2024 Big Game Application Modification Guide
- Please go to www.cpwshop.com to start the application modification process. Click on “Sign In or Create Account”.
- Sign into your account using your identifier information and password. Click “Sign In”.
- The system will require you to review your Customer Details. If all your information is correct, please click the “Confirm Details” at the bottom of the screen.
- From your “Account Summary” page click on “Draws” located under “My Orders”
- Listed under “Draws” you will find all your 2024 big game applications. Please click the blue “Modify Application” for the application you wish to modify.
- Application modifications allow applicants to change their application type; Individual, Group Leader, or Group Member. Please click the appropriate change or continue with your initial section and click “Proceed”.
- Application modifications allow applicants to change any of their hunt code choices. Please made the necessary modifications and click “Confirm Choices”.
- Please review your application hunt code modifications and click “Add to Cart”.
- If you do not have a verified hunter education on file, the system will prompt you to enter your hunter education information. An application modification can be used to correct a hunter education number if it was entered incorrectly the first time. If a hunters, hunter education is not manually verified, they must carry their proof of hunter education while in the field. Complete the hunter education information and click “Add to Cart and Checkout”.
- Please review your application hunt code modifications again and click “Proceed to Checkout”. Please note that discount codes do not apply.
- Please review your application modifications. Please note that customers will not be charged for application modifications.
If everything is correct, please scroll through the “Terms and Conditions” and click the radio button to agree. To finish, click “Purchase” to submit your modified application.
- Confirmation Page. Customers will receive an emailed confirmation receipt to their email address on file.