents of the School having custody of public money or fiscal recordkeeping responsibilities shall produce all books, records, and financial information as requested by the auditor. No member of the Board or any other public officer, employee, or agent shall conceal, falsify, or refuse to deliver or divulge any books, records, or information, with intent thereby to mislead the auditor or impede or interfere with the audit.


403.1 Awards and Scholarships

Any award or scholarship awarded in the name of the School or associated with the School shall be awarded in a fair and legal manner.

403.2 Distribution of Materials by Non-Students

Except as otherwise provide for by school policy, non-students may not distribute any materials at the School or at school activities except that materials directly related to the subject of a school-sponsored activity may be distributed if approved by the Head of School or his designee.

The Head of school may allow or develop rules that allow limited distribution to students of materials that address educationally beneficial activities or events for students or which directly promote the school’s mission.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed to create an open or limited open forum that would allow non-students access to school property for the purpose of distributing materials or engaging in speech not appropriate in a closed forum.

403.3 Indexing of Computer Databases

All school computer databases are to be indexed as required by state law and relevant guidelines of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History.

403.4 Outside Advertising

Commercial advertisements or other promotional materials shall not be distributed or allowed on campus by any person unless they relate to an approved school promotion, are contained in school-sponsored publications or productions, and are approved by the Head of School or his designee.

403.5 Public Complaints and Concerns

The Board takes all complaints concerning the School, its employees, and operations very seriously. Any member of the school community with a complaint or concern should make a good faith effort to solve the problem by taking the following informal steps as the situation warrants:

1.        Complaints involving the performance of an employee should first be discussed with the employee, if practicable. If such a discussion does not resolve the matter, the complaint should then be referred to the employee’s immediate supervisor for resolution.

2.        Complaints involving the quality of the program/school facilities should first be discussed with the school employee in charge of the program/facility in question.

3.        Complaints involving the implementation of Board policy should first be directed toward or discussed with the person responsible for implementing the policy.

If informal action does not remedy the situation, a formal complaint may be filed in accordance with school grievance procedures.

403.6 Public Records Requirements

A public record, as defined by state law, is any record, in any form whether hardcopy or electronic, “made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business” of the School unless it is otherwise protected or exempted from public disclosure by federal or state law including, but not limited to, student records under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the North Carolina public records law (G.S. 132-1 through 132-9).

A copy of the North Carolina law is available at:

The Head of School or his designee shall serve as the school’s public records officer to ensure compliance and proper review of all public records policies, practices and requests. Upon proper request, the School shall make such public records available in a reasonable time and manner and at minimal or actual cost of production. The School is only required to provide access to such records in the form in which the School maintains them.

All public records requests shall be made in writing. Any denial of a records request and the reasons therefore shall also be in writing.

403.6.1 Exempt and Confidential Documents

The School and its employees will protect the confidentiality of all documents that are not available to the public. In instances involving records containing public and confidential information, the School shall redact confidential information from any records made available. Among the documents specifically exempted under North Carolina’s public records law, are the following:

a.        Documents made within a three-year period pursuant to communications protected by attorney-client privilege;

b.        Address Confidentiality Program Information: the actual address and telephone number of a program participant in the Address Confidentiality Program established under Chapter 15C of the General Statutes. may not be disclosed except as provided in Chapter 15C of the General Statutes.

c.        Controlled Substances Reporting System Information: Information compiled or maintained in the Controlled Substances Reporting System established under Article 5E of Chapter 90 of the General Statutes.

d.        Social security information as proscribed by law.

e.        Confidential student records, as described below.

f.        Confidential employee records, as described below.

g.        Minutes of closed Board sessions, records pertaining to matters as may be discussed in closed Board session, and such other records as may be required to be kept confidential by law or as may be exempt from disclosure.

403.6.2 Destruction of Public Records

The School shall comply with all state and federal record-keeping requirements and any applicable Records Retention and Disposition Schedules issued by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History. The Head of School or his designee may establish additional procedures for maintaining and destroying school records in accordance with the approved schedules.

403.7 Sales and Solicitation in School

Except as provided elsewhere by school policy, the distribution of publications and the sale of goods or services are prohibited on school grounds during the school day and at school activities if the materials are unrelated to instruction or a school-sponsored activity. Materials directly related to the subject of a school-sponsored activity may be distributed with prior approval of the Head of School.


Any member of the school community who has a grievance is expected to follow the School’s established grievance process. That process is available at