CIS 455/555: Internet and Web Systems

Fall 2017

Getting Started with Amazon Web Services

This document briefly summarizes how to get started in using Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud. It is based on the Amazon “Getting Started” documentation but specialized to the needs of our class. This document assumes that you are using Docker/Che for the assignments; if you are not, you may need to install extra software on your computer, e.g., an ssh client and the Java 8 SDK.

1. Setup

1.1 Signing up for AWS

  1. Go to, click Apply for AWS Educate for Students. You'll be asked to enter some information, including payment info. You’ll need to use your email account so Amazon will know you are affiliated with Penn and grant you credits.  You may receive a code by email and may need to log back in to cash those in.
  2. On your host operating system and/or in your Eclipse Che Terminal, make a new subdirectory .ec2 under your home directory.
  3. Log in again (under, 'Sign in to the AWS Management Console'), find the account menu in the upper right corner (with your name), and select Security Credentials.
  4. Create a new Key Pair, and then save your Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key (click on Show to reveal it) to a text file somewhere, so you can cut and paste them to other files later.
  5. Click on Key Pair, scroll down to the Amazon EC2 Key Pairs area, and click on Access Your Amazon EC2 Key Pairs using the AWS Management Console. Then click on Key Pairs in the sidebar on the left and Create Key Pair. Save the file as ~/.ec2/login.pem.

1.2 Setting up the EC2 API tools

  1. Edit the file .bashrc in the home directory, and add the following lines at the end:

        export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your-aws-access-key-id-goes-here
        export AWS_SECRET_KEY=your-aws-secret-key-goes-here

  1. Save the file.  If you are doing this on your host OS, close any open terminal windows (your changes are only applied to newly opened terminals).  Then open a new terminal window.  Alternatively, if you are at a Linux Terminal as in Che, run:
    source ~/.bashrc
  2. Run the command chmod 400 ~/.ec2/login.pem (if the permissions on your ssh key are too open, ssh will not accept the file)

1.3 Configuring the Default Security Group

Go to the AWS Management Console ( and sign in.

  1. Choose EC2 from the big list (left column, second from the top, orange icon)
  2. Choose Security Groups under Networking & Security.
  3. Select the default security group.
  4. The default permissions allow for unfirewalled access among Amazon EC2 nodes, but no access from outside.
  5. We need to enable the HTTP protocol, which operates over TCP. Click on the Inbound tab, open the Create a new rule drop-down, and select HTTP. The Source should already be filled in as ''. Click Add rule.
  6. Repeat, but select SSH this time. Click Add rule.
  7. If you use additional ports (for master/worker communication, etc.), you need to create additional rules for them.
  8. Finally, click Apply Rule Changes.

 2. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

2.1 Launching an EC2 Instance

Go to the AWS Management Console ( and sign in.

2.2. Connecting to an EC2 Instance

You can connect to a Linux EC2 instance using ssh as follows:

  1. Connect to your instance using the its public DNS name. For example, if instance's DNS name is, use commands like: 

    ssh -i ~/.ec2/login.pem

    For Ubuntu Linux, you need to log in as
    ubuntu, and not as cis555, root, or your SEAS login!

    You should see a response like the following:

  2. Enter yes. You'll see a response like the following:

You're now logged in and can work with the instance like you would any normal server. (For instance, you can now install Jetty and run servlets.) If you need root access, e.g., for mounting or unmounting volumes, you can use sudo. Just remember that you are being billed while the server is alive! Log out using exit or logout.

2.3 Terminating an EC2 Instance

Please note that you will be billed for AWS instances as they are alive, so you will want to terminate them when they aren’t in direct use. Here are the Amazon instructions.

  1. In the AWS Management Console (, locate the instance in your list of instances on the Instances page.
  2. Right-click the instance, and then click Terminate.
  3. Click Yes, Terminate when prompted for confirmation.

Amazon EC2 begins terminating the instance. As soon as the instance status changes to shutting down or terminated, you stop incurring charges for that instance.

Similarly, you should delete EBS volumes (or any other resources) that you aren't using anymore. As shown in class, the EC2 Dashboard has an overview of the resources you're currently using.
