Role: Divine Hand



Bonus Skills

Note: If the character selects an option and already has the maximum amount of any of the selected skills, the costs for those skills will be refunded instead.


Some individuals feel the calling of the Divine. They may be from humble beginnings rising to be leaders of a faith, examples of their God’s presence in the mercantile domain, or holy warriors on the battlefield. No matter what, these individuals act as the working servants of the Gods in the world. They take their obligations to the Divine even more seriously than Clerics (though some Clerics are also Divine Hands). Each Divine Hand swears an Oath, or set of Oaths that bind their conduct to certain Tenets important to the Divine; in exchange for this service and obligation, the Divine rewards them with special powers. Divine Hands have the following precepts to follow:

This list is small by itself, but should also include the specifics of the Oaths they swear below. Should the Divine Hand believe that they have failed to uphold one of these precepts or one of their Oaths, they will be unable to access Powers from the Role or any Innate Powers or Spells from the Exemplar Advanced Class until the next Event, until they have undergone an Atonement spell, or have received Forgiveness from their Deity.

Note: Taking this role grants the character the "Divine Hand" qualifier and is affected by calls “to Divine Hand." This power is gained automatically upon purchasing / gaining this Role.

Divine Hand Innate Powers

Presence of the Gods [Innate]

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                        Duration: Special

Delivery: None                        Refresh: Event

Accent: None                        Effect: None

The health of the Divine Hand’s local religious community is very important to them, both socially and for metaphysical reasons. If the Divine Hand takes a Long Rest in a town with a Shrine solely devoted to their Religion, God or Patron, they gain +1 Base Maximum Life Point while they remain within the town borders. The Divine Hand may only have one bonus active at any time, but it persists until the character leaves the environs of the town, only returning when they reenter the town.

Divine Hand Bonus Powers

Swear Oath -  0, Increasing by 2 CP Per Additional Oath (5) [Bonus]

Requirements: None

Incantation: None

Call: None

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: None                                Effect: None

The Divine Hand is a vessel for their deity’s righteousness, which allows them to draw upon divine power. When the Divine Hand takes this power they must choose an Oath to swear from the list below. Each Oath comes with a list of Tenets as well as a single benefit that may be utilized if the Divine Hand spends a point of Divine Grace.

If the Divine Hand ever violates their Oath, they immediately lose all of their points of Divine Grace and will be unable to access Powers from this Role or any Innate Powers or Spells from the Exemplar Advanced Class until the next Event, until they have undergone an Atonement spell, or have received forgiveness from their Deity.

A Divine Hand that has sworn an Oath through this power gains a point of Divine Grace. These Points refresh after completing a Long Rest. Points of Divine Grace stack from additional purchases of Swear Oath. Points of Divine Grace granted from Swear Oath are additive with points granted from Exemplar’s Divine Grace Innate Power. Additionally, when the Divine Hand takes the “Swear Oath” Role Power they gain access to a “Chosen Accent.” This Accent may be used in place of the Accent granted by their Religion for various substitution powers and also interacts with the Exemplar class. The Divine Hand may only have a single “Chosen Accent” at any one time, but may switch between any of their available Chosen Accents during a Short Rest.

The cost of Swear Oath is 0 for the first time it is purchased then increases by two, so the second purchase of Swear Oath would be 2 CP, then 4, then 6, then 8. No more than 5 Oaths may be sworn with Swear Oath and all Oath combinations must be approved by plot prior to gaining any benefits from the Oaths.

The Blessed Sleep - 4 CP [Bonus]

Requirement: Character Level 12

Incantation: None

Call: “No Effect”

Target: Self                                Duration: Passive

Delivery: None                                Refresh: None

Accent: Radiance                        Effect: Grant Immunity

The character has inherent immunity to all Powers that would cause her to become Undead. This immunity is Inherent and cannot be Cured. This Power will remain in effect even if the Divine Hand dies, transforms, or becomes a Spirit.

Furthermore, the Divine Hand cannot willingly or knowingly sign a Demonic Contract for any reason. If the Divine Hand has already signed such a contract or become aware that they have signed a Demonic Contract, it becomes invalid, and the Divine Hand summarily dies, discorporates, and must immediately go to the Spirit Well regardless of any other effects.


Oath of Impeccable Honor [Oath]

Those sworn to the Oath of Impeccable Honor are among the most virtuous in the lands - known far and wide for their moral high road, and longstanding defense of the weak.

Chosen Accent: Will

Requirement: Does not have the Oath: “Binding Oath of Honor”

Patrons: Aeterius, Leovitrius, Lightbearer, The Huntress


Oath of Community Stewardship [Oath]

The Oath of Community Stewardship maintains that the Divine Hand is a conduit for the care, guidance, and shepherding of the common people handed down from the Divine. Those who follow this path can be relied upon to seek a path of peace and prosperity for the folk under their care.

Chosen Accent: Will

Patrons: Aeterius, Kemis, Linred, Voxus, Leovitrius, The Phoenix, The Lonely Beggar, The Caretaker, Ursif


Oath of Enduring Compassion [Oath]

Those of the Enduring Compassion take the path of peace to its logical conclusion: that violence is the last, and worst answer to any problem. Divine Hands with this Oath are often peacemakers, diplomats, and the calm, cool, and collected head in tough situations.

Chosen Accent: Radiance

Patrons: Kemis, Olfrin, Linred, The Phoenix, The Lonely Beggar, The Caretaker, The First Voice


Oath of Untethered Liberty [Oath]

The Oath of Untethered Liberty solidifies the need for the Divine Hand to break the chains of unjust imprisonment, binding contracts, and the oft-literal shackles of slavery. In more civilized nations, those of the Untethered Liberty remain vigilant, seeking out contracts and binding rituals that enslave the mind to nefarious ends.

Chosen Accent: Will

Patrons: Aeterius, Nastil, Hyrun, Phirio, Yaziri, The Phoenix, The Lurker at the Gate, Nicodeimus


Oath of The One True Light [Oath]

The Dark lurks in every corner, and those of The One True Light seek to burn it out, banishing it from every corner of the world. The slithering hooks of the Void seek every weakness, and so the Oathbearers of Light are relentless and uncompromising in their fight against the Maelstrom’s unrelenting annihilation.

Chosen Accent: Radiance

Patrons: Aeterius, Hyrun, Voxus, Olfrin, Nastil, Cassandra, Lightbearer, The Huntress, The Hound, The Black Sphinx


Oath of Martyrdom [Oath]

Death is but another path to the Martyrs, and one taken not lightly, but willingly when the time is right. The Oathbearers of the Martyr seek a glorious death in service to their Patron, but think them not reckless - just determined, with the certitude that death is not the end.

Chosen Accent: Agony

Patrons: Yaziri, Diavalla, The Phoenix, Leovitrius, Linred, Vaen, The Huntress, The Hound


Oath of The Unfettered Life [Oath]

The Unfettered seek to unwind the barriers to a free life for themselves and others - too often the laws, customs, and castes of civilization are warped to bind and restrict the populace, such that any such stricture is suspect. Those with authority inevitably misuse and abuse it, and must be replaced, removed, or if necessary killed to maintain the freedoms of all those who would draw the breath of life.

Chosen Accent: Fear

Patrons: Kemis, Hyrun, Nastil, Linred, The First Voice, The Balance, The Lonely Beggar


Oath of The First Forest [Oath]

While civilization is old, the natural world is far older, and with it are great wisdoms repressed and suppressed - the Oathbearers of the First Forest seek to re-establish this lost balance, and create a world where the natural order re-asserts itself, unbound by the tyranny of “progress.”

Chosen Accent: Poison

Patrons: Kemis, Worldsoul, The Moon Beast, Basilisk, Worldmender, Firja, Ursif


Oath of The Revealed Truth [Oath]

Secrets inevitably only benefit the keeper of that information, and far more often than not, the wielder of that knowledge maintains a stranglehold on it with the intent to gather power. With the revelation of secrets, the populace is unbound from the tyranny of ignorance, and the nefarious plans of those with ill intent. Enter the Oathbearers of The Revealed Truth: the forefront of the battle against secrecy and ignorance.

Chosen Accent: Mind

Patrons: Voxus, Olfrin, Nicodeimus, Vaðnír, Cassandra


Oath of Arcane Abstention [Oath]

Whether out of a personal path to enlightenment, or the casting off of perceived crutches, the Oathbearers of Arcane Abstention seek to empower themselves without reliance upon external tools, seeking perfection in the mind, body, and spirit as a whole.

Chosen Accent: Agony

Patrons: Hyrun, Nastil, Primarch, The Crowned Executioner, Bitterwasp, The Lonely Beggar, Vaen


Oath of Living Peace [Oath]

Common among the clerics, druids, and other peaceful folk of the world, the Oathbearers of Living Peace seek non-violence in all its forms, whether by word, deed, or thought. Understanding, compassion, and mercy are the stepping stones to a world in nascent perfection.

Chosen Accent: Radiance

Patrons: Kemis, Olfrin, Linred, The Worldsoul, The First Voice, Lightbearer, Worldmender


Oath of The Last Hourglass [Oath]

The Cycle keeps the world safe, and the Maelstrom at bay; so say the Oathbearers of the Last Hourglass. They are the first, and often last line of defense against those with ambitions of immortality, anathema against the Cycle that keeps all others alive. The perfidy and hubris of immortality is an affront the Oathbearer will not stand for, as it endangers the Eye’s very existence.

Chosen Accent: Time

Patrons: The Keepers (Any), Voxus, Nastil, The Pharaoh


Oath of Blood Inviolate [Oath]

The blood of the mortal, used in magic, is an art form ancient and terrible. While many would seek to do good with its power, the inevitable fall into its dark ends has given rise to the Oathbearers of the Blood Inviolate: those who would seek to stamp out the practice once and for all.

Chosen Accent: Agony

Patrons: Aeterius, Voxus, Phirio, Linred, The Keepers (Any), The Black Sphinx, Cassandra, Firja, Ursif


Oath of Eternal Incineration [Oath]

The flame is the core of civilization, symbolizing many of society’s major themes and accomplishments: whether representing light, justice, dawn, or vengeance, the flame is the heart of every mortal’s passions. The Oathbearers of Eternal Incineration know all facets of the flame well, and bear the tidings of flame into the darkest corners of the Eye, where the flame of purification is needed most.

Chosen Accent: Flame

Patrons: Yaziri, Hyrun, Phirio, The Phoenix, Cinderwrath


Oath of Sole Domination [Oath]

Primacy. Inevitability. Dominion. These are the watchwords of the path of the Sole Domination. These Oathbearers brook no conversation nor compromise; they seek out a black and white binary: join us or oppose us, there is no in-between. Ardent in the extreme, these Oathbearers are the faith’s most outspoken, and often aggressive members, certain in their path, and fanatical in their faith.

Chosen Accent: Fear

Patrons: Leovitrius, Sodron, The Argent Lady, The Moon Beast, The First to Want


Oath of The Pinnacle [Oath]

The Oathbearers of The Pinnacle shout their challenge to the world: “Come all and be judged wanting, for I shall rise above like none other.” These Oathbearers make no small words about their intent: to become the zenith of power by whatever means they deem necessary.

Chosen Accent: Will

Patrons: Sodron, Yaziri, Leovitrius, The Crystalline, Nicodeimus, The Moon Beast, Primarch


Oath of The Iron Tyrant [Oath]

The Iron Tyrant is master of themselves before master of others, but inevitable in both realms. Perfection is not only both a path and goal, but a necessity - all else shall be discarded and ground into the earth. These Oathbearers care not for the weasel words of failure and incompetence, seeking only the absolute best, and rejecting all else.

Chosen Accent: Mind

Patrons: Sodron, Leovitrius, The Argent Lady, The Void Wyrm


Oath of The Blind Culling [Oath]

The weak are not to be pitied or protected: they are a disease upon the world, draining resources and power from those who truly deserve it, and the Oathbearers of The Blind Culling call forth these vermin to die so that they might be replaced with others more befitting the gift of life.

Chosen Accent: Fear

Patrons: Sodron, Yaziri, The Helltaker, Primarch, They That Hunger, The Feaster, The Lord of Ash, The First to Want


Oath of The Architect [Oath]

The Oathbearers of The Architect are the pillars of civilization, order, and the maintainers of the status quo: for what is not right if not what already is? Authority, structure, and progress move all of mortalkind forward, unto a future bright with possibility.

Chosen Accent: Force

Patrons: Voxus, Olfrin, Phirio, Sodron, Cassandra, The Crystalline


Oath of The Gamble Unbound [Oath]

What is life but a game? A gamble every morning that one might not see the sun set? Why not get the most out of every moment: fleeting is life, why squander it on drudgery and pain? The Oathbearers of The Gamble Unbound seek to ensure that life, both theirs and others, never trods the same old plain path worn deep in the road of life.

Chosen Accent: Mind

Patrons: Phirio, Sodron, Cassandra, The Crystalline
