Notes of April 18, 2018 Meeting

Committee Members

Lorraine Moxey – Chair                 Attended        

June Bair         - Vice Chair                Attended        

Sam Bryant Borough manager                

Bruce Burkart – Borough Historian        Attended        

Marie Esher Coia         Treasurer        Attended

Jackie D’Agostino                        Attended        

Tess LaMontagne                        Attended                                

Donna Fisher        (Inactive)                        

Doug Fisher (Inactive)                

Mary Pat Hoveliinski                        Attended                                

Richard Moxey (Secretary                Attended

Malcolm Rollins                        Attended

Nancy Ulmen        (Inactive)                        

Peter Ulmen (Inactive)

  1. Lorraine called the meeting to order and led the Pledge Of Allegiance’
  2. A motion to approve the March Minutes was made seconded and approved.
  3. Wreaths across America was discussed. Jackie has signed us up for this year ((12-15-18) (`1-`4-`8) Promotional details will be discussed at a later meeting. Jackie and Bruce have worked on the flags, etc. after the winter wear and tear.
  4. There were no report or sales .etc of historic properties, except that Lorraine noticed that the Sale sign was off the Property on Sandy Ridge Road across from Fleihr. . There were no reports from zoning or Building Committee. Business and Community are finishing upend printing new welcome packets. Shade Tree Commission, Business and Community and our Committee are involved in the proposed work on the 2 “Islands” between Tamenend and Lenape, specifically the traffic signal control box. There appears to be widely divergent ideas on this.
  5. With reference to the U of O, I/O proposal, Lorraine said that there is to be a revised proposal by early May or the item will be dropped. Lorraine will follow his and advise Marie if her letter should be distributed for May Planning and June Council meetings.
  6. There was discussion of the various way to show the Historic properties at the Burkart hall display and at the June 23 event. This will be further discussed at Workshop on April 30. Lorraine offered to provide condensed versions of the descriptions of the 9 properties.
  7. The meeting adjourned at about 11:45 AM.
  8. The nest metering is 10 AM May 16th, 2018 at the Ad building
  9. There will be a workshop on April 30th 2018, 10 AM at the Ad Building.