
Locations: Arcanorum: Thetlin

Concepts: Hard Working, Courageous, Bucolic

The Thetlish people are a quiet, often unadventurous, and clannish people, generally given to finding themselves farming the lands they live on, and rarely straying more than a dozen miles or so from where they’re born. The Thetlish rivers provide nearly all its people could want, and so the people there have grown quiet, and relaxed.

That said, the Thetlish are no stranger to hard work, being primarily farmers, and likewise no stranger to the defense of those lands from the errant wolves from the Staghorn mountains, or the occasional raiders from the Tarandri Steppes. When these tribulations do occur, the Thetlish take it in stride, stepping up to defend their homes with a steadfast courage that surprises others, only to be cast off once the danger has passed, to find themselves a hammock to spend the rest of the day in.

Given the sedate nature of the Thetlish, it can be surprising to know that they are fairly passionate about history and notably genealogy, as they recount the tales of their forefathers regularly, especially those of the early Thetlish and the founding, taming, and building of the Thetlish nation.

Commonalities of the Culture

Tools of the Trade

Inheritance Power

Name: One Foot in Front of the Other

Incantation: Slow 300 RP: Talking about the long days of work back home and the strength needed to get through it. 

Call: “Grant Protect vs Weakness”

Target: Up to 3 Individuals        Duration: Until Used

Delivery: Touch                        Refresh: Short Rest

Accent: None                        Effect: Grant Protect vs Weakness

The Thetlish are no stranger to hard work and long days. Talking with others about the preparations they had to do to have the energy for a long day of work can empower others to use those ideals to push through the woes of weakness. After talking with others about this they may “Grant Protect vs Weakness” to up to 3 individuals who were present during the RP.